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AF Daily Wed. Dec 22

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    AF Daily Wed. Dec 22

    OMG! Nobody has started The Daily? Boy! Everyone must be pooped from the running around they're doing for the holiday.
    Well, GOOD MORNING!!! As with most of you, 3 days before Christmas, I have LOTS to do today. And of course, do to the ALL DAY hangover yesterday, I accomplished very little, so today is backed up.
    It's going to be a great day though. I am taking my 7 and 6 yr old children to see The Radio City Rockets Christmas Spectacular. I am WAY more excited to see them than the children are because I've wanted to see them perfrom all my life!
    Gotta go. Happy Sober Thoughts To All!!!!!
    "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"

    AF Daily Wed. Dec 22

    Good morning GAC & everyone!

    Kind of dark & cloudy this morning.....I'm just sitting with my coffee & not motivated to do anything yet!

    Greenie, I did not see The Secret - how was it?

    OK, I'll be back later when my brain is fully functioning :H
    Happy Humpday one & all.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily Wed. Dec 22

      Good morning,

      Still no change, well not much with dad. I believe he will be gone in the next day or two from what they say.

      I tried to turn to my mother yesterday for some comfort. No go. She yelled at me through email. A large font in bolded blue. Like HUGE font. God, why do I bother?? I woke up this morning at 3am just puking from stress, and also due to the fact that my mother is so selfish. So is my sister. She wants to come by today and do the gift exchange. I don't even want to see her. I am so sick and tired of these toxic people. Why is it that I am always throwing myself into the fire with these people? I am already struck down with grief; why do I need anymore? I know this is an answer I need to address. I am so done.

      So I talked to my Nana yesterday. She was comforting. I just hate unleashing my sorrows on her. She is my mother's mother. She doesn't understand why she is the way she is either.

      Anyway. I finished my Xmas shopping yesterday. I did not go and see my father. I feel guilty. His wife called and asked me if I was there. I said no, that I needed a day away.

      Why, am I so riddled with guilt all of the f'n time?

      Sorry to be a bummer. I just want this nightmare to end. I feel bad about even saying that.


        AF Daily Wed. Dec 22

        Lavande;1026910 wrote: Greenie, I did not see The Secret - how was it?
        Slept through it again. Maybe 3rd time wil be a charm! :H

        AFM, I feel your guilt all the way over here.... I have a tendancy towards that so I can really empathize. I believe that we are so used to feeling that way that when we give ourselves some healthy space we view ourselves as cold and selfish... which is hardly the case. AFM, stop spending time with people who choose to live with negative states and remember that you are not responsible for for the happines or unhappiness of others.
        (That is actually printed on a paper taped to my desk )

        BB, way to go on staying sober during little princess's overnighter! I'm delighted it turned out well!

        Biz-zeeeee today & taking off tomorrow for my sister's in VA. Hope to have a bit of snow Christmas! Back next Wed.

        Merry Christmas! And yes.... I made that gorgeous snowman...:H
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily Wed. Dec 22

          Hi fabbies! As usual I am WAYYY behind so will start with a huge hello to all fabbies far and wide! :yougo: to all celebrating anniversaries or anything else, and :l to all who need one or ten ((((AFM))))) and :b&d: to anyone who might need a dose of that! Whew!! Did I miss anyone????? :H

          Greenie, sending positive boss interview vibes your way! And if you are going to raise turkeys, I'm not sure the bathtub is the proper environment. (see how rumors get started????? )

          BB - so happy that Little Gia had a great time with Dad and that you got through it too - sober! Have we heard yet what she got for Christmas?? (I may have missed that part!)

          Marshy & Pamina, the weather and travel delays in London have been all over the Chicago news this week. I think of you guys every time I hear about it! Hope it is all cleared up for your Christmas travel Marshy. (and Pamina if you are traveling too!)

          AFM, I can't even imagine how difficult it would be to go through losing a parent as you are, AND trying to get through the holidays at the same time. Bound to bring out the strange in lots of people around you. Listen to Greenie. There is a very good reason she is Queen.

          GAC, all I can say is that I want to be one of your children. I want to see the Rockettes. Life is totally unfair that I have never seen them. :upset: Is there a tantrum smilie? I hope you will tell us ALLLLL about it in great detail later!!!

          Lav, how are the chickies? You aren't raising birds in your bathtub like Greenie is doing, are you?

          Chief, congrats on 21 days AF! Well, 22!

          I will be glad when Christmas is over. One family get together left to go.

          I worked yesterday in the kitchen at the mission. There was another big activity going on all day in the dining room. All the families that signed up in october for holiday family meals and Christmas presents for their family members picked up their stuff yesterday. Complete fixings for Christmas dinners for however many family members they signed up for. And gifts for all family members. Over 600 families recieved food and presents. Two very full semi trailers full of stuff. I am so proud to be a donor and volunteer to an organization having that sort of impact in our local community. And ALL of it is done by the local people, for the local people. No tax dollars state or federal involved.

          The guys in the 180 recovery program went above and beyond yesterday working to help make this special day happen. We had heavy, wet snow on Monday night, so they started their work at 3AM shoveling. Not only did all the parking areas have to be shoveled, but they had to shovel all around the two big semis that were parked there since Monday afternoon with all the stuff.

          One of the interesting things I found out yesterday is that 400 of the 600+ families have never recieved services from the Mission before. This is just a sign of the continued difficult times with many people needing outside help for the first time. I hope the economy continues to move in the right direction. Here in my town, there are some hopeful signs in several key industries. But housing, real estate commercial and residential construction, etc. are estimated to be 3 years out from any meaningful recovery status. So that means a significant % of the population will continue to struggle for some time to come.

          Well, that's what I've been involved in a lot lately - so thanks for reading! I am so grateful to have found volunteer work that really speaks to my heart. Getting out there and helping others sure helps me keep my perspective and balance within myself.

          One thing is for sure.....

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily Wed. Dec 22

            Quiet day here - hmm.

            DG, you are a good soul. Your volunteer work is wonderful. Haven't done any myself lately, maybe I'll change that in the near future.

            AFM, I'm still thinking of you - glad you checked in.

            Nothing major in my world today. Had a short meeting with YB to obtain some paperwork I need for a Refi. He's still looking terrible, unshaven, just nasty. Wouldn't stay to eat & I offered nicely. I just don't know.

            Well, I'm planted in front of the fire & enjoying it
            Have a good evening everyone.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily Wed. Dec 22

              Okay, five posts is just deplorable, so I'm going to say something. "Something."

              It's snowing softly and very pretty outside, and we have the tree lights on and the fire going inside, so no complaints here. Lots of complaints earlier, though, since even the hint of precipitation sends Boston commuters into panic and/or idiot mode. I am no exception. I may have sat on the horn for a minute (or three) in a not-so-Christmas spirit driving home today. GLAD to be unwinding on the couch (minus the Harvey's Bristol Creme).

              We're passing around a virus that makes everyone in the house hack like Camel smokers. I woke up with a strange red dot on my eye that someone told me was a popped blood vessel from coughing. Should make for some attractive holiday photos this year, eh? :specs:

              Time to drag my tired butt up to bed. Sweet dreams everyone,

              xoxox Pride
              AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
              "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers

