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AF Daily - Monday December 13

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    AF Daily - Monday December 13

    Happy Monday Abbies!

    Who's ready for Christmas? Not me!

    Just starting off our day - hope everyone is well.
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

    AF Daily - Monday December 13


    Zooming off to find an identity.

    The interviewers should get my follow up letter today. Lets hope they are impressed!

    One thing's for sure!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Monday December 13

      Good Morning Abbers!!!!
      It was a GREAT sober weekend. As with most of you, I'm off to the start of a busy week; RUSH! RUSH! The best news is: I have nothing to report; NO drinking. Yaaay!
      Have a fabulous day and good luck with your wallet fiasco Greenie!
      "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


        AF Daily - Monday December 13

        Morning abbies!

        I also have a crazy busy week - finishing up for Christmas and of course it's snowing like crazy! LOL

        Oh well - one thing is for sure.

        Love and hugs,
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF Daily - Monday December 13

          Morning guys, and I'm getting there Gaia - slowly but surely!

          Happy Monday to all, and congrats to all those who celebrated milestones this weekend! You should be very proud of your accomplishments!

          Need your guys input on something.... My son is an only child, and with his ADD he is a little behind his friends in terms of social development. He hasn't been having (or asking) to have anyone over to 'hang out' lately, and when I asked him about it last night he said it is because he's been having too much fun playing some of the games on the iPad.

          While I'm glad he is enjoying himself, red flags started waving all over the place in my head because of his social development issues. We've already been working to schedule an appointment with the school psychologist to discuss how to approach these issues, and I'm fighting my knee-jerk reaction to simply take the iPad away from him... There has to be a happy medium in there somewhere, and part of it is just me trying to make sure I control everything, but I just want him to be a happy and well-adjusted kid while at the same time not being the worst dad in the whole world...

          Anyway, thanks for listening - it helps just typing it out - and I have to remember to do what I need to do for him, and then let the chips fall where they may...
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


            AF Daily - Monday December 13

            Happy Monday morning Abbers

            It's snowing but it's not supposed to last - thank goodness!

            I have lots to do myself today - good to be sober!

            Ms Greenie - I do hope you get yourself some ID today...........
            I'm still willing to print labels for you - just send me your list

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Monday December 13

              GM AA - cross post!

              Our son was the same way........
              We got him involved in Boy Scouts & boy did he love it. He learned how to spend time with kids his own age & just loved everything about scouting. He stayed with it & earned his Eagle Scout award at 17.

              Think about it
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Monday December 13

                Hello friends,

                My apologies right from the start, this will not be a very upbeat post, because I just don't feel very up beat lately. Skip right on over this and I would understand. I haven't been posting lately because I hate to bring everyone down. You might need a snack as well.

                I keep telling myself I need to get off the pity pot and keep a positive attitude....things could be so much worse, and they are for so many!

                But by last night I was ready to run away from home. I had a good cry which helped, but I certainly am not in the Christmas spirit right now.

                I can't help but worry about my son and his grades, it's an ongoing issue, but I think will get better with time, he is dropping Algebra 2 at semester because he just doesn't do well and at this point he is pretty much lost and not learning a thing. So the guidance counselor wants to put him into Geometry, which he passed last year with great difficulty. I have gotten advice from a teacher/parent from of mine that says that would be a mistake. He was placed in an accelerated math program in the 7th grade so the tests say he should be able to do it, but it has been a constant struggle.

                DH has been on a real roll lately with the beer consumption. Pretty much every night. He's been working on the "man cave" and just can't be out there without at least a 12 pack of beer. Or else he's helping at the club, which requires plenty of alcohol. I just get so tired of seeing him that way, especially when he knows how I feel about it. Last night #1 son got a 20 minute lecture about something he asked him to do, that he didn't do right or finish. Granted, the talk was probably necessary, he just keeps repeating and repeating and then he was just mad. He was mad at the world and cussing and pitching a fit. He did apologize to me saying he was just mad at the world. But that is what started the tears. Since son is grounded he has been riding with DH to school early in the morning most days and we talked about this last night. He refuses to get him up early enough and today forgot the plan and was going to leave him. One thing about it, the punishment of riding with his dad in the mornings should be a deterrent!

                My family doesn't think we should get together before Christmas because it would be too much for Terry. And I agree, she will just be getting home from the hospital this week hopefully. I didn't think we needed to all bombard her at their house, but I would like to spend time with my family for the holidays. They want to wait until January, which probably won't work for us with the kids in activities, etc. So, that has me down. If I have to, I will go for a couple of days by myself to see Terry. Might not be a bad idea, considering I learned yesterday that we won't be having Christmas at "the ranch" (my mother in law's home) but at the in-laws where we spent Thanksgiving. OMG, how I DO NOT want to do that!!!!! I mean I can handle them for awhile, but it's just not my idea of a good time. The ranch holds all the memories and traditions, along with my sister's home. I know this sounds incredibly stupid and selfish, but it's how I feel. And since I don't really have anyone to talk to about this right now, you're it!

                Then I think about our friend who is looking at cancer treatment and probably surgery during the holidays and I wonder what the hell am I whining about?? But actually I think about them all the time and I feel like he has a good chance, I still worry about that situation.

                I still have this big tree that I refuse to decorate, because I've done everything else and this tree has prelit lights that never have all worked, so it needs lights added to it. I let my family pick out this tree a couple of years ago, and I guess I feel like they should decorate it, so here it sits. Damn you Martha Stewart! Hubby has been making snide remarks about all the clutter and boxes and.....I don't have any storage in this house, yet he's got a nice new "room" to keep all of his stuff in. I am very resentful and I know I need to deal with this somehow.

                But, I am going to kick it in gear this week and get his stuff that is taking up room in my store room, out to his room and make room for my stuff (candles and such). I am going to sit down this morning and make a gratitude list and do some devotional reading and meditating. I'm also going to yoga and do some walking. I'm NOT going to dwell on this shit and let it get the best of me!!! See, you guys that have made it through this post have helped me already! I'm hoping for a little GF time this week, and pedicures.

                I've been thinking about you AFM, and hope your dad has a peaceful journey. I know it is a very difficult time.

                Have a great week everyone and thanks for letting me vent here!:h:h And Congratulations to Gia and everyone else celebrating milestones lately!!!!!
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF Daily - Monday December 13

                  Lavande;1022005 wrote: GM AA - cross post!

                  Our son was the same way........
                  We got him involved in Boy Scouts & boy did he love it. He learned how to spend time with kids his own age & just loved everything about scouting. He stayed with it & earned his Eagle Scout award at 17.

                  Think about it
                  Too funny Lav - I just sent a note to my son's Den leader letting him know that my son was stopping (he has been in it since Tiger Cubs and won't be crossing over). Probably just this time of year with the cold winter and short days....

                  LVT, sorry that things are so challenging for you right now, but hang in there as it will get better. Sending good thoughts your way!
                  Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                    AF Daily - Monday December 13

                    LVT so many :l:l:l to you, sweetie! Thinking about you as well. xoxo

                    Little AFM has school this morning, so I had to come home and attend to her. Then I am going back to the hospital.

                    Dad is in a coma now. His breathing has slowed right down. I have been feeling so sick to my stomach and in the bathroom a lot. His wife and I had breakdowns of crying fits. He is a strong bugger. It is absolutely amazing he has lived this long.

                    His wife said he is passing his strength onto me now. :upset: That sets me into crying fits. I have never had anyone say anything so nice to me. His strength will live on through me. This I make an absolute promise to him.

                    His wife also said that she is meeting with the Police today to see about getting a restraining order against my sister. It simply blows my mind sometimes how some human beings are just fucked in the head. I have been feeling very angry about what she has done! Disgusting.

                    I am still sober. I am thankful to be sober. I can't even imagine drinking right now. I hope I am this strong when he finally passes. I think I would feel pretty ashamed to get drunk; kind of like letting him down.... ya know?

                    OK, well have a good day everyone.

                    Congrats to all who have hit milestones! Happy Birthday to you Gia! Good luck Greenie!

                    Love to all. Thanks for being there for me. I draw strength through all of you wonderful people. xoxo


                      AF Daily - Monday December 13

                      This was in my e-mail. just sayin'

                      Don't worry about this world; it is not broken. And don't worry about
                      others. You worry more about them than they do. There are people waging
                      war; there are people on the battlefield who are more alive than they've
                      ever been before. Don't try to protect people from life; just let them
                      have their experience while you focus upon your own experience.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily - Monday December 13

                        We're with you, AFM....:l


                          AF Daily - Monday December 13

                          I can't help but worry about my son and his grades, it's an ongoing issue, but I think will get better with time, he is dropping Algebra 2 at semester because he just doesn't do well and at this point he is pretty much lost and not learning a thing. So the guidance counselor wants to put him into Geometry, which he passed last year with great difficulty. I have gotten advice from a teacher/parent from of mine that says that would be a mistake. He was placed in an accelerated math program in the 7th grade so the tests say he should be able to do it, but it has been a constant struggle.
                          Sigh. I can't just bypass this and not speak. I am a math/computer science major who taught a brilliant young lady in my family much "stuff."

                          7th grade tests do not mean a thing. Not one iota. Period.

                          I so wish I could teach every child in the world the math for Algebra II. I do. I also wish I could teach them the math for Trig and Calculus.

                          I hate those standardized tests. They want to categorize people into pigeonholes.

                          Too bad we aren't pigeons.

                          Neither is your son.

                          I would be MORE THAN GLAD to sit down with your son daily and work on mathematics for him. However, it doesn't work that way. My daughter and my husband think I am a Nazi on the math stuff and my son thinks I can teach anyone mathematics.

                          I am the last one on this planet to say, "Don't make him do the math stuff." I love math. I majored in math and want to pursue it further.

                          But, I have also figured out that some of us can "do math," some of us can "do English," some of us can do "art," and I hate to quit because there are so many areas we can go into.

                          I post this because I tutored my niece. There are not many others I love more, except my own children. I knew from the day I tutored her and learned that she was simply not destined for math or engineering. She just didn't "get it."

                          I tried and my brother and his wife were more than willing to do whatever it took to help her. They wanted her to be "one of us," and she isn't. She is her own girl. G-d bless her!!!

                          What I am trying to say, somewhat clumsily, is that not every child is desitned to be a great physicist, mathematician, artist, English major (or whatever language) or anything.

                          Please, teach your children to choose what they love and then figure out how to make the most money doing that.

                          I choose for your children. They deserve that.

                          I will be more than glad to help your son. My son thinks I am great. My husband and daughter think I am a Nazi.

                          It is all a matter of perspective.

                          Just do not let your school system pigeion hole him. He is a person in his own right.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            AF Daily - Monday December 13

                            CINDI!!!!! WELCOME HOME!!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily - Monday December 13

                              LVT, the thing in my e-mail was sort of directed to you from a loving place in my heart. :l

                              AFM, keeping you on the front page of my thoughts and prayers. I love the way you are so true to yourself. :l
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

