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Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

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    Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

    Hi All, I'm new to this thread, also.

    Choochie, I thnk I mentioned in another thread that I attended AA meetings at the suggestion of my counselor for about 6 months last year. The primary reason I went along with it was just the opposite of yours. I wanted to see if I could find some sort of spirituality as I was raised with none, and every religion I've been exposed to filled me with doubt. However, I did feel that spirituality was going to be an important component of recovery, so I went determined to "find some"! And I think I did.

    Although I didn't ultimately stop drinking during my time there, I think it led me further down the path to my recovery and I feel that it was a step in the growing process I needed to take in order to eventually become a sober person. I might go back again some day, but for now, the posting and reading on MWO has been fantastic and I'll take next steps as I feel I need them. Thanks for your posts, always so positive and full of information!


      Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

      Hi Mylife. Welcome to this thread!
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

        ML - so glad you've decided to join this thread. I do remember that you went to AA. I'll look forward to your insight here.



          Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

          What a great start of the week!
          Stay sober y'all.
          Love and Peace,

          Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


            Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

            Hey Choochie. You might enjoy going to some speaker meetings to hear different people tell their stories. The format generally is to share your experience, strength and hope by describing what it was like (when drinking), what happened (how you came in to recovery / AA), and what it's like now (I personally include a bit about my experience working the steps, and that seems fairly common).

            I enjoy listening to speakers as I find I can always find something to relate to. Even people who on the surface seem very different from me. It's interesting.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

              Oops - I had the thread open LONG before I posted a reply! :H

              j-vo, it's comforting to know that your description of speakers matches mine - and we are from different parts of the country! I have grown to like the "sameness" and tradition of AA. It's comforting to walk into something familiar - especially if I'm having an unsettled patch in life.

              Hi Phil!

              ML - welcome to this thread. Always feel free to post - you don't have to be actively involved in AA. I too am finding the spiritual journey interesting. A huge part of it for me is just caring about people other than myself, and trying to do the next right thing. I never knew that spirituality could be so simple. (although not always easy!)

              For anyone who hasn't got it book marked yet, here is a link to some daily recovery readings that I enjoy: Daily Recovery Readings There is quite a variety.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

                First: Don, it was great to see you here. I hope you do find a meeting that suits you. AA made all the diffrerence for me...the relapse queen. Also, remember that first week is the hardest in terms of not drinking.

                Newcomers: I'm so glad you're here & sharing. My skepticism about AA was all about fear:
                -fear of the unknown.
                -fear of admitting my alcoholism.
                -fear of people.

                When I realized that, I was able to push through the fear. It wasn't easy at first. There were a few times in the beginning of my time in AA that I thought about running back to my car instead of going in the door of the meeting. However, I was so despirate (my friend in AA calls it the "gift of despiration"), that I wouldn't let myself not go into the meeting. Now, I look forward to meetings (some more than others) & always feel uplifted when I walk out.

                Good luck to everyone who is just starting out. I've had about 1.5 years of sobriety (which is chicken feed compared to some in AA), but it's been the best 1.5 years (in spite of some serious burdens I'm carrying) that I've had in a long, long time.

                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

                  For anyone who is thinking about trying AA in order to try to stop & stay stopped:
                  -AA is really about connections w/people (it's a fellowship).
                  -Take phone numbers.
                  -Find a sponsor.
                  -Join in activities.
                  -Go to 90 meetings in 90 days or as much as possible.
                  -Go to different meetings.
                  -Take suggestions.
                  -Don't dwell on the negatives...take what you like & leave the rest.
                  -Don't drink, but if you do, admit it to the meeting...nobody in my experience judges.

                  I hope I don't sound preachy, but AA has helped me stop & stay stopped. It has given me a group of friends. We share a common goal & have a spiritual path.

                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

                    Good Morning
                    I still haven't made it to an AA meeting yet, but am not discouraged about going. I like to read this thread because you all talk about the meetings and its giving me more background insight, if you will. I've been to lots of meetings throughout the years, but I like reading about your different interpretations. Keep it coming!
                    "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


                      Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

                      Thanks everyone who has weighed in here. Your posts are very helpful because it's good to have an idea of what to expect. As I said, my first meeting was wonderful, so I feel I'm going to get a lot from AA. But, I also really like hearing from all of you. I'm excited about AA, actually. Funny, because for a long time, I just thought it wasn't going to be for me -- a testament about the value of being open to new ideas and getting out of one's comfort zone!!

                      :welcome:Go Away, welcome - don't think I've seen you here before? You've found a good place in MWO!!


                        Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

                        Good morning all! I think there might be two weekly threads going, but I'll stick with this one!

                        DG, I had also heard that speaker meetings were great and always intended to get to some, but I didn't out of sheer laziness. (Most of them were a bit of a drive from where I live). I will try to attend some in the near future.

                        I also attended the meetings closest to where I live out of laziness and got comfortable there, so that's where I stuck. I think if I go back I would try to mix up the meetings a little more and actually drive to some new ones. What started to happen with me, is that the meetings got very repetitive as they were the same people attending and I didn't feel I was learning anything new after a time. The other thing I think is that everyone should feel free to take what they need from the meetings. I started to feel a bit hemmed in by the "rules" about working steps finding sponsors, helping others, doing service work etc. It got to be a little overwhelming and I decided to take a break and never went back.

                        So, next time I think I'd mix it up more and get a broader experience from it. I have to say I'm also really enjoying in MWO being able to "log in" at any time -- I don't have to look for and wait for a specific time to go to a meeting. So, I think the combination would be great. Those are my experiences for what they're worth. Overall both are very positive.


                          Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

                          mylife: The meetings I go to are pretty free-wheeling. There seems to be an ever-changing cast of characters there as well. One of the things I've heard over & over: "Take what you like & leave the rest." I try to adhere to that, because there are people who think they have all the answers. I feel that I'm in charge of my recovery. I try to do what's right for me. Mary
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

                            Hi to everyone, newcomers and regulars,
                            This thread is growing and that's a wonderful thing. Now even though I'm almost 4 months sober and I feel quite new, I think I have some insight into a few things:

                            I like Mary's suggestions, especially "take what you like and leave the rest." It can get
                            quite overwhelming like you said MyLife, especially at first. It's enough getting to the meetings
                            without shaking like a leaf (was for me) let alone trying to do everything that is suggested. The
                            suggestions are all good, but to try and incorporate them all into your life at once is probably
                            not a healthy thing to do. That's why taking the steps one at a time and slowly is important.

                            One thing I'll add to Mary's suggestion is not to place trying to find a sponsor at the top
                            of your priority list. Choosing a sponsor is a very important thing in AA. As you try different
                            meetings, you will find one's you like better than others. The same for people. Listen to the
                            people as they speak and try to identify with them and whether their personality may be a
                            good fit for you. Also, look at their years of sobriety and whether they are currently working
                            the steps as a way of life. You will find one, but just take your time.

                            Choochie, glad your meeting was wonderful. As I continue to go to my meetings, the more people I know, the more comfortable I get, and the more I like going. The benefits are really evident in my daily life.

                            DG, a woman that went out with us on Friday after the speaker meeting asked me to go to a woman's group tonight. I was so excited she ask me, but I wasn't able to go. I thought about you and your "tough chick's" meeting. I'd like to try that in the future.

                            Well, hope everyone has a great night!
                            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                              Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

                              Hi Guys. Thanks for the feedback.

                              I agree, about not rushing into getting a sponsor. I think that was another mistake I made with AA, again trying to abide by all the "rules" and our group said "get one ASAP" and I didn't really have a chance to get to know people first before making that decision.

                              Finishing up day 10 and feeling good. Up and down with the cravings a little but not too bad this evening.

                              Have a great night!


                                Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

                                j-vo & ML: Yes, take your time & find the right sponsor. That said: Nothing is carved in stone. I had a sponsor my first 9 months in AA. He's a friend whom we've known for many years. He helped me when I didn't know anything. I've since realized that I really need a woman sponsor, & someone who will let me go through the steps a little more slowly now that I've done once already. In the meantime, I try to connect w/other women (& men) as much as possible. Good luck. Mary
                                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                                October 3, 2012

