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Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

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    Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

    I understand you travel a lot. Do you travel mostly to the same cities weekly? Do you go to new meetings all the time? That must be interesting to see the differences from city to city, but I'm sure the comforting "sameness" prevails. I'll be going to Florida for a 5 day trip in March and I'll be looking for a few meetings while I'm there. Should I wait until I go to find area meetings? I know, not for several months, but just thinking ahead.
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

      Thank you all for the kind wishes. It has been an interesting year in sobriety.
      Mary, yes, I got the chip at my 630am meeting, presented to me by my sponsor. Way cool. In our group we always pass the chip around the group so everyone can put their "mojo" on it.

      My travels take me to various cities though out the US. Last week was Winston-Salem, NC. Yet I found a meeting. The Internet makes it easy. I always feel welcome and safe in the rooms of AA.

      Take care everyone.
      Love and Peace,

      Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


        Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

        Choochie;1018783 wrote: Mary, do you have any other advice for those of us just starting AA? I would like to have a good experience and avoid pitfalls if possible.

        Choochie, what I have learned since going to AA is that I'm better off just relaxing and going with the flow. My nature is to want all the i's dotted and t's crossed and it's really exhausting to try to keep up with life in that way. These days I'm just letting it roll a lot more than I used to. I say, just keep going and see where it leads.

        cpn1004;1019179 wrote:
        Greetings everyone, speaking of AA meetings, I picked up my 1 year chip today. Yes, I feel pretty good about it. Thanks to you all here for your support.

        That's how they do it at my meetings too Phil. Pass around the coin for a little mojo action and then your sponsor or someone else gives it to you. I'm really happy for you Phil! Wish we all could have been there!

        Things are going fine but very busy right now. I am getting deeper into my service work at the Mission and it feels very right. Circumstances keep happening where it just seems appropriate to reveal that I too am in recovery and it's all been fine. I found out yesterday while working in the kitchen that two homeless people died here over the weekend. (it's been bitterly cold - single digits over night). I could only find out first names and feared one of them was the one I helped take to the hospital last year. It turned out not to be him, but was another alcoholic by the same name. One who had slept many nights outside the club where I attend a lot of meetings. One who couldn't stay alive long enough for the miracle to happen.

        I found out those details after hunting down my homeless friend - the guy I've talked about who has the little dog. He has many years of sobriety and devotes his own life on the streets to helping others. He tries to help people into recovery but for the ones who are not ready or willing, he helps them with blankets and coats and food and whatever he is able to do. He is not getting any younger and looked very cold and tired himself yesterday.

        I know the shelters will not take in people who are drunk or high on drugs. (and I completely understand that - that would be chaos in a nanosecond).

        As a person in recovery myself, I know that the majority of people do not understand the homeless situation at all. They don't understand that for an alcoholic / addict, it's NOT A CHOICE. The drug takes over. We didn't become addicted by being "bad." Since I DO understand that addiction is far more complicated that most people realize, I just feel compelled to delve further into this problem and it's possible and nearly impossible solutions.

        Well - gotta run. It's wonderful to know you all are here.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

          DG - I often think that even though we would not wish problems upon ourselves, that they exist if for not for any other reason than to make us empathic people. Your experience with alcoholism is enabling you to relate to these people differently from others who don't understand the struggle. I admire what you're doing and know that those people are lucky to have you in their corner!

          I plan on going to my second meeting this Saturday and am looking forward to it. I'll definitely post my experience.

          To everyone else stopping by, hope you have a wonderful day.



            Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

            QUESTION FOR AA'ers:

            In general, does AA suport the use of Antabuse? I read on a blog a member was told she has to pick her sponsor or Antabuse and that does not make sense to me. Just curious is it is the pervasive attitude or an exception.

            I have been going to a woman's only Sat mtg also and do like it. There is a lot of longterm sobriety there and as much as I hate sitting still for 1.5 hr, I do benefit.

            I really want to acknowledge how much DoggyGirl supports this website. Thank you!

            Peace to all.


              Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

              Lucky, there are no rules about not mixing antibuse with AA. Somebody misinformed you. Many people take anti-craving meds in an effort to keep them sober.
              "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


                Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

                luCKy;1020022 wrote: QUESTION FOR AA'ers:

                In general, does AA suport the use of Antabuse? I read on a blog a member was told she has to pick her sponsor or Antabuse and that does not make sense to me. Just curious is it is the pervasive attitude or an exception.

                I have been going to a woman's only Sat mtg also and do like it.
                luCKy, glad to hear you have found a meeting you like - especially since sitting in once place for a while is challenging!

                I have met people in AA who are "anti" craving meds. I believe that to be a personal opinion (which everyone is entitled to I guess!). The Big Book emphasizes the importance of staying partnered with the medical / scientific community as more is discovered about alcoholism and treatment. (at least that is my opinion about what it says.) I believe the founders of AA supported whatever it took to be sober. I have heard from some old timers that in the days of Bill W and Dr. Bob, there were some down right scary drugs being used during detoxes, etc.

                That said, I go to AA with many people who are using or have used anti craving meds, and don't make a big secret of it. The nice thing about AA is if you come across people who you think have misinterpreted things or whatever, there are lots of other people.

                Keep going - you are on a good path. Don't let anyone discourage you. Take what you need and leave the rest.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

                  As far as I know about Bill W, he was in favor of anything he thought might work in getting/keeping a person sober. If you find closed-mindedness, it's probably just the individual. I do know that most of the AA members I've met frown on alcohol-free beer. Perhaps they think it's a short hop from that to the real thing. I've had alcohol-free sparkling juices that look like pink champagne. I haven't felt anything like a desire to have the real thing. If I do, I'll avoid them. I kind of like having something in a wine glass while everyone else is having his/her ONE or TWO glasses of wine. I'm always aware that I would never, ever drink like that. I would want 3 just to start off with & many, many refills to follow. I always try to keep my bad drinking habits in my mind for those times when I might delude myself into thinking I can have "just one." It didn't happen in the past & won't happen in the future. Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

                    luCKy - I agree with what DG says. There is no official AA "rule" on this. You may encounter individual opinions that say differently, but they are opinions. My belief is use of any medication is between you and your doctor.

                    The only "rule" in AA is a desire to stop drinking. The rest of it is "suggestions" of what worked for others. Nowhere does it say to not take care of your physical health. I still watch what I eat, take my vitamins, my supplements when needed. To me sobriety is threefold - physical, mental, and spiritual. I need all three. I can't replace the physical with one of the others. That's what Antabuse is - a tool for the physical aspect. First we get physical sobriety, then work on the other stuff. That's why I started AA after 5 months AF. I felt I had a lot of work to do in learning to live sober. "Willing to go to any lengths" to me means doing what you have to. I for one am glad there are various meds available, should I ever feel the need.

                    As DG says, take what you need and leave the rest. I find it an ever evolving process. You can always come here and ask questions too. Good luck in your journey.
                    ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                    AUGUST 9, 2009


                      Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

                      Also, I forgot to mention, I got a sponsor on Monday (no rules, no time line, just suggestions - truly!). Procrastinator Dance.....
                      ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                      AUGUST 9, 2009


                        Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

                        luCKy;1020022 wrote:
                        I have been going to a woman's only Sat mtg also and do like it. There is a lot of longterm sobriety there and as much as I hate sitting still for 1.5 hr, I do benefit.
                        It helped me to bring a little notebook and write in it (or doodle). It gave me something to do, besides sitting still, which drives me crazy. It also helped me listen and focus better. A lot of women bring knitting or needlepoint too.
                        ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                        AUGUST 9, 2009


                          Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

                          Dance, congrats on getting a sponsor! I'm sure it will be a valuable experience, however it turns out!

                          dancelot;1020254 wrote: A lot of women bring knitting or needlepoint too.
                          Funny you should mention this. Even at Tough Chicks (or especially at Tough Chick LOL) there is lots of knitting/crocheting. For women of all ages. It's sort of funny to watch a young woman crocheting a little pink blanket while talking about life on the streets addicted to crack. These women have definitely piqued my interest in learning to knit or crochet!

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

                            Hi all,
                            Lucky, I asked my sponsor what people in AA think about the medication thing. She said some people accept that we may need meds and others do not. She said also that it's none of anyone's business who takes medication (unless it is not prescribed by doc and is addictive). I believe everyone should individualize their recovery plan - no one's is the same, nor should be. I take various meds for my anxiety, and I wouldn't be able to attend AA without them. I've spoken about it to a small group of women I've become close with, but for anyone else, it's not their business.

                            DG, you're a gift to so many people.

                            Choochie - good luck at your second meeting! Are these discussion meetings? How big or small is the meeting? Nice people?

                            Dance - congrats on a sponsor! How did it transpire? Good luck to you!

                            I'm off to a speaker meeting this evening. Will see my sponsor and another woman I've become friends with. Have a great night.
                            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                              Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

                              Jvo - I'd guess there were about 20 people - all women. They seemed super nice - I don't know how to explain it other than saying that I felt at home. There was a feeling of warmth and acceptance. Several veterans shared their stories. I'm actually looking forward to the next meeting!!


                                Weekly AA Thread Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12

                                That's great Choochie!
                                Tonight at the meeting, there was a woman sketching beautiful pictures. A "real" artist! I looked over at what she was doing and her drawing was amazing! Then across from me was a drunk guy who couldn't keep his head up, was making these snoring sounds when he'd nod off.
                                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

