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December Determination - Week 2

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    December Determination - Week 2

    Good morning everyone

    Seeing as I am on early for a change I thought I would start us off on this our second week. Thanks for pointing it out Dill. This thread is so active and interesting, I get caught up reading etc. and forget what day I am on. Liked some of the readings for today so thought I would share them:

    "If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours".

    Keep your sobriety first, to make it last.

    Today, I will focus on what's right about me. I will give myself some of the caring I've
    extended to the world.
    --Melody Beattie

    Learn to Let Go. That is the key to happiness.

    Worry is like a rocking chair -- it gives you something to do but it doesn't get you

    Regarding Christmas shopping etc. I'm afraid I hate it, hate crowded shopping centres, not being able to park, the heat, crowds etc. I got into the habit of picking things up as I go along when the girls were little and I could not get out to shop for long periods. I still do and usually have all my shopping done by end November. It stood me in good stead this year because of the snow. The thaw has started but our driveway is still bad and I cannot get the car up.

    Rebirth - Enjoy your son while he is so small and staying AF is your greatest gift to him.

    Cyn - Hope your doggie improves.

    SD - Something that struck me from your Dad's e-mail was that he was in denial. Head buried firmly in the sand. It could be because of his drinking. How many of us have felt ashamed and wished to forget and bury our behaviour and pretend it never happened? Just a thought.

    Chill - loved the pictures.

    Everyone else big hello and have a great week-end.


    December Determination - Week 2

    Morning all, do you know I definitely posted yesterday (on the week one thread) and it isn't there! I mustn't have pressed the send button or something ... it was not a senior moment honestly.

    Well its not freezing this morning yippee, no ice on the roads. Its grey and miserable though and only about 1C but better than we've been having so I'm off to do a bit more shopping with Mr S - which is a recipe for disaster but I will try and remain cheerful!

    Have a good Friday folks - not long now till the man in red makes an appearance.

    See you later
    love Sooty


      December Determination - Week 2

      Busy Friday ahead for me. My daughter and SIL are spending the weekend so I have to get extra food in the house, get the guest room ready, and clean a little. Not too much because with extra people in the house, it get messy anyway.

      Chill, loved the beach pictures, beautiful. It would be nice if our problems would just go away, but we know that is not happening. Interesting to me was the comment McLibra made about the way your ex has treated you. I know in our financial disaster, my husband was the one to blame. I made up my mind that I would never be in that position again, and have not been. Thus, the going back to school. It is so empowering to be able to support yourself, and I wish that f or you. I don't miss staying home, but I do wish I had a wife, you know, dinner on the table, laundry done, etc.

      SD, if your son does not want to go, that speaks volumes. Have you ever heard of Children of Alcoholic info? I have read up on it and it is so interesting. Claudia Black is an auther who might interest you.

      Lav, sending you warm wishes and bravo on figuring out how to do things that YB did.

      Cyn, Dill, Rustop, Sooty, Rebirth, Papmom, and all, have a peaceful loving AF day.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        December Determination - Week 2

        Brrrrr - 18 degrees!!!!!
        The weather people are promising colder weather next week - GEEZ!

        Lots os stuff on my 'to do' list today so I'll get moving.
        Wishing everyone a terrific AF Friday

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          December Determination - Week 2

          We're havin a heat wave, 35 degrees this morning. Big snow/rain/sleet storm forecast for this weekend. I'm tidying up around here and then heading a couple of hours north to Chicago. The friends I'm staying with are the ones who live in a high rise on Lake Michigan. A perfect place to watch a storm roll in. I love dramatic weather.
          Bought The Last Child yesterday. Remember John recommended it and think LBH also read it.
          Thinking of LBH down there in tropical Panama. Hope she's having a wonderful time.
          Hope everyone has a safe and sober weekend.


            December Determination - Week 2

            Enjoy your Chicago weekend Shelley

            Never made it past 34 this afternoon ~ can't wait to see what that weather system brings here.
            I just decorated the bird cage with a set of tiny white lights. The bird probably thinks I'm nuts :H I've had him for nearly 25 years & never thought to decorate his cage.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              December Determination - Week 2

              Late afternoon here in the desert -- Friday greetings all.

              Rebirth, sorry about the financial woes - as PMom says, break all the crockery you like! I hope things turn around quickly for you.

              Thanks, Rustop for the quotes - I'm trying to practice the Buddha one... Your gift buying sounds perfect - lucky family.

              Sped, Lav, PMom, try to stay warm - I'm sending AZ warmth your way - soak up some fire time for me... Sped - watching the storm roll in sounds great.

              Rusty, you there? Chill, are you all right? PA? I'm always thinking of you all - great to hear from you Mr G and Sooty - sorry if I missed anyone. Hope all have a great AF Friday night -
              to the light


                December Determination - Week 2

                Staying warm here cyn with a big pot of Mushroom Veg. Barley soup & a fire in the fireplace
                Just heard it's going to warm up to 50 on Sunday but with an inch of rain.
                All that does is make me think about muddy chickens :H I'll have to throw another bale of hay in their yard tomorrow to try to keep the mud down, yuck.

                We are missing a few folks today - Chill, PAguy, & papmom to name a few.
                I'll be keeping an eye out
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  December Determination - Week 2

                  I'm here!! It's snowing!!! I'm soooo not ready for this! It's been a busy busy day. Trying to catch up at work (I have a ton to do on Sunday while I'm at the RE office if there are no projects for me!), worked out for an hour and a half tonite at PF. Some food shopping on the way home and then a late dinner. Sick dog to keep an eye on (who knows what they get into in the yard!!) and some volunteer website work to do. Whew! It's almost midnight and I have a 7:30am WW meeting tomorrow morning, then our breed club's annual Xmas party which will go all afternoon. I don't know when I'm going to get Xmas shopping in!! Thankfully the kids all want gift cards. The adults are another story. I'm also trying to knit some mittens for my 5 yo nephew. Why? I have no idea!! I should probably make them bigger than the pattern calls for since they probably won't be done until he's 10 :H
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    December Determination - Week 2

                    I'm checkin' in....F..a...a....a....reeeezzzzzinggggg herre people!!!!!! It's suppose to get to NEGATIVE 20 to 40 degrees below ZERO wind chill tomorrow!!!!! WHY DO I LIVE HERE!!!????? As I'm typing I'm hearing Christmas decorations smashing against my house....dang it...well at least it's the only thing around here thats smashed...hahha!....My mom and I went to a semi pro ( I guess) hockey game's new to our town...holy buckets it's crazy!!!! Pucks flying....players fighting...all kinds of kif=ds and parents I knew there....most bring there kids there as a family get nachos mommy daddy get Budweiser...I felt like a CELEB!!!! I told my mom....see...even if I want to be 'normal' which I know I'm not...I can't don't see me like that and I would never want them too! What is soooo funny to watch to parents that try to hide the beer or whatever when they see me coming....IRONY HUH!!???? LOL!!!!! Like I'm going to judge walking around in my glass house!!! If they only knew....someday....Anyway...I need to head to bed with my meds in hand...dang sore throat....catch up with you all tomorrow!!
                    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                      December Determination - Week 2

                      I don?t know where to start with this thread and everyone is so busy and productive Rustop I really enjoy your readings and they always have a way of being meaningful. Sped I read the Last Child a few weeks ago and enjoyed it so much I ordered Down River another of his but haven?t managed to get to it yet. I have gone back to reading since being AF and I am reading about a book a week. Last Week it was Eat, Pray, Love and this week I have started The Lovely Bones. I also have a couple of Buddhist books ? mainly meditation, lying by my bed that I dip in and out of and a couple of yoga books that I am also reading.

                      Lav I had to smile at you decorating the bird cage with lights, so cute Papmom I am also knitting at the moment, I?ve done a couple of sets of leg warmers for my little granddaughters and bedsocks for my DIL?s for xmas. I found lovely wool that knits up like a Fair Isle pattern (but simple stocking stitch) so they are really pretty in pinks. I can knit Fair Isle patterns myself (my granny taught me to knit when I was only 3) but they are very complicated so this is a great way without the hassle. SD I can?t imagine how cold it must be with you, and we thought we had it bad the past week or so? It must make you laugh to hear how so many of us were snowed in and unable to work.

                      I?ve been up since 6am, my visitors from Spain are off to stay with other friends this morning so I am making a start at tidying up a bit. They are still in bed; they haven?t stopped drinking since they arrived so I am sure they will be a bit woolly headed this morning. Funnily both said to me on the quiet that they were worried about the other?s drinking!! Better get off and start breakfast, happy weekend to everyone.

                      Dewdrop :h
                      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                        December Determination - Week 2

                        Early Saturday Morning....

                        Dewdrop, it is so funny, being AF, we notice when others overindulge and know how they must feel, but of course in polite company, let's pretend everything is fine. Your knitting projects sound interesting, and beautiful too. How is your AF journey going?

                        Lav, your soup sounds wonderful, and I also have a fire going 24//7 when I am home. I have a gas fireplace, it is convenient. Fires make it so cozy and warm.

                        SD, you sound strong and confident in your experience at the hockey game. My take on your evening was that it is just easier to be AF. No hiding booze from adults and kids, just enjoying the sights and sounds of the evening. I am happy for you. I also appreciated your comment about if people only knew....good lesson for me that I should never assume anything about others.

                        I worked really hard yesterday, laundry, cleaning and cooking. I made 32 ham sandwiches, so my visitors and family can eat when they want. It is a tradition I made up when my daughter first visited during college and would bring friends, lots of big young men with voracious appetites. They would sometimes stuff the sandwiches in their pockets as they headed off to to the train and Chicago. You mix margarine and mustard together, add diced onions. Then layer on buns, ham, swiss cheese, and add a big dollop of the mustard mix, wrap in foil and bake at 350 for 45 minutes. They are good hot and cold. The most I ever made was 48, and never have any left over. Needless to say I slept like a rock, was AF, and so content.

                        But I was very tempted to drink...very. I made myself a mocktail, got over the hump,and have no regrets. My son and daughter polished off a big bottle of white son was an annoying a**. My SIL nursed one beer for over an hour. He is just not interested. As I have said in the past, I really want his respect and know that any alcohol consumption on my part puts that respect at risk. Chill, I want you to know that when my crazy thinking started last night I used your example of, you know you will never have just one drink, what a joke, who are you trying to kid, etc. Thanks again for your help.

                        Where is everyone? Probably busy with Christmas activity. We miss you. Have a wonderful, AF day.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          December Determination - Week 2

                          Good Morning Friends,

                          Just a quick check-in here as I have a busy day planned with my mother.

                          SD-I retract my earlier answer about phoning your dad. I don't think even that would help and here's why: my friend's mother is an active alcoholic, at the age of 83 and for many years when he was young, she beat him with a curtain rod which she kept next to the stove. She has always been an angry, unfeeling woman incapable of showing her husband or her 3 children any kind of affection. She has always denied beating him, but because of the Christmas tradition, my friend and his wife have always gotten together with his mother and his siblings, and of course, it's always disastrous. This year, after confronting his mother again about the e-mails, and in many in-person confrontations, she said her misery is all his fault and has denied beating him. Now at the age of 54, he and his wife are spending Christmas by themselves. They are very sad people and I feel badly for them. You were right. Spend Christmas alone with your son and have fun!

                          Regarding gifts, I love buying them and I love the whole spirit of Christmas. I was raised in a big Catholic family and the religious part of Xmas was foremost, but then we always like buying gifts for people we love, knowing that they will be thrilled to get something they really needed or wanted. My family and I enjoy being together, especially at the holidays, but I know I'm lucky because it's rare that it happens this way.

                          Chill-I loved your pictures and your dog is so cute! The beach pictures were particularly important to me as water....lakes, oceans....has always had a calming effect on me. I echo what Star said on the financial're a smart, enthusiastic woman and you will find the wherewithall to get a job/find a career where you can support yourself.

                          Star-those are called Bunwiches! We make them all the time....perfect for a party! Delicious! If anyone wants the recipe, let one of us know! Very good comfort food, too.

                          Dewdrop-I admire your love of knitting....I couldn't knit my way out of a paper bag.:H My SIL knits beautiful caps, blankets...and like you, she finds it very relaxing. Interesting about your friends from Spain-did they ask you why you weren't drinking?

                          Lav-I hope the chicks stay dry.

                          Rustop-thanks again for your lovely quotes, as always.

                          Sped-have fun in Chicago! I love visiting Chicago, but living thanks!

                          Hi Papmom....the Christmas furmom of our thread.

                          Cyn-thank you for asking about my travel schedule. I have been local the last 2 weeks and next week, too! YAY!

                          PAguy, hope you're ok....check in, please!

                          Hello to Dill, Sooty, Rebirth, LBH, Raven, G and anyone else who pops in, have a wonderful AF Saturday!

                          Ugh...did I say QUICK check-in? Who was I kidding?:H


                            December Determination - Week 2

                            Hey Ho!
                            Rusty, I most definitely want the recipe for the Bunwiches! They sound like a great item for a pot luck, too. You sound so good a positive this morning, I'm in a lighter mood just from reading your post!

                            Dewdrop, I'm a knitter, too. I am working on a scarf in a basket weave pattern at the moment. Your leg warmers sound really pretty.

                            Star, how long will you have guests? I love having my family in, but it can be stressful, too. My daughter and SIL both like to sip on red wine in the evening and I was tempted. I actually did give in and drink with them one evening while playing a game. I didn't over do it though as I am, like you, determined to keep the respect of my children and SIL.

                            Sped, I am going to read the Last Child when I get the time. I am currently reading a detective novel which I don't actually recommend, and I have a novel lined up for when I am finished with this one. I am reading a trilogy called The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and I will be starting the second book. I enjoyed the first book, but I'm not sure it would be for everybody.

                            SD, did Brayden go to the hockey game with you? I enjoyed your description of events there. I can so relate to feeling worried that I would lose the respect of my students and parents if they only knew my secret. But, they NEVER will!

                            Papmom, you really keep busy, don't you!! Send me some of that energy, please. I hope your doggie is OK.

                            Lav, I didn't know you had a bird (besides chickens, that is). What kind is it?

                            Cyn, I caught some of that AZ warmth you sent to Lav. Yesterday afternoon was so beautiful, sunny and a "warm" 40 degrees. Kids were outside in their shirtsleeves!

                            Rustop, Chill, PA, G, Rebirth, have a great AF weekend.

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              December Determination - Week 2

                              Hello, and Happy Saturday all - Dewdrop and P3, I love to knit, and am finishing a lightweight, lacy scarf for my stepdaughter. I would love to know how to do the 'decorative' Fair Isle, Dewdrop, that sounds like a wonderful pattern! Also, I am interested in what Buddhist books you are reading.

                              Somehow, even AF, I have found no time to read; which used to be one of my great joys...have to keep that as a priority. But I did take up my knitting again, so that's a step I guess.

                              Rusty, your Christmas sounds wonderful - you are indeed lucky. Dill - glad you caught the warmth - now send it on to SD, will you? Star - you are such a great Mom - those sandwiches sound wonderful - great job sidestepping the craving. Dewdrop - good luck with your guests. Lav - I too love the thought of those lights on the bird cage. More twinkle lights there can be, the better I think! I'm missing my lights this year - we figured it wasn't appropriate when trying to sell - I have a few holidays touches here and there in the house, but very quietly.

                              Speaking of which, must get going on the big spiff-up again on the house: second viewing today by an interested party - cross your fingers!

                              Chill - I am anxious to hear how you are doing -- hello to all who stop in today --
                              to the light

