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AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

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    AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

    Good morning fabbies! Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating today. I am so grateful to be sober and unhungover. No guilt and remorse about negatively affecting my familiy's Christmas Eve due to my addiction. (showing up drunk or not showing up at all because I'd rather stay home and drink) Same for today. I'm always glad when the "season of too high expectations and obligations" is over, frankly. But I don't have to ruin it for everyone else any more.

    Special holiday wishes to those with little kids! May you all enjoy the day (sober!) as much as they surely will.

    I'm off to AA. It should be a good meeting. We usually read and discuss the Big Book but I think the chair is going to suggest we do a gratitude meeting, and I'm guessing the group will go for that. What a nice way to start Christmas day. I have much to be grateful for.

    One thing is for sure...I will not ruin this day for myself or my loved ones by touching AL.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

    Merry Christmas! DG it sounds like a great idea to express gratitude- I'm grateful for my loving small family, my friends, my dogs, a warm house, good food and being sober!

    Love and hugs to all of you,


    Sober since 12/15/2008
    Smoke free since 7/30/2007

    "My Happiness is Not Dependent on a Poisonous Chemical Depressant."


      AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

      Good morning DG & Abbers & Merry Christmas!

      Keeping an eye out the window today - looks like snow may be on the way.

      I had a great evening last night with my kids & EB
      EB had a ball opening his gifts - it was pure pleasure to watch!
      No YB interference..........I guess he stayed in his cave.

      My son is finished his 24 hr shift now & on the way back from DC. Since he missed last night's activities I will be dragging out leftovers today doing a small replay

      I hope everyone has a wonderful AF day with friends & family.
      I am grateful to be sober & fully present to enjoy all this with my kids

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

        Merry Christmas everyone!!

        Miss Doodle-So happy you are here on this thread!! I've really enjoyed your posts on your Two Year Anniversery thread and hope to learn much more from you!

        Lav-have a great 2nd day of celebrations with your son! Hope his travels to PA are safe. Still getting mixed reports about the storm tomorrow here in MA. Last nite they said 13 inches in my city, this morning they're not committing. Ugh. Just hope I have time tomorrow morning to get out the snowblower and make sure I can get it started.

        I am so very grateful to be unhung this morning, able to enjoy the morning paper, a very un WW brekkie, snuggles with my doggies, the lights on my makeshift mantle, the smell of sugar cookies baking (from a Yankee Candle I received as a gift last nite) and a marathon of "Ask this Old House". I'm also grateful to be able to travel such a short distance to be with my family today, again, fully present and unhung. Certainly NOT the case for the many past Christmases where I just repeated the imbibing I did on Christmas Eve.
        I am also grateful to have a roof over my head (although not as warm as I would like it to be but ya gotta love sweats and down comforters!!), a job that allows me to pay most of my bills, a second job that helps with the rest, a loving extended family, great friends, both in the physical and virtual world, a car that will allow me to navigate the snowy roads safely this winter, food on the table (healthier food come 20110) and a new hobby that keeps my mind and body sharp and allows me to appreciate DD for who he really is instead of wishing he were some other dog (OK, I do wish that sometimes!!).
        I am most grateful for my sobriety which has allowed me to recognize all the things in my life I am grateful for.
        Have a great day everyone!!
        :l :h
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

          Merry Christmas ABerooooos across the wild frontier,

          Thank you for the loverly kickstart Doggygirl and great to see you Missdoodlebug, Lavande, Papmom, and other sleepyheads to come. hugs all around xxxxxxxx

          I took a quick picture of Mount Shasta yesterday on the drive back home:

          no embarrassing drunken dumbass for me, I'll be my happy AF self. Home with Dx having a loverly quiet Christmas day snuggling on the couch and eating yummy healthy things. my biggest challenge will be avoiding the sugary sweets. I can do it! Ommmmm ommmmmmmm.

          be well everyone
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

            Hey Deter-beautiful pic!! Enjoy your snuggling!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

              Merry Christmas, Most Fab Abbies! Det, such a beautiful pic. Very Currier and Ives in my town, and beautiful in its own way. I'm grateful to live in such a diversely amazing country.

              I'm also grateful to have my first sober holiday season under my belt, :kudos: and to have thoroughly enjoyed myself, and the time with my family, as you said Lav--completely present.

              My brother brought a keg of his home-brewed beer to the Pride side family shindig last night. He poured some for me and said 'you're not drinking?' when I turned it down. I said, "Nope. Done with that." Instead of ragging on me about it (all 4 bros. were/are heavy drinkers), he went out to his car and got me some of his home-brewed rootbeer, instead. {{{{Danny}}}}

              P3, let's do the healthy eating thing together, okay?

              Merry Christmas, DG, Lav, and Miss D, and all Fabs yet to come!



              PS: I know it's about giving and not receiving, but....IPAD!!!!!!! :happy: That is all.
              AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
              "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

                Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

                Day 25 here and all is well.



                  AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

                  Chief! How fitting that you're 25th AF day is today!! Congratulations! hope you are thoroughly enjoying yourself!

                  Pride-IPAD!! You're right-that IS all!! Lucky you!! Yes, you, me, DG we're all in this healthy eating together. We'll start straight away-right after dinner tonite....maybe tomorrow. Oh hell, Monday it is!!
                  I bet your town is gorgeous this time of year!!

                  On my way to my Sis's for food and fun!! See ya!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

                    Are pierogies healthy? Because I ate some yesterday & plan to eat more today :H:H
                    What the heck, I only make them once or twice per year

                    Chief CONGRATS! 25 days on the 25th - awesome!

                    Deter, love that picture!

                    I have an apple pie in the oven - that's healthy, right????? I made ith with apples grown organically in a neighboring town - yum!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

                      Merry Christmas everybody!!

                      And a happy sober one at that. Little Gia really got ALOT of presents this year, I just got my Dad too take down her bed in her room to make room for everything. Since we cosleep right now she doesn't use the Daybed anyway and it's taking up valuable property in this house. The dinner my mother made was so delicious I took some home to snack on later when I'm curled up on the couch tonight watching my favourite movie "Scrooged". It was a really nice family Christmas in our two houses and I absolutely love my family.

                      I need to get back to opening toy boxes for her, what is with all the things on the toys these days? It is really necessary to have so much, they're almost impossible to get the toys out.


                        AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

                        AFM, Bear, you two out there? come and play
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

                          Merry Christmas everybody!

                          Healthy eating... yeah... umm... isn't that a New Year's resolution type thing? As in, there's another week to muster up the resolve, right? Cause there's still cheese and gingerbread cookies and stuff, for like a week...

                          I've spent my first ever on-my-own Christmas. It was partly by choice as I decided I didn't want to organise a party for my sister this year. Then it was partly not having enough time to figure out what else I could do with myself. It's been a bit wistful, but for the most part I've enjoyed the peace and quiet.


                            AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

                            Merry Christmas Pam!
                            I had my son, DIL & grandson here for about 1 1/2 hrs then they were off to somewhere. I've never spent so much time alone but what can you do?

                            I'm thinking about a second helping of apple pie........
                            Healthy eating will resume soon
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

                              Hi Lavande. Have the apple pie, sod the healthy eating - it's only one day. Too many emotions sandwiched in a day. Thinking of you
                              Molly xxxx
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14

