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AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

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    AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

    Hi! I am still here - still no go with dad.

    God, he is hanging on!!! He hugged me today and then pushed me away.

    He knew I was there... That is one of the best gifts I can ever get.

    Also, he wrote me a card and gave me a necklace. This was before he was unresponsive. He told me to have a Merry Christmas and to have a 'great life'. Jeeeeeeezus. I cried so much last night. My eyes were swollen.


    Love you all lots. xoxo


      AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

      Hi Molly - nice to see you here!

      AFM, God, I feel for you :l Hang in there, you are doing great.

      This is the quietest Christmas day I've ever experienced but OK. Just sitting here watching the weather channel - uh oh.....snow is on the way.
      Look out Papmom!!!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

        Hey Molly!! So good to see you!! Hope you had a great day today!

        (((AFM))) Your dad really dug deep to give you that hug. How very special. Hang in there sweetie. We are here for you.

        Pam-I do know what it's like to spend a christmas alone and I didn't like it at all! I was only 23 or so and 1000 miles away from my family and working. I tried to treat myself to a special dinner so went to the market and got lobster (what else would a New England girl living in IL get for her first alone xmas???). Unfortunately I didn't realize that in IL you get Rock Lobster, not Maine Lobster :H. At least back then that's what you got! Oh well, it was over soon and I survived. I think I would do better alone now that I'm a seasoned middle ager! Hope next year isn't so hectic for you and you have more options.

        Lav-glad you got a couple of hours with your family. Tomorrow is a new day. I can't even bring myself to look at the weather. I'm just hoping I have enough time tomorrow morning to get the snowblower out of the shed and running. Must remember to talk to neighbor's kid about shoveling proposal. Is there an app for memory or better yet, snow removal?? And yes, organic apple pie is definitely on the healthy list and the more the better. I'm now regretting not asking to bring home a slice or two of my sister's pumpkin pie. Perogies are part of the food pryamid I believe so keep on eating!!

        Gia-your day sounded lovely!! Little Gia is one lucky girl and so are you!!

        One of my gifts this year was a Flip Video!! You all will now have to tolerate short vignettes of my pups doing absolutely nothing brilliant and with probably lots of growling and barking by DD!! However, the snow storm tomorrow should result in an Oscar nomination, especially if I attempt to put them in boots!!

        My little 5 yo nephew was absolutely adorable and the things that come out of his mouth just floor me!! He was so patient waiting his turn each time to open a gift. Just brilliant!!

        The only black spot on an otherwise lovely day was my sister and her husband allowing the 2 boys to have a couple of beers during the present opening and then dinner, knowing they were driving later on. I opened my big mouth and was promptly shot down by sis. This kids are 17 and 18. It's one thing to allow them to have a few beers or a glass of wine with the family but pairing it with driving is just not acceptable to me. I'm not that naive to think the older boy isn't getting into cars with drivers who have been drinking while he's away at college (his car stays at home for his younger brother to use for school and work). And for that matter the 17 yo as well. I just can't condone my sister condoning it. Sigh. It's a battle I fear I have no ammunition to fight. My example setting all these years says it all. All I can do is pray nothing happens to either one of them.

        Other than that it's been a fabulous AF season for me and I'm really looking forward to the 2011.
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily - MERRY CHRISTMAS! (December 25)

          Merry Christmas & Happy New Year one & all. Great job Chief! You've passed a critical period, & you're on your way. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012

