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Jubilant January ~ Week 2

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    Jubilant January ~ Week 2

    A picture from Rusty

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Jubilant January ~ Week 2

      Good morning Kids!

      Rusty, you crack me up! I would have been knocking on the neighbor's door or at least standing in line, waiting for my turn :H:H No wonder traveling is so much fun!!!!!
      No lectures, they piss me off & you can't change history anyway so just move on, OK?

      Shelley, drive carefully! I hope you don't run into any storms along the way.

      I have a bit of work to take care of this morning then my energy will be put into vacuuming two tons of dog dogs shed 365 days/year! Afterall I do have a large group of people coming Sunday......I don't want them leaving covered in black dog hair :H

      Rusty - I do have the perfect mini guitar design for G's outfit :H

      Have a great day everyone!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Jubilant January ~ Week 2

        Good morning/afternoon all!

        Rusty - I know right where you took that picture! Hope you are enjoying that bus tour - I found it relaxing and informative. Glad that your client took you around on Wednesday - yes, I quite agree, the Spaniards are open and warm. It was really nasty that you had to spend a vacation day working, esp. after such long work days. Glad you have some time today.

        Hope everyone is surviving the cold and snow - will be sending you good driving karma, Sped.

        I am feeling a little lighter today - many crucial details are now getting worked out, and my 'anxiety fog' (insert deer-in-the-headlights icon) is lifting, thank goodness. Rusty - I'll PM you with media questions, as soon as I figure out what to ask!

        Blessings on all for a great AF Friday and start to the weekend -
        to the light


          Jubilant January ~ Week 2

          Buenos Tardes, Amigos!

          Lav, muchos gracias for posting my pic from my hotel room...which is located in front of the World Trade Center. I find water so soothing...that's where I should have gone yesterday. I picked up a little gift for you today at El Corte Ingles (the shopping district). Please PM me your address.

          Cyn-now I'm intrigued....I know you're moving....not sure why....I missed that? What are you trying to promote? Inquiring minds want to know.

          Star-I come back home on Monday. I have just 2 days at home and then I leave for California.

          No sign of my matador neighbor. All I know is he was doing something right at 7:45 this morning.

          John-I have to work on my procrastination problem. I put off doing tasks I hate. I need to change my Inaction to Action. I love that slogan. Balance, too!

          Back to work for a little while but I will be back later!


            Jubilant January ~ Week 2

            Boy this is a non-resting bunch!!

            Sorry I haven't posted for a couple days. It's been so crazy (and by that I mean horrible) at work!! I've had two abuse referrals...the first one MUCH MUCH more severe thatn the last...the kids were removed from the home immediately!! :upset: But went before the jusge who told the mom (repeat offender) to get a "safety plan" together within 10 days...and she can have her kids back!!!!:no!: I mean WTF!!! How many chances do you get to beat the crap out of your kids??? I HATE our system here!!!!! Then was told by the detective yesterday that my second abuse report came at a bad time due to the fact I had such a serious one the day before!!! Geez...I'm sorry...I tell the kids to hide his bruises until next week...dumba$$!! Thanks for letting me vent!!

            Paguy--CONGRATS on an AMAZING accomplishment!!!

            Rusty--heehee...I think by now we can give ourselves all the "speeches" we need hear! We all know how to "DO THIS"!! We GOT THIS sister!! Are you going to be home (in the US) in time for the game...speaking of got this??? GO PACK!!!

            Lav--awesome cake and blanket!!

            I'm at school so I'm going to have to cut this SUPER short...I have a class now...but a GREAT BIG HELLO to EVERYONE--Cyn, Dill, RB, MG, PAP3 (cool video) Sped, Sooty, Star, Mr. G, Rustop, Chill....and I apologize for anyone I forgot!!! I'll hop back on later!!!
            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



              Jubilant January ~ Week 2

              Buenos tardes de nuevo compadres,
              Another cold, overcast day here in middle of states but all is good. I went to hour and half class of core conditioning and yoga pump(yoga with wieghts) this morning and it almost did me in. Since the first of November I have not been able to exercise as much because of respiratory infection and my trip to Hawaii. Since back I have taken three of the added six pounds off and already feeling much better and less slug like. The other three pounds will be gone by this time next week.

              Rustop, The best of your quote to me was "good and creative things can happen in my life if I create them". I could not agree more. When we replace AL we open up all kinds of positive creative doors we can walk through if we make the effort.

              Rusty, I am sure you know that Don Ho is no longer among us. I hope his leisure suit went with him. Your story about the neighbors in your hotel room was good and funny. The same happened to me a couple of years ago. The couple next door let it rip and it all came through the paper thin door between us. I say the couple but actually she was the verbal one. This was about two in the morning and I remember thinking"would you please get finished so I can go back to sleep". Spain is on my bucket list of countries to visit. I used to live in South America and I have enjoyed every Spanish speaking country I have visited.

              Stargaze, I just finished a great book titled "Unbroken" authored by Laura Hillenbrand. It is a true story of former U.S. olympian whose plane went down in Pacific during world war II and his life after that. It is an amazing read and touching. Also stay after that exercise routine. As several have written our physical condtion and weight is a life sytle we choose around our diet, what we drink and amount of calories we burn through exercise.

              Good day to all.


                Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                Good Evening,

                I spent a lovely day walking around Las Ramblas....stopped at a tapas restaurant, and now I'm working....again. Oh well, I was feeling lonely so working is ok. I was warned twice by hotel employees that I should watch my I used my anti-theft device....I put my passport, credit card and Iphone in my bra. Just call me Busty Rusty.:H

                mg72....where did you live in South America? My mom and I went to Ecuador when I was 13...quite an experience. I like Spain far better, though. The people are sooo nice, and I am impressed with how clean Barcelona is. Good for you for taking the weight off. I feel like a total blob...but will go back at it tomorrow. Oh yes, I was aware that Senor Ho has gone to the giant luau in the sky.:H

                SD-I am so envious of you getting to watch the Packer game. I don't come home until Monday. Kinda wish I could come home tomorrow.

                I'll be back later. Thanks for being online, mg. I needed that.


                  Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                  A very quick flyby for me tonight guys but I'll catch up with you all over the weekend. I've struggled a bit this week just being back at work and I am looking forward to a quiet weekend recharging the batteries although I've loads that I want to do I plan on hiding away from family and friends. I've read back all your lovely posts and feel very charmed to be part of such a great bunch of people :l

                  Dewdrop :h
                  Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                    Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                    Busty Rusty :H:H
                    You are too much!
                    My daughter & I were warned about the little pickpocket urchins the first time we went to Paris. Certain neighborhoods were just loaded with them. Years later my daughter had her wallet & passport lifted while she was in Rome. That led to a somewhat hysterical call home to Mom!

                    I have vacuumed my brains out this afternoon & have warned my dogs about shedding! I really could use a break from that, you know? I can normally ignore it for a few days but not for this weekend.

                    mg, I wish I had your metabolism! Losing three lbs takes me a heck of a long time, good for you!

                    Have a good evening all.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                      Tetona Rusty!! :H

                      ARGH ? This website frustrates me when it times out and I lose a long post. Why does it do that?? It prompts me to log-in again and then I?m presented with a BLANK screen.

                      Mg ? Thanks for the offer but it was time for me to change my avatar. Although I am a runner, I am also a lover of Westies (I have one) so I downloaded a few Westie avatars that I will swap out over the months. So now, you can be the runner stretching at daybreak (or maybe its sunset?)

                      Lav ? So much vacuuming ? Yikes! That?s one thing I like about my Westie ? he doesn?t shed. Good luck with your shower that you are hosting this weekend. I am supposed to be going to a christening on Sunday. Lots of baby stuff happening.

                      Rusty ? Are you sure that?s a matador in the room next door responsible for all the clamoring? I remember a similar experience and it turned out to be a guest who had a fresh supply of ?D? batteries. :H :H

                      Today was an interesting day at work for me. I was called into an URGENT production issue that I?ve been helping to manage and will continue to work on through the night and this weekend. In the old days, I?d be so PO?d right now because this would be cutting into my drinking time. Reminds me of how selfish alcohol made me. Alcohol was my #1 priority and anything that interfered was the enemy. But, right now, I am pretty relaxed and doing what I have to do. The timing of this revelation is perfect ? just reinforces that I?m strong enough to be AF for 6 more months ? Yes!

                      Hope you are all having a pleasant Friday?.
                      AF since 7/13/2010


                        Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                        John - working tonight & the weekend????
                        That's not nice.

                        If you decide to skip the christening you can come down for the baby shower. I have a caterer doing the bulk of the work. I'm getting smarter as I age :H:H

                        I'm fantasizing about dipping my dogs in a tub full of Nair :H
                        Maxie, the Swiss Mountain dog is the chief shedder right now & I couldn't lift her near 100 lb. butt into a tub if my life depended on it. If I could just get her to stay put long enough I'd use the shedding tool on her. It takes a team to groom that dog

                        Don't work too hard!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                          Lavande;1041801 wrote: I'm fantasizing about dipping my dogs in a tub full of Nair :H

                          Lav - that created a great visual!

                          Don't worry - I won't work too hard..... Balance.... Balance.... Balance
                          AF since 7/13/2010


                            Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                            Good morning everyone

                            What are you going through in your life right now?
                            Don't feel you're the only one.
                            Open your eyes.
                            Open your heart to your connections with your larger family.
                            Let them share their stories with you.
                            Let them share their strengths, hopes, fears, and joys.
                            Stop looking for what's different and what makes you separate and apart.
                            Go on an adventure of discovering your common bonds.
                            --Melody Beattie

                            This really applies to our MWO family. Where else could you enjoy Busty Rusty stories, hear about Lav's fantacies of dipping her dogs in Nair (Could be joining you with my Goldie). This is a wonderful thread, I just wish I could give it more time.

                            Have a busy, busy day ahead so this is just a quick check in. Will catch up later.



                              Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                              Good Morning Jubilant Ones,

                              Rustop-I love the quotes you give us every month. We are so lucky to have you.

                              Lav-hahahhha....dip your dogs in Nair?:H We have black labs in our family and they do shed. You are going to have a blast with the shower today...feel free to post pics. John and I are collaborating and I think we will keep your embroidery business going.

                              John-:l I am working, too, today.....well, when you own your own business and we do what we do....we do what it takes to get the job done, right? I will have a number of lovely hours to spend today in Barcelona. You mentioned in an earlier post about how you would be p.o'd if someone would interfere with your drinking hours....yes, I can tell you that when my drinking was at its worst, I was the most selfish, self-absorbed person. Whine, whine, whine is all I did. It's amazing that I still have a very good career (I could have destroyed it:upset. John, did you get that urgent production issue sorted out? Is everything ok? Matador is no longer....I think it was a one-night stand!:H

                              Dew-great to see you. Did I mention on a previous post that your AL quit date is the same as my dad's BDay? He passed on in June, 2004, but your quit date has mych meaning for me.

                              Ok, now I will work out!

                              See you all later!

                              I love you guys.


                                Jubilant January ~ Week 2

                                Good morning Jubilant Ones!

                                No sun today - what's up with that? Just makes it feel extra cold out there!

                                The shower is tomorrow Rusty - Sunday afternoon. But I'm feeling confidently ready or maybe I shouldn't say that.....

                                Rustop, I absolutely agree with you in that we have a unique bunch of people on this thread. I look forward to hearing from everyone every day

                                OK, time for more coffee.
                                Have a great day all!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

