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AF daily - Friday, December 10th

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    AF daily - Friday, December 10th

    Happy Friday peeps!

    It's a nice cold day here today. Brrrrr.... We spent the rest of the afternoon and the evening at my mothers helping her put up her Christmas tree and her inside decorations, she made a nice boiled dinner for us which was delicious on a cold winter night and then we came home and we both pretty much went right to bed we were so tired from our long day. Since Mom is coming here for breakfast this morning I think I'll make up some homemade pancakes with cinnamon and grated apple; some home fries and the babe needs her turkey bacon.

    I've been doing really great this week with the cravings, I've hardly had any really. Just a couple thoughts which flashed through and went just as quickly, that was nice and painless! I really want to thank all the lovely people here on this thread, it's really so nice to to be around you all and have us all working together and looking out for eachother, the support and friendship is truly a blessing.

    Have a fantastic day everyone! One thing is for sure...I will not be drinking again this day.

    AF daily - Friday, December 10th

    Morning BB, and greetings Abber's far and wide!

    You're making me hungry talking pancakes BB. And, homemade too!

    Happy POETS day, and have a good one out there.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      AF daily - Friday, December 10th

      Good morning G-Man!

      I got this really great recipe for pancakes from the Jamie Oliver cookbooks, I love the way he cooks his food and prepares his meals. It's so simple, with great fresh ingredients and they taste great!

      USA-style pancake recipe | Breakfast recipes & dessert recipes | Jamie Oliver recipe

      I took out some gold and silver leafing today, so hopefully I can get some picture frames glammed up and nice and sparkly.

      What is Poets day? I thought I read something on the Army Thread about that, but it had already passed?


        AF daily - Friday, December 10th

        POETS = Piss Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday, BB. : )

        And happy POETS day to you too, G!

        Buckets of work and social commitments this weekend. Will check in a little later if the procrastination demon wins the battle for my brain.

        Coffee, coffee, coffee....

        xoxox Pride
        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


          AF daily - Friday, December 10th

          BB, don't know that I've ever been referred to as a 'lovely' person - but I guess there's always a first! I am officially jealous of all the awesome stuff that you make, and it has to constantly smell wonderful throughout your house!

          Cripes work has been busy.... Ironic in this economy but I can't hire people fast enough to keep up with all the work that we have... As a work side-note, I just figured out that there is a webcam built into my new work laptop, but it's kinda creepy to look at yourself through it. See how easily I can distract myself from having to work through these boring personnel issues??

          Oh well, off to it and time for the second cup of coffee. Have a great Friday everyone!
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


            AF daily - Friday, December 10th

            Good morning guys. Made it to day 14 AF. Last night was VERY hard as I'm traveling for work -- usually a big trigger to have a few glasses of wine at the Hotel in the evening.

            Anyway, made it through unscathed. I agree with AA -- if we're in a recession why am I so slammed with work??? I guess I should count my blessings. Looking forward to a great AF weekend.

            Now I'm craving pancakes....hmmm... and I had never heard of POETS day, another new word I've learned on this site in addition to "Feck".


              AF daily - Friday, December 10th

              Mylife - congrats on two weeks! That is awesome!
              Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                AF daily - Friday, December 10th

                Hi everyone!

                BB - I wish I had your energy - I am going to live vicariously through you, ok?

                Hey G-man and AA!

                My life - congrats on 14 days and your strength in travelling - that was always hard for me to.

                Hey Pride, my partner in sobriety! Woot woot!

                My little one is off again today (she probably could have gone in but we decided to have a mommy/daughter day). It's supposed to snow today so we are going to do some running around this morning and maybe bake some cookies this afternoon.

                I am not feeling so hot with this cold but I am just grateful to be sober for another day!

                Have a great AF day peeps!

                Love and hugs,
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  AF daily - Friday, December 10th

                  Hi Fabbies! Am hoping to keep up with all the happenings in our FABULOUS AF group this weekend! Well, it feels like weekend to me already as I decided to skip my leads group this morning. I treated myself to a little early morning Figure skating, and now I am going to tear into my work moving my office back up the the 2nd floor.

                  BB, thanks for kicking things off today. And what a fabulous message! It truly is wonderful to be traveling together - finding our sober selves that were hidden for so long. :l Your descriptions of holiday baking and decorating make me think of a Christmas movie!

                  G-Man. Did you ever tell about the lucky girl? Will you be seeing her (_________) again this weekend? Just teasin' you my friend.

                  Pride. Thanks for the reminder of POETS day. I was "didn't we just have that???" too. :H

                  OK. I'm sure I'm out of smilies now. This rationing stinks.

                  AA - if you don't have use for the video camera on your lap top, disable it. The evil virus makers out there put stuff on your computer allowing them to remotely activate it without your knowledge. Not a good thing. Mr. Doggy just gave a security seminar and that was one of his tips - deactivate the thing if you are not using it. I always love hearing about busy and hiring businesses. In our area, the construction related businesses are still suffering, but it seems maybe other industries are starting to come back to life. We are cautiously optimistic.

                  Mylife, congrats on 14 AF days! I can relate to the traveling and drinking. I was a road warrier myself in a previous corporate life and drank my way through those hotel nights. You can do this AF!! Keep checking in here.

                  Hello to everyone yet to come.

                  The view out of my office window is fabulous. We got more snow last night but the sun is out today. Just fabulous. I am so grateful to be unhung and appreciative!

                  One thing is for sure...
                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF daily - Friday, December 10th

                    Good morning Abbers & a Happy POETS day to all

                    Hi mylife & congrats on your 14 AF days, terrific!

                    Gia, I always make homemade pancakes. A habit leftover from when my son was young & troubled with ADD symptoms. Feeding him healthy foods with no artifical colors, preservatives, etc was helpful. They really do smell wonderful, don't they??

                    GM G, Pride & AA!
                    I wish my business was a bit busier but.......I try to put my spare time to good use & stay out of trouble :H

                    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Friday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF daily - Friday, December 10th

                      Hi Uni! Your day with your daughter sounds very comforting. I too am grateful to be sober today.

                      Hi Lav!! I hope your business picks up soon. How are the chickies doing? Are they adjusted to the winter weather?

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF daily - Friday, December 10th

                        hey everyone - 14 days AF here and I think over a month without cigarettes but no longer counting that.

                        I'm still ill - feeling a bit better - then a bit the same again. Still I'm showered, I've done some bedding washing and am slowly putting the tree up - somehow this year it only has feet on it's stand rather than 4 - fingers crossed it will stand up!

                        Hoping to lose weight from diet of soup/bread and now for added variety potato waffles - tonnes of water and paracetamol. Feeling a bit thinner but SOO weak. Driving to local petrol station to get groceries wiped me out (it's a 5 minute drive). Anyway I am definitely going to my skate team party tonight - am driving others there so zero temptation to drink and to be honest thought of alcohol is so totally repugnant now - mind you so is most food!
                        Usually all the talk of baking/cooking has my mouth watering - I've had to skim read today!

                        Bought some grapes in the hope that they will tempt me. Meeting old friends for lunch tomorrow - I think I may have to sit and observe! Then I'm watching roller derby, friend's debut in her new team - meant to be practicing roller derby on Sunday but may just have to go along and watch at this rate.Good day all - ho ho ho!
                        one day at a time


                          AF daily - Friday, December 10th


                          General busy-ness going on here. I actually watched a movie last night with the gas logs on and the candles lit. I find that I have become a little weird about not having a job and not allowing myself "free time". Lacking balance, as it were.... Good thing I don't drink! I already know how that sucks up every particle of life into negative time and space. I need to work on that balance I think by planning my day (in writing if necessary).

                          Gia, when I made pumpkin bread the other day, I only made 2 loaves - one for each neighbor. The smell in my house could bring you to your knees and alas, I didn't have any! I can only imagine the contant stream of delightful smells in your house.

                          Lav, some friends just got an egglo for chickens. I'm excited because that means eggs for greenie (I hope).

                          Everybody be well!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF daily - Friday, December 10th

                            Good Morning Abbers-
                            On my second cup of coffee after another night of 9 hours sleep! I don't recall being so exhaused by the end of my day during my last attempts at sobriety. I thought that the bottle of wine each night was what helped put me to bed, but now I'm ready for bed by 7pm. Did anyone else go through this in early sobriety?
                            BB- I am convinced that you are a decendant of Martha Stewart! We are so lucky to have someone on here that shares such creative ideas with us. After posting, I am going to check out that recipe website you suggested.
                            As always, I am thrilled to enhance my vocabulary here. Not only am I getting help staying sober, but I am expanding my knowledge of key phrases abroad. POETS day? Is that really the definition of it? I was thinking it was some special day involving the history of poetry, and when I read what it really meant, I almost spit my coffee out with laughter!!
                            Bear- I cannot believe that you are still sick. You poor thing. As for the tree being a little out of balance, just think of it this way: At least this year, you won't have some drunk accidentally falling into it, knocking it off of it's crippled stand.
                            Greenie- Keep that balance going. If you don't allow "Me Time", you will begin to get wound up and off kilter. Job or not, you deserve some quiet time to rejuvinate. And speaking of job, I think that the extra prayers before your interview was a good sign. I believe that everything happens for a reason and that a HP knew that you needed extra encouragement yesterday morning, henceforth, complete strangers showing up on your door step and offering a prayer for you.
                            I haven't been having cravings, though I don't let that get me cocky. What is it that the AA'ers say? In the beginning, you float on a pink cloud? Getting over-confident because you are doing so fabulous? Rather than having cravings, I've been in tune with all the things that I am accomplishing without the AL. I'm pin-pointing how normal my evening seems without alcohol. Not that any of these thoughts are new; I knew they existed in my head, but with my short term alcoholic memory, I forget about the joy they bring.
                            Okay, enough of my rambling!!!
                            Great Day to All!!!!
                            "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


                              AF daily - Friday, December 10th

                              Good morning everyone!

                              I am taking my little one to her Christmas due tonight. Should be fun. Was invited by XBF to his Christmas work party, but nah! Couldn't stand to be around drunk/stoned people, let alone him! :H

                              I am going to try to see dad tomorrow. I feel really, really bad. I haven't seen him since his birthday on Saturday! After he had an anxiety attack when we were alone and ended up phoning his wife to get home I felt 'out of sorts' a bit. Almost offended, really. I know that he is not 'all there' anymore, but because of my emotional state, I took it personally somewhat. I have found my mood a bit better not seeing him this week. How is that for being a selfish person??? After months of watching this man deteriorate, and the fact that he lives over an hour away - I am completely emotionally exhausted. I really need to find it within me to step it up as he honestly doesn't have much time at all left. Why do I feel guilty?? I have been the only one in this family other than his wife to put in the time and effort to see him and I feel guilty for taking a much needed break? Time is of the essence and I just didn't have it in me this week.

                              Anyway. That was not to be a downer. Just getting it off of my chest.

                              Have a great Friday everyone!

