Hello all! Tough chicks meeting yesterday was very very good. The more we read, the more I like the "Woman's Way Through the Twelve Steps" book and work book. We finished the book reading about Step 4 yesterday and will start the workbook next Friday which I am really looking forward to.
We talked yesterday about the inventory and the real purpose. It's to get to know ourselves in an honest way, and seek BALANCE. It's not solely to dredge up the wreckage of the past, but to examine our weaker qualities AND our strengths. One woman with many years of sobriety who has sponsored many women said that she insists her sponsees list as many strengths as they do "improvement needed" areas. I did not do that in my 4th step and was thinking how difficult that would be for me. Not because I don't have strengths but because I feel very uncomfortable ever acknowledging them to myself - much less saying to someone else that "I have X strength - that is something I'm good at / proud of." I'm looking forward to the work book as I'm guessing there will be at least one exercise about that. We also talked about how a weakness CAN be a strength if we use our gifts in the right way. An example might be perfectionism. Our tendency towards that as women can have a positive or negative outcome depending on how it is applied, and whether it is in balance or not. BALANCE. I certainly had none of that when I was drinking. I was a person of extremes. I can still lean that way if I'm not consciously working my program every day. (prayer and meditation, meetings, connecting with others, helping others, etc.)
I went to a meeting this morning. It's a Big Book meeting and we read part of the Chapter to Employers. That brought up lots of memories for me and everyone at the meeting about how our drinking affected us in our professional lives. I quit a $150K a year job rather than quit drinking, for one thing. :egad:
I'm grateful for sobriety and I'm grateful for AA. It stretches my mind in a good direction.