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AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

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    AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

    Good morning everyone!

    Little Gia woke up today at 4:30am, I'm needing lots of coffee today I think. It's really cold here..brrr.

    Today we have another worker coming into the house for the babe, and I think I'll bake some cupcakes for my babe. She always loves them. Now to find my fluffly socks to keep my feet warm.

    Greenie, do you have your interview today? How is everyone doing with Christmas approaching? I'm still AF and have been pretty good with cravings and thoughts this week. It does amazingly get easier.

    :l to you all!

    AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

    Greeting's Fabber's!

    Keep warm BB, and happy cupcake making.

    How was your interview Greenie? You would be an incredible assett to any organisation, especially if the work really interested you.

    Have a great week folk's!

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      AF daily - Thursday, December 9th


      BB you are doing great. Really. Glad the cravings are getting easier to deal with.

      Hi G-man.

      Good luck Greenie!

      I'm making a lamb stew which cooks all day today. Should help keep the house warm.

      That's all for the moment!
      AF since May 6, 2010

      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


        AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

        Hello all. I'm zoom zoomin' X 10 this week. I have not been able to read threads at all so have no clue what everyone is up to. Still sober, thank goodness. I couldn't keep this pace when I was shit faced all the time.

        Have a fabbie day one and all - and special positive vibes to anyone who needs extra today.

        One thing is for sure....

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF daily - Thursday, December 9th


          Thanks for the encouragement! The interview is this afternoon. Admin. asst. in a hospice organization. So Pamina, it isn't health care but it is in the arena. And G, I've been doing vibrational energy work and see how that would fit well in a hospice setting.

          I have an annual MD check up this AM (amazing how you can crave coffee so much when you can't have it). I had an appt at the unemployment office the same time as the interview. I called to reschedule the unemp. one and they said NO! so I've got to go over there this AM and hopefully it will go smoothly time-wise. They refuse to reschedule so I can go to a job interview? Go figure, right? I don't know how they are managing this in this cold. The place is smallish and the line which lasts hours, often goes out the door. They lost 11 people this fall in a budget cut so it must be a nightmare for them. It's not actually an appointment - you just go and wait - even though my card says 3:24....yes, 3:24, not to be confused with 3:30. :H Anyway, that's greenie's day.

          Marshy good call on sorting the outfit.

          Wierd to sit here this AM without a coffee...

          Have a tantilizing thursday! One thing's for sure!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

            Greenie, eerrrrk. I am not a good waiter-in-line-due-to-bureaucratic-nonsense. ull Re. your interview, I edited a hospice/palliative med journal for several years. GOOD people get involved in that field; they would be wonderful to work with. Let us know how it goes!

            DG, imagining you zipping around with your hair flying out all over the place. :exclaim:

            P3, so good to hear from you last night! :l I figured you, AA, and DG were staying clear due to germs. I LOVE my ipod for exercising; really helps motivate me (although my better half thinks my exercise playlist is a little whack: a mix of calypso, bubble gum, show tunes, opera, and the theme from "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly". Works for me.)

            Hi G-string and Gaia!

            BB, if I lived at your house, I'd weigh 400 lbs. That is all.

            xoxox Pride
            AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
            "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


              AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

              Hi guys,

              I have a sick little girl at home with me today - I'm not feeling so hot either so it'll be a quiet day of movies and gingerale on the couch I think.

              Glad I am not hungover!

              Good luck greeny! Wierd that they gave you a hard time about rescheduling....?

              BB - do you ever not bake? Just hearing about how much you do in a day exhausts me! LOL - I am lucky if I can get up and get one thing done a day!

              One thing is for sure.

              Love and hugs,
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

                hey Pride - X-Post - hope you are doing well!
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

                  Hi Uni, my July 15 partner in sober crime! Sick kids here, too. Also glad I'm not hungover. :l
                  AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                  "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                    AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

                    Uni - Hah! I do bake quite a bit, it's a great way to spend quality time with Little Gia and we share a lot with her friends and my family, I don't really eat a lot of sweets actually. Just one or two is good for me. Plus, I'm giving a lot away for Christmas in tins for special friends and family, the mail lady, the garbage man.. But Little Gia loves her cupcakes so I do something different for her everytime to make it fun. Want some? I hope the little one and you feel better today..nothing worse then feeling sick. It's a nice cold day to stay inside and watch movies in jammies. I hope you both feel better soon.


                      AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

                      Happy Thursday Abbers!

                      Very cold in these part but no snow - thank goodness.

                      I was freaked out with a smoking dream last night - first one in a long time. I've been smoke free 569 days, geez!

                      I need to get my small cash gifts together for my mail lady, trash guy, etc as well. They like cash around here not cupcakes. Happy baking Gia

                      Work is waiting so I'd better get to it.
                      Good luck today Greenie

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

                        Hi Lav! :chick: Freezing and no snow here, either. Chief, where are you that you're being pounded by the white stuff?

                        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                          AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

                          Hello friends,

                          Wow, the crud must be everywhere! My son went to school yesterday afternoon, but he is def not 100%. He will be overwhelmed with make up work, and that is not what he needs right now! UGH. I will be glad when 2nd semester is over! He had 6 am practice today--it is kind of hard to ground the kid when he needs vehicle and phone for such things. I know I should have, but just didn't feel like taking him to town this morning.

                          I have such a heavy, heavy heart for my friends. He has stage 4 colon cancer that is in his liver and lymph nodes. They are seeing a specialist and she said they are "hopeful". I'm not sure what that means. If you could send some prayers and healing energy John's way, that would be great. They have 1 beautiful daughter my #2 son's age and she is daddy's girl. :upset: (Did I mention he's only 47)

                          So, yeah, it's hard to be upbeat, but it's great to be sober. I have to admit, a part of me wants to just get drunk and make it all go away. But the smarter part of me know it won't help anything.

                          Greenie, I hope you get that job! It sounds wonderful.

                          You mommies with sick kids I feel for you. I love hearing how you spend time with them baking and cuddling. You are good mommies!:h

                          I'm keeping busy. I put up some Christmas stuff the other day, and I have 8 trees! WTH????

                          Have a great sober day all!:h
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

                            I'm still off sick - apparently I am contagious for 2-3 days after last vomit so shouldn't go in tomorrow - has morphed into a cold!Just feel really tired and weak and really, really anxious about team situation - she is being overfriendly to people that I hang out with/blanking me. It's like being at school again!


                            Spoke to someone in team - they well aware and it's all good
                            Feeling ill but happy now. Time for shower in a bit and putting the tree up.
                            LOVE being AF.
                            one day at a time


                              AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

                              Good Morning Abbers-
                              Good Luck 2day Greenie!! Hope the "time" thing works in your favor.
                              LVT25, my prayers are with your friend John. Just a ray of hope: My uncle was diagnosed with colin cancer 1 1/2 yrs ago; pretty progressive; he's in his 50's; and he's doing great today. So hold on to hope and prayers.
                              I'm going to try to be productive today. If I can be half as productive as BB, I'll feel as if I accomplished something. I've got my pre-lit tree up; but no ornaments. I've got some decorations out; but not all of them. I think I'm going to go lite on the decorations this year. It always seems that by the new year, I have SOO many decorations to repack. I'd like to begin my annual baking (for the neighbors, friends, milk man, postman, etc), but I've been putting that off. I came up with a new idea this year: I'm going to do ice box cookies. The recipe is almost identical to regular cookies, but with a little tweak. You make the dough, divide it, roll it into logs, and then freeze or fridge it. You give it to your friends with a note instructing them that when they want hot fresh cookies, they'll be at their finger tips. Someone did it for me one year and I loved the idea. Last year I did cheese cakes and that got to be too expensive. Christmas is approaching WAY too fast!!
                              After a week of sobriety, got my first solid night's sleep last night. Despite a quick midnight wake up, I slept for nine hours!!!! That's way more than I need, but WOW! I forgot what it was like to sleep through the night without waking up with remorse. What a short term memory us alcoholics have!
                              Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!
                              "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"

