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Jubilant January ~ Week 2

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    Jubilant January ~ Week 2

    JJers, hello! Quick check-in, days are filled with contractors, repairs, finding a rental, forms and more forms to fill out, trying to manage my clients, and Press releases and media contacts for an event I'm marketing in February. (Rusty - any tips on how to get media coverage for an event? Promo or on-the-scene is what I'm hoping for....uuugh, this is way out of my league!)

    Anyway, I am grateful every moment that things seems to be working out. I miss longer contact here, but will get back to that eventually...for the moment...

    PA - big congrats, I echo the sentiments of how wonderful it is to have you here - bravo!
    Lav - the blanket is stunning - have you thought of doing that one in big quantities for the public? If you specialize in baby stuff, you'll make $$$ - there's a publication called The Bump - check it out for advertising...
    Sped - thanks so much for checking in - please be extra vigilant on this drive - I used to do alot of x country in winter, and it can be harrowing.
    Rusty - 'ovaries of brass'? Fabulous phrase - I wonder how that would translate into Catalan...
    Star - I also think of you every day -- despite it all, you are a model for us all, in your dedication to personal growth.
    Dewdrop - 'half-shut knife' Another winning phrase - so descriptive of that state!
    PMom - OMG, my old homestead in western MA got well over 2 feet - hope you are coping OK.

    Blessings on all -
    to the light


      Jubilant January ~ Week 2

      Wow Lav.What a gorgeous blanket. The embroidery is beautiful.

      Rusty I forgot about their delicious catalan dessert. It’s a bit like a cr?me brulee I think. It’s yummy! You must be eating loads over there. I love their breakfasts!Have you noticed that the spaniards have a glass of beer with their breakfast?Have you had tapas yet?

      rustop great soup recipe. I have never thought about mixing apple with parsniop and curry..think I am gonna try it out this weeked. Just read the news about the poor woman being strangled. How horrific eh! People can be frightening sometimes..
      Dill good luck with the snow. The Uk had some snow just before christmas and the whole county closed down. It was rediculous
      Dew- a roaring fire and a movie sounds heavenly…watching anything good?Or did you watch that a while back?
      Star I am definitely planning this year to have lots and lots of AF days. I ideally would like to be able to drink on special ocassions but I have to watch myself on that one..its progression not perfection. Your situation must be exhausting and difficult so I applaud you for not drinking.

      a warm hello to LBH, cyn. P3, Mg, sd, chill, sped and anyone else who pops in. x
      Be strong-
      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


        Jubilant January ~ Week 2

        PM3, that was fun seeing your babies running around in the snow. I had no idea we could share video here, too! Wow!

        Cyn, you sound like you are caught up in a whirlwind. Be sure to take time for self care.

        Rebirth, good to see you. I hope things have settled down with that crazy, destructive lady that had been harrassing you.

        Lav, I agree with everyone else: the blanket is really cute!

        Rustop, I know what you mean about not enjoying the over-indulging of the holidays. I found myself taking a much more reserved approach to all the goodies. Still, I put on a pound or two. It's hard with the weather being so cold and snowy to get outside and get exercise.

        Greetings to all who stop in. Have a great AF evening.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Jubilant January ~ Week 2

          Hi Dill,
          I have not heard from her since she sent an email to my work collegue. I think she has now exhausted all her options to vent her anger at me. The police who is dealing with the case came past today to let me know that he has had to visit her for other disturbances and she has admitted to him that she is drinking a bottle of sherry a day.

          I instantly felt sorry for her and suddenly her behaviour makes sense. Not that it's acceptable behaviour...and I shouldn't really feel sorry for her because she has been so nasty...still cant help it though.

          Boy does alcohol make you do and say alot of crazy stuff!! I am so grateful for my sobriety today.
          Be strong-
          We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
          Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


            Jubilant January ~ Week 2

            Rebirth, your artwork is amazing
            Glad to hear you local psycho is quieter, she must be a real piece of work!

            Cyn, busy, busy, busy! Don't work too hard friend

            Dill, the single digit wind chills are just too much. Being outside this week is not at all nice. I'm still killing these stupid stink bugs. I can't figure out how they get in & how they have survived the snow & freezing temps.

            Well, we don't have to worry about doing or saying anything stupid (AL related) do we?
            I'm grateful for that for all of us!
            Have a good evening.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Jubilant January ~ Week 2

              Good Evening Friends:

              Very busy day at work today and I just got home from the gym!

              Thanks, everyone, for all of your kind and thoughtful words. I am very happy to be here and glad that you enjoy my company... Here's to 6 more months of being AF!!

              I still have to figure out what to have for dinner so I'll try to get back on later before the end of the night....

              AF since 7/13/2010


                Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                good night

                In my second day back from vacation I am getting back in positive swing. Still recovering from too much food, wrong type of food, little exercise and too much liesure. I gained six pounds in two weeks! I have knocked two off as of this morning and will get the rest off soon. I still don't mind the cold weather since I am back with own coffee pot, fireplace, bed and other stuff again. I am back eating and drinking right, exercising and getting my PMA on track.

                papamom-I like your idea of four day limit for vacations. I am good for about a week. Sorry about the blizzard and hope all is better now.
                ladybird-dinner at your house sounds good, I really like your comments about benefits of being AF.
                Paguy-Congratulations on six months AF!! I wish the drunk on our plane was arrested like the one on yours. Our whole section would have cheered. By the way feel free to take your old avitar back. No worries for me to change mine.
                Lav-Excellent blanket, that is real talent you have there.
                Chill-your six month AF comment is very encouraging to rest of us and hope spin went well
                Stargaze-Hope snow is over without too much hassle. I am right with you on much improved quality of sleep being AF. Good luck on exercise routine, feeling good is one of benefits of being in shape.
                Rustop-good luck with your exercise program too.
                Rebirth-"progress not perfection" is right on!
                Dill-good to see your post and positive comments


                  Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                  Good morning JJ'rs

                  An early check in from me because we are going out for breakfast after our walk. We were meant to be doing this before Christmas but had to cancel because of the snow. Oh well, had a good week walking so hoping not to over indulge and if I do its my own fault, I'll just have to walk it off next week. I guess its all about taking responsibility. When we were drinking we certainly were not taking responsibility but hiding away. Here is something from todays reading.

                  "The fault is in us."
                  -- Hannah Arendt

                  As a drunk I would blame everybody for my problems: My family was
                  too controlling. I did not have people around who understood me. I
                  worked too hard and the people were too demanding. The weather was

                  Today I accept my involvement with my past predicament. Bad things
                  happened to me because I created them in my life. And this means that
                  good and creative things can also happen in my life if I create them. I
                  need not remain the problem. I can be the solution!

                  Have a great AF Friday one and all and an even better week-end.



                    Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                    Good Morning Jubilance,

                    Mg-welcome back! We missed you. I've been to Oahu three times, but next time I would love to go to Maui. You left before you could read my post to you where I recalled seeing Don Ho sing "Tiny Bubbles" when I was there in 1979. Singing with his skin-tight, white leisure suit on with his shirt open. BURP. Glad you had a great time...sorry about the drunk on the plane. I had a similar experience last year.

                    Hola from Barcelona, everyone. I wish I could tell you that I enjoyed my first what was supposed to be a vacation day in Barcelona, but alas, I did not. The sales assistant for this company I work for accidentally deleted my report out of the system, and I spent all day yesterday retyping it to give to the client.:no!::no!::crap::headbanger: It was a beautiful day, and I holed myself up in my hotel room, typing away to keep my wonderful Spanish client happy. He was unbelievably kind and showed us highlights of the city on Wednesday night. I am finding the Spaniards to be the nicest and kindest of all the countries I have visited in Europe so far...Spain, England, Amsterdam, and France.

                    Yes, Rebirth, I've had catalan cuisine...breakfasts...dinners...I have been eating like a pig.

                    My room here is lovely....I got upgraded to a suite for free, and it comes complete with a lovely view of the city and a mini-bar. Yesterday, out of my anger and frustration that the sales' assistant's incompetence caused me to spend a whole day working, I caved into the mini-bar and drank the bottle of Champagne that was in it. Did it taste good? Oh, yes! Did it solve anything? No. This is the first time since May 28th that I have had more than 2glasses of wine on a single occasion. What bugs me is that I let this situation get to me and I know why I was vulnerable...I have not had the chance to work out since I got here. I had put in 2 back to back work days of 15-hours a piece and yesterday, I awoke so late that I didn't get to the hotel fitness center like I wanted to. That won't happen today, I will tell you that much.

                    Please, you guys....I do not want your sympathy, your feedback, PMs, or anything. I just want to move on and this is the only place I can vent.



                      Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                      Rusty - I'm just so glad you told us! :l venting here is so therapeutic so vent vent vent whenever you need too!! I hope you get to enjoy the City today, I'm sure you must be geting amazing weather as we are here. Wish I could meet you for lunch, you are so close yet so far.....
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                        Buenos Dias, Again!

                        Rustop-please don't call yourself a drunk! I HATE THAT WORD! I hate it when people in AA call themselves "alkies" or "drunks." They are such derogatory, ugly words. If I used those words in front of my family, they would choke me. You are someone who HAD a problem with alcohol, and now you don't....and I think you're beautiful and wonderful, so please don't call yourself that.:h

                        Cyn-I do have some media event tips. If you PM me and are specific, sure, I would love to help no charge, of course!:H

                        Chill-if you were close by, I would find you and I would take us out for lunch....I have a feeling you're someone who could easily help me spend my hard-earned money but I know I'd be laughing the whole time. Thank you for saying something but NOT saying something, if you know what I mean.

                        Someone at this hotel is having a good seems. I was awakened at 7:45 by the woman in the suite next to me....she was, um, well, let's just say she must have an amazing partner because she sounded satisfied. Hey, send him next door, will ya?:H OMG...I thought it was the TV, but it wasn', of course, I'm dying to know what her partner looks like. Yeah, with my luck, her partner is a woman.

                        Lav-looking at pictures of that baby blanket soothed me yesterday. I looked at it on and off all day.

                        Mr. G....where are you? Oh come on...I miss you. Besides, I know what I want you to wear for my birthday when you pop out of the cake. Lav is going to embroider you a G-STRING with little bitty guitars on it. How do you like that? SWEET, is what I say!

                        Cyn-I'm off for my bus tour. Thank you for the tip!

                        Ok, enough of Rusty beating herself up....It's time for Lavin-itude....Big Girl Panties are on (I mean that literally....holy shit I've been eating like a pig since I got here. Why does Barcelona food taste some good?) and I am off to enjoy an AF Friday!

                        Thank you all for listening, reading, and being present for me. I love you guys.


                          Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                          Hey all.

                          Rusty, hope you have fun today, sorry your next door neighbor was so loud. When do you get back to the US of A?

                          I did go and exercise yesterday and made plans to exercise on Saturday too!!! It is amazing that I am not losing any more weight. Getting older is a pain as it is so much harder to get the weight off. On the other hand, I more easily ate so little when I was younger, cause I smoked cigarettes instead. No more of that. Big plans this weekend, I bought tickets for a musical, expensive, but I figured, another way to get through January. I am looking at the forecast right now on the weather channel, snow predicted every day for the next seven days. This is the time I am extremely grateful for a warm cozy house, fireplace, and working close to home.

                          Have a great AF day.
                          I need to go to the library today, read almost all my books. Anybody reading anything good?
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                            Good Morning JJs:

                            A very early morning check-in for me. I have a deliverable due at work today that is still not complete so I need a couple of hours to get it done this morning. I've become a terrible procrastinator at work these days. I know my attitude is influencing my performance and I need to fix it or move on. Still conflicted about what to do.

                            Rusty - All I can say is that you crack me up. You definitely need to write a travel series, "Adventures with Rusty". I know it would be on the best seller list! And thanks for sharing your 'slip'. You were frutstrated, abroad, and very vulnerable. You know what you have to do, girl!

                            Rustop - "The fault is in us". So true. For me, too, when I was always drinking, the alcohol was the vehicle that enabled me to deny that I was responsible and accountable for ME. Every problem was someone else's fault. Not any more. One of my new mottos is 'Action instead of Inaction'. (Well, except for the procrastination with things at work - that's another story).

                            Lav - Thanks for the Coconut Cookie recipe. I just noticed last night that I have an unopened bag of cocunut in my pantry. Maybe I'll be baking some of those cookies this weekend. Good luck with the party!

                            Star - The reduced metabolism rates that go along with aging really make it that much more difficult to lose weight as we get older. Frustrating but true. Staying active and eating the right things is a whole mindset that can be quite challenging to keep up with. Sounds like you know what you need to do - keep motivated!

                            Ok - Doggie is looking at me now with those eyes that say, "I really need to go out an pee now." We haven't ventured downstairs yet. So, that's all for now folks.

                            Make it a great Friday....
                            AF since 7/13/2010


                              Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                              Hi Jubilant ones, what is happening to the weather? So many extremes all over the world it seems. We've had rain, lots of it and more forecast - roll on Spring!

                              Rusty - reading about your neighbours antics made me smile - have you managed to track down who they are yet?

                              Lav I loved the blanket and cake - what a talented lady you truly are.

                              I'm having a break and a cuppa coffee and the tv is on in the background and people are talking about having botox in their arm pits ....time to get on with the housework and concentrate on mundane things I think!

                              Have a good Friday folks


                                Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                                You should all come to NM. Dry as a bone, 40's and 50's during the day, 20's at night.
                                But off I go to Indiana in about an hour. Am wondering how the winter there will affect me.
                                Have spent the last few days substitute teaching. Hadn't realized how much I had missed it.

                                Lav, those little bugs just want some Lav-intude. (ick, ick I hate stink bugs) At least they're not bed bugs!

                                Pap, nice video and what a lot of snow.

                                Star, if you don't mind my asking, are you near Chicago? Weather for my drive seems like it will be pretty good. New tires for Christmas.

                                Rusty, those minibars should be called menace bars.

                                Hello to everyone else. Too restless to write more right now, need to hit the road. Will check in tonight from parts east.

