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AF Daily-Tuesday, December 28th

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    AF Daily-Tuesday, December 28th

    OK everyone-it's WAY past Wakey Wakey time!! Where the heck is everyone?

    I've got to go pick up my dad from cataract surgery in a few minutes so can't stay long.

    We survived the blizzard and the hurricane strength winds yesterday. I lost a suet feeder and grill cover but that is it (no trees left due to the ice storm of '08 and the Asian beetle). It's still very cold out and the roads are not in the best of shape. I'd like to fire the contractor who did my road. Even with AWD I slid sideways down the road this morning the ruts were so deep!! And the city is raising our taxes??

    I'll be back later.
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!

    AF Daily-Tuesday, December 28th

    It's high Noon!

    Hope everyone is just busy having a good day

    I had a short visit from the YB this morning. He had to sign some papers for the Refi.
    While he was here I talked him into going & picking up 100 lbs of chicken feed - the girls are little eating machines these days. YB is still growing the full beard - seriously ugly especially since it's mostly gray. I told him he obviously isn't interested in attracting any female attention :H

    The rest of the day is for putting Christmas away & vacuuming up the ton of dog hair that my 2 dogs have spead everywhere.

    Hope everyone is having a terrific AF Tuesday
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily-Tuesday, December 28th

      Hair, hair everywhere, Lav ; )

      Kids are home (vacation week) so mom-shlepping while attempting not very successfully to get office work done. Definitely in "I'll start my diet tomorrow" mode.

      Speaking of which--LUNCH. At least the cookies are gone; one perk of a housefull.

      Will check in later,

      xoxo Pride
      AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
      "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


        AF Daily-Tuesday, December 28th

        Hi all. P3, good to know you and Lav survived the storms! (and anyone else affected - Pride? I can't remember where you are located!) P3, I can relate to the road condition frustrations. Our entire county was under construction from early spring to late fall this year. Some days it was impossible to get from point A to point B. Lots of federal, state and local tax dollars involved in all this. AND WE HAVE MASSIVE POT HOLES. How can this be?

        Lav, I am glad to hear you put YB to work. At least he's good for something. That beard sounds horrible.

        Pride, no kids around here so life has gotten back to normal pretty quickly, thank goodness!

        This is day 3 of Atkins Induction. Getting the sugar and grains out of my system the fast way. I'm on all The Diet Cure supplements, which I really believe is making this much easier. I'm not really having major sugar cravings which is great. It's a bonus that the extra water that is NOT needed without all the carbs is whooshing away. No gas and bloating either. If I ever say I want some sugary something or other, please remind me of how crap I feel when I eat that stuff. I've also been sleeping better than I have in....I don't know how long. I thought my sleep was not too bad, but now it's like a baby. (GABA + L-Tryptophan I think!)

        At leads group today, our featured speaker was the lawyer in our group. He is always a speaker at the holidays and gives us an update about the DUI laws and consequences, with a strong suggestion to call a cab if one is drinking even a little bit. I have been part of this group for longer than I have been sober. I remember him giving these talks when my face would be burning wondering if people could just see right through me and know about my drinking problem. It was wonderful to listen to all this with a clear conscience. At least for today, I will not need the services of a lawyer due to a DUI. I didn't realize in the State of IL that anyone under 21 gets a DUI at ANY level of alcohol. And automatic license revocation. I'm lucky I've never gotten a DUI. (and/or killed somebody)

        The post - Christmas news reports are interesting. It seems like any time they report something bizarre (i.e. "a child was injured when his father set the Christmas Tree on fire) - they also mention alcohol being involved. I know I did some crazy shit when drunk that I can't imagine doing when sober.

        Doing volunteer work in the kitchen tonight which I am looking forward to.

        One thing is for sure.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily-Tuesday, December 28th

          Afternoon lovelies,

          I made the mistake today and jumped on the scale at my mothers house. Time to cut back on my food intake I think, I over indulged on sweets which I normally don't do, but without the added calories from AL I replaced it. So time to replace that as well and moderate a bit more and lose this 6 lbs which is driving me nuts. I'm not used to having extra weight on me.

          My little cousin decided to spend a second night with us; so the two girls are in the tub right now soaping up and playing with their toys in there then it will be into jammies and movies.

          I came home to a mess in my 'sort of' pantry, everything on the floor in a mess and a big dead mouse that one of my cats got. Good to see my girls keeping the house safe from the little furry mice from hell! They make so much mess and have been eating my candles? WTF.. they will eat anything.


            AF Daily-Tuesday, December 28th

            Oh, I forgot! I did have the talk with the uninvited friend and he has since no longer just stopped by unannounced, infact I haven't seen him since which is nice really. It was really hard on the nerves having the talk, but it was harder always on edge wondering if he was just going to stop by with no notice. Thanks for the advice everyone!


              AF Daily-Tuesday, December 28th

              Hello Guys!

              Pap, we have been hearing about all the blizzards up there, but we're just getting the cold air from it down our way. It's really cold air, though! Good to hear you have survived.

              I also have been thinking about cleaning up the tree and the mess of Christmas -- maybe next week. At least I'm thinking about it!

              BB and DG, good for you to be weight watching and getting all healthy. I don't think I will go anywhere near a scale for at least a week. I don't need to add to my stress levels right now. I'll think about that next week along with the tree cleanup.


                AF Daily-Tuesday, December 28th

                Hey guys - just checking in from busy Chicagoland. Was expecting a slow week at work but not so far! Glad to see everyone doing well and focused on their sobriety. Funny, but I still feel a little nauseous every time I smell or am around alcohol - nice reminder of what awaits me if I decide to take that first drink!
                Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                  AF Daily-Tuesday, December 28th

                  Hi everyone!

                  Glad to hear you all survived the storm. Funny, my part of Ontario has not yet been hit (knock on wood). Everywhere around us has, I'm sure it won't be long before it's us too.

                  Did some running around today - filled up my house with healthy snacks (trying to lose the added 10lbs that I put on!). Lots of fruit and veggies and no chocolates. If I am craving salt I have nuts, sweets I have fruit. That's the plan anyway! LOL

                  I'm a little tired and the little one is at her dads tonight. I think hubby and I may just relax with a movie. Sounds like a plan to me anyway - hopefully he'll go for it!

                  One thing is for sure.....
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    AF Daily-Tuesday, December 28th

                    Hi Uni, we've been getting the wind and mass amounts of rain here on the East Coast. My pond is full and over flowing, and my little natural spring running through the edge of my yard I can hear from the house now. We've definetely got lots of rain.

                    AA, I was wondering where you were? Check in more often would yah? lol


                      AF Daily-Tuesday, December 28th

                      Hi Fabbies,

                      Blizzards all around then, is it? Certainly feezing over here. The neighbour's been shoveling snow this afternoon, my turn tomorrow...

                      I got a suprise email from a big agency that may want me to do some project work for them later in the spring. I went to see them this afternoon, and though there are no guarantees, it was a very positive meeting. A month ago I was upset because someone else pulled the plug on a planned project. If that hadn't happened, I wouldn't be available for this potential new thing today. So maybe everything does happen for a reason, after all. Damn, the Queenie is smart! (And where is she anyways??)

                      I so admire all your healthy eating plans. Unfortunately I still have loads of cookies/biscuits that seem to make the darkness that much sweeter... :lalala:


                        AF Daily-Tuesday, December 28th

                        Pamina;1030036 wrote:
                        I so admire all your healthy eating plans. Unfortunately I still have loads of cookies/biscuits that seem to make the darkness that much sweeter... :lalala:
                        :H:H I have to say I'm there with you on that one at the moment Pamina!


                          AF Daily-Tuesday, December 28th

                          Hi Pam & mylife!
                          Don't tell anyone but I'm still eating cookies too - yum
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF Daily-Tuesday, December 28th

                            Hidy Ho ABlanders!

                            Doggygirl, I'm glad to have a low carb buddy hang in 5 and 6 are the hardest I've found when switching to a ketogenic (fat burning instead of carb burning) diet. I'm on day 7 myself and feeling/looking better already. I can honestly see the bloating has subsided already and no longer craving carbs.

                            AAthlete, I also get uncomfortable around al. I'd say that's a good sign for us peeps.

                            well, the 'high' temp here thursday and friday is to be a whole 28degrees F. yeesh.

                            good thing I have a snuggle partner

                            be well friends
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF Daily-Tuesday, December 28th

                              Brigitte Bardot;1030026 wrote:
                              AA, I was wondering where you were? Check in more often would yah? lol
                              Funny how being on vacation throws you out of your routine! Guess that's what I get for not having a list of things to do when I was off last week, but the shopping was all long done, etc. so no excuses! All I can offer is my humblest, and most sincere apologies! :huggy
                              Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."

