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AF Daily - Tuesday December 14

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    AF Daily - Tuesday December 14

    Wow - I get to start a thread this morning! Happy Tuesday to all, and hope everyone's day is off to a fantastic start! Great to see Cinders post last night, and keep coming back young lady! I appreciate your comments on kids just not being good at certain subjects, and I would tend to agree. As always, there is a fine line between putting forth your best effort and resigning yourself to the fact that you can't do something....

    Watched 'It's a Wonderful Life' last night - man I love that show. My son made fun of us though, and said that show must be ancient as it was all in black and white! Guess it's all a matter of perspective, but I love the message that it carries...

    Anyway, I need to start getting some work done around here, so I'm off!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."

    AF Daily - Tuesday December 14

    Well, since the spot is reserved I'll make a coffee..thanks for saving a seat AA! LOL


      AF Daily - Tuesday December 14

      Anything for a pretty lady!:l

      BB, how were your Christmas festivities yesterday?
      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


        AF Daily - Tuesday December 14

        I was reading your post about the little man. I have somewhat of the same thing with Little Gia. I think with her personality and talking to all the specialists as well, I am very apprehensive about getting video games for her. I find her personality can be very addictive, and I don't want her to favour the video games in lieu of playing outside or with other children as social interaction is very very important. Since she starts school next Sept. I may start letting her play since she'll be on the PC's at school anyway now. I'll have to monitor and only allow her a certain amount of time on them per day, or to utilize it as a reward system. This is what I've decided, I don't know how that sounds to you..but that's my play on it.

        And, it was birthday festivities yesterday! We went and watched Tangled in 3D for my birthday. We all LOVED it! How cute was that movie! And I'll take that hug..LOL. Thanks AA!


          AF Daily - Tuesday December 14

          Hi everyone!

          Happy bithday BB! I want to go see Tangled as well - it is getting rave reviews.

          I have a busy day again today and I am really not in the mood for it. I'm tired and cranky and just feeling out of sorts. I guess I better snap out of it but really I just want to crawl back into bed.

          I guess I should get moving though - even though I don't want to.

          One thing is for sure.

          Love and hugs,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            AF Daily - Tuesday December 14

            Good Morning Everyone-
            My morning started as it usually does: I wake up to the sound of my 7 1/2 yr old getting herself ready for school (3 hours early mind you!!). I lay there for a while and decide I'll get up before the others, grab a cup of coffee and write a post on MWO. An hour later, 2 breakfasts prepared, 2 lunches prepared, rocking in the chair with the 3 year old, and sending hubbie off to work, here I sit. And God knows, it will probably take me at least 30 or so minutes to get this post in, as other things WILL arise. And I am not complaining. I'm having a wonderful morning.
            Two weeks sober and still going strong. I will be honest with all of you. As I was baking the cookies for the neighbors and friends yesterday, I actually had fleeting thoughts of the glass of red wine that usually accompanies my baking. And yes, as sick as it sounds, the alcoholic in me missed it. I wanted to be drinking wine and getting the baked goods together. At 1:30 in the afternoon mind you!!! It wasn't a craving....just a henious thought. And of course, I replaced it with my new thought: "I don't drink. If I was a drinker, I'd have that bottle of wine sitting next to me, but I'm I don't."
            I went to an AA meeting last night. I posted this on the AA Thread. But I found something important enough to share twice. SHARE. That is the key word. During the last 5 minutes, the man that chaired the meeting (still don't know what you call the person that leads the meeting) made a statement. He said he doesn't normally speak when he's up front holding the meeting, but had this strong desire to say something. When this guy spoke, EVERYONE listened. He spoke with vabrato; very loud and to the point. He spoke of how important it is to share in meetings. Whether you are two weeks sober or two days sober; you have SOMETHING that someone needs to hear. And if you just sit there quietly, you're not only depriving yourself, but you are depriving the person that needs to hear something you have to say. And this really hit home for me. Because how many of us visit this site daily, combing the threads, and relating over and over to those who share our same problems? We realize, "Hey! I am not alone. Other people suffer from this same afflection." Too often, we have a picture in our head of what we think an alcoholic looks like, and usually, it's not someone like ourselves we picture. And yet, on this site, and in those meetings, we relate. We hear the housewife share her story, or the teacher that we put on a pedestal breaking it down, or the everyday business person telling of how long it took them to get sober. With each story we hear, we realize we are not so different. We are alcoholics that "try" to live every day lives. I am very grateful to those of you that have shared your thoughts and stories with us. And I challenge you "lurkers" out there (one in particular and she knows who she is) to share. Get your story out there. We want to hear from you.
            I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
            And by the way, it took almost an hour to get this posted!
            "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


              AF Daily - Tuesday December 14

              Hello friends!

              Nice post GoAway! I'm afraid sometimes I share too much, and since I have been AF awhile, most of my problems are not about my struggles with alcohol. But I do hope that people that read here can see that there is life after alcohol and it can be good, it can be very good. And it is totally possible to handle stress and problems, illness and death with out it! I'm always a little afraid my downer posts will drive someone to drink--so I try to put a warning at the beginning, so they can skip right on over my post!

              Thank you for the ongoing support, I'm feeling a little lonely in my life right now, and I rely on my support system here at MWO! Thank you so much for your e-mail from I assume the universe yesterday Greenie. I know they are wise words, and something I need to work on daily! I had a talk with #1 son last night (again) which he loves, practically begging him to work harder and do his best--for my sake if nothing else. It is such a hard thing to see your kids not living up to their potential.

              Cindi--I'm so glad you took the time to post yesterday and give me your .02 on the subject (which by the way was worth way more than that). We've missed you around here!!

              I'm sensing just a little control issue with my siblings right now, and I'm not real sure if it is justified or if I am just being weird. I've written a couple of heartfelt e-mails about what's going on around here, and such, and they never respond. The last time I asked if they got them because I hadn't heard back and they said they had. Terry is hoping to be home by Christmas--hurray! The family has decided to get together on January 9th. They just picked a date that worked for them, so if it doesn't work for us, I guess it;s our loss. I just don't know how I feel about that. I'm going to talk to Terry, and we may just make a quick trip to see her while the kids are still on Christmas break.

              Ok, I'm done boring you for the day. I love hearing about all your baking and decorating and spending time with your children and grandchildren. It does my soul good! I hope all of you experiencing the massive amounts of snow and frigid temps are all snuggled in safe and warm! Have a great sober day all!:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily - Tuesday December 14

                Thanks Uni! I get days like those as well..or moments sometimes. I had one yesterday for a bit and just had to think of things differently until the feeling went away. Now, if I had been drinking I would have just obsessed about it and made things (gasp) telling people what's on my mind and when you're drinking not everything on your mind should NOT come out of your mouth. Thankfully, I have't done that for a while now. I hope you feel better as the day goes on.

                GAC, I'm just getting ready to make some cookies for the babe and because of the massive weather bomb we're getting right now I thought for a bit that I needed a drink too to bake with. What twisted logic is that? I don't want it really, and I certainly don't need it. The things an addiction tries to trick you into..well, atleast we didn't give into it. That says something.

                LVT, I hope things get better in your world. I sent emails like that monthly to my ex for the longest time about our daughter which included pics and things and never received a reply, ever. Nothing. After a while I got tired of doing it..I never felt he cared enough to reply, to ask questions about her. He had the nerve to question me recently as to why he never received them anyway. Considering it's been over a year of not seeing her, no phone calls or such I think you've lost your right for an explanation. Anyway, those are my fun personal issues of the day!

                On a side note..I went to a fabric store yesterday and bought some really beautiful fabrics for new curtains in my living room, as well as for a chair to redo and some throw pillows. Because they are indoor/outdoor fabrics they are very durable (I have a child and 5 pets) this is very important. But they're gorgeous and they were much cheaper then Ready Made, and I got what I wanted. I'm very excited to make them. I just wanted to share, if you're looking for something new and can't find what you want try looking in a fabric store! Great finds..and Little Gia picked out some pretty cool Hannah Montana fleece for a blanket and I made that for her this morning. She loves it!


                  AF Daily - Tuesday December 14

                  Good morning,

                  Not much has changed. Heading back up in an hour.

                  Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

                  Welcome back to Cindi! I hope all went well in your rehab. xoxo

                  Prayers going out to you, LVT! xoxo

                  Hello to all others! I didn't read thoroughly through the thread. I wish everyone a sober, great day!

                  I am still sober! Still no desire to drink. Quite freakin' proud of myself. (no ego going on here )


                    AF Daily - Tuesday December 14


                    I'm peeling an onion skin and it is uncomfy. It is hard to embrace, love and release those things about yourself that you don't like. But I made a promise to myself to do the work. Exposure to tools doesn't mean you own them. You must put them to use. Did everyone know this except me?

                    I'll drop in later; keep the beat!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily - Tuesday December 14

                      Quiet around here today - what's going on????

                      Are you kidding Greenie? I'm working on myself a little every day - some day I'll be perfect :H:H I really believe forgiving yourself is the hardest thing to do. I think my inability to 'cut myself a break' eventually led me to beating myself up with a bottle of wine or more per day. It's getting easier I think to just let it all go. I don't think about my drinking days as much & try to focus on today & maybe a little about tomorrow.

                      I did learn a very important lesson today - wear a hat & gloves in addition to a warm jacket when it's Zero degrees wind chill & you're freezing yourself half to death pumping gas into your car - GEEZ it was cold!

                      I'm sitting by a nice fire now
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily - Tuesday December 14

                        Evening Abbers! Just a quick check in while watching the finale of BL.
                        Hugs to LVT and AFM and anyone else who needs them. I did manage to read through all the posts of yesterday and today and figured I'd better post before Cab comes and finds me :H!

                        Had a great workout at PF last nite after work-earned myself 10 WW points!! Whoo Hoo! Sticking with Week 1 of the Couch to 5K program for this week just so I don't go too fast and risk hurting myself.

                        Today was a holiday party after work at school (so no danger of AL). I only stayed 1/2 hour and since I had promised my dad I'd come over for dinner I did not partake of any of the wonderful potluck except 6 shrimp. Dad made a great chicken and veggie over rice dish that was yummy. It finally felt quite natural to only have a special seltzer drink he bought me instead of a glass of wine. I didn't miss it one bit. Yea!!!!

                        tomorrow I'm off work and unfortunately instead of cleaning house, decorating and a craft project, I fear I'll be taking my car into the shop. Very strong smell of gasoline whenever I idled tonite. The belt also is squealing with the frigid weather so they'll need to change that. Dang. $$$.

                        Lav-I sure hope those midwest storms aren't heading our way!!

                        Chief-how you doing?

                        Welcome back Cin!!

                        have a great nite everyone!!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AF Daily - Tuesday December 14

                          quick heyo from my hotel room. whew. so busy. zoom zoom and now off to bed. AF for sure

                          be well
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)

