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AF Daily - Friday 12/3

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    AF Daily - Friday 12/3

    Aloha Friday ABeroooos!

    Gaia, thanks for the fun literary treat. you wrote that yourself?

    Chief, you sound like you're in the perfect frame of mind and very serious. if you swam yesterday I'm guessing you are healthy enough that your detox won't be too severe.

    I think the 4-loco is a horrible substance but as a libertarian I'm also against the nanny-state stepping in and banning it to 'save us from ourselves'. it's very easy for us to open a pandora's box of governmental oversight into every aspect of our personal lives and diet. (S510 has been passed by congress and it appears Obama has no interest in stopping it) when I was a lad there didn't appear to be any drinks marketed to me, yet the very fact that they were illegal for my age group made me want them all the more. I wonder why some European countries with no age limit have less issues with teen alcoholism? this is obviously a complex issue and I have only had one cup of coffee

    one thing is for is my only vice on this fine day

    be well friends
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      AF Daily - Friday 12/3

      Afternoon everyone,

      Busy day here, and I'm a little stressed today. Had a dream last night about my ex coming, and to be honest it does stress me out a bit. But, I'm not drinking over it. I've been clenching my teeth at night again and I feel a little more anxious. I've decided I'm not going to the dance. I've arranged my babysitter to stay only till 6:30pm once the dinner is over and specifically told my parents I'm not staying and don't try to guilt me into it.. they want me to go, but I've told them I'm really not up to being around drunk people right now. So tomorrow night will involve Gingerbread Hot Chocolate for me, my SuperNatural show, warm jammies and blankets and the glow from my Christmas tree...I'm looking forward to that way more anyway.


        AF Daily - Friday 12/3

        Hello all. I'm zoom zoomin' but wanted post support for our newly AFers such as CHIEF (:b&d and also some good sober vibes to anyone else who needs extra support today.

        M3, sending you "peace with your contractor" vibes.

        While I am going through what I can only call "remodel fatigue" myself, I will not be putting my contractor through a negative report on Angie's list. What I have learned through 2 major remodeling projects (and commiserating with others who have been through these) is that 1) Shit Happens. On every project. 2) I will want these people to come back again and fix little things that I find are wrong, well after the "final walk through and sign off and final payment" is over. So unless something is really agregious (which it might be in M3's case..not sure there...can only speak for my own misery oops I mean project) I will do my best to work cooperatively with the people.

        I like having a decorator in charge of the whole project as coordinating all the subcontractors is up to her. And she's a girl. She feels my pain. If I am :upset: she is usually shedding a little :upset: too. Am I sadistic for taking pleasure in that???

        M3, I truly hope you find a place for the cabinets and that things get back on track Monday. :l

        For my own project, the decorator and shower guys are here trying to fix a problem with the shower door. It's a problem that developed "after the fact" so I'm glad no relationships were damaged (at least not too severely). I'm also glad we held back $1500 from the final payment just in case. That helps too.

        Greenie, have a good weekend. Bring back enough mojo for sharing, K???
        One thing is for sure....
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily - Friday 12/3

          LVT25;1015757 wrote: I've been doing a little reading on SAD and I don't know if that's all of my problem, but I sure notice a drop in energy and increase in fatigue this time of year.
          LVT, that's certainly true for me (and I think M3 too?). I just want to hibernate when it gets cold and instead, the pace of life just picks up and takes off. I take 10 mg celexa from Oct-May and have a full-spectrum light box I put on for about an hour when I'm working. It seems to help.

          I'll take a pass on 4 Loko as a "pick me up", that's for sure. Coffee? Now that's another story...:ranger
          AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
          "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


            AF Daily - Friday 12/3

            Hi Everyone - Day 60 AF for me today -- so happy. Will try to read more and post more later.


              AF Daily - Friday 12/3

              Gia, hang in there honey. Anxiety is NO fun! Take deep breaths, and try to relax. Sending you peaceful and relaxing thoughts. xoxo

              Well, I am at home all alone. Jeez, talk about a peaceful quiet here. Weird. Nothing different than any other weekday - being at home alone. This just feels particular lonelier! I have managed to tidy up a bit. My ambition for a full overhaul went out the window after I had a sandwich. lol! I have an hour and 20 minutes till I see my doctor. (dread).

              I have to admit I hate my neighbours. They were looking at me funny this morning when I came back. It is a mom and her two 50+ year old daughters living right beside me. Well, one of them who is herself an addict just loved my X. She always stuck out her chest and slurred her purdy words at him. I don't think she is very happy he moved out. LMAO! It would drive me nuts in the summer when she would stumble over to my yard and start saying how great he is. I remember once I told her she could have him! I laugh. Oh well, I guess she can go and find someone else to flirt with now.

              I am just rambling. Anyway, all is good in my little world for today. I need to run out and get some helium filled balloons for my dad and then go to the Doc's. See ya all later. I might be on here a bit more this weekend... I popped my antabuse today just for safe measures. xo


                AF Daily - Friday 12/3

                Hey sweety, have a great visit with your Dad, he will just love all the love you're showing him. Maybe give your neighbour your ex's number, he can be her problem now!

                I'm having drinking thoughts and wrestling with the idea of going to the shop, and not going to the shop and forcing myself to stay home and not go anywhere. I'm going to bake cookies or something because once I start that I won't stop, or give the little mermaid her second bath of the day and see if this time her tail does come out when the water hits her, seriously she is the cleanest kid around. Sometimes I dread Fridays worse then any other day of the week.


                  AF Daily - Friday 12/3

                  Gia, Friday's are the worse, this I know. It has been ingrained for a lifetime that it meant the end of the week, and time to relax with some drinks. Keeping busy is essential and hard all the same. I bet Little Gia is the cleanest kid around! I give Little AFM baths when I need some down time which is A LOT these days! These short, dark, colder days makes things a bit harder too. Drinking was something I use to do to make the time go by when I was bored. I honestly don't miss drinking at all, but I know how easy it would be to drive to the shop and grab a bottle!

                  You should start your own business selling all of those goodies you bake! You would do very well!! You bake a lot!!

                  Hang in there. xoxo


                    AF Daily - Friday 12/3

                    ps. As for the neighbour.... It would give me the greatest heebee jeebees thinking about them together right next door. My sister use to say that they were a match made in heaven. Now thinking about it - they are a lot a like! But eeeew.... too close for comfort, man!


                      AF Daily - Friday 12/3

                      inkele:inkele:CONGRATULATIONS ON 60 DAYS AF, CHOOCHIE!


                        AF Daily - Friday 12/3

                        Yah, that would be a little on the ick factor if you could hear them especially...

                        Baths are great for a little breather when you need one, and she is super excited and loves her baths which is great. What are your plans for tonight? You're a few hours behind me.. what have you got on the go for tonight?


                          AF Daily - Friday 12/3

                          Hello All,

                          Pride, you have a very good memory. Yes, I suffer from SADD and I use light therapy. Exercise is a huge help.

                          AFM, I have heard that Wellbutrin is one of the best for depression associated with SADD, not saying that this is what you have but I am all for going on the meds if they work for you!! I will go on ADs again if I need to but so far okay.

                          Sat down and had a long talk with contractors today. Cabinets are not going to be delivered til Wednesday when they will be ready to be installed. Workers are going to come in on Saturday to make sure that this happens. Part of my frustration/pissy mood is just having people in my house, etc. Like my fellow 29 year old friend DG, I have remodel fatigue. But, as I told them today, their communication and follow up has been less than desirable. I think I can continue to work with them since (a) we have a contract and (b) I don't want to expend the energy to get out of the contract AND find someone else. All of my conversations with them have been very constructive. It's not in my nature to be an in your face/confrontive/angry type (even when I was drinking) but they do know how I am feeling and exactly where I stand on things. And, I have a better understanding of their competing demands, etc. Bottom line, is I just want my house/kitchen back and it can't possibly happen soon enough! In the big scheme of things, I can't take myself and my complaining about the kitchen too seriously. How lucky am I that I am in the position of being able to have this done in the first place. :thumbs:

                          Kids are away for the weekend with dad. Some reading and movie watching tonight. Tomorrow will be a little shopping in Georgetown followed by a 2 hour yin yoga workshop to celebrate the new moon. Can't wait.

                          I'll catch up on some work on Sunday since things are very busy on the work front (and I am grateful for that).

                          BB, I am sending you positive vibes and strong support. Friday used to be the worst for me to. At the end of a long week, I felt I "deserved" to unwind with a few drinks (unfortuately, it was always alot more than a few). You have what it takes to get through this. Just stay focused and you will have one more small victory behind you. Reach out for support as much as you need to okay? This is not an easy time of year.

                          Chief, glad you are on day 3 and getting in the groove.

                          60 Days. Yay Choochie. :yay:

                          Have a great weekend Greenie aka OGGO, aka Queen of the Universe

                          Hello to AA (happy to see you around again), Gaia, Lav. LVT, Choppersmom, Det, and others.


                          PS I sure am glad that Four Locos was not around when I was a teenager. Just think, a drink that keeps you suffienciently awake with caffeine so you don't pass out and subsequently, you can drink even more.
                          AF Since April 20, 2008
                          4 Years!!!


                            AF Daily - Friday 12/3

                            Chief..I forgot to welcome you back! So sorry buddy, I hope you're having a better day today.

                            M3, thank you so much for the support. (hugs) I think I've passed my craving, I haven't wanted anything now for atleast a good half hour. I'm going to make myself something good to eat and assume the Friday night Jammies.

                            And Choochie!!! CONGRATS TO YOU!!


                              AF Daily - Friday 12/3

                              Det, I read the link you provided and I loved it. I'm a huge meat eater. I've been getting almost all my meat from a local farmer which is all hormone growth free and raised on the pasture the way they were supposed to, and not only it is just as well priced the taste is 100 times better then anything I've boughten at the grocery store. I'm getting my chickens that way as pork for me, I'm not a big pork fan, lots of lamb though!


                                AF Daily - Friday 12/3

                                Brigitte Bardot;1016038 wrote:
                                M3, thank you so much for the support. (hugs) I think I've passed my craving, I haven't wanted anything now for atleast a good half hour. I'm going to make myself something good to eat and assume the Friday night Jammies.
                                AF Since April 20, 2008
                                4 Years!!!

