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Jubilant January ~ Week 2

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    Jubilant January ~ Week 2

    Hello everyone,

    Star and John I need to get back into my healthy lifestyle. I have ditched the diet and exercise just before christmas....I feel so bloated. Spring will be on its way soon so I need to get back into shape.
    Ah well. At least the drinking is under control.

    Have a great weekend fellas. x
    Be strong-
    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


      Jubilant January ~ Week 2

      Hello! I send my best to all who are working and/or enduring harsh weather today. I have the good fortune of unseasonably warm weather (forecast to be fifty-one and mostly sunny) so I shall do some winter watering and tidy up the gardens a bit. My Men in Trees were here on Thursday and the pines look lovely as did the men. It has given me a bit of a boost and like Dill I am noticing the days are getting just a little longer. I was tickled at my initial response to Rustop?s quote yesterday ?the fault lies in us?. I have been so neurotic throughout much of my life that I have always thought a remarkable number of events and circumstances were either my fault or at least in my power, and when I first saw her quote I read it as ?the fault lies in you? (meaning me):H. At least when I am not anxious I have some chance of sorting out what is and what is not realistically in my sphere of influence, and reducing the anxiety rebound that I came to have after drinking has been a huge motivation for sobriety. One of my main goals this winter since we have been talking about them is to find things to look forward during the "cocktail hour". If I did not have Lord Bird Heart I would probably change my schedule quite a bit, get up very early, have an early dinner and be in bed with Rusty (well not necessarily with Rusty although I did go to college in the sixties, but you know what I mean?early). If I am really having a hard time with craving I have been known to get under the covers at 5:00 but since I am not alone this looks a bit goofy and I would like to minimize it. Right now I am just trying to have Lord Bird Heart?s dinner prepared as much as possible in advance and watch a film or work on a puzzle (we have a mystery story one so we don?t know what we are making) during the time I have customarily had my drinks. Any other suggestions would as always be welcome. Love to you each and all, Ladybird.
      may we be well


        Jubilant January ~ Week 2

        Hello to all!

        LBH, I always have a good book to read, and like to have someone to call if I need to. Also, I have set up projects like rearranging a room, cleaning a drawer, some tangible goal. The exercise goal I reached this week makes me happy to, and reminds me that drinking would set me back. I am envious of your warmer is of course snowing here, and has been since last night. It really does not even accumulate much, just makes it slippery and really cold.

        I am excited, we are going to have our kitchen painted this week, and some new lighting. It is going to be such a nice change. But a mess for the week in my house. It will be worth it.

        Going to a musical tonight, and will be cleaning up my kitchen tomorrow. I got so much accomplished today, still working on laundry and making an early dinner.

        Everyone have a great evening, AF.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          Jubilant January ~ Week 2

          Hi Folks:

          Star - Your mentioning that you are going to see a musical tonight reminded me of how much I used to enjoy doing the same. How exciting. Let us know how it was. My moods and spirits can really be elevated by experiencing music and dancing on the stage. I'm trying to remember the last musical I saw - it may have been "Jersey Boys".

          LBH - My 2 biggest hobbies at the moment that keep me occupied (aside from being on-line) are reading and playing the piano. The piano has always been a creative outlet for me. I am not all that good - probably intermediate skilled - but it's a fun past time for me. I would never get very far into the evening or improve my skills when I had my cocktail by my side at the keyboard. The sheet music got sort of fuzzy and my fingers were a little too limber - I was never getting the right notes after a couple of drinks :H I don't have that problem anymore .

          I met my exercise goal today, too! I am training for my next half-marathon race and I use Saturdays or Sundays to run my 'long' run for the week. My goal was to run 6 miles today and I logged 6.32 miles! Next weekend I hope to reach 8 miles. That is generally the longest 'long' run I do before running the full 13.1 miles in the half-marathon.

          After today's run, my foot felt fine. It was the rest of my body that was complaining :H. I took a very solid nap this afternoon and I am feeling quite refreshed right now. Still need to improve my cardio endurance but I feel like I am on track.

          I am having to attend conference calls for a work related issue this weekend but it hasn't been too bad.

          Lav - You must be busy with final preparations for your party tomorrow. Good luck and don't get too stressed out!

          Have a good evening friends.....
          AF since 7/13/2010


            Jubilant January ~ Week 2

            Hello my JJ friends!! Just checking in real quick.
            John I'm so impressed with your training!! You are already up to 6+ miles so soon after your surgery/rehab!! Wow! And your foot doesn't even hurt! That is fabulous! I'm struggling with my couch to 5K program. Its seems like a get a few days of it in and then something sets me back. This week it was my first cold since I went AF. Despite a dry hacking cough, I do feel better so Monday I start again. Sure would like to get through the first level one of these days!!

            LBH-Whenever I think of how I let my "cocktail hour" (that always turned into Cocktail Nite) keep me from taking care of my furkids I cringe. Now the witching hour is devoted to walking them (when it's not too cold out-thin furred things that they are) or playing with them inside and then it's time for my dinner. Or, my new routine that I started before the holdiays and MUST get back to is to walk them when I get home then head to the gym 3 nites a week. When I first went AF my solution to the coctail hour dilemma was to do retail therapy on a regular basis on my way home from work. I would not recommend that at all :H !!

            Star-how exciting! You're almost getting a new kitchen!! I can't tell you how much difference new and updated lighting makes!!

            Rusty-enjoy your last day in Spain and safe travels home! Hope AFM will chime in to let you know the outcome of the game. I don't even know who won the Pats/Jets game!! Or is that tomorrow??? Are they all tomorrow? Gosh, I used to be such a football nut in my younger days!!!

            OK, pizza is ready! Zoom!!

            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Jubilant January ~ Week 2

              Just checking in to tell the half the Packers lead 28-14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:yay::clapclap::disco::rockon:ointup:
              GO PACK GO!!!!
              Be back tomorrow!!
              SD (hugs!!)
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                Hello and happy weekend to all,
                Papmom the video clip was great and the dogs are so cute no wonder you are so devoted to them.
                Lav the blanket and diaper cake are both lovely and I hope you all have a great day today and are not hampered by the weather.
                Rebirth you are being very compassionate towards your stalker and I hope it all stops soon, I think everyone is feeling a bit bloated and lethargic after the holidays I know I do.
                Mg73 it sounds like you had a great holiday but I agree that while it?s good to go on holiday I always love coming home and getting back to normal.
                thank you so much for the photos and all your ?gossip? from Barcelona as always it makes fascinating reading! Thank you for sharing with me about your Dad?s birthday :l
                your work environment is so stressful so please, please come here and vent away.
                I loved your quote, thank you for taking the time to find them for us.
                getting to 6 months is such an achievement and you must be so happy and proud of yourself, I know that I can?t wait and I never thought that I?d get this far isn?t it amazing how quickly the time passes once you get over the initial 30 days. And you play the piano too, how talented are you !

                While the weather is on everyone?s minds at the moment I heard on the radio today that there are only 5 weeks until we are officially in Spring, and I know it?s a bit lighter in the mornings, however we are experiencing non stop rain at the moment. Must get the sweep out next week when I was out yesterday afternoon a big dollop of soot came down the chimney, as you can imagine soot can be quite messy and seemed to get everywhere I?m off to make some porridge and get moving as I don?t want to miss a moment of today. My laptop is going off tomorrow for an upgrade and to have some work done on it so I won?t be around next week until the weekend. I will be thinking of you all though and this will be my longest period away from MWO so I feel like I am taking my water wings off for the first time.

                Hi to Star, LBH, Sped, Cyn, Chill, Mr G, Dill and anyone else I may have missed.

                Dewdrop :h
                Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                  Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                  Good morning everyone

                  Star - It will be worth the mess, everything will be so much brighter and cleaner and you will feel great when it is done. Hope you enjoyed the musical, which one was it? I have been making a conscious effort since last summer to get out one Saturday night a month. We need to book something though, otherwise the girls and their plans take over. We were at a comedy show last week-end, must look up what musicals, theatre shows are on.

                  LBH - I read a lot and go off to bed early if hubby is not around. Maybe check out the tool box thread. I have not read it in ages but you might get some new ideas from it.

                  John - Well done on the run, you must be delighted with yourself.

                  Papmom - Hope your cold is getting better. I have not had one in nearly two years and hope to get through this winter without one. The swine flu has come back again this winter but luckily I have had the injection against it. Thanks for the video clip, really enjoyed.

                  Lav - Enjoy your party today, hope all goes well.

                  Rusty - Safe journey home.

                  Rebirth - Know exactly how you feel but it is surprising how much better you feel when you start eating better and exercising. This is my first week at it and feel so much better already.

                  Dew - I have the recovery readings e-mailed to me every day and I usually check my e-mails before coming onto MWO so if there is something that strickes me, I like to share it.

                  Sped, Cyn, Chill,l Mr G, Dill, SD, Mg72, Sooty and anyone else I missed big hello and enjoy the rest of the week-end.



                    Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                    Good Morning Folks:

                    I am enjoying my morning coffee watching a gorgeous sunrise - what a nice way to start the day. And doggie is sitting at my side, too!

                    Was able to sleep in a little later today and am thankful for that. I was getting up at 4:30am most days this week because of work related issues. Hoping to find more time for balance and relaxation today.

                    Hard to believe we are already half-way through January :wow:

                    Just started to read a new book yesterday, "The Postmistress" by Sarah Blake. Looks like it's going to be a good one

                    Hope you all have a great Sunday... will check in later today.

                    Looking forward to another AF Sunday :jumpin:
                    AF since 7/13/2010


                      Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                      Good morning all,
                      The last couple of days have been jam packed and I am finally at a point I can write.
                      Rusty, To answer your question I lived in Colombia in the early 1970s. Overall a good experience but difficult in some ways.
                      Lav- The street urchin pick pockets that you wrote about were abudent when we lived south. They were primarliy homeless kids that ran in a pack and stole to stay fed. It was sad and you had to be careful.
                      Paguy-I think we have a lot in common. I was a serious long distance runner when I was younger. The pounding of pavement gave me hip and other physical alliments so I have switched to other exercise modes. Good luck with your training. I also worked very long hours before I retired. I still need to stay active and constructive to be happy and fulfilled. Too much leisure is not me but a balance of work and play is nice.
                      Rebirth-Getting back to good diet and exercise habits is good. I teach yoga at a local studio and this month the attendance has been way up. I hope the people that come in now continue. It is good for them. Best of luck with your efforts.
                      Dewdrop-I cannot believe it only five weeks until spring. The weather that we continue to have of cold, some snow and overcast seems never ending!
                      Better run now, all is good here and hello to all that I missed.


                        Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                        Howdy folks,

                        LBH- I also have some serious gardening to do. The snow has melted and my garden looks so messy. If I feel a craving coming on I try to get busy and potter around the house, tidying up, ironing, sorting out paperwork etc. I really need to imply that to my binge eating now!

                        John- I agree with P3! I am astonished how you have recovered so quickly. My partner had a knee op about a year ago but it is still giving him problems. He walks everywhere but if he runs, his knee aches. Your op must have been very successful. Great achievement on the running!

                        Star- a new coat of paint and lighting is going to transform your kitchen! How exciting!

                        Rustop- I have joined you in the exercise program. I have hired a fitness instructor and we will have our first session next Monday. I am really looking forward to it as it will give me the kickstart that I so desparately need right now. I am feeling so lathargic because of the overdose of sugar I have been consuming this month. Plus I am getting lots of spots. It’s all that processed food I am eating. It’s got to stop.

                        MG72- what yoga do you teach?
                        Hi p3, SD, Dew, Chill, Rusty, Mr G, Cyn, Lav, mg72, sooty
                        Be strong-
                        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T

