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Jubilant January ~ Week 2

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    Jubilant January ~ Week 2

    Good morning Jubilant Ones!

    Yes, it is snowing here today so making my way out to the chicken house will be my fun activity for the day! More snow predicted for Tuesday I think, lucky me

    Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday, I'll be back.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    Jubilant January ~ Week 2

    Hi Lav and all to come

    Hope your doggie is feeling better Lav. I cannot believe it is week 2 already. Feel I missed out on week 1 as hubby was working from home so I could not get near the computer. Have a lot of reading to catch up on.

    This is an amazing thread. Welcome to the new people. Dew - I started meditation during 2010 and while I have neglected it the last month I started again this week. I intend to make it part of my daily routine. Need to get back to exercise too. We had snow again this morning but not much so I got a little walk with the doggies. Did a 2 hour hike with friends during the week and it felt amazing.

    Looking forward to the girls going back to school next week and catching up with everyone's news. Have a great Saturday.



      Jubilant January ~ Week 2

      Good morning Jubilants!

      I'm happy to be here and AF with you all on week 2. Yesterday, I went to the gym after work and as I was leaving I had the strongest craving to go home and drink a bottle of red wine (I say bottle because I knew it would not be a glass) that I've had since racking up around 40 AF days since the end of November. Don't know what really came over me! Anyway, I thought it through, used tools from the toolkit, posted here and just basically ended up ignoring it. I was happy to make it through but still wonder where that came from...oh well. It's gone!

      Lav, sounds like you're going to have fun in the snow this week!

      Rust/Dew, I have been working on meditating as well. I feel so centered when I start my day with even a 15 minute meditation. I really love the idea of going to Scottland (have always wanted to go there) and going to that meditation center! Maybe I could talk my husband into it...he used to be really into that kind of thing and we are planning to go to Europe this year, but he has his heart set on Spain...hmmm... I'll have to think about this one!

      Have a great AF day all!


        Jubilant January ~ Week 2

        Hi Julilators and welcome to chapter two....

        Sooty - i hope you get to see Jupiter over the weekend, I have taken my clear skies for granted and vow to treasure the stars more while I have them.

        Star - You have been very reflective recently and I wonder if thats been influencing MrS to talk about these issues, its wonderful this dialogue is opening.

        Paguy - You're situation too, It makes me think of Ghandi's words about "being" the change we want to see in the world other than voicing it.

        Cyn - I like your thoughts on building a life without AL at its centre. It sounds like you are going to have a wonderful fresh start where AL as no part to play.

        Dewdrop - One of these days I might just meet you at the Buddhist centre, a weekend retreat would be right up my street.

        I posted this on the Army earlier today so sorry to those who may already have seen it.........
        Im driving to the pet store this morning in torrential rain to look at crates for transporting my pooch by airplane, the tears are streaming down my face as Im trying to work out in my head all the things im trying to do and how I can find the money to make it happen. I start saying to God, "can you just let one think go right for me at the moment, i will do all I can in my power to get through this but please let something go my way".

        On the way home I get a text from my Mum, she has been for her morning coffee to a cafe in Scotland where they met a couple they vaguely knew. The couple asked my parents if they were planning a visit to Portugal soon to see their daughter and my Mum explained that sadly I wasnt finding enough work over here and was coming back. Then their daughter joined them and they relayed the story to her about me. The next thing the daughter comes over to my parents table and tells them she is the development manager for an Estate Agency and understood that I have experience in real estate. Apparently they just cant get any good staff and she wondered if I might be interested in a job!!

        Nothing may come of it but it cetainly brightened my day
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          Jubilant January ~ Week 2

          x posts Mylife - So happy you fought your craving, you are doing amazingly and have been such an encouragement to the Newbies so failure is just not an option, we need all the Lav's we can get
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            Jubilant January ~ Week 2

            Thanks Chill. Your story is awesome. I really hope something comes from that, but to me, that says there is nothing like the power of prayer to your higher power when you really need the help -- somehow it works every time.


              Jubilant January ~ Week 2

              Good Afternoon----I just posted this in week one and then saw week two started so I'm reposting here!! Opps!!

              You all do such a good job of addressing everyone, I wish I was better at that!! By the time I read everyone's post, and get to typing my own, I can only remember 3 or 4 things I was going to comment on!:H And I always know there is more!!!

              Star-I'm curious where youare in the Midwest (and I'm almost certain you've said before)? We didn't get any snow today :wow: (what a shock) but it is once again bitter cold and very windy. Many schools weren't open yesterday (because of the high winds and blowing and drifting snow)...we ended up closing at 1:00!! Winters sure get long!!!

              Lav-hope your pup is feeling better. My dog is weird (I may have mentioned this a time or two):H but is this normal??? She burps!! And I swear when she does it she looks at my with a twinkle in her doggie eye...(it's a huge pet-peeve of mine...I've been cracking down with on my son!) Cute when he was little...maybe. He's 9, not so cute anymore! Now the dog does it!!!:H

              Paguy--I like that approach to your partner. Sounds like he's at the point we all got to>>"the realization and questioning" phase! That's a good thing!

              mylife-I have to be honest...I had HUGE cravings last night. They almost made me mad!! I did all the self talking in my head...actually thought about what Chill must have told herself that first month a year ago (and now look how far she's come!!!). Got through last night, AF and am glad I did. I would have been upset with myself today if I hadn't. I had some friends ask me out and couldn't go, as usual (no babysitter)...and was feeling sorry for myself...haven't been "out" with adults since last New Years. Promised myself I wouldn't be a home body this year! Thought I "deserved" to have "fun" too and watch the Texas/LSU game with some beers. Dumb!!

              Dew--this is probably a dumb question and I apologize but what do you do at the Buddhist Center? Is it an all day Meditation thing? What's it like? I'm VERY unfamiliar with all the above (as you probably can tell...sorry).

              Cyn--Congrats on the selling of your home...isn't moving, albeit nerve racking and exciting at the same time!!!??

              I'm going to have to echo cyn here...Sped, hope you check in soon!! Miss you!!

              Dill--Are you getting snow there?? How was your first week back to school?? Mine (((UGH)))!! Again, not the kids...adults!! We just have such a toxic staff, it's sad really!! I'm going to start applying for principal jobs around here..if for nothing more than experience interviewing. I know there will be an opening in our district starting next year, as one of the principals is resigning on Monday. Highly doubtful I'd get it..word on the street is the Super already knows who he wants to hire. Our school runs on the 'Good 'ol Boy" System here!! SO SAD!!!

              Wishing everyone a fantastic Saturday...going to do some cleaning and then taking my son to his first hockey game...yikes...I hope he doesn't EVER want to do this sport...he has such a beautiful smile and nice set of teeth!!:H

              Rusty--FOOTBALL...GREEN BAY.....TOMORROW!!! WOOT! WOOT!!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                I hope everyone is having a lovely relaxing Saturday, I had a truly wonderful day at my meditation day and just feel so much better for it. I met and spent the day with some lovely people, it really inspires me to be a much kinder and more thoughtful person, it’s almost like the positive compassionate atmosphere seeps into your psyche. I am always in a very reflective mood when I leave that place I would just love to spend some real time there ie months, however as that’s just not practical I need to ensure I go as often as I can to top up my reserves. Maybe one day.

                I’m going to have a long soak in the bath and do some spiritual reading tonight I feel I’ve been reading too much fiction recently and today has reminded me to feed my soul. I'll take time tomorrow to read back the posts and respond. For you weather buffs we are having more snow this evening, it has been very cold today with lots of ice on the roads.

                Happy Saturday lovely jubelies

                Dewdrop :h
                Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                  Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                  Chill- Whoot Whoot!! Your HP sure does listen to you!! I will be praying that this job really does happen for you!! Chill-do you know if there is a The Freecycle Network group over by you? Or something similar? I was thinking that maybe you could find a used crate for free instead of buying one for your gorgeous doggie. I don't have one big enough for him otherwise I'd ship one over to you but if you want me to look around here on freecycle or craig's list I will. There is still time right?

                  ML-good job on getting through the cravings! You too SD!! One of my favorite ways to get through a craving besides reminding myself how shitty I will feel the next day is to think of the craving as a great big sunami wave that I have to ride until it goes back out to sea. Of course it doesn't leave any destruction behind!!

                  Dew-your day of meditation sounded lovely!! Becareful out there with the ice and snow!!

                  Rustop-nice job on the 2 hour hike this week!! I used to do long birdwatching hikes before I had dogs. One day......

                  The real estate company I work for on Saturdays got sold this week. I met the new owner today and apparently my job will be changing drastically. I'm thinking I won't be spending a lot of time on the web and this site from now on....:upset: But, if I'll be doing what I think I'll be doing, it should be much more exciting and not so boring. Time will tell!!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                    A burping dog is funny
                    A farting dog is gross
                    We should be grateful for small blessings :H

                    Dewdrop, I envy your meditation day. That sounds just awesome & I think I could use something like that right about now!

                    Last night's snow was rather light but my BIL came over & plowed my driveway anyway. I think that's repayment for all the firewood he's been lifting. I had already been out & drove to town to the drugstore & feedstore so the plowing was just not necessary. What can you do?

                    Chill, wow, your story was very interesting! Keep it up & you will manifest yourself a fine future

                    Well, I have my sickly dog set up now with with food that should 'stick to her ribs' better & a vit/min supplement with just the right am'ts of nutrients to help her rebuild some red blood cells. Oh, and some yummy liver treats too

                    The baby shower for my daughter is one week from tomorrow. I seriously hope this winter weather doesn't interfere.....I'm serious :H
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                      Good Afternoon Jubilant Ones,

                      Just a quick check in from the Sky Club at JFK....awaiting my flight to Barcelona. Sipping club soda with a lemon wedge.

                      PAPMOM, CONGRATULATIONS ON 8 MONTHS AF!!!:wd::disco:. You are such a positive force on this thread....I so appreciate your posts. No, I have not learned Photobucket yet.:blush: but I will, I promise.

                      Chill-the new job possibility sounds fantastic! You are so resilient.

                      Lav-hope your doggie is feeling better. When you said she had elevated liver enzymes, I thought, "what did you do, Lav, put Chardonnay in her water dish?":H

                      Cyn-I read Shadow of The Wind a couple of years ago. I was completely dismayed to find that the bookstore at O'Hare did not have the Barcelona guide book. Oh well, I'll wing it.

                      SD-I think most dogs burp. My sister's labs both burp. My dog burps. He learned from me.:H I'm jealous that you get to watch the Packer game tomorrow and I don't.

                      John-Again you have amazed me with your recovery from your injury and the levelheaded approach to dealing with your drinking/smoking partner. Great job!

                      Star-I think it's great that you can discuss AL with Mr. S. You sound like you two have a solid relationship.

                      Last week I had a therapy session with Dr. Fred Levin. His approach to AL addiction is refreshing. I unloaded a lot of baggage on him. He is such a kind, gentle man. It was cathartic to cry. I felt much better afterward.

                      Sooty-thank you for the lovely PM and for giving me a list of the songs you sing.

                      Well, everyone, I have to catch my flight but I'll probably connect with you from the plane. This jet has WI-FI.

                      Have a peaceful AF evening.


                        Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                        Rusty-Safe travels my friend!!

                        John and Star-I am so sorry I forgot to mention your posts. I was so impressed by how much of a positive influence you both have had on your partners. I remember when I first joined last March, there was a lot of posting about partners not being supportive of MWO members and even trying to sabatage efforts to become sober. It was so sad to me as it was evident these people had issues of their own with AL but couldn't or didn't want to see them. Our members for the most part carried on and put themselves first but still. Anyhoo, you guys rock!!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                          Hi all - I posted at 'silly o'clock' this morning, just before the new week got started, so I'm pasteing in my previous message. It has been a hard day here because of the shooting in Tucson. We know Gabby Gifford, and we used to have an apartment just a few blocks from where the shooting took place. It is all very close to home and frightening and disturbing and yet another reason why I can't wait to get out of this state. I am so very sad tonight...
                          But congrats to PMom on your anniversary, happy sunday all, and please do read my thoughts from a happier part of the day...
                          Dearest Jubilators - good morning from the desert - I can't believe that I missed a day of posting - it felt quite strange, but I am glad to be able to read up on everyone's journey this (Sat) morning. Big, long full days here -- Inspection went fairly well on the house, have a couple of electrical and roofing issues to sort out. I am trying to guard against deep fatigue; so many things going on in every category of life at the moment. I'm thrilled to be AF and thrilled that it seems no longer any part of my life -- that's a cause for celebration (Trader Joe's sparkling cranberry bev!) I like the idea that we are building a new life where AL is not at the center. PA- what a loving, sensible approach you are taking with your partner, I hope it goes well. Star - wow what a conversation - you two are building a substantial ark to stay safe in together...

                          Rusty - hope your flight is going well, and that you found 'Shadow'....

                          Lav - good luck with your poochie. I had a serious scare with my girl last week - turned out to be gastr-enteritis, but she was a really sick pup. Have you read anything about feeding raw? Doesn't work for my dogs, but others swear by it - some dogs get their best nutrition that way. (And yes, you really are one of the most generous people on this site - bless you). When I move east, I'll be right over to help with your workspace...

                          Dewdrop, mylife, so wonderful to have you on here. Dew - a Buddhist retreat in Scotland? Two of my favorite things combined? Wow - I would love to be a little mouse packed in your lunch-bucket -- and btw your food sounds delish.

                          RB - I have a long story about someone who publicly harassed my HB for years...will tell you more about it later, but we found that the only real possibility was to ignore, though it was the hardest thing. Good luck - maybe it's another one of those major Detachment excercises.

                          Chill - you are amazing. Brava on how you are handling everything.

                          Sped - where are you? How are you?

                          Mr G - always great to hear from you, glad to know you are safe and sound there on the other side of the world. Rusty - why not just keep flying east from Barcelona until you find Mr G? Get a preview of the special birthday outfit.

                          PMom, SD et al - good luck with the snow, take care of yourselves with your long days and the cold...

                          Sorry if I missed anyone - must dash now, lots to do before we look at rental properties here -- will fill everyone in on our move plans at some point -

                          sending warmth and light ------__________________
                          to the light


                            Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                            Again, up really early. Had a snowed in kind of day. We had almost two feet of snow, and more coming. I live in the lake effect area of the Midwest. So, if the wind is blowing over the lake, we get tones of snow. After a time, I get cabin fever, and I am happy to go to work.

                            Focusing on being healthy, exercised, watched what I ate, and did not go out to eat. I was thinkng about how much more all people in general go out to eat, compared to the 60's and 70's, when we were mostly thin. What is up with that? I guess it is because most women work, but working class women have always worked! Just eating at home, homecooked food, not take out, is normally much healthier for me. Oh, I made a new soup and it was not a keeper. So, back to the old standbyes.

                            Cyn, you sound so busy. The shooting is a tragedy, what a waste. Good to hear that alcohol is just not part of your life. It just makes things so much easier. Just think how hard it would be to do what you are doing if you were drinking. Whew, it would be hell.

                            Chill, sending you :l Your story indicated to me that the Universe is reminding you to have faith in yourself, you will find work, be successful, create a new life and find meaning. I think sometimes in the midst of change we wonder what it all means.

                            I believe there is some Master Plan, and I am here to learn lessons, for soul growth. It is often painful, but looking back at parts of my life, I can find meaning. Currently, I am trying to find the meaning and the lesson in having my adult son living in my home. It is causing so much strain, and I am very angry and resentful. I hate coming home after a long day at work and finding my house trashed. I know, tell him to clean. It is useless, it ends up in a fight, and it just so frustrating. I have had numerous people tell me what to do, so need no advice or suggestions on this one. I think it is a matter of acceptance, you know, accepting what you cannot change.

                            Sending you all strength and hope on your AF journey today.:h
                            Formerly known as redhibiscus


                              Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                              Hi all!

                              P3, 8 month's AF? Yeeeah baby! Congratulation's, and good job.

                              Safe travel's Rusty!

                              A safe, sober, and magical day to everyone.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

