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AF Daily - Monday December 27

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    AF Daily - Monday December 27

    Good morning Fabs, with all its joys and sorrows. :hug:

    AFM, so sorry for your loss, but relieved for your dad and family that he is finally at peace and out of pain. You have been such a trooper through this ordeal, and as a single mom, and over the holidays--just amazing.

    It seems like the season's been an emotional mixed bag all around; lots of big changes in people's lives and relationships, losses, new loves, soul-searching, loneliness, joy, gratitude, WTF-itude. What is humbling to me is how all of you are letting yourselves feel it, not numbing the bad (and good) with alcohol, but hoping on the bronco and riding it out, fully human. I'm so grateful to be feeling things again and grateful for such amazing and brave company on this ride.

    Blanketed by a Nor-easter and the first one up in the house--enjoying the coffee and solitude! Will check in later (no way I'm driving in today)...

    xoxox Pride
    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers

    AF Daily - Monday December 27

    Good morning Pride! Thanks for starting us off today.

    AFM, I am so sorry for the loss of your father. Atleast he is no more pain, I love you my dear friend.

    Pride, you always sum things up so well with handling lifes turns and corners, it may not be easier. It's not glossed over or fogged in, but it's good to see it through sober eyes..even if it's not always the way we want it to be.

    We're getting the same Weather Bomb you are my friend. I'm just thankful we still have power! But hey, atleast it's not snow since we're on the ocean, it's just rain.


      AF Daily - Monday December 27

      Good morning Abbers,

      The Nor'easter blew thru here yesterday as well. The snowfall total was pretty light but the cold wind is still hanging around, brr.

      I do need to venture out to the bank & post office later - I think. May put it off until tomorrow

      Thinking of you AFM, hope you can rest today.

      Wishing everyone a good, warm Monday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Monday December 27

        My condolences as well AFM - you've handled it with more strength then I think I could have......

        Happy Monday morning to everyone! I'm actually glad to be back at work, as it means I am back into my routine. Got way too lazy on vacation and ate way too many sweets, and my body is letting me know it. Ugh, I hate feeling this way - I'm the anti-AAthlete today!

        You're right Pride - and it took me a while to understand that life would keep throwing me curveballs even after I got sober. Think I had this fantasy inside my head that I would stop drinking and everything would be wonderful - boy was that a rude awakening. Had to learn (everyone else here has) to deal with all that in a more constructive and positive way, and that the same crap would still go on in my life - but now I could choose to confront it instead of running from it.

        Anyway, need to try and get some work done, so I am off. Have a great day everyone!

        (p.s. looking forward to 50 degrees and thunderstorms in Chicago Friday)!
        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


          AF Daily - Monday December 27

          Morning Abbers!

          (((AFM))) I am so sorry for your loss and am sending you love and healing vibes through cyber space. Stay strong my friend.

          I hope those of you who got hit with the storm stay inside in the warmth and don't attempt to go out today.

          It is sunny here but freezing! I have to go to my therapist appointment but other than that it is a pretty quiet day - some cleaning is needed - my house looks like a bomb went off! Well, it did in the form of a 10 year old girl opening Christmas presents! LOL

          I hope everyone has a good Monday - one thing is for sure here.

          Love and hugs,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            AF Daily - Monday December 27

            Good Monday Morning Abber Friends!!

            AA-good to see you again! We've missed you! I too got very lazy over the past week so I'm back to counting points and back to PF tomorrow.

            Pride-love your summary of the year! I'm very happy that lady luck has been with me these past 8 months and the worst I had to deal with sober was my boss not speaking to me for 3 months right at the beginning of my journey. I know that at any time tragedy can strike and I hope that I have the strength that AFM and many others have shown through their ordeals to get through whatever life has in store for me. Hopefully these past 8 months have built a solid foundation for me.

            The storm blew through here as well-it's actually still snowing and the wind is viscious still but unless they've missed a sneak attack the worst is over. The accumulation up here in the hills was not as bad as they had predicted and the snow is light and fluffly. My neighbor's kid shoveled my part of the drive and half my sidewalk and then stopped for whatever reason. Guess I'm going to have to spell out the terms of my offer for him :H. I've made one pass and will do another later on when the snow finally stops. No power outages here but the southshore and northshore got hit hard with flooding due to the high tides around 3am. Horrible fire on the south shore that took 2 homes side by side. All the men in red could do was try to protect the other homes on the street -due to the high winds they couldn't do anything for the 2 houses but let them burn. People had to be evacuated and rescued by boat. No one hurt thankfully-even the dog got rescued. If this is the worst storm we have all season I'll take it!!

            Trying to get up the motivation to do some work work so I'm not too far behind when I get back next monday. So much to do, so many choices!! Think I'll take a week off in February just for the heck of it.

            Stay warm all and careful driving for those who have to go out. Lav, hope the girls weathered the storm with minimally ruffled feathers!!

            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily - Monday December 27

              Thinking of You AFM

              :lBig hugs to you AFM.:l
              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                AF Daily - Monday December 27

                Thinking of you, AFM...


                  AF Daily - Monday December 27

                  I've offically taken down my Christmas tree and all the decorations in the house. It's nice to have the space back again.
                  I've inheritied my two little cousins for the night. We went to get them for the day, then they wanted to spend the night. Why the hell not? We've made some really nice window stickies, I've got a really nice roast on with veggies which they are drooling over and they are having a great time together. They're Little Gia's favourite little cousins, and my godchildren. I'm smiling listening to them play in her room.

                  AA..good too see you back. Get back on that bike buddy! lol.


                    AF Daily - Monday December 27

                    Hi all. AFM, I'm thinking of you and Little AFM today. (((AFM + Little)))

                    I have also been thinking of all of you in the path of the bad storms. I hope everyone is OK out there!

                    Pride, that was a great opener for today. It got me thinking about the ways that life HAS gotten better since I stopped drinking. While it's true that life indeed goes on with all of it's ups and downs, here are a few things that make my life better, no matter what is going on around me:

                    1. I am no longer making bad situations worse by getting drunk.
                    2. I am no longer making normal situations bad by getting drunk.
                    3. I am no longer ruining good situations by getting drunk.

                    That's a lot to be grateful for right there! :H

                    Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas Recovery Period this week.

                    One thing is for sure...

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Monday December 27

                      Hugs to you AFM :l

