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AF daily - Wednesday, December 8th

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    AF daily - Wednesday, December 8th

    Hello Abbers!

    Busy day here. Painting the mudroom finally, and it looks so much better! Vast Desert by Behr, love the new Paint and Primer in one. Now, to get some new fancy trim and everything will look gorgeous. I may get that next week and get my Dad to put it up for me. Thank God for my Daddy!

    Well, it just started to snow here very lightly.. I hope it just stays that way. I'm really not ready to shovel yet and I'm late putting on the studded tires.

    I've got some nice tenderloin steak ready to go on the BBQ for lunch and some sweet potatoes.. yummy! Better throw them on now.


      AF daily - Wednesday, December 8th

      Greenie - already sending positive job vibes your way. You'll have to tell us about it - what kind of job, etc. Sending you powerful stuff right now!!

      Quick stop off for me today, all. Hope you have a wonderful day.

      Bear - hilarious how the different sayings can mean embarrasingly different things in other countries. LOL



        AF daily - Wednesday, December 8th

        Bear- You had me LOL with the double fist story. I enjoy having people from all over the world here; it helps enhance our own vocabularies.
        And as for the Facebook deleting: OMG!!!!! What is up with people that take that place so serious? "OOOOO!!! I'm mad at him! I'm just going to delete him as my friend! I'll show him!". Whatever!!! Time to grow up Drama Queen!! There's bigger battles to fight out there.
        "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


          AF daily - Wednesday, December 8th

          :H:H Very funny ponderings about taking the piss.

          I meant to say free HOT chocolate on tap at work. We have a free drinks machine and for machine drinks they are very good.

          Good luck tomorrow Greenie! Have you got your interview outfit sorted out and tried on to make sure it's OK? Hmmm?
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            AF daily - Wednesday, December 8th

            :H:H:HSorry about that Bear! I forget you Brits have a very colorful vocabulary! I love it though, I'm going to try to remember to use it, and I'm also going to be a little more careful about my double fisting comments.
            Thanks for clearing that up for us! And Marshy, here I was picturing you at the chocolate fountain all day!:H
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF daily - Wednesday, December 8th

              Anyone for spotted dick? :H:H

              Greenie, GOOD LUCK tomorrow! Without having met you, I get the definite sense you "interview well," as they say in HR.

              LVT, you sound a little blue, good vibes to you, also. :l Let's lock our sick teens in a room with Nintendo and go have coffee.

              xoxo Pride
              AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
              "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                AF daily - Wednesday, December 8th

                Well, I WAS wondering what chocolate on tap was all about. Wish we had toffee on tap...

                Good luck tomorrow, Greenie - what type of job, health related??

                I had to try a spot of CBT on myself last night after finding out the funding has run out for a 6-week project I was supposed to do this spring. I'd already started planning it and was looking forward to doing something new. It might still happen later on if the funds materialise, but for now I was feeling 'deprived', 'sorry for myself', 'hard done by' etc. All of which made me steer way clear of the bar on my way back from work. On the plus side, by this morning I'd realised I do have a job, I have the skills to plan and run that project, and I have much more energy than I used to. There's a lot to be grateful for.


                  AF daily - Wednesday, December 8th

                  Hello everyone,

                  Good luck Greenie!

                  Wish we had hot ginger tea on tap.
                  AF since May 6, 2010

                  Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                    AF daily - Wednesday, December 8th

                    Wrapping up day 8 here. It's finally suppose to quit snowing will give us a chance to dig out.

                    Good Luck Greenie! We'll be sending you "hire me" vibes for you to radiate during your interview!

                    Have a good night everyone.



                      AF daily - Wednesday, December 8th

                      Good luck with your interview Greenie

                      I glad you got back to explain bear.....we were all wondering :H

                      I probably mentioned before that one of my older brothers dismissed me from his Facebook page more than a year ago but not before calling me "The Ultimate Bitch". All I did was suggest to him that he stop posting on Facebook when he was drunk (every afternoon):H:H Oh well!

                      Had a great day, very busy but enjoyable!
                      Sitting in front of the fire now
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF daily - Wednesday, December 8th

                        Quick check in here. Kids have been sick all week. Not surprising given that we are living out of two rooms!

                        Positive interview vibes be sent your way green bean. Who wouldn't want to hire you? :yougo:
                        AF Since April 20, 2008
                        4 Years!!!


                          AF daily - Wednesday, December 8th

                          Good Evening Fabbie Aberoos!!
                          I've missed you guys!! Internet problems on Monday (actually, I forgot the charger to my phone at work so I couldn't risk draining the battery to use it as my hotspot), last nite super busy and of course had to watch the semifinal of Biggest Loser!!

                          Bear-sure hope your feeling better by now. Lousy stuff the flu. LOL on the different meanings of certain phrases!!

                          GREENIE!! OMG-great news about the interview! You will do great! :hAs Mr. G probably says-no worries!! Don't forget to match your crown with your suit (or whatever outfit you'll be wearing)!! Try to get some sleep tonite if you can. It's so funny, here I am almost wishing they'd lay me off as I have way too much to do in life besides work :H

                          Welcome Cab and welcome back Jennie!!

                          Chief-well done on the 8 days. Keep the momentum going.

                          So sorry to hear of all the sick little ones (and not so little ones). Hope they get over it soon.

                          Where is AA and DG?? M3-I downloaded a version of Couch to 5k (its actually called 5K 101) tonite when I got home. It only took me 45 min to figure out how to download a podcast to my Itunes library and then get it onto my EVO!! And here I think I'm such a techno geek!! :H Anyway, it was already past 7:30 but I was so anxious to try it out that I got my butt down to PF and gave it a whirl. I was so pleased!! I was able to do the 4 sessions of jogging with no problems whatsoever!! I was only at 3.6 mph but I didn't want to overdo and since I obviously go way to fast when I try to jog a block with my dog I figured I'd bettter start out slow. Hardly even got out of breath!! What a great program!! If this gets me jogging 30 min by the end of 2 months, a miracle will have been performed!! I'm already looking forward to doing it again on Friday!! The only downside was that I got there so late I didn't really feel like I could stay for the 30 min circuit workout. Oh well, at least I did something.

                          I finally got E-tools downloaded from WW (god their CS is horrible now!!) so today is the first day I was able to really track. So far I have 6 points left for the day. Hot Chocolate here I come!!

                          It's been way too frigid to take the boyz out for their daily walks. I'm OK but even with coats on they get too cold. They hardly stay out in the yard long enough to do their business!! It's the wind that is killing us-the windchill has been in the single digits, especially up on the hill where I live.
                          Hoping tomorrow will be somewhat better.

                          Hoping to do a better job of catching up with everyone tomorrow. Sleep tight all!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!

