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AF Daily - Tues Dec 7

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    AF Daily - Tues Dec 7

    Gooooood Morning Abberrooters!

    Today is Pearl Harbor Rememberance Day in the US. I am grateful to have not experienced war firsthand. Don't speak too quickly greenie....

    Lav I am seriously hoping to see a picture of that diaper cake! I am actually going to bake today! (that warrants a drum roll :H) I'm baking spiced pumpkin bread for the neighbors that pet sit for me.

    Appointments and lunch with GF busy me for most of the day. GF has utmost respect for me not drinking - we used to split a bottle of wine at lunch and marvel as how much less time lunch takes now. :H

    Speaking of wine, jen... I'm giving kahlua as a pressie to some of my family (who have experienced me actively engaged in alcoholism) as part of the "homemade gift requirement". I don't see it a hypocritical. What was most important to me was - how would I feel buying and handling the vodka? I have a lot of AF time behind me and the experince was odd, that's all. I even felt "ugh" at the smell of it. I would not be concerned with how you thought THEY might view it but how YOU feel about it on all levels.

    Funny how people give drinkers bottles of alcohol, but I doubt that they give smokers cartons of ciggies. Shows how we are about glamorizing AL I guess.

    Det, the manner in which you always speak of dx is so heartwarming. :h

    Off to bake! Have a terrific tuesday!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Tues Dec 7

    Hi Greenie,

    Thanks for the wake up. Pumpkin bread sounds yummy. It is funny how people give drinkers booze. But I do think smokers give other smoker ciggies. And lighters, and ashtrays. HOpe the relatives enjoy the kahlua. Totally understand the ug feeling.

    Lav a diaper cake? Really? New or used?

    Lots of work to do again today. Better hop to it.
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


      AF Daily - Tues Dec 7

      Hi gaia!

      I forgot - here's a link to 7 replays that are up this week. They are good. Don't miss the sonja choquette and chunyi lin ones. I have become particularly fond of Jennifer McLean, who is the interviewer.

      You can see a recap of the webcasts here. The Big Book of You Blog | Vibrational Healing with Jennifer McLean
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Tues Dec 7

        Thanks Greenie but that's not the type of vibrational healing I go for.

        AF since May 6, 2010

        Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


          AF Daily - Tues Dec 7

          :H:H:H gaia!!!!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Tues Dec 7

            Brrr! 27 degrees out there but no snow!!!!

            Work for me this morning then spending the afternoon with my favorite boyfriend EB
            It doesn't get better than that!!

            Wishing a great AF Tuesday for one & all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Tues Dec 7

              Good Morning All-
              One week "up". Yaaay! Hubbie drank a couple six packs of talls yesterday. Began to feel upset this morning, but was suddenly overcome with The Serenity Prayer: "....Accept the things I CANNOT change...." . A feeling of peace overcame me and I felt calmed as I prepared my husband's breakfast, lunch, coffee, and greeted him with a smile as he walked into the room.
              Planning on a busy day today, but when is a Mom of 3 small children not busy?! Volunteering in my son's kindergarten class for 3 hours this morning. Sometimes I dread the committment, but enjoy working with the small children once I'm there. Their innocence is so beautiful. Sometimes kids say the darndest things out of the blue and saddly enough, the alcoholic in me wonders: "Has my son ever said anything about mommy and daddy's drinking to one of the volunteer parents? Or the teachers for that matter?" What a disgusting, non necessary thing to worry about!!! Anywho, plan on having a fabulous day. Hope every one else does the same.
              "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


                AF Daily - Tues Dec 7

                hello all - am off work sick been puking, aching, shivering, headache etc - up most of night until 5am.Not sure if it's a bug or crab pasta I had at spa.

                I was meant to be on a tropical beach so glad at least it hasn't ruined holiday - holiday re booked for January. Fingers crossed we may have started to cope better with it by then so planes can leave.

                Today I am sleeping, lounging, eating paracetamol and sipping 7up - needless to say no alcohol for me today!Tho thinking I have felt ALMOST this bad through too much alcohol in the past. see you tomorrow - may still be at home - only eaten pack of crisps for the salt today.
                one day at a time


                  AF Daily - Tues Dec 7

                  Yay on the AF week, Cab! :goodjob:

                  Bear, so sorry you're getting your ass kicked by the flu. At least you don't have a hangover on top of it. Saltines help when I'm nauseous--but of course, only when I'm not feeling too crap to go out and buy them. Where is Det's wife when we need her?? :H

                  I'm thinking a lot about the glamorization of AL this morning, maybe because of Fluff's link to the Anne Rice video. I love the show "Madmen" (all right, I love Jon Hamm from "Madmen"), but EVERYONE in it is drinking ALL the time, and they're all SO fabulous. There are Hollywood consequences, but they're all forgotten by the next episode; otherwise it's just sexy people pouring from sexy decanters into sexy glasses. Not surprisingly, the liquor ads during the show abound and retro cocktail parties are on the rise. :huh:

                  Brrrr and no snow here in New England, too, Lav. At least the sun's out today; that's a change for the better. The gray sky and frigid temps weren't doing much for my mood. :blah:

                  My 17-year-old (yes, I was a child bride...) is home sick today. Instant regression. Let's see how much work I get done today. Although if I'm honest with myself, I'm kind of happy when he lets me be mom again for awhile. He got too cool for school around 13, and rarely even let me hug him. :notes:"Sunrise, sunset....Sunrise, sunset..." :notes:

                  Speaking of work, this isn't paying the bills, and I've reached the emoticon quota. Have a great day all,

                  xoxo Pride
                  AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                  "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                    AF Daily - Tues Dec 7

                    Hi All, on my out the door. Wishing you a wonderful day.



                      AF Daily - Tues Dec 7

                      Hi all,

                      Everyone sounds super busy today. Did a bunch of baking myself today; mincement mini tarts and chocolate almond cookies. Slowly getting it done, a couple things a day. Fixed all my lights from the wind and rain storm we had and just getting ready to put a chicken in the oven to roast and some veggies as well.

                      Oh yes, I renewed my license today and this is one picture that I actually all the years I've drove, this is the first one that I don't think looks like a prision shot.


                        AF Daily - Tues Dec 7

                        Day 7 here!

                        STILL snowing. I had to have my driveway plowed twice yesterday and again this morning. I have to go out and run some errands...should be interesting.

                        I'm so glad I'm on day still feels new to me but I sure do like the way I feel.

                        Have a great day everyone!



                          AF Daily - Tues Dec 7

                          Gia, is it your birthday today?? Having to renew your license and such? If so, happy birthday!

                          Nothing much for me to say today. I think that meds are starting to kick in a bit. I am feeling a bit disconnected from my feelings, which is good. Not sitting on the edge waiting to fall over in some sort of emotional vortex.

                          Gonna bake 3 dozen Christmas cookies tonight with Little AFM for her picnic tomorrow. I have been saying I was going to since Friday, but now I absolutely have to. They also have a Parent Literacy thingamajig today at her school from 12:30-2:40. So, going to go to that.

                          Bear, I hope you feel better soon! My little one had the flu over the weekend. Yick.

                          Have a great day everyone!


                            AF Daily - Tues Dec 7

                            Accountable for Me;1018903 wrote: Gia, is it your birthday today?? Having to renew your license and such? If so, happy birthday!

                            Nothing much for me to say today. I think that meds are starting to kick in a bit. I am feeling a bit disconnected from my feelings, which is good. Not sitting on the edge waiting to fall over in some sort of emotional vortex.

                            Gonna bake 3 dozen Christmas cookies tonight with Little AFM for her picnic tomorrow. I have been saying I was going to since Friday, but now I absolutely have to. They also have a Parent Literacy thingamajig today at her school from 12:30-2:40. So, going to go to that.

                            Bear, I hope you feel better soon! My little one had the flu over the weekend. Yick.

                            Have a great day everyone!
                            Hey chicklet! It's actually next week, but they were open today so I got it done while I remembered. So happy to hear you're feeling better today. (hugs) Little Gia just got over a stomach bug too, it hit hard and fast and went away just as fast. Hope your little angel is feeling better today!


                              AF Daily - Tues Dec 7

                              Little AFM's came and went really fast too. She was sick Saturday and Sunday (throwing up and diarrhea) ... back to school on Monday. Thank goodness. Glad that your little one's came and went fast as well!

