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AF Daily - Thursday December 30

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    AF Daily - Thursday December 30

    Hi DG! Respect that hip pain. Too bad Curves doesn't have a pool, even resistance, less weight-bearing.

    Speaking of weight-bearing, I'm right behind you on the diet thing. Logged on to WW for the first time in weeks yesterday; it yelled at me, but I deserved it. Back on track now, and so far, so good. Can't run in the snow but I've been walking. Didn't care for the fact that my jeans were mysteriously shorter (or not so mysteriously, given that my ass is wider). No AL calories though (to quote IAD, "HAH!")

    Have a great day, all,

    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


      AF Daily - Thursday December 30

      Good morning everyone!

      I'm feeling good today. I had a lovely invite up to my dad's wife's house for New Years. It will be me, her and her daughter. We are going to have a private celebration of life for my dad. My dad didn't want a service. I think it is so thoughtful for them to have me with them. Ring in the New Year on a wonderful note; and the three of us would really like to believe that my dad would love it! I haven't had anything to look forward to in so long really. I am really looking forward to this. Kind of like some sort of closure and a beginning of the rest of life.... and........ of course I will remain sober.

      Hugs to LVT and Chief. xoxo

      Congrats to those celebrating milestones! And I hope those who are not feeling well, get better soon!

      I didn't have to take an Ativan last night to sleep; so that is good. The last thing I need is to become addicted to anything else!

      Today, I am going to take Little AFM for another trail walk. I really enjoyed it yesterday.

      Have a great day everyone! xoxo


        AF Daily - Thursday December 30

        Morning guys -- just a quick pop in to say hello. Feel great and happy to have the next couple days off!

        BB and English -- you two are making me hungry! I want food, sparkling water and ice cream!!

        DG - good work on sticking with low carb! Sorry about the hip pain -- I have a probelm with my shoulder tendon right now that's killing me, so I can relate.

        Pride, Accountable great posts and glad to hear you're both doing so well!

        Have a great day everyone!


          AF Daily - Thursday December 30

          Hello friends.

          Well, it finally looks a bit wintery here. They keep warning about a big blizzard coming, so I am ready. I do hope we can make the 50 mile trip to the appointment for my son before it really kicks in. I hate being out in weather like this! I had to kind of chuckle at all of the people going crazy stocking up on groceries and gas yesterday. It's like they've never seen a snow storm. We live in Nebraska people, it is a way of life (usually). Good for the businesses I guess.

          Terry made it through the surgery. It took a long time and her BP dipped in recovery, but she is in ICU now and if she can just find the strength to recuperate this time....
          Thanks so much for your care and concerns for my big sister.:h

          Pride--that made me chuckle--the queen that lost her crown!:H (Good to have you back, really Greenie!)

          AFM I am so glad you are feeling better, and what a wonderful way to honor your dad with "family". I love the idea of a nice quiet celebration.:l

          Congrats to you guys with the milestones! Keep up the good work, it is so worth it!

          I managed to get my sons to invite some friends over for New Years eve, so I don't have to worry about them out and about, and I of course I will have to stay home to chaperon!

          Gia, we have had the crud at our house in some way shape or form for awhile now. I have had this cold and laryngitis for over 2 weeks now, hubby has a cold, and 2 nights ago #2 son started vomiting. YUCK! One of the bad things about winter and being cooped up is all the germ sharing!

          Remember although I don't comment to all my friends here, I love reading your posts, and smile fondly when I do! Have a good day all!:h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily - Thursday December 30

            Hello All,

            It's been super busy over the holidays with kids out of school, etc. Kitchen is up and running and lots of unpacking to do. Much of the house still has a lot of construction work to be done and it is in shambles. Don't quite know where to start.

            It sounds like most of us made it through the holidays relatively well and AF. AFM, once again, I want to send my sympathies for the passing of your dad.

            Greenie, sorry I missed you in VA. It seems like it's been one long day here and I've lost track of time.

            BB, All three of my girls had the fever/cold thing that just hangs on. Hope little Gia is feeling better soon. Congrats to you for having a serious talk with the guy who was showing up at your door.

            LVT It sounds like you have alot on your plate but you are soldiering on in your typical awesome LVT fashion.

            Bear, Are you wanting to quit drinking because you want to lose weight or do you truly think that you have a drinking problem? Just wondering because your weight concern is usually mentioned along with your vows to stop drinking again.

            Chief, big congrats on 30 days and sorry to hear about your FIL.

            What are everyone's New Year's plans? I'm going to do a yoga class then will watch New Year's fireworks in our city with family...just a walk down the street

            Hello to DG, Pride, P3, Lav, AA and others. Sounds like you are rocking on.

            Welcome Mylife and Englishwriter.
            AF Since April 20, 2008
            4 Years!!!


              AF Daily - Thursday December 30

              Hello All,

              Thanks for the well wishes and welcomes - so nice to see so many people here

              BB - I have never tried Pelegrino so will have to give it a whirl!

              Can't wait for 2011 and look forward to sharing it with all of you.

              If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                AF Daily - Thursday December 30

                top of the afternoon ABeroooos!

                EnglishWriter, nice to have you aboard

                Chief, huge kudos on the big 3 oh!

                I made something very odd last night.... gluten-free/flour-free cinnamon muffins

                I used coconut flour and a little wild local honey for sweetener. they came out very well indeed.
                I'll post the recipe in the Paleo diet section.

                Bear, please fasten yourself to MWO with a sturdy rope for a while eh? don't stray.....bad things happen.

                be well everyone
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily - Thursday December 30

                  Chief: I haven't been to this thread for a while. However, I did come here & saw that you've accumulated 30 AF days. The worst is over. From here on, it'll get easier...especially w/the holidays almost past. Good luck & congratulations! Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    AF Daily - Thursday December 30

                    Mary (retteacher) it's great to see you pop in to AF Daily!!! :l

                    Det, I'm staying away from all sweet treats regardless of sweetener used for awhile - need to get that whole sweet thing out of my system. But those muffins sure sound good and I will go hunting for that recipe when / if the time comes for me to introduce stuff like that. For the mo, I am enjoying the quieting down of the CraZyCrAvings that had just become part of life!

                    EW, 2011 is going to be a very good year I think. So good you will be sharing it with us! Tell us more about yourself! We are nosy!

                    M3, at least you are on the home stretch with remodeling. I absolutely know what you mean that when the outsider main construction crew is "done" it's still not DONE. You will get their soon - keep the faith! We're finally feeling somewhat "back to normal" around here. Still finishing touches to take care of as we can afford but no more construction dust and disarray. Hope you get there soon!!! Are you loving your new kitchen???

                    LVT I hope your family is all snuggled up at home before the blizzard starts. Can't wait to hear about your son's appointment. Hope you get home safe from that!!!

                    Mylife - so good to have you with us too! Ouch on the shoulder tendon. I have a bicep tendon that still gives me trouble off and on. OUUUUUCCCCCHHHH. That is all.

                    AFM, I hope you and LIttle had a fabulous walk again today. The celebration of life just with your Dad's wife and DD sounds really nice.

                    Pride I know exactly what you mean about pants getting shorter, and not because the dryer was on high....

                    I'm home from all the various activities of the day and in my flannel jammies. Life is good.

                    One thing is for sure...there will be NO AL in my life today!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Thursday December 30

                      I don't know what happened between this AM and now, but I feel 15 lbs heavier. Last night's ham sandwich? The salt? The week's worth of rich food materialized on my torso? Times three? Ugh!

                      DG, Louise Hay says (hip problems) Fear of going forward in major decisions. Nothing to move forward to. I am in perfect balance. I move forward in life with ease and with joy at every age.

                      Hi EW and CONGRATS ON 3 WEEKS!!!

                      Queen lost her crown...:H Unfortunately someone's head may have rolled since the dentist was uninformed about the incident when I arrived. Eek! But, the implant is doing beautifully.

                      Det, I'm listening to "A New Earth" on audio book and Eckhart Tolle is the reader - AWESOME!!! That is all.

                      M3 - sorry too - maybe next time. It did seem like one long day (of eating) I ice skated at the rink in the National Art Gallery sculputre garden near the Smithsonian. FUN! Verticle the whole time (with arms flapping wildly)

                      P3, working in jammies with dogs? SWEEEET!

                      Hi BB, mylife
                      gaia's computer still on the outs?
                      Hi to IJM - I know you're kicking around somewhere... Ravenjoy too.

                      Lav, peace... choose peace... ommmm.....

                      Well, all this talk of jammies.... I see Khols has jammies on BIG sale and I have a 20% off coupon. Guess I'll roll over there and look for some flannies with elastic waistband. :H
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily - Thursday December 30

                        Greenie, I guess that fear of moving forward has been with me a long time since I've had the hip problem since the age of...oh....12 or something.

                        It's grand to have you back with us my dear! Hang onto your crown!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily - Thursday December 30

                          wHOO hOOO fabbie Abbies!! I finally made it on board today!! It's been a day of beauty for the boyz and myself. Sweet Micky and DD got their baths and blowouts and look fab!! It does take 2 whole hours tho! Then it was off to the pet store to get some advice about DD's diet. Nothing I try seems to help him and now poor Micky is very pee eww most days with passing of the ...... with this new food. So, back to his old food and yet one more new brand for DD-this time with Bison and Venison. Medium protein and fat content so hopefully this will do the trick. Short trip tot he library, lunch and then got a teeny bit of work in. I'll be paying for my procrastination on Sat that's for sure! had my beauty appt at 5 and it was waaaaaaayyyyyyy overdue! 3 months since I last got my hair cut!! Wow!! I think I lost a couple of lbs :H
                          Tomorrow is help friend move into her new house and Sunday is Agility student appreciation day with free run throughs and pot luck. I think I'll take Mickey as well as Koby. He needs some Mom time and some exercise!

                          Chief:happy: Way to go on your 30 days!!
                          :welcome:EW! and congrats to you on your 3 weeks!
                          Greenie-so glad you are back! We sure missed you! glad you had a nice time at your sisters but sorry you lost your crown (s). At least you didn't lose your head!! (sorry-been reading some stuff about Anne Bolyn (sp))

                          Uni and AFM-glad you both are feeling better
                          M3-good to see you again too and glad you construction is coming to a close and your kitchen in functional again
                          Gia-sure hope little Gia is going to feel better soon!

                          AA-great to see you back!

                          IJM really needs to get over here-I think Gia selected that new avatar just for him :H

                          DG-so sorry your hip is hurting but congrats on the sugarless days!! I'm back on the WW horse starting Monday and back on the PF treadmill as well!

                          LVT-hope you were able to make it to your son's appt today. I've never seen anyone seem so happy about an impending blizzard! I must steal your attitude!!

                          Lav-did you sleep well last nite in your newly shored up bed?

                          Who asked if I was going to dress up doggies for NYE? I don't think so. I might get inspired tomorrow after the moving day. We'll see. If I do you guys will be the first to see the pics!!

                          Pride-50 degrees tomorrow and Sat!! Where are you hearing about the rain and ice? is that for Sunday? Great, I get to slip slide back to work on Monday!!

                          Deter-I'm going to do a crock pot chicken dish on Saturday that calls for curry and raisins. This is quite the departure for me and on an impulse I picked up some coconut milk in TJs the other day and thought I would put that in instead of chicken broth. What do you think? Your muffins sounds really yummy!!

                          Ok, did I miss anyone? gosh I hope not!! MY LIFE!! I almost missed you! HI!! Hope you're enjoying your days off!

                          OK-din din time!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF Daily - Thursday December 30

                            Red flannel jammies with snowflakes.....clearance rack.... $12 Life is good.
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily - Thursday December 30

                              Bring on the blizzard. So far it has been rather anti-climactic :H

                              But, the good news is, the roads were ok so we made it to my son's appt for the eval. The bad news is he does have ADD. The good news is, medication should help.

                              We are home, my son has a friend over, there is a fire going in the woodstove, we have plenty of food and drinks, we are getting ready to watch the Huskers in the Holiday Bowl.

                              Hubby had to go to the bar to meet friends from out of town. Glad I don't have friends like that. :H I told him not to take any chances on driving home, so may have to go retrieve him later.

                              Greenie--good job on the jammers! I bought some at Target awhile back. I found a few bargains this week, but nothing to brag about. I did buy a steam cleaner for my kitchen and bathroom floors I'm anxious to try out. Gad, I am getting old!!

                              More details tomorrow. Maybe I can even get some more advice from AA and others on the ADD. :h
                              NF since June 1, 2008
                              AF since September 28, 2008
                              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                                AF Daily - Thursday December 30

                                New jammies? Nice

                                Had a nice evening with EB & his parents! EB seems so 'grownup' since he turned 2 last month. It's just amazing how quickly these kids mature

                                LVT, did the people you saw today mention anything about counseling in addition to medication for your son? Just wondering because the one on one counseling (alone) is what turned my son around. I'll never regret the $$ that I had to fork out for him.

                                Greenie, a ham sandwich can cause me severe distress in terms of water retention.....gross!

                                Looking forward to a warm (50's) couple of days ahead with rain moving in Sunday night.

                                Have a good night one & all.
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

