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AF Daily - Thursday December 16

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    AF Daily - Thursday December 16

    AFM, if anyone's got a reason to sob right now, it's you. Give yourself a break. I hope we're making it a little less lonely, at least. : )

    Glad you're doing a little better today. How's your peanut? Is she better?

    xoxxo Pride
    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


      AF Daily - Thursday December 16

      You all are my lifeline. How is that for my dumping my emotional burdens on you all?

      Little AFM was better today. She went to school, and I got to see her sing Frosty the Snowman this afternoon at their school's Christmas singalong.

      So, I got to see my dad and enjoy her and the wonderful happiness in the air at her school. That made me feel great today!



        AF Daily - Thursday December 16

        A Mutant Vampire Cow-Pig DG? Never heard of that one before. It is something grotesque to think of when it comes to over-indulging in food.
        I have been trying to get on this site since seven this morning (that was 9 hours ago!!). It has been a day jam-packed with several things to do, causing me to feel very imbalanced.
        I actually had a craving today. While baking again. Who knew something so innocent could be a trigger. It was that, combined with too much caffeine, and suddenly I felt like having a drink to bring myself down from the hustle and bustle of the day. I kept telling myself, "You WILL go to a meeting tonite. You WILL pay for a babysitter so that you can get there." But after I finished up in the kitchen and left the house, I was feeling much better. I rented a corny movie (My Fair Lady) for the kids and I to watch tonite. So no matter how scattered the house still is, or how many dishes are sitting on the counter, I'm going to make myself sit down to watch the movie with them tonite. And I think I need to be done with baking for the season. If I run out of goodies to give out, I will buy something from the store instead. That was too scarey today.
        Greenie- Any word on that job? Or your wallet for that matter?
        Hope you all have a great sober night!! :-)
        "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


          AF Daily - Thursday December 16

          AFM it doesn't feel like you're dumping. You're sorting your feelings in a place you feel supported. That's important - no matter which end you happen to be on. :l
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Thursday December 16

            No, nothing on the job. Think I shoudl call tomorrow? It's been a week. They advertised in the newspaper classifieds so I imagine they were quite swamped with resumes.

            I've let the wallet incident go. Well, I had to work at the release, but it is no longer energy charged. I don't think.... I have some mild anxiety but I can't really pinpoint it. Maybe my mojo is just wavering a bit. Prolly about the job, not the wallet.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - Thursday December 16

              AFM, we are all here to help in any way we can. I'm a good listener.

              Greenie, I'm thinking if you really want that job then call. If nothing else it show them you are really interested.
              Speaking of mild anxiety - I'm feeling a bit of that as well. I've been sleeping crappy this past week, I'm seriously uncomfortable about having the kids here Christmas eve (as usual) because I'm not extending an invitation to YB. He'll probably show up anyway. I had to tell YB's brother yesterday to stop taking my firewood (he's the type to help himself to anything without asking) - annoying. My point is there is so much happening all at once........anxiety just creeps in!

              I'm going to listen to one of my meditation CDs tonight & see if that helps

              Good night everyone!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Thursday December 16

                Grrr...I'm angry. I know a lot of people are opposed to facebook, think it causes problems, but I find it entertaining.

                As you know, I belong to a coalition that is working to help prevent alcohol and drug use in our young people in the community. Recently an option became available to cities in our state to keep bars open until 2 am. All the other communities around us either decided not to bring it to a vote or voted against it. When it came up in our community, the coalition took a stand against it, and presented some information (statistics) to the council. I only went to the first meeting, so I don't really know for sure what happened after that, but the city voted to allow the 2 am closing.

                I was really disappointed in our officials and the day after the vote I stated such on facebook. Anyway, one of my friends (and fellow church member) got all over it, and started debating the issue. I was a little taken aback by his response, and I hate conflict, so I sent him a message to see if there was anything personal. He said no, we could disagree and still be friends. I've run into him a couple of times and there has been no problem. Another member of the coalition has been using the subject to bring awareness to the subject and posting some of the info that was shared at the meetings.

                Tonight when I look on facebook he has started a thread saying that some of his church friends want to ban alcohol. He is saying bad things about the coalition. Our pastors jumped in and gave their opinion, one of which is no one is suggesting prohibition. He is saying the members of the coalition were making threatening phone calls and on and on. This really bothers me because the coalition is trying to only do good things. We have events for the kids and try to raise awareness and educate parents and the community. We would not have been doing our job had we turned the other cheek on the 2 am issue.
                At first I thought he was just testing me, teaching me to debate, but now I'm mad and I've lost a lot of respect for this guy. I am getting smarter, I decided not to post anything on facebook tonight. I did however state that we are not trying to ban alcohol in any way, shape or form.

                Thanks for listening!:thanks:
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF Daily - Thursday December 16

                  lvt, i WONDER IF HE HAS SOME OTHER (oops) agenda with it. Like is he friends with bar owner who's income would be affected, that sort of thing. Is an early closing curtailing his social life? (kidding on that one). I think it's prolly a good choice to speak your peace and let it be.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Thursday December 16

                    A quickie...

                    AFM, I view our "cyber community" of friends in much the same way I view local friends (i.e. an AA group that has an ebb and flow of longer termers and also newcomers who eventually become longer termers if they stick around, etc.). We are here to support each other in good times and bad. Difficult times in our lives challenge our sobriety, and that is what we are here to help each other with - anything that challenges our sobriety!!!! Please keep coming here with your highs and your lows and everything in between!

                    LVT, politics and religion are among the "dangerous topics" in a social setting - wheter face to face or cyber space. I don't think it's "wrong" at all to bring up these topics. We just have to be prepared for possible highly charged responses. I think the risk of that is even higher in cyber space, as people seem to feel very brave at their keyboards, even on FB where it's not even anonymous. Maybe in the end the crap you take will be worth it as your message is also reaching others. Sometimes the strong reactions say more about the messenger of the reaction than about your message.

                    Lav, I always find the holidays stressful anyway, and then when there is any sort of family drama going on, it's even worse. Rather than shopping days until Christmas, why don't we count survival days until Dec. 26?

                    Greenie, I would call them just with a polite follow up and expression of your continued interest! (the dog has spoken!)

                    One thing is for sure...I didn't drink on Thursday and I better make that promise on the Friday thread too.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.

