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December Determination ~ Week 3

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    December Determination ~ Week 3

    "In discussing an approach to bringing about positive changes within oneself, learning
    is only the first step. There are other factors as well: conviction, determination,
    action and effort."
    --Dalai Lama

    Let's get week three started! My how December is flying by!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    December Determination ~ Week 3

    Good morning Dill & all Determined Ones, thanks for dragging us into week 3

    Dill, consider yourself fortunate to have a spouse nice enugh to surprise you with a tree!
    I just mentioned to an old friend yesterday that YB was extra difficult during the holidays. I had to repeatedly beg him for help buying a tree the first year we were married......pathetic.

    It's chilly & cloudy in these parts. Snow in the forecast for rush hour today but not much.
    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      December Determination ~ Week 3

      Good Morning Friends,

      At work early today so I'm on a break and thought I would say hello.

      Dill-Mr. Dill sounds like a true gem. What a sweetheart to put up a tree for you.

      Rebirth-there must be a full moon because my sober for 9 years friend went AA postal on me yesterday....out of the clear blue. I always thought she was different from the other AA people I've met over the last 20 years but I guess I was wrong. If I get a chance later, I'll PM you with the details. I'm in your corner.:l I echo what everyone else said about your former employee who sent you nastygrams....ignore her. And, didn't you say she's had some slips lately? I would bet that she sent you those e-mails when she was drinking.

      PA and Chill-good for you for fighting the beast during these extremely stressful times in your life.

      Papmom or Dill-I reread your instructions for inserting pictures and I am obviously doing something wrong. Would it be ok if I PM'd one of you later? I want to include a picture of my Christmas tree as an electronic Christmas card to all my friends here.

      Sorry I don't have time to address everyone. Hope everyone has a terrific AF Thursday.


        December Determination ~ Week 3

        Thanks for starting the thread Dill, I hadn't realised we were on week 3 already ...

        We have a "sing song" at our choir party rather than practice our regular stuff, so I shall request White Christmas and when we're singing it I'll be thinking of you all.

        Take care all


          December Determination ~ Week 3

          Evening everyone from a rather cold Scotland, I've just come home from my yoga class and it's -2 out there and getting colder by the minute. No snow yet but I think it's forecast overnight. It's been a busy day for me today and I am feeling tired tonight but so glad that tomorrow is Friday.

          PAguy thank you so much for the journal link I will have a look over the weekend what a great idea. I started yet another book last night its by Lynda La Plante, I was humming and hawing over starting Shataram but have decided to put it aside for the holidays as a treat. I have an early start tomorrow so I'm off for a bath and an early night, I'll hopefully catch up with you all more over the weekend.

          I hope you are all well, happy and content.

          Dewdrop :h
          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


            December Determination ~ Week 3

            Hey Folks:

            Another day on the road and then I return home tomorrow - Yes!

            I had an eye-opening experience last evening at dinner. You may think I'm crazy but I went to one of my favorite restaurants in the Dallas area and decided to have dinner at the bar. I was very comfortable and confident in my decision to do that. Not a cocky confident but just comfortable with my current situation. I immediately ordered a cup of coffee and had a very nice dinner. During dinner, there was a group of 6 seniors who were also having dinner at the bar but who were also progressively getting trashed. I can't tell you, in a strange sort of way, what a positive experience this was for me. It just spoke volumes of why I don't need to drink AL anymore. The next time I think I am missing out on something by not having a cocktail, I'll remind myself of the poor gentleman I saw last night who started talking to himself (incoherently by the way), waving his arms claiming that he lost something (nobody could figure out what that something was), and at the end of the night, he was all alone abandoned by his friends. I felt awful and thank goodness the bartender took his keys and was making arrangements to get him home safely.

            I feel like I have a whole new set of eyes and see things very differently these days. I am very thankful for my new vision.

            Lav - I keep meaning to mention to you that I have finally experienced the bizarre dreams that you warned me about when taking melatonin. One night last week, I had an extremely vivid dream that brought many people from my past, all who are unrelated and do not know one another, together in the same room. I kept saying to myself, why are you all here? You don't even know one another? I was left feeling WTF was that all about??

            I didn't bring the melatonin with me this week so I'll be having sweeter dreams tonight!

            Wishing you all a peaceful and stress free evening....
            AF since 7/13/2010


              December Determination ~ Week 3

              Sorry I haven't been posting....shouldn't be awake now but the meds they have me on don't let you sleep....oh yeah.....the first z-pac did nothing for what ever I I'm on 4 different mend....steroids, antibiotics, nebs, claritin-D....and today had to take my son in to be treated with the same....I can hardly get meals made (which are soup)....much less get to the does sh*t live in these horrible temps!!! It's freeeeezing here!!!! Shouldn't bugs, virusus...and whatever else just hit the air and die...we all practically do!!!
              (((SIgh))) I'm going to try to go to bed again.....They AREN'T sending me home again tomorrow from work!!!!
              Love to all...from a far far glad!!!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                December Determination ~ Week 3

                Good morning.

                Wow the month is going fast and it's getting busier and busier in the shop...

                Dill thanks for posting that inspiring poem. Thank you all for your comforting words. The woman has now sent me a christmas card. Fruit loop.

                John I had a similar experience last weekend. I went out for dinner in a posh restaurant and a very drunk man came into the restaurant thinking it was another place. He was completely disorientated and had to be led which he fell over in the street as he stumbled out the door. He was a beautifully dressed man..handsome even. What a sorriful state to be.

                It was frightening and embarassing to watch but I needed to see. It keeps you sober and kills any glamourous thoughts about drinking!

                As Star said, you become in touch with your higher being and thats so true!

                Have a great day all. xx
                Be strong-
                We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                  December Determination ~ Week 3

                  Good morning everyone

                  Here waiting for the carpet cleaner. He was meant to be here at 9.30 and still no sign nearly an hour later. Aggh.. really want to get this done before the snow comes as he wont get in if its really bad.

                  Dill - Thanks for the lovely poems and your readings. Lucky you having a hubby who will do stuff like that.

                  John - It is so interesting being on the outside looking in when people behave like that. We all need to either see it or hear about it so we can appreciate our sobriety and not fall into poor me, I am missing out mode.

                  Rebirth - You said it, she is a fruit loop and more than likely drinking again. Put her out of your mind.

                  SD - Hope you are feeling better, take care of yourself.

                  Sooty - Hope the sing song went well last night.

                  Everyone else big hello, have a great day.



                    December Determination ~ Week 3

                    Good morning all....

                    Good to hear from all of you, love your shared stories. PAguy, how interesting to sit and observe the drunken individuals in the bar.....and how sad. Rebirth, your story was interesting too. I just never want to be those drunken people, stumbling around, taken over by alcohol. It is part of the myth that we have a good time. The first one or two drinks relax, after that, oblivion, humiliation, and danger. Think of both of those guys, they could have been rolled, robbed, and not known what happened in the morning. Yet, who among us can stick to one drink?

                    I have a busy day at work today, meeting, then an appointment. So, there you go.

                    Dill, thanks for the quote, alot to think about.

                    Have a great day, AF.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      December Determination ~ Week 3

                      Hi Rusty- sorry to hear about your AA me and let me know what happened.

                      Yes everyone this member is definitely drinking and I have spoken to a few AA members who know her well. They told me to pray for her and forgive her..

                      Yeah right. more like push her off a cliff. Why should I have to be subjected to this just because we are all in AA. Her behaviour is unexcusable and she needs to be shaken up...not forgiven!

                      But I will try and put her out of my mind...

                      Star it was frightening to see this man so intoxicated. I was seeing myself and I have been SOOOO lucky that nothing really bad happened to me! Nor me...I never want to be one of those individuals ever again for the rest of my life.

                      Hi Sooty, Sd, rustop, Dill, Lav, John,. Chill, Cyn, Mr G, Dew, P3
                      Be strong-
                      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                        December Determination ~ Week 3

                        rebirth - protect yourself at all costs - seriously! Let someone else try to help that woman.

                        SD - I'll be right over.....Nurse Lav is free today. In the meantime I'm sending you warm chicken soup thoughts.:l

                        John, welcome to Melatonin-ville :H
                        I decided a while back to put up with the goofy dreams because lying awake all night is worse. The only thing that caused worse dreams was Lexapro. I didn't stay on that stuff long. It made me feel numb all day & have nightmares at night - forget it!

                        We had a pitiful 1/2" snowfall yesterday - just enough to make the roads slippery & cause lots of accidents & traffic jams. Sunday there is a possible coastal storm forming - look out Papmom!!! A Nor'easter usually sucks!

                        I watched my grandson for a few hourse yesterday. He noticed the Rocky & Bullwinkle sweatshirt I was wearing. He pointed to Bullwinkle & said 'Cow'. No I said, Moose. He then pointed to Rocky & said 'Doggy'. No I said, Squirrel. Now I'll have to see how much he remembers the next time he comes over :H

                        OK, time for work! Have a good day everyone!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          December Determination ~ Week 3

                          Hi Guys
                          Rusty - full moon isnt until Tuesday in afraid but I guess there are "fruit loops" everywhere :nutso:

                          Rustop - I hope your carpet cleaner made it.

                          Paguy & Rebirth - The tales of drunk people are great reminders to us, I guess you can go into most bars any night of the week and there will always be someone making a fool of themselves..... thanks be to God its no longer me!

                          I watched the movie "My Name is Bill" last night and loved it, it made me realize I will alway want contact with other ex addicts as "the ones who know" give me the greatest comfort and I know I can give the same back.

                          I worked extra hours this week and now have enough money to buy nice food over the holidays. I also have enough to take a yoga workshop between Christmas and New Year which I think will be good for my mental wellbeing and keeps me busy while everyone else is partying.

                          I think it was Dewdrop that said the lonliness some of us are feeling is actually caused by the holidays and I couldnt agree more. Everyone is dashing around making it special and getting together with family so those that aren't feel more isolated. Im usually fine being far from family but feeling vunerable the way i am makes me crave a family Christmas, and a lot of my ex pat friends disappear over the holidays back to wherever home is.

                          We have a bitterly cold north wind blowing here which is unusual and im glad to be in for the night by the fire, Im listening to Christmas music and enjoying catching up online.

                          Wishing you all a fantastic AF friday! :l
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            December Determination ~ Week 3

                            Hey guys,
                            I'm here just barely. So depressed. Xmas is my worst holiday. In Indiana, driving to NM on Saturday. can't even make myself think about Xmas. Sorry to be such a downer. This is just a really hard time for me.


                              December Determination ~ Week 3

                              Sped - sorry you are feeling so down, what's the plan for Christmas?
                              Are your sons coming home?

                              It's only one day and will be over before you know it, where the hell did this year go?!
                              Please stay strong, drinking will only add to the depression, let's look forward to a fresh new year with hope of better things to come :l
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996

