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AF daily - Saturday, December 11th

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    AF daily - Saturday, December 11th

    Good morning Abbers,

    First of all I would send out my heart felt condolisences for AFM. I am not sure if her father passed during the evening, but my prayers are with her and her family. You are well loved here, if you need a friend to talk to please call.

    I spent the night away from the laptop and the internet, and just enjoyed the night the old fashioned way. Watching some TV, reading a book which I haven't done in ages cuddled up with my dogs and sleeping. I didn't have a great sleep however, I had lots of dreams about my ex coming to visit shortly to have my daughter for the night. This is really making me uneasy, not because I fear for her safety around him or anything remotely like that, but this will be her first night away from me with him ever and he has missed so much over the time since he has seen her last...well, anyone familiar with children who have ASD knows how stressing this can be.

    Anyway, it's really cold here today and the frost is thick. I hope you all had a relaxing sober Friday night. And again, my prayers to AFM.

    One thing is for sure...

    AF daily - Saturday, December 11th

    Good morning all!

    Starting day 15 here which is a huge accomplishment for me. Last night had dinner with friends who drank for the first time. I was a little nervous about how they would react but I ordered a club soda and got only one mild comment from my girlfriend. Really, it went pretty much unnoticed and I had a great time.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful AF Saturday. I'm hoping to spend it similar to BB -- reading a book and maybe I'll take a long walk by the beach.


      AF daily - Saturday, December 11th

      AFM, so sorry, dear one. I wish you some peace through your grief.

      Lots of love and support, :h

      AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
      "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


        AF daily - Saturday, December 11th

        Hi everyone,

        We had a nice relaxing night too last night. Today meeting with some friends and a pretty relaxed day here.

        AFM - prayers and thoughts are with you. Let us know how you are doing.

        Hope everyone has a great AF day. One thing is for sure here.

        Love and hugs,

        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF daily - Saturday, December 11th

          Morning Abbers!

          My thoughts are with you & your Dad AFM.

          Happily overslept this morning so it's taking me a while to get myself in gear! That's OK, it is Saturday afterall.

          Wishing everyone a good, AF Saturday
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF daily - Saturday, December 11th

            Hey Dudes and Dudettes!!!

            This week has been a total butt kicker. I?ve been busier than a mosquito at a nudist colony. Up before dawn, work, work, work, hardly time to even eat lunch, then pretty much pass out (soberly) around 10. Every night I love to read in bed. This week I have fallen asleep reading less than a couple of pages!

            AFM, my heart goes out to you!

            I tied to go back and read a week?s worth of thread this morning. Looks like everyone else is pretty busy to. BB aka Betty Crocker ? as much as I would like to know you personally I am so glad you are in northern country, miles and miles from me. Otherwise I would be camped out in your kitchen, weighing 500 pounds! I have this mental picture? how close am I. If I showed up on your door step I would see a pretty snow covered cottage, Christmas decorations abound. The smell of something awesome would be permeating from your house. The inside of your house must look like the North Pole?s branch office.

            Looks like EVERYONE is sick this week. My youngest is no exception. I drove him to school yesterday and he was complaining that he did not feel great. When I got home he had a fever and was dragging around.

            PAP ? I am so glad you got Couch to 5K. You will do awesome with it! Sounds like you got the iPod version. If you have an iPad, iPhone, or iTouch you might want to try the Couch to 5K application. The difference is that you can use your own music from your play list rather than their music.

            I am a Biggest Looser Junkie. I have been downloading Season 8 and watching it every night. So much that this week I went out and bought a Body Bugg. If you are a BL fan then you know that it is that arm band that they wear. It is totally awesome!!! I can go to my iPhone at any time during the day and see what my calories burned so far are. I went to Chilis yesterday for lunch and on the way back to the office I logged my meal. My goal is to have a 1000 calorie deficit every day. Using the Body Bugg I can very easily keep up with it and know exactly how much more I need to eat or if I need to go for a long walk before I go to bed for that final calorie burn. I can also go to a web site and upload my data every day and get on-line coaching as well as tips. It is a bit expensive but if you are trying to lose a substantial amount of weight then I highly recommend it.

            As far as my AF journey ? I am about to hit day 60 and am elated. Today is day 56. At this point I hardly ever even think about AL. I think that I have so much going on with weight loss that it has taken the place of any AL thoughts that I may have had. I am pretty obsessed with the weight loss stuff. I was looking at an event schedule of my health club and am even thinking of taking a yoga class tomorrow and maybe spinning on Wed.

            Well, gotta get going. I?m headed to the gym for a long workout. Then I am looking forward to a relaxing time in the steam room.

            The IJM thought of the day: Guns don't kill people, husbands that come home early do.

            Take care everyone and have a great Saturday!


              AF daily - Saturday, December 11th

              Hapy Saturday To You All-
              Mylife: What I've come to learn over the years is that when we stop drinking and go to a social gathering, WE are the ones that notice the absence of alcohol in our glass, not those around us. One or two might make an initial comment, but then the thought disappears for them. We on the other hand, continue to obsess over it. And like a dieter monitoring other people's food intake, we notice who's drinking and keeping track of how much. It's a sad reality, but the truth.
              I was delivered an EXTREME blow yesterday and was so grateful that I was able to engage in the issue with a sober mind set. And though my sobriety is only days young, I still had a clear head when offering my advice. My best friend, who lives on the West Coast, is also an alcoholic. We have compared stories endlessly. I was the every day drinker, she is the binge drinker. I am married to a fellow alcoholic, she is married to a zero tolerance man. Her husband has been warning her about her drinking and after much pleading, has finally decided to ask her to leave the home. They are an upper end family (six figures a year), with the perfect little home, two middle school children, and on the surface, living the American Dream. In the past 2 months (excluding the last two days), she had only drank 4 times (she had been keeping track). And when I say "bing", I don't mean pulling an all nighter; her binge would consist of a bottle of wine, maybe a second one. In my world of alcoholism, those long stints without would be considered a HUGE accomplishment. But as someone just wrote this past week, they've come to learn that it's not how much you drink, but rather the effects and consequences of the drinking itself. When he asked her to leave yesterday morning, he stripped her of everything: Her wallet (except for her ID), her keys (which included house and car), her cash on hand, and the right to see their children. He allowed her to pack a bag, then dropped her off at a relative's house. She spent the entire day in the guest room, only to have this relative come home, say two words to her, then leave her alone again. I gave her every pep talk I could think of; I told her to get on the horn and start finding out about rehab groups, I told her to get off the pity pot and start taking action, etc. etc. She sat there; humiliated...penniless....and no close friends to turn to, other than me at a long distance. And by the end of the evening, feeling shunned and alone, she called an old friend to come get her. This old friend happens to be one of her old drinking buddies so I don't know if she made it through the night without turning to Al. And the sad part is: Her husband thinks she chooses to drink. He is a highly intellictual man and yet doesn't know the first thing about alcoholism. To an extent, she makes choices, but in the end, AL wins out. She is my best friend in the entire world. We've been friends for 26 years now. I don't want to see her lose everything and yet I feel so helpless. Any suggestions?
              "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


                AF daily - Saturday, December 11th

                Wow! Does she work?...Why did she agree to being stripped of everything and treated like a second class citizen? I mean, what the fuck kind of marriage is that? Something is amiss....

                Just sayin'...



                  AF daily - Saturday, December 11th

                  Mylife, congrats on the 15 days! How are you feeling? Much better I imagine.

                  Pride, Uni and Lav and Chief; I hope you four have a fabulous day!

                  IJM, you are doing so fabulous!! I think I'm on Day 28...again. But this time I am not drinking. If I didn't have those drinks that night I would be neck and neck with you. But, I haven't since so that's the important thing and I feel all that much better for it. And your description of my house is pretty accurate..:H. I do live in a little cottage type house with cedar shakes, a nice little tucked away yard in the back with a whole bunch of lilac bushes, butterfly bushes, fruit trees, a little bridge over a new pond we're working on. Little Gia absolutely loves her house and yard. But, I don't have the candy cane pole! LOL..

                  GAC, I can't believe that happened to your friend. As she is still married, he is legally not allowed to do that, atleast not in Canada. She can call the police and he has to let her back in. That sounds like a very disfunctional relationship and he probably has been beating her down mentally for years if she listened to his commands.


                    AF daily - Saturday, December 11th

                    I agree with all that what my friend's husband did to her is like treating her like a lil 16 yr old high school kid put on restriction. I get the whole "remove her from the house" if it is affecting her children, but stripping her of everything is absurd. And unfortunately, in her state of remorse, she feels as if she currently deserves to be treated that way! It is against the law and he cannot do that to her, but she feels to humiliated to fight back. Today is a different day and I hope she gears up for battle and stands up for her rights!
                    "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


                      AF daily - Saturday, December 11th

                      Happy Saturday ABerooos!

                      GAC, your friends husband is in big trouble legally if she decides to press charges. NOT cool. glad she has a good friend like you.

                      well, off to my stick/knife fighting class today then to see the UFC with a sober buddy. one big testosterone infused fun-filled day LOL.

                      say, I found my TRX and set it up in the living room and am now feeling pleasantly sore. Heres' what it is: |Home of TRX and Suspension Training, the original bodyweight training fitness tool, train with the best in class exercise equipment, fitness equipment as an FYI. I'm going to start taking it with me to hotels in my work travel.

                      hope you all have an inspiring AF weekend

                      be well
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF daily - Saturday, December 11th

                        Hi Everyone - just checking in.

                        ML - I posted to you on another thread. So happy about last night's achievement. Well done. I know how hard that is.

                        IJM - how about you.......almost to 60 woohooooo.......And, losing weight to boot. Very impressive!

                        Cab - sorry about your friend. I agree with others here, though. She should stand up for herself after she has time to think about things. He can't and shouldn't treat her this way. I would tell her to get an attorney if she can't think clearly on her own. Her husband sounds like a nut case. Has she been to rehab and if she went would the husband change his tune? Does she want to stay?

                        BB - sorry you're worrying about little Gia. What is the condition she has (ASD)? Hope all goes ok. Will he just see her for a few days and then be gone or is this something you're going to have to deal with on a regular basis? Sorry, I don't remember the whole story.

                        Went to my second AA meeting today which I posted about on the AA thread. I'm finding it really helpful so far.

                        Lav, Chief, Uni, Pride, Det - hi to you guys!

                        Well, off to do stuff everyone. Have a wonderful AF day!!:l



                          AF daily - Saturday, December 11th

                          Evening all,

                          AFM - check in when you can and tell us how you are.

                          GoAwayCab - I hope your friend works something out with her husband. Is she getting any help with her drinking - does she want to stop?

                          I've had a busy day at work and am going to relax in the bath with some magazines. Have a peaceful day everyone.
                          AF since December 22nd 2008
                          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                            AF daily - Saturday, December 11th


                            Jump started the day with yoga followed by a walk in the woodsy park with GF and dogs. Finally got some house cleaning done and some outside chores before the rain comes. I think I managed to poke a hole in my ear drum. I leaned over very close to a grape vine on the fence and a twig of it went right in my ear! uch:

                            I took a stab at cleaning cat pee from the carpet. I do hate it for the cat, but that's it! This was his last chance to sleep in the house. Every time I give in and let him, he pees on the carpet. He's going to have to sleep in the garage from now on and I'm not giving in. He has a nice little igloo and a heating disc with a fleece cover that goes in it so he will be cozy. Well, sort of... a far cry from the bed with me.

                            MAybe I'll go downtown to see Arlo Guthrie's daughter and her husband play at the coffee house. I'm not sure I want to but I sort of feel like I need to make myself get out. It bothers me sometimes that I'm so contented alone. So I guess I'll go just to go out. :nutso:

                            AFM, thinking of you..:l
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF daily - Saturday, December 11th

                              Ugh Greenie - cat pee is the worst! I'm allergic to cats (thank God)

                              I left the homestead today & made the 90 mile roundtrip to the cemetary. Didn't bother stopping anywhere else. I went today because tomorrow the rain gets here.

                              I did get some new chick pics today including their house & yard. They are teenagers now at 13 weeks. My Swiss Mountain (part PIG) dog Maxie & Diz the Cockatiel in his newly lighted cage.

                              December 2010 pictures by elkmills - Photobucket

                              Now I'm baking cookies but I won't eat any

                              GoAway, that is sad about your friend. I hope she summons up the courage to defend herself!

                              AFM, thinking about you :l

                              Wishing everyone a comfy evening!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

