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AF Daily - Wednesday December 29

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    AF Daily - Wednesday December 29

    Hi fabbies! Happy Hump Day! Hope there are a few of us with 1) proper working hormones and 2) a partner to share it with!

    I'm glad I'm taking all these mega supplements (inc. All One) right now. My body is working hard to fight off a cold. So today I'm cutting back the schedule to the slowest possible pace, and least sharing of germs. I want to pay my respects to my AA friend who passed away last week but I think if I go when visitation first starts at 3PM.

    Healing thoughts to AFM....

    Yes Det, you have a low carb buddy back. Day 4. It hasn't been as bad as I remember with all the amino acid support. I'm up to 6 grams (I think that's right - 6,000mg) L-Glut per day plus the extra L-Tryptophan, GABA, L-Tyrosine, DLPA, and some other vits/minerals in addition to All One. I'm feeling pretty stable which is amazing. I need to go to the recipe section and hunt up all your stuff.

    Is everyone having a lazy week or busy week? On work or off work? For me things are quiet in terms of customer stuff and meetings. I'm trying to take advantage of the quiet time to get some year end book keeping chores done. I need to also do my Mary Kay year end inventory. Sure would be nice to have that all ready to go to the accountant in early January.

    One thing is for sure, I can't count worth a darn when I'm drunk. And if I have "a drink" to get me "motivated" for my chores, it doesn't stop until I pass out. So...I'm going to keep my counter going today and give AL a pass.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Wednesday December 29

    Morning DG, and Happy Hump day to you as well! Here's hoping you and hubby are able to revel in the significance of the day!

    This week is busy, but in a good sort of way (if that makes any sense). I'm getting to tinker with some software, as opposed to doing only mgmt stuff - so all is good. Like you, I'm working on wrapping up some loose ends as well, something I would have never given any consideration to when I was drinking. I would have been planning on quitting drinking as a New Year's resolution, which meant I would be drinking like a fish this week to make sure I went out in style. Course, that resolution never made it past a week...

    My brain reminded me of its 'resourcefulness' this morning -- I am taking Concerta and one of the warnings is that it can be addictive if you abuse it. I talked to my shrink when he prescribed it, and he felt that since I was solid in my program it wouldn't be an issue, but that we would monitor it just the same. Fast forward six months, and my brain tells me "you didn't get addicted to Concerta - what if you're not addicted to alcohol anymore??"

    Got a good chuckle out of that one, as I know damn well that I am an alcoholic for life. Nice to have the power for a change though, instead of being powerless - I can recognize these episodes for what they are.

    Have a great day everyone.
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      AF Daily - Wednesday December 29

      Hello friends,

      DG--I am going to give a healthier lifestyle a try again here real soon. I don't think I have the willpower or time to do a regular "plan" such as Atkins or WW. I know if I eat less crap and more fruits and vegetables, plus add some exercise into my days, I will feel and look better. I am so soft and out of shape aerobically too! Yoga teacher has been on Christmas vacation, so that will start again next week--yay! I bought some soft, comfy exercise pants on sale yesterday, so I really need to get motivated!

      AA--it is good to see you back here posting! I take my son in for his ADD evaluation tomorrow (unless the impending blizzard halts all travel). It will be interesting to say the least.

      I kind of feel like I'm spinning my wheels this week with the kids home. It's hard to get much done. But it's not like I have a lot to do anyway. I always get a little nervous without much extra income this time of year. My #2 son turns 13 next week, so he gets his "big boy" cell phone. :H There goes and extra $20 a month. We've found a pretty nice car for #1 son. There goes an extra $$ for insurance a month. Only money-right?

      My sister is having major surgery today to remove part of her colon an place a probably permanent colostomy. She has gotten weaker since I was there and the tests show her bowel is leaking. She is very worried, and her husband is too. Just not sure how much more her body will stand. I hope that getting that out of there will help her to feel so much better and turn around and have a speedy recovery.

      I have a busy morning ahead. I need to get a bunch of stuff done so I can go watch my son's basketball game. Our winter storm is suppose to hit early in the morning.

      Have a great day all! :h
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        AF Daily - Wednesday December 29

        Good morning,

        ((LVT)) I hope your sister will be OK after surgery. It's the shits watching someone suffer. She is lucky to have you. xoxo

        Well, here it is 3 days since he has passed on. I have gone from numb to the realization it has happened. It feels surreal to me even after the several months of his suffering. BUT, I haven't fallen completely apart since the few days before he went. I am also still sober. However, I have had to take an Ativan the last two nights because of the visions of him before passing; plus memories flooding of good times have been giving me some anxiety. I know this will pass and my head will settle down.

        I managed to get out of the house yesterday and did a bit of much needed grocery shopping. It was actually sunny out for a change and felt good. I even managed to wash my floors. I have been putting it off for a couple of weeks, although I was still sweeping them. So, I am starting to get my 'real' energy back; and not just running on adrenaline.

        Thank you all for being so kind to me in my time of need. I really appreciate it.

        I don't know what is on the agenda for today. I am thinking that Little AFM and I will walk along the river bank as it is to be a nice day again. I know I am in desperate need for some fresh air.

        Have a great day everyone. I need a coffee!! xoxo


          AF Daily - Wednesday December 29

          Afternoon everyone,

          Little Gia is sick today, not fun. I was up most of the night with her and she's not feeling the best at all today. So, I'm keeping her in her jammies and under blankets watching Toy Story 3 and her other favourties and getting as much liquids into her as I can.

          DG, have fun today doing the horizontal Mambo. Hah. Sorry, I think that's the first time I ever said that.

          LVT, I hope your sisters surgery goes well. My first cousin has Chrones with the bag, he is always in and out of the hospital quite a bit. Sending positive vibes her way.

          AFM, I think it's a good thing to take all the time you need to feel somewhat like yourself again. My thoughts and prayers are always with you.

          AA, great to see you back my friend, always like to read up on how you're doing.


            AF Daily - Wednesday December 29

            Hi All,

            Day 29 here. Donna and I are leaving for Michigan tomorrow to see her dad. He has stage 4 lung cancer and is not doing well. He can't get out of bed anymore, even with help. They are bringing a hospital bed into the house today and will put him on a cathader (sp).

            Hospice is involved and they say his body is shutting down. I hope he doesn't suffer too long.

            Not looking forward to this....



              AF Daily - Wednesday December 29

              Oh Don, I am so sorry. He has been suffering for a long time hasn't he?

              My cousin just called, her partner of 20 years just passed away. Her and I are very close, I wish I could fly up there to be with her right now.


                AF Daily - Wednesday December 29

                Hello Guys. Just checking in to say Hello and I'm happy to be AF.

                DG - glad to hear you're doing so well on low carb. I did that for a month in August, and it really did feel good.
                AA - Good recognition of an addictive brain talking!
                LV - I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. I have a sick husband and it is a constant stress in my I know how hard that can be.
                AFM - So sorry to hear about your a really awful time of the year.
                BB - Sorry to hear about GIA, and thanks for the Comic relief! (Horizontal Mambo!!)
                Chief - I don't envy you. I went through that in the past with a relative. Be strong and hang in there.

                Hope I've included everyone -- lots of sobering posts today. I wish you all strength during the next few days of the Holidays.


                  AF Daily - Wednesday December 29

                  Hi everyone,

                  To all those who have sick relatives and friends I am sending positive vibes your way. I hope they have a speedy recovery.

                  AFM - glad you are doing what you need to do for you and are getting some energy back. I am proud of you for going through this sober - that is hard to do and it will be better in the end as you will give yourself the time needed to mourn.

                  I am having a hard day depression wise and will be going back to bed soon. I forced myself up to get a coffee, my medication and some breakfast but I just am completely without energy right now. The episodes are fewer and fewer these days so I am not going to be upset by it - I am just going to succumb to my body right now and hope to feel better tomorrow.

                  At least I know I won't be drinking today.

                  Have a good one everyone, I'll check in tomorrow.

                  Love and hugs,
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    AF Daily - Wednesday December 29

                    LVT, AFM, Chief, BB and DG-my thoughts are with you all during these sad and anxious times. May 2011 have more good news than bad for all of us.

                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily - Wednesday December 29

                      I lack the necessary hormones for much in the Horizontal Mambo department. :H

                      AA - Man I can relate to your description of "The New Years Resolution" aka a SUPER huge drinkfest between Christmas and New Years. The only difference for me is that my resolution NEVER lasted a whole week. Two days tops.

                      AFM, you sound like you are handling this all so well. You are an inspiration. I hope you and Little have a rejuvenating walk today.

                      Uni I'm so sorry you are not feeling up to snuff today. Sounds like you have a great perspective on it though. I hope tomorrow is better and that you get lots of rest today.

                      LVT, your plan of more good stuff and less bad stuff sounds perfect. I hope Terry gets through this next procedure OK. I also hope the appointment tomorrow with your son goes well and you learn something helpful out of it.

                      Mylife, you are a great addition to the merry band of AF travelers!

                      Chief, I hope you and Mrs. travel safely. I too hope your FIL doesn't suffer much more.

                      P3, what are you up to today? Working from home? In your jammies? With your Doggies?

                      This cold is driving me nuts. One where my nose is tickling all the time. I will be glad to get back from the funeral home and get in my jammies!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily - Wednesday December 29

                        DG-Yes, Yes and Yes. And now back to work!!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AF Daily - Wednesday December 29

                          (((Chief))) Gosh, so sorry you are going through this. Sending lots of love your way to you and your family.

                          Little AFM and I went for a walk down the river. It was the best walk I have ever been on. It felt so good in the sunny winter air. I think we are going to start doing this regularly. It is good for the soul.

                          May there peace for all hurting today. It has been pretty rough for a lot of us, but we will make it through - sober too. xoxo


                            AF Daily - Wednesday December 29

                            Good afternoon Abbers,

                            I did stop in & post this morning but it seems to have disappeared - oh well!

                            Sending greetings & hugs to everyone with sick family members. AFM, good to hear you are OK. Uni, I'm sorry about your depression problems, sending you warm thoughts as well.

                            My day started at Midnight when I sat on the edge of my 38 year old bed & it promptly collapsed! OMG, it scared the hell out of me! So instead of going to sleep I ended up wide awake & watching TV until 3 am -Ugh. Then I finally crawled into one of the spare rooms to sleep for a few hourse, not fun. I had a decision to make: 1. Spend the money, order a new bed online somewhere & wait for it to be delivered or 2. Call YB, tell him to get off his a$$ & come over here & fix it. (He's doing nothing this week the campus is closed. Amazingly, he answered his phone & was here about 2 hrs later, made the necessary repairs & left Good YB

                            I'm turning my brain to the baby shower I'm having here Jan 16 for my daughter. I have some things done (diaper cake, etc) but need to start thinking about food. No booze required at this event thank goodness.

                            Hope everyone is having a good day.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily - Wednesday December 29

                              Lavande;1030792 wrote: My day started at Midnight when I sat on the edge of my 38 year old bed & it promptly collapsed!
                              :H:H I knew I had to come back on here before signing off for the day! Great story Lav!

                              Have a wonderful AF evening all. I'm driving out to the beach tonight with hubby so won't be able to check back in until tomorow.

