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Daily AF, Saturday, December 4, 2010

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    Daily AF, Saturday, December 4, 2010

    Shhhhhh, everyone is sleeping!! It's not time to get up yet!!

    Good Morning everyone!!

    Was up at 3 and couldn't go back to sleep so have been reading and checking email and watching good ol PBS. I have my 7am Weight Watchers meeting today so will need to actually get my arse up out of this warm bed soon. just 15 more minutes, please??
    Very interesting posts on nutrition. Thanks Deter. I took a look at your link for the 30 day challenge and I must say it sounds very Spartan to me. And boring. I've never done well with a no carb diet. In fact I almost ended up in the hospital doing the South Beach one year due to very low blood sugar. That said, I can almost understand why it works for some people and the man is passionate about it that's for sure!! I think tho I'll give WW another chance and hope that I find enough motivation and inspiration to leave the GD whoopie pies alone!! :H . Doesn't mean I can't incorporate whole fresh unprocessed foods into their program however.

    IJM-good to see you back bud. I totally understood about the conference call-please don't feel bad for a second!! You sound great and I hope things slow down for you in a bit. I'm sorry you had to move away from what you liked most about your job. Price of being good isn't it? That happened to me too and it was the end of that job for me. I just couldn't bear the new focus. It wasn't me at all. Not sure I'm in a better place now but options are limited with this economy so I'll have to make the best of it and change what I can in other areas of my life. I wasn't too good with the gym resolve this week. Made it on Monday but couldn't bring myself to leave the house on Wed with all the wind and rain and last nite I felt an overwhelming need to come straight home and crawl into bed and hibernate. Which is what I did. New start on Monday.

    AFM-you hang in there my dear. your doctor is obviously very caring and eager to help to don't hesitate to let him know if the new meds aren't working for you. My understanding is that it's trial and error at first and if you are experiencing multiple symptoms then it will take a few tries to get something that can deal with all of them. I too was on Amoryn for a few months and I really liked it. I stopped a couple of weeks ago (stopped all the supplements) just to give my body a break and see how I do au natural. It's there if I need it again and my MD has approved it.

    Ok my 15 min are up. time to hop in the shower (sure wish that visual was as nice as BB's avatars!!). I'll be back sometime today and will catch up on the previous posts.

    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!

    Daily AF, Saturday, December 4, 2010

    Morning Papmom,

    Thanks for the (early) start.

    Low carbs don't work for me either, but I'm good about exercising so I think I need some. My goal eating habit is:

    Eat food! Not too much... Mostly plants.

    Be back soon.
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


      Daily AF, Saturday, December 4, 2010

      Hello again,

      Choochie congratulations on 60 days! Yeah!

      Chief well done getting past the worst few days. Glad to hear you are doing ok.

      BB great job on getting past the craving!

      Not to leave anyone out, to hugs to all!
      AF since May 6, 2010

      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


        Daily AF, Saturday, December 4, 2010

        hey all - low carb bad for me too.
        right lazy morning - done some washing and put it off to gym for cardio/weights and sauna/steam.

        I may meet team friends tonight for food - but no drinks - or cigarettes.
        see you all later - Christmas decorating house tomorrow yay!
        one day at a time


          Daily AF, Saturday, December 4, 2010

          Morning all and happy weekend! First off, great job Chief - we all know the battle you are going through to get back on track and support you 100%!

          Thanks for getting us started this morning Papmom. I'm with you on the low-carb diet, although mine is more because I am an endurance athlete, and the one time I tried it I hit 'the wall' so hard in the middle of a workout that I thought I was going to need medical help!

          First snow of the season last night - always so magical when it happens. Loved watching the dogs trying to figure it out when going outside, and my son just stared out the window for a minute or two. Course that also means city snowplows at 2am - good with the bad I suppose!

          Hope everyone has a safe and sober Saturday.
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


            Daily AF, Saturday, December 4, 2010


            Went to let my cat out the back door and there were raccoons invading my yard. Went to the front door and there were raccoons coming out of the bush into the front yard. Freakin' invaded here! :egad: They are so cute. Babies, really. BUT, my cat isn't going to be their breakfast! :H Kind of scared me a bit! Being surrounded by the masked bandits! :H

            Why oh why am I awake at 5:30am!? On a Saturday!

            Busy day today for me. Dad's birthday, then put the exterior Christmas lights up (finally) and then bake some cookies. Well, that is what is on the agenda for today. Of course things change.

            I read a bit about the Amoryn last night. Thank you for the info, Lav. And your experience papmom3. My guts were just gurgling last night from the first dose of Cipralex I took yesterday in the afternoon. I took the second one when I got up. We'll see what happens.

            Well, I am going to read up around here for a bit and then get motivated. Have a great day everyone!


              Daily AF, Saturday, December 4, 2010

              Low carb didn't work for me, either. Made me hypoglycemic. I even tried eating every 2 hours, thinking I just wasn't getting enough food overall, no change. I wonder if there's something in ancestry that affects individual metabolism? Even cavemen lived in very different environments, and had very different diets.

              Chief, happy to see you on the tracker! I'll race you to 30. : )

              AA, do you do full triathlons? I did my first sprint this summer and it about knocked me flat, even though I was running 5K 5x/week. I'm impressed! I hope to do a series of them next summer to improve my time (read: beat my fiance, who was only 3 min ahead of me.

              Bear, your morning sounds far from lazy. I'm sitting on my ass in front of the computer, on my 3rd cup of coffee. THAT's lazy.

              AFM, I had no side effects with the SSRI I take, but it's one of the mildest ones out there, and I take half a typical daily dose. Give it a couple of weeks and see how it goes.

              Gaia, and P3, hi!

              Healthy, productive mojo to all to come.

              xoxox Pride
              AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
              "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                Daily AF, Saturday, December 4, 2010

                A quick fly by, and all's well here.

                One thing's for sure..........there might be some __________, but there sure won't be any...........

                A safe, sober, and magical weekend to all.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Daily AF, Saturday, December 4, 2010

                  Day 4 here! I'm doing well. Slept good last night and I feel good. Been reading, exercising, taking vitamins, supps, meds, eating right and drinking lots of water. Everything seems to be working. I now have the alcohol and nicotine out of my system and it feels good.

                  I'm so happy to be here on day 4. Going to sell Christmas trees for the Lion's Club today from 4-8. Should be's snowing here and that will bring the tree shoppers out!

                  Thanks for your support and pm' helps.

                  I feel like I'm out of the hole....

                  Never again....



                    Daily AF, Saturday, December 4, 2010

                    Pride, I've only done sprint and Olympic distance - not any half or fulls. Just don't have the time to put into the training (or don't want to make the time)! I'm somewhat eclectic in that I jump around a lot between tri's, cycling TT's, and running 5/10k's -- variety is the spice of life I guess....

                    That's awesome that you're involved in them, and given that you were only 3 minutes behind when you were training primarily by running, I have no doubt that you'll be able to beat him next time! If you need ideas for training a great site is

                    Don, thanks for checking in, and love the attitude. Keep up the great work my friend!
                    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                      Daily AF, Saturday, December 4, 2010

                      Afternoon All!

                      Hope everyone is doing well. I have been tinkering with a Roomba (robot vacuum) I bought off eBay. It is a pile of crap. Not Roomba itself but the one I bought. This is my second one and what I was sold was a defective unit. I sent the seller an email about it and what I got back was that he sold it “as is”. Um, the ad didn’t say it was broken. So, I am giving him one more chance to cough up a refund and then I am going to give him $140 of misery and grief. I have been known to do unnatural acts to myself just to make a point!!! :H :H

                      The gym is going well. Going in the mornings is working out much better for me. The evening workouts pretty much sucked. Pap and M3 – you might have heard of the program I am doing – it is called “couch to 5K”. Essentially it builds up my stamina. I got an iPhone app for it and while it is playing music on my play list the program tells me when to walk and when to run. I’m not breaking any speed records but I find this enjoyable. It is like having a coach.

                      Tonight we are going with friends to a fondue restaurant. The last time I went I polished off a bottle of wine. This time I am going for massive amounts of iced tea. I’m mentally preparing myself because I know for fact that everyone else will be drinking.

                      Yesterday I was about as close to slipping as I have been (at least that I can remember). Work was stressful. I had to tell someone that has been with the company for 20+ years that they had 30 days to find another position in the company else I was going to have to let them go. I’ve known this person for a long time. When I was done I wanted a drink in the worst way. I was ready to say screw the antibuse and stop off for a Bacardi bottle on the way home. CRAP! I absolutely hate this part of my job. At any rate, I didn’t and when I got home Mrs. IMJ and I got out of the house with our youngest and went to the dollar theater. By the time we got home I was too tired to think about drinking so I just went to bed. When I got up this morning things seemed much better. I am so so so glad I didn’t cave in. I would be miserable with myself.

                      As I was scanning posts from yesterday I noticed some comments about Lexapro. I have been on lexapro for over a year and really have no bad side effects. When I first started them I felt strange for a few weeks. But after that I was fine. I really stuggled with depression and this seemed to really help me. I know that everyone is different, but that is my two cents. (actually a buck and a quarter)….

                      Chief – Awesome job on day 4!!! Every day it will get a little easier. I found that after a week the cravings were not hitting me up constantly. They seemed to sneak up on me. So my advice is to constantly be on guard and have a backup plan to deal with these when you least expect it.

                      AFM – raccoons? Three words – BIG MEAN DOG…

                      Ok, I gotta quit stalling and go do my 2 miles of running my guts out.

                      IMJ thought of the day? Here it is. Did you know that 47.2% off all statistics are made up on the spot?

                      Have an Awesome Saturday!


                        Daily AF, Saturday, December 4, 2010

                        Hi fabbies! It's another zoom zoom day. Starting to move back upstairs. It's going to take a long time as 1) can't stop the rest of life to do nothing but move crap and 2) I'm going to approach this very methodically and make sure everything ends up organized exactly as I want it. Which might involve some trial and error and moving things around more than once. So be it!

                        P3, thanks for getting us started today! I'm interested to hear your take on the "new" WW. Pride, the links you gave the other day were good. I will decide after the first of the year what I want to do. I like group support! And any food choices can be worked in the points system. I've had my fling with the snacky crap and whether I go to WW or not, know I MUST stay away from that. There is no "just one" for me of junk food any more than there is for AL.

                        Pride, you must be FIIIITTTTT!!! I want to know when you kick ass on your fiance. :b&d:

                        Chief, I remember in years past you talking about selling trees for the Lion's club. So happy to hear you are doing that again this year. Doing volunteer work really gives me a good feeling these days - it must for you too. :yougo:

                        AA - I am LOVING our snow!!! Mr. Doggy's "old" training dog was tiptoeing around it this morning. What a tough guy. :H

                        So G-man. Is there someone special in your life you are ____________ with? Or is this a random selection thing (and if so, who is the lucky girl?) Whichever, I hope you have fun.

                        AFM, I hope your Dad has a fabulous birthday today and loves his awesome new fuzzy pajamas. I hope Little AFM has fun too at the Birthday Party. It must be frustrating working to get the meds right. :l Hope that process goes quickly for you!

                        Gaia, I love your diet description! :H Nice and simple. I think that's great!

                        Bear, I'm envious of your lazy morning! I think I'm going to plan a lot of nothing in the week between Christmas and New Years. I'm not seeing the opportunity for many lazy ones until then. Have fun with your friends tonight if you go. I won't nag you about exit strategies and such.

                        Congrats Choochie Coochie on 60 Days AF!!!! I need to go make a belated post in your party thread!! Rock on - you are doing FABULOUS!!!

                        Hello to everyone else!

                        From yesterday..

                        BB - GREAT JOB working through the craving!!! Can you send me some of those baked goods? :angel:

                        Deter - have you ever done the Nutritional Typing test on Mercola? I have done "well" on low carb (under 50g per day) in the past. But I reach a point after a length of time where I just LOSE IT. I have always just assumed this was a lack of dicipline on my part. A while back, I did the nutritional typing on Mercola and it came out that I am whatever their term is for "mixed." (protein AND carbs) I sort of brushed that aside as so much crap and forgot about it.

                        I am finding the reading in The Diet Cure and in Potatoes Not Prozak very interesting. I have started to journal per the Potatoes Not Prozak suggestion. I think keeping track of not only WHAT I eat, but how I react to it physically and emotionally is going to be very telling. Pride - I think Julia Ross does make some genetic connections based on geographic ancestry. That's IIRC from long ago reading though. Will mention it when/if I come across that again in my current reading. It's starting to make a bit of sense to me that one size maybe DOESN'T fit all. But of course junk processed carbs and high sugar are really never a good thing, I don't think.

                        Went to AA this morning than a "preview" of the coming ZUMBA attraction to Curves!! I am so uncoordinated but it was really fun. Worked up quite a sweat too. I'm hoping thie Zumba schedule after the first of the year will work for me at least once per week.

                        I'm finishing up my holiday cards and then I need to start moving crap. One thing is for sure..... (and I don't mean _______!)

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Daily AF, Saturday, December 4, 2010

                          Good luck with the meal out Ijm, the first couple of times I did it I took antabuse so I could not give in.
                          I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                            Daily AF, Saturday, December 4, 2010

                            Good afternoon Abbers!

                            Had a meeting this morning with my super-strange, estranged, totally confused spouse. Left me as confused as ever.......

                            AFM, when I was on the Lexapro my instructions were to take it once/day at bedtime (because it can make you drowsy). If it is causing you GI problems be sure to take it with food (usually helps). But do call your Doc if the problem continues.

                            Good job Don making it safely to Day 4!

                            If it's snowing in the Mid-West that probably means it will be here in a day or two. Personally I hope not because I'll be seriously stuck! My dogs & chickens are not capable of plowing the driveway so I can get out :H:H

                            Wishing everyone a warm & cozy AF Saturday.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Daily AF, Saturday, December 4, 2010


                              IJM, congrats on pushing through that craving last night. That is one of the sucky things about management, for sure. Have fun chowing on fondue tonight sans the wine. You can do it!

                              Lav, so....what is YB confused about? Maybe plowing your driveway each time it snows would be a good sorting mechanism for him? Otherwise, I'm sure there is someone else who could plow you out when it snows, and just send YB the bill. Seriously though - this must hurt like hell. :l Take care of yourself Lav. You deserve to be happy whether that is on your own or with someone who will treat you right.

                              Holiday cards are almost done. On to moving.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

