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AF Daily - Thursday December 16

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    AF Daily - Thursday December 16

    Good morning Abbers,

    Another cold day here in the Great White North, but waking up earlier then the early bird..or the worm, I'm still feeling not to bad. I just need copious amounts of Coffee to kick start my heart. Hah. I'm full of quoting useless crap today!

    Got all my presents wrapped and stashed to put out for Christmas morning. Right now there is only a few under the tree so she'll be very excited. Getting more stressed out the closer the date comes for my ex to pick up Little Gia. It's starting to effect my sleep. But I'm not picking up a bottle of red thinking it will make it better, because I know that is just trouble in a bottle for me. Nectar of the Gods going in..sewage coming out. Yuck. I don't think my body could handle any AL right now anyway, I think I would feel it immediately and I've grown not to like the feeling it gives me anymore.

    Anyway, I hope all is well. AFM we are all here for you my darling woman, we all love you. :l

    AF Daily - Thursday December 16

    Greeting's Fabber's!

    Morning BB.

    Congratulation's on 5 months AF Uni and Pride! That is HUGE! Bravo my friend's!

    Have a great day everyone, a safe, sober, and magical one.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      AF Daily - Thursday December 16

      Good morning Fabbies! Quick check in before I head to Curves and then AA. BB, you are doing great. Try to "stay in today" WRT X and Little Gia. Unless there is some action to be taken, "worry" is just wasted energy. (I know - it's hard to let go of that!) I bet Christmas will be like Santa's Wonderland at your house!

      G, I like you avatar. Biker Santa. Love it!

      AFM, thinking of you today.

      Any anniversaries today? Yesterday was FUN!

      Well, zoom zoom. One thing is for sure. I'm not going to drink AL, and I'm not going to eat like a mutant vampire cow-pig either.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Thursday December 16

        Doggygirl;1023557 wrote: I'm not going to eat like a mutant vampire cow-pig either.
        I'm meeting a friend for lunch so I might give it a shot. :H

        BB, yes, wasted angst...ull Have you tried naming your fear about this? Give it a name and put it out there, examine it and relcaim your power from it. Especially if it's about some false perception you have of yourself. (the queen's 2 cents )

        I drug out Louise Hay's book and looked up a couple things. Teeth = indecisiveness. LAWD, I'm plagued with that!! Knee problems = stubborn ego and pride. Sciatica - Fear of money and the future. Feck, I'm one big onion - will I EVER get through the peels??

        Here's some "food for thought" from Michael Morningstar:

        People who struggle with acidic addictions and an acidic lifestyle are often as addicted as if they had a drug addiction. Some of the most common acidic addictions include alcohol, bread, caffeine, cereal, chips, high fructose corn syrup, juices, medicines, nicotine, potatoes, sodas, sugar and white rice In addition to these addictive substances there are also many addictive compounds that are added to beverages and foods to make them even more addictive.

        Manufactures of beverages and foods are using specific tactics to create compounds, ingredients and substances that are known to cause you to crave their products even more. The more you crave the more you eat and the more money they make regardless of the harmful health and financial consequences to you. They will go extreme measures to insure you crave their product over a competitor. This includes adding extra alcohol, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, colorings, fats, flavorings, high fructose corn syrup, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), salt, sugar, taste enhancers and taste bud manipulators.

        Gotta get a move on - I don't have the paperwork for a meeting done (because of indecisiveness, if you must know Grrrr) I may be indecisive, but one thing's for sure!

        HAve a thriving thursday!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Thursday December 16

          Hi Greenie, it's not a perception I have about myself. I'm stressed because she will be going overnight with her father who she hasn't seen in over a year, and I'm worried about her getting upset. She has a mild case of ASD which he doesn't acknowledge and he doesn't understand why she gets upset sometimes and he has no idea how to work with her since he hasn't been around her. So..yes, I'm worried. As a Mom I'm worried. But I guess I just have to let it go and see what happens. MUCH easier said and wrote down on paper then actually done.


            AF Daily - Thursday December 16

            Brigitte Bardot;1023593 wrote: But I guess I just have to let it go and see what happens.
            Yes, you do. Trust that things will work out for the higher good for everyone. Whether she gets upset or not, she will be experiencing what she needs. (that's what I think, anyway )
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - Thursday December 16

              Congratulations Pride, Uni and IJM on all the AF time you've notched up!

              Hello BB, DG, Mr G, QG (Queen Greenie) and all to come. AFM, let us know how you are when you get a chance.

              I went out for dinner with XNGF last night. Unusually, the restaurant had non-alchoholic beer available and I suddenly fancied one of those. Haven't had one for more than a year but it was nice to have a break from my usual Coke/water choice. Don't think I'll be having another any time soon though. Non-alcoholic drinks never make me want the "real thing" but I do think they taste slighly odd because there is something "missing", whereas a Coke is a Coke is a Coke.

              Anyway, XNGF is staying with me all week and although we are both still getting over colds and are feeling tired from work and other stuff, there have been no arguments! Must be a good sign.

              Had my second counselling session this week. Didn't want to go and - of course! - it was very interesting and gave me more things think about. But I'm still glad we have a break for Christmas now!

              Falling behind (already!) on book reading for my literature course that starts in January. Hoping to get some quality reading time in over Xmas.

              Zoom, zoom.
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF Daily - Thursday December 16

                Good morning Abbers!

                Cloudy & chilly here, just waiting for a little snow this afternoon. I hope it's just a little!!!!!

                Nothing special on my to do list today so I'll probably end up baking
                I've been thinking about those crusty French rolls lately, Yum!

                BB, try not to overy worry about your daughter's overnight trip. We really do over-worry this stuff & lose a lot of energy. Stay focused, OK

                OK, wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Thursday December 16

                  Hello friends,

                  I just caught up on yesterday's thread and it was pretty interesting and entertaining as usual. Congrats to everyone celebrating milestones--awesome!

                  The subject of being alone, talking on the phone and social interaction is an interesting one. I have never really liked talking on the phone, but give me a 6 pack and a pack of ciggies and I could talk for hours. Now, when my inlaws that live 10 hours away call, I find I cannot even hold a conversation. Especially since I know they are usually well into the cup when they call. But I am finding especially since I have more time on my hands that I need to reconnect with friends so I can talk about "stuff" and vent a little. Gia--I don't know if you have girlfriends or anyone you can express your anxiety with, but it does help sometimes with the worry to say it outloud and just get a little encouragement from friends. With me and the kid issues, alot of it has to do with the control issue. Try the serenity prayer?
                  We made the move yesterday and my son dropped Algebra 2 for Integrated Math 2, which is probably where he should have been last year. They wanted him to take Geometry again, but thanks to Cindi and others here, I was able to express my concerns about that and pretty much put my foot down. The guidance counselor admitted that perhaps the accelerated math program was turning out to be a disservice to some kids. You think? Anyway, I know I feel better and my son does too. They had to rearrange his whole schedule, so he's not in some classes with his friends which could be a good thing too. Now, if he doesn't get his butt in gear, I will kick it into overdrive!!:H We are still taking him for an ADD evaluation at the end of the month....not to use as an excuse, but hopefully to get some useful info to help him learn better.

                  I'm looking forward to a day at home today. I hope to get the rest of the decorating done and a bunch of mundane chores done. Lav--you have inspired me to light a fire in the wood stove and if I get my work done, I might just take a nap!

                  Have a great sober day all. AFM--we're here for you!:h
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    AF Daily - Thursday December 16

                    Thanks for the kudos, guys! This is my first sober holiday season in 30 years (having started to party at -1), and despite sort of dreading it in Nov., I?m actually enjoying it. I was so much more comfortable hosting Sean?s holiday party last night?something performance-anxiety-ridden me has always dreaded?than I ever was drinking.

                    I?m with you on the coffee fix this morning, BB. Moving slooooow here. :cupajoe: Sorry you?re stressed about your ex taking good enough care of little G (I remember those feelings well!). BUT?unless he's a complete jerk, it?s important little G has a relationship with him. My ex learned how to ?mom? when we separated because he had to. I think he?s a better parent than he was when we were together, since I kind of hogged that ball. I don?t know your situation, but maybe little G?s dad will be, too.:l

                    Oh Lav?so many haircuts, so little time. Low on heating oil? Go siphon some out of BIL?s tank. I?m sure he won?t mind. Asshole. Really.

                    P3, can?t remember a winter like this: either frigid with barely a flake of snow or balmy with torrential rain. I went for a walk yesterday (trying to stick to my goal of not losing weight over the holidays but not gaining, either). I got a long, puffy coat for Christmas last year, so my bod was toasty--but my face was FREEZING. Literally pinching with cold. I thought my nose was going to get frostbite a mile or so in, and I?d spend the rest of my life looking like Voldemort.

                    Had my second counselling session this week. Didn't want to go and - of course! - it was very interesting and gave me more things think about. >>

                    Marshy, I always
                    felt that way the morning before therapy: dreaded taking all the crap out of the emotional closet and looking at it in the light of day. Then felt so much better afterward (hear that, AFM? Grief serves a purpose--don?t be afraid to feel it! You?ll end up neurotic; don't ask how I know that...)

                    DG, it sounds like you?re going to have your house in order by Christmas. What better gift than that? To heck with decorating. Put the yule log on cable tv and call it done. I can only imagine the ?just like camping? novelty of sleeping in the living room got old kinda fast. Here?s hoping M3 will also be able to cook a meal at home by the 25th.

                    LVT, you sound less stressed today. I?m glad! Getting your son?s math class straightened out helped, no doubt. Do the nap! I just might, too, come lunchtime.

                    Working at home today. I like solitude too; at least now, when it?s not dominated by elation at being able to drink all I want without hiding it. Followed quickly by shame and self-loathing. Fun fun! It's creative time I'm missing these days. Not missing volunteering so much?I do stuff at church and was a United Way big sister for ten years, and even did the Peace Corps, but balancing self-care with care of others has always been a sticking point for me. (I see that in A LOT of us here!) I need to sort out boundaries first; otherwise, too much goes out, and I take too little in. ?Balance, Daniel san.?

                    Okay, back to work. Hi Pam, AA, M3, G-string, Det, Greenie, Cab, Chief, IJM, Uni, and any other Fabbies who haven?t dropped in yet today.

                    xoxox Pride
                    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                      AF Daily - Thursday December 16

                      Hi all, it's been awhile. I think it would take me a year and a half to catch up on everyones lives and goings on. I hope you are all well and able to deal with the temptations holiday time brings (big one for me). Ginger tea is my lated fav!!

                      Nothing new here, just plugging along. Trying to keep my running up, house clean and kids sorted out.

                      Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                        AF Daily - Thursday December 16

                        Hi guys,

                        Checking in quickly here - sorry I haven't had a chance to catch up - been crazy busy (but good busy).

                        Thanks for all the congrats - way to go Pride - my partner in AFness! LOL

                        I'll check in tomorrow and catch up.

                        Love and hugs,
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          AF Daily - Thursday December 16

                          On my way, terrific to see you!!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily - Thursday December 16

                            Hey ho,

                            Nice to see you back, OMW. What you been up to?

                            Pride, you have a great way with words, I was chuckling away.

                            Greenie, I've also got Louise Hay somewhere. Should look for it as my shoulders keep acting up from time to time.

                            LVT and BB, hope your worries are subsiding.

                            Marshy, keep at it with your sessions - a future of enlightenment awaits!

                            AFM, still thinking about you.:l

                            Hi to everyone else. :hallo: I have to tell you that you're all collectively responsible for 'talking' me out of a huff yesterday. I was annoyed about a series of little disappointments when I remembered that resentments only hurt me at the end of the day. Then I set about clarifying issues and in one case confronting the person I was upset with. Today they've all been addressed. Aahhhhhh. Peace of mind restored. SO much better than picking up the vino. :thanks:


                              AF Daily - Thursday December 16

                              Thanks all.

                              First, I want to apologize for being a real sob-story lately. It has been a tough and lonely road for me.

                              I am having a better day today.

                              Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. xoxo

