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AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

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    AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

    Morning all - just a quick zoom-through for me as well as work is busy, busy busy!

    BB, thanks for starting us off today nice and early (think that works out to 2:30am my time??) - its awesome to see so many posts so early in the day!

    Take care everyone...
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

      LVT, special prayers for your friend, John. :l:l

      Gia, wow! That is all I have to say! Baking is a lot of fun with the little ones, isn't it? Stay warm!

      Good luck at the interview, Greenie. I find it very strange how an unemployment office would not change an appointment for a job interview. Good Grief! Good luck to you and your hectic schedule today!

      Get well soon, Bear!

      This flu that is going around is a doozy it seems. Little AFM was sick all weekend with vomiting and diarrhea for it to only rear it's ugly head again last night. She was wanting 'cuddles' after school yesterday and wanted to come to bed with me last night. At about 9pm she managed to vomit and then at 3am she was on the potty with with runs. UGH. (I know too much info). Weird how it came and went, then came again! So, I am keeping her home today from school. She is looking a bit pale. Lots of fluids going into her today!

      Hello to all others! Hope that Thursday finds you all well.

      Gosh, I am having HUGE anxiety with it being the 9th already! I am NOT prepared for Christmas other than having the tree up, the outside lights up and one stocking stuffer bought! Starting to get a wee bit stressed right out! Deep breaths. xo


        AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

        Injecting coffee and then a smoothie with my all-one before heading over to the unemployment office.

        bear, I have found this approach very helpful in dealing with the type of challenge you face with that workmate. Poke around the site a bit; you might be interested in reading the book. Forgiveness with

        LVT :l Careful to not take on everyone elses' pain, lovie.... Your heart is SO big, just keep space in there for yourself, OK?

        Chief and cab, congrats on your week plus!!!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

          Hello All,

          Sounds like everyone is busy, busy even in the midst of being sick. My kids and husband have been sick and I am fighting off the germs. All are are the mend and I think I may have escaped it (knocking on wood). I started taking Sambucol at the first sign of feeling icky. It's a homeopathic remedy that works wonders for cold and flu if you start taking it early enough. Awesome stuff that really works!

          BB, I think I would enjoy hanging out at your house. It sounds like a cozy and nurturing environment. It is great that you are getting these extra services for your daughter; early intervention is so important ant makes all of the difference. I have a daughter with Asperger's and I truly believe that her disabilities would have been much more profound were it not for the speech and occupational therapy that we started when she was four years old and the social skills training we began at the age of seven. Have you read any of Temple Grandin's books or seen her movie? She has Asperger's and writes some incredible books about the sensory experiences and learning styles of children on the spectrum. I know you said that your daughter is not on the spectrum but I think her insights and advice are great for any child.

          Greenie....sending more interview mojo. Just be your great self. Do you really want this job? When I was a career counselor, I found that if someone went on an interview and really wanted the job, they were more like to be successful than say someone who is not so thrilled about it.

          Papmom3. Darn, I missed The Biggest Loser. I love that show. It is so inspiring. Good for you for the 5K training and for getting to the gym. It sounds like you are really getting into it!! I finally broke down and joined a gym for the winter because I wasn't getting outside for bootcamp or running as much as I wanted to. I am becoming a cold weather weanie!

          AFM. I have done nothing for Christmas either. It is just coming up way too fast. How is your dad doing?

          GoAwayCabernet. Good to see you hear and I am happy you are on the AF wagon. It sounds like you are doing pretty good.

          LVT. I sent my oldest to school today and she's not feeling 100% either but she was worried about school work. I am so very sorry to hear about John and I am sending healing vibes his way. Big reminder to everyone to have their colonoscopies starting at age 50.

          Pride. When it gets to be this time of year, I am thankful that I don't live in New England anymore. However, I still miss it there even though I've lived in VA for over 20 years.

          Lav, a smoking dream. I've never had one of those before.

          Bear, hope you feel better soon. Sounds like there's lots of drama on your team. You will see though that the more AF time you get underneath your belt, the less you will be sucked into it (or even aware that it is occurring).

          Gaia and zoom, zoom twins. Carry on.

          Where's Chief? Did he check in today?

          Uni, how are you feeling with the holdays coming up?

          Hi Marshy, AA, and Mr. G.

          That's all. Hello to all others to come.

          AF Since April 20, 2008
          4 Years!!!


            AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

            Day 9 here. Busy day today.....I'll check in later. Everything's good. All systems go!

            Never again,



              AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

              Germ city here too and I seem to have passed it on to XNGF. Oops! But we went to Wagamama's for lunch (coconut & lemongrass soup with noodles, veg and tofu for me, sweet potato and aubergine curry for her) and we're both feeling a lot better after that!

              LVT - sorry to hear about your friend, that's such a young age to be so ill. But maybe there is still hope if the doctors say that.

              Mom3 - I've never heard of Sambucol, I'll look into it.

              Greenie - let us know how the interview goes.

              Hello to everyone else. Time to wrap a few Christmas prezzies...
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

                Thank you everyone for your continued support of me and mine!

                Go away, thanks for telling me about your uncle! That helps so much.

                Thanks Greenie for saying I have a big heart. I guess I must, because I just want to be able to help so badly! I even stopped at the clinic that I used to work at and offered my services (for free) when I heard their daughter was having surgery. Too late to help them however, she is already back in school! Good news there!

                What a wonderful idea about the cookie dough Go Away! You could adorn the package with some cookie cutters! I like it! I think I might just find someone to give this to! :thanks:
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

                  whew! I'm back home again and busy as can be. will try to catch up shortly.

                  do it AF!! woooooo!

                  be well
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

                    Momentarily stunned, M3--I read this as " I started taking Sambuka at the first sign of feeling icky." :H:H
                    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                      AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

                      I thought the interview went fine. I received lots of nodding and smiling while they
                      jotted notes. Odd to be on the other side of the fence. Now I just wait
                      and see.

                      Before I went, those guys in suits with backpacks on bikes (but they were on foot) came to
                      the door wanting to chat about their church. I explained I was just about
                      to get ready to go to a job interview so they asked did I want them to say a
                      prayer for it? I said sure; I mean who turns down a prayer, right? So there
                      on my porch, they said a prayer for me being calm and presenting well during
                      the interview and that it be the job that was right for me should I want it,
                      etc. I took that as a good omen.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

                        Good luck Greenie! A great experience nonetheless, and the sky is the limit as far as work for you goes i say.

                        Go for it Chief!

                        Best wishes to those who aren't feeling to well.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

                          Pride before Fall;1020283 wrote: Momentarily stunned, M3--I read this as " I started taking Sambuka at the first sign of feeling icky." :H:H
                          Oh My:nutso:
                          AF Since April 20, 2008
                          4 Years!!!


                            AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

                            You are so right Mr G - you can do anything!!!

                            I realized with YB gone I will have no address labels printed for Christmas cards. I never bothered to learn how to do them, he just did them. I now have Google instructions on how to print labels & I'm going to do them tonight :H
                            I've never had an office job that required those sort of tasks. My work tools were a stethoscope & bandage scissors!

                            LVT, sorry to hear about your friend. He is very ill for such a young man.

                            Chief, congrats on your 9 AF days, very cool

                            In addition to last night's smoking dream I also reamt that I spent $171 at the supermarket & almost had a heart attack - WTF?
                            I might just stay up tonight, skip the nightmares :H

                            Greenie, sounds like your interview went well, good!

                            Ok, off to print labels.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

                              LAV, send me the link will ya? I have to do my dad's cards and would like to not handwrite his return address. (Never had to do that in my job either)
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                                AF daily - Thursday, December 9th

                                Hi Everyone! Green one, I'm glad you had a good interview and lots of Prayer Power going in. That's Nunapalooza as we say around here.

                                I'm still woefully un-caught-up but thinking of you all and sending AF vibes around the world.

                                The Grand Prix Final of figure skating starts at about 3AM my time. I hope to be napped and watching. The sober life is the good life. :h

                                One thing is for sure..

                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

