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AF Daily - January 7th

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    AF Daily - January 7th

    Cross post Lily!

    Keep your chin up, Spring is on the way, eventually!
    I worked 3-11 & 11-7 for most of my nursing career. I understand the angst about driving in winter weather. Leave eraly & take your'll be OK
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily - January 7th

      It took me hours to order vitamins. Price comparisons in full blown caffeine fueled OCD mode. Fecks sake, greenie - could you just make it any harder?? (I even had the pendulum out. :H)I could down a huge shot of skullcap but I'm out. :H I'm looking at stuff thinking do I really need that? Based on my level of irritation at the moment, I'd say OH YEAH!!... you need it alright!

      Lily, it's easy for someone to say to try to stay in the present moment. I'll say it anyway for both of us. But you know, the shoveling will help get rid of some of those feelings you're having. I do yard work when I feel like that. I think I'll take little doggie for a walk.

      Lav. You must be so very nice. BIL wouldn't have had the nerve to steal my firewood a second time. I have a crock pot of lentil soup on. I'm using that smoked turkey stock. Mmmmm.

      Pride, I have electric heat. I do have vent-free gas logs for heating the room with a vaulted ceiling and that helps. I can turn the heat way down as I like the bedroom cool. I'm thinking of switching the guest room and the office because of the air flow dynamics in the house.

      OK, off to shift my energy.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - January 7th

        I have a bottle of herbal Seredyn on hand for those especially irritating times (like yesterday). I rarely feel the need to use it but it does work great.

        My BIL (I'm now calling him YB II) has been stealing the firewood all winter!!!! When it's gone I'm going to have to buy it from someone & have it delivered. That will be costly I'm sure. I'm pissed because YB II is just cheap! He was a builder & made tons of money. According to YB, his brother has 'more money than God'. He can easily afford to buy precut firewood if his back is bothering him too much. We didn't make nearly the money he did as a cop & a nurse. I would gladly give away that firewood to someone who truly need it, you know? I'm really not that nice - not with the stuff going through my head the past 24 hrs :H:H

        I going to stuff myself full of soup & crusty french rolls tonight - yum
        Hope your soup is good too!!!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily - January 7th

          Hi Everyone, I'm just popping in to say Hi! and I was wondering where DG was hanging out? I see she's taking a break? I'm going to try and hang out more on the monthly abs side of the forum. I've got a few AF months under my belt and sorta don't know where I'm going to relate to people the most right now. I am so proud of all of the newbies joining in January but I'm overwhelmed. There are so many stages and I'm not sure where I'm at as far as knowing the best way to support people starting out. I keep re-living how hard my early days were and I'm not sure if that is hurting me or helping me. I don't feel scared that I'll fall off the wagon at this time so I think I need to focus on what a sober life is like and enjoy how far I've come so far. Is that selfish? I hope everyone is enjoying their first week of the new year! :l:h


            AF Daily - January 7th

            Choice, when it comes to protecting your sobriety, there is no such thing as being selfish, IMHO. I know people who needed to leave the site entirely for a while to protect theirs. You do whatever is best for you and your sobriety goal. Period. Live it and breathe it in as positive and optimistic manner as possible. There are plenty of people here in a position to give support and newbies actually do a good job of that for each other. Take no risks. You're doing great!

            Oh, and please stick around!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - January 7th

              Hi choice,
              Welcome to the thread
              I left the Newbies Nest for 6 months or more because certain people just made me want to scream. I was going thru a lot of personal stuff myself & just couldn't listen to the whinning. But I'm back there posting a bit now & hope I can help someone along

              The Vet just called with lab results for one of my dogs. Turns out she is a bit anemic & one of her liver enzymes is slightly elevated. She doesn't even drink - just kidding. I'll get out tomorrow & pick up some iron & Vit C supplements for her. I'm not going to worry about her liver for now - that very well could have been a fluke. I need to get some extra calories into her as she's lost a good bit of weight. My other dog is ~ obese ~. Geez!

              Greenie, I listened to a replay of Dr Joe Rubino today, have heard him before. I just wish I could get YB to listen to him talk about the danger of low self-esteem & all the problems it causes!

              I'm tracking the progress of my son, DIL & EB on FB. They are on the way to Maine for a couple of days.
              10 hrs of driving is a long day!!!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - January 7th

                Hi All!

                Lav-snow is very light here in Central MA if they are driving through now. And Maine doesn't look like it's gonna get anything. They'll be fine.

                Pride-thank you so much for that link! I'm going to check it all out tomorrow at work. I'm also going to get back into ODesk and see what else I can do to beef up my profile there and start looking at some jobs to bid on. Ouch on the dental stuff. My turn is mid February.

                Choice-:welcome: I'm so glad you're here! I've read a number of your posts and enjoyed them all. You'll like our fiesty little group!!

                Lily-you hang in there. This thread is a great place to vent and get support. I too have a habit of making mountains out of molehills but that habit has been getting more powerless lately. I'm feeling much more peaceful and calm these past few months but it did take a while of being AF to start seeing things as they really are instead of imagining the worst. And yes, shoveling is great exercise and in the end does help to relieve stress even tho I hate doing it!!

                BB-hope kitty did OK today with the spaying. I'm sorry you're going through tough financial times too. All I can say is that it will all work out somehow. None of us will be on the streets I am pretty sure.

                AFM-same goes for you. I'm so sorry your program got cancelled for this semester. How disappointing!! Good luck with updating your resume-that's a great task to take on-nothing but good can come out of that!!

                EW-I love your positive attitude! You are a great addition to our thread! Oh, and thanks for the feedback on the therapist thing. I'm sure she knows something about me and why I'm there that I don't know and she'll peel those layers right off!!

                Greenie-I can be soooo OCD when shopping for anything! I always have to get the best deal! I have been known to walk from one end of a mall to the other multiple times just to make sure I haven't missed something!! Lawd! I think sometimes that shopping the web is even worse!! Hope you finally ordered your vitamins.

                Uni-hope your trip to FLA was uneventful. What a great thing you are doing for your sister! Enjoy your time with her despite the sad circumstances.

                AA-love the visual. Stomp stomp!!

                One piece of good news today: My mortgage company sent me a $350 check for overcharging my escrow account. There's my heat money for the next delivery so that bullet is dodged. Of course the city just announced that taxes are going up so I probably should just send their check back but nah, they can adjust my payments instead!! Of course I really wanted to spend the money on 3 more agility sessions!!

                Yikes! 10:15 already!! Nite nite all! See you tomorrow!!

                Daylight, M3, LVT, DG -Hope you're having a good nite/day.

                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  AF Daily - January 7th

                  A quick hidy ho from my cell phone ABeroooos!
                  Im at a snooty french restaurant with the comPany credit card. Lookout!

                  Choice. Nice to have you.

                  Lavande what is that herbal seradyn? Sounds intruiging

                  Escargot is here

                  Be well everyone
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily - January 7th

                    Mmmmm... escargot! YUM!

                    Choice, nice to have you here! The more the merrier! It is a good group; I hope you enjoy us AF nutters!

                    Speaking of things turning around.... I just may have a gig that would provide very comfortably for me and the Little one. It is amazing how things can turn around with severe persistence. I really shouldn't toot my own horn, but things are looking promising! Keep your fingers crossed. And the perfect thing is that is a 'contract', long term even and it works around my Little Ones school schedule. So, maybe some good karma is finally coming my way?

                    Anyway, I hope I didn't jinx it by putting it out there and I haven't technically received it yet.

                    Feelin' a lot better anyway, even if it might be for the time being. Hope is a good thing.

                    Have a great night everyone!

                    ps. yes, having to wait another semester does suck. I hope enrollment picks up for September. The economy here is starting to look a little better with the mills that were shut down for quite sometime. They are just about to fire up again thanks to the demands in China. That can only mean good things for this Island! So it may alleviate the desperation of people taking shitty jobs because their spouses were laid off and may open more opportunities for those who wanted to go back to school but couldn't. One can only hope!

                    nighty night!


                      AF Daily - January 7th

                      Oh and another thing exciting happened today. Little AFM lost her first tooth! She went 'happily' to bed for once because she wants the tooth fairy to come, lol! Ahhhh, peace and quiet on the home front!


                        AF Daily - January 7th

                        AFM, so happy for you!

                        just into my hotel room here....must find the heat.....brrrr
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)

