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December Determination - Week 2

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    December Determination - Week 2

    Ok, this will be the last post before I leave for the gym.

    I was thinking of Dill's wonderful quote about how strong minds talk about ideas...average minds talk about wants, and weak minds talk about people. She was my inspiration in starting this thread. Thanks, Dill. You are a winner with a strong mind in my mind and my heart. Let's be determined this month and in 2011 to talk about ideas that will improve our bodies, minds, and souls.


      December Determination - Week 2

      Congrats on 5 months, John!!! That is so exciting, and you sound like you have a terrific plan in place for your week out of town.

      Dewdrop, thanks for the book recommendations - they sound fascinating. I hope you have some time to spend 'filling the well' for yourself, it can indeed be tiring to have guests. I'm looking forward to the 25th for you - it will be a victorious day, I'm sure.

      Chill - Jupiter!? Wow - that seems special somehow...and thank you for your words about 'the tunnel' and how becoming AF opens up one's life. I love that image - as if to take a drink is to literally pick up a brick and mortar and to start to block yourself off (from your higher self, yes Star!), and to stay AF means seeing the wall slowly crumble away, letting you be in touch with yourself and the world. Hmmm, going to hold onto that image.

      Star - thanks for your words, what noble goals.

      Rusty - go for the thread, great idea! Your post made me realize that yesterday I was able to confront a lot of fears and accomplish some things that I would not have, if the thought of AL had been there..I'm doubly grateful for that now.

      I worked hard and long yesterday, and feel like I can count on myself now to continue to move through my fears about getting everything done on time. A big difference from 24 hours ago...thanks to everyone for their spirit!

      Great to hear from you, Mr G - good luck everybody with the cold and the snow - greetings to all who stop by today - will try to check in tonight -
      to the light


        December Determination - Week 2

        Good morning December friends!

        It's snowing at the moment but it's not going to last long - I hope

        Star, your post about being more loving made me think. That is exactly what I had been trying to do the past few years but my efforts were wasted. My spouse reflected (rejected) my attempts to be more loving. His titanium shield allowed no love in........sad.
        I still have my kids & their kids to love so I am grateful.

        Well, I need to get to the post office.
        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          December Determination - Week 2

          Hi everyone

          Just been on my final trip to the shopping mall, wont be visiting again until about February!! We still have some snow and more promised for the week-end. This is very unusual, some winters we only have a few days of snow and usually its later in January or February.

          John - well done on 5 months and good luck with your trip. Dewdrop - thanks for the book recommendations. I have always enjoyed reading, even while drinking.

          Star - any tips on being loving and giving with teenagers, I have great intentions and then they say or do something that sets me off.

          The 16 year old is having her new boyfriend over this evening so I better tidy up a bit after being out all morning.

          Have a great AF week everyone.



            December Determination - Week 2

            Quick check in-

            Sicker than a dog! ((Cough)) ((Cough))

            At work! ((Sniff))

            Want to go home and crawl in bed! (((AAHHH---CHOOOOOOOO!!)))


            Going to find more kleenex!


            PS--Good job John on 5 months!!!!:goodjob:
            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



              December Determination - Week 2

              Quick post tonight, I'm tired after a long day at work. SD you sound in a bad way I hope you feel better after a good sleep tonight :l

              I'm off to write my Christmas Cards and a list of pressies to buy, I do love this time of year

              Dewdrop :h
              Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                December Determination - Week 2

                Stargazerlily;1021892 wrote:

                .. it's about filling our time to create a new life, celebrating everyday. Once we are break the pattern of misery, we are free to rediscover our true selves, our higher selves. Any kind of substance separates us from our higher self. Did anyone else notice this?
                Hello all. Cant hang around too much as I am overloaded with work!

                Star you couldnt have said that better. I was thinking the exact same thoughts today. Six months ago I was a daily drinker. I was a prisoner to my bottle of wine but now I feel so free!!

                Rusty was thinking of Dill's quote the other day. Its one of those that I will never forget. As well as the asking a question fool for aminute etc.
                I like the idea of your thread. I like any thread that reminds me of my new freedom. I can get complacent at times so it's good to be reminded.
                Be strong-
                We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                  December Determination - Week 2

                  Greetings Dewdrop & rebirth!

                  It's become very cold & windy here today. I'm hanging out in front of the fire with my decaf green tea again

                  Stay warm everyone!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    December Determination - Week 2

                    Hello Folks!

                    Ok, I feel like a total GEEK. As I was packing up for my business trip this morning I decided to bring my personal laptop with me, too. So, I managed to cram 2 laptops into my luggage! This way, I?ll have yet another diversion from doing work 24 hours a day while I?m on the road. :H

                    I was not paying attention to the weather reports and I was shocked when we were departing Philadelphia this morning for St. Louis and the pilot said it was 7 degrees in St. Louis. I think it warmed up to 20 degrees by the time I landed. I?ll be in Dallas later this week so hopefully I?ll be greeted by warmer temperatures there.

                    Dewdrop, Lav, Dill and Cyn - I really enjoyed reading about all the knitters on this thread. My mother did tons of knitting and crocheting. I still sleep with afghans that she made and I have the afghan that she had on her bed in hospice before she passed away. They are such works of art and love.

                    Stargazerlily;1021892 wrote: Once we break the pattern of misery, we are free to rediscover our true selves, our higher selves. Any kind of substance separates us from our higher self. Did anyone else notice this?
                    Star ? I loved the way you talk about breaking the pattern of misery ? I couldn?t agree with you more. This was exactly how I was living, or not living, I should say. I could really get upset if I stop to think about all the wasted years but I am only looking forward at this point. And, the past years of misery are a very clear reminder of where I would still be if I had not turned things around. Thanks for sharing your insights.

                    Star ? 32 ham sandwiches!!! Now, that is yet another shining example of a labor of love. What a great idea and I am sure your company was very grateful.

                    Rusty ? I also have a 2011 goal to get involved with volunteer work. When I was recovering from my surgery, I did some poking around and found an organization, Philabundance, which provides services to fight the hunger issues in the Philadelphia area. There are nearly 1 million people in this area who face hunger every day. My goal is to start volunteering my services in their food distribution center, which coincidentally, is only a couple of miles from where I grew up. So, this organization really hits home for me. Good luck with your search for a volunteer organization.

                    SD ? You sound like you are in a bad way. The down side of working alongside young children is that they are little incubators of all sorts of germs, aren?t they? Hope you are feeling better real soon.

                    Thanks, everyone, for your kind words on my 5 month anniversary. I?ve said it before, I am very thankful for my friends on this thread and the MWO community at large for being such a big part of my recovery and plan to remain AF. As you pointed out, Star, MWO really does represent more of a holistic approach to living our lives to their fullest.

                    Papmom ? Love the picture of your doggies with their red bows. I can?t imagine trying to attach a bow to my little guy?s collar ? I don?t think it would stay on for very long!

                    Chill ? Great job with the holiday party! As we go through each of these passages, it seems to get easier, doesn?t it? Your strength and determination is admirable ? Bravo!

                    Mr. G ? Can you send some of your warm Australian summer weather our way? Parts of the US are in a deep freeze here. Can you help us out??

                    Sped, Rustop, Sooty, Rebirth and all other fellow Determinators ? Hoping you have a restful evening.
                    AF since 7/13/2010


                      December Determination - Week 2

                      Good night all/good morning easterners -- I am getting into a habit of writing when I first get up, and then checking everyone's stories just before I go to bed. I love knowing what's going on with everyone. John - good for you for taking your personal laptop, I hope you'll be able to check in while away - stay warm! You too, Lav! All this talk of fires in the fireplace has me very jealous - my Mom is going to have to have a continuous one in her fireplace when I go to visit her over Christmas.

                      Another long day, and very productive. I'm still just keeping my head above water, but that's better than the alternative! Hope everyone is OK - great to hear from you, Rustop, Dewdrop - Sooty, you there? - SD, hope you feel better soon, Star take care, PMom, Dill, LBH (wherever you are), all all I wish you well.

                      I'll greet Jupiter in the morning, thanks Chill -
                      Cheers -
                      to the light


                        December Determination - Week 2

                        Yes I'm here Cyn, just havent had time to log on and connect with you all. I dunno where the time goes!

                        Another beautiful cold crisp day here but bad weather forecast for the end of the week and they're saying that we're quite likely to have a white Christmas! Now that will be something to sing about

                        Off to do some last minute bits and pieces - catch you all later. Have a good Tuesday folks


                          December Determination - Week 2

                          Snowy morning gosh, it is like the middle of February weatherwise.

                          PAguy, I forgot to say contrats on 5 whole entire months AF. It is life changing and I am so happy for you. Can you share what exactly led to your decision to go AF? I would greatly appreciate it. I am determined to stay AF over the holidays, and enjoyed your tale of the party you attended. You had dignity and respect for yourself, and had a chat with someone and helped them out with your ideas and behaviors. You are really courageous, IMO. Good that you brought your laptop so you can keep connected. When you are busy, we miss your input.

                          Rusty, what a great idea for a thread. Do you have concerns about the holiday season? I know that I have some uncomfortable memories of holidays past and my imbibing. All I can think of to describe myself is "What an a##." Truly, what was I thinking? Your comment on sometimes feeling lonely brought to mind that I often feel lonely in the middle of the two men I live with. I have a friend with sons who told me she often feels the same way. Not always, just sometimes. Anyone else feel lonely at times?

                          Chill, thanks for your feedback on my comments, you are so insightful and have a great way with words and descriptions. Alcohol as a tunnel around ourselves, a wall that keeps life out. I too ate right and exercised for years, no one would have guessed my unhealthy ways. Finally, it has caught up with me, in my late forties. I guess my body said, "No more." Sending you positive energy and peace.

                          Lav, marriage takes two people, and it sounds like you have been on your own for a while. How hurtful, it is so good that your kids are in the area. My life would be so much better if I lived closer to my daughter, but that's the way it goes.

                          OK everyone, have a great productive day, AF.
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            December Determination - Week 2

                            Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.--Langston Hughes
                            Many of our dreams died as our addiction got worse. We felt the loss but couldn't speak it. With recovery, we regain our ability to dream. Dreams of sharing our lives with family and friends return. They push out thoughts of getting high. Dreams of pride and self-respect reappear. They replace the awful feeling of shame. Like the quote above says, "Hold fast to dreams...." Our dreams are our wishes for the future.
                            They hold a picture of who we want to be. In our dreams, we let our spirits soar. Often, we feel close to God, others and ourselves. Thanks God, we can dream again.
                            ~ Daily Recovery Readings

                            I have been enjoying all the wonderful posts on this thread, and especially the theme of the happiness that breaking our drinking habits has brought. The same theme was highlighted in the Recovery Readings, so I thought I'd copy and paste. You have all said it so eloquently.

                            As far as feelings of loneliness, I think we all have them at one time or another. Sometimes I'll feel very strong longings for my departed family members and I feel very lonely, even if I am with Mr. Dill.

                            Congrats, Paguy on your 5 months! I'm glad you took both of your laptops. Was it a problem getting through security?

                            Rebirth and Rusty, I am glad you like the quotes I pick out to share. I just wish I had saved them for my self somewhere! I like them too and now I can't remember them exactly either!:H

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              December Determination - Week 2

                              Good morning everyone

                              In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog
                              that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him.
                              --Dereke Bruce

                              I know that there are a lot of pet lovers on this thread so I thought you would all enjoy the above, it is so, so true.

                              Have spent the morning stocking up on dog food etc. as we are promised more snow at the end of the week. I have a carpet cleaner booked for Friday morning and am getting my hair done. It is not the end of the world if neither get done.

                              I often feel lonely, especially this time of year. I have lost a lot of loved ones and have to keep reminding myself to be thankful for all the people I have in my life. Hopefully when my daughters get older we will become closer. At the moment it just seems to be constant battles. Having said that they insisted on coming with me to pick out the Christmas tree today!

                              Have a great day everyone.



                                December Determination - Week 2

                                Good morning friends,

                                Super chilly this morning, 18 degrees - zero wind chill, Brrrrr!

                                Talking about being lonely.......
                                I am at a loss on what to do for Christmas. Our usual routine here is to have dinner Christmas Eve with the kids & open gifts. I asked the kids what they wanted to do this year.......they both said the usual. I haven't heard from YB & I don't really want to invite him. I just keep thinking he left because he didn't want to be here anymore, so why invite him back? I am still reentful about him - no two ways about it!

                                I need to vacuum dog hair's piling up! Maybe I'll bake more cookies too

                                Wishing everyone a great day. Stay warm

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

