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AF Daily-Wednesday 1/12/11

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    AF Daily-Wednesday 1/12/11

    Wakey Wakey Fab Abbers!! PM3 checking in from very snowy, stormy in the midst of a good old fashioned blizzard Central Mass, USA.

    I've been off line since Monday nite at 9pm when I had just finished a lengthy post to you all and hit the send button. Got the "webpage not available" message. Looked at my sys tray and big red X through my internet icon. Huh?? Looked at my phone (remember I was accessing the internet through my EVO to save money) and it was black. Double
    I had been charging it through my PC so I switched over to a regular outlet. Nothing. Tried turning it back on. Nothing. My phone was totally dead. Took out the battery and put it back in. Brought it out to my car and tried that charger. Nothing. Deader than a doornail. Panic starts to set in. Not only do I no longer have internet service, but I have no way to contact the outside world!! My only other phone source is internet based!! It was a restless nite to say the least! yesterday morning I made an appointment to bring it to the sprint store at lunch to see what the problem was. Decided to plug it in again just in case. Didn't want to get down there and have the phone make me look like a dumb blonde!! You guessed it: it started charging AND turned back on! Now I know that the electricity coming through the school is not more effective than that coming through my home !! Long story long (have you grabbed your sandwich yet?) I made a snap decision to go back to my old internet provider even tho it would cost me $20 more a month. I was lucky enough to get an installation appt for last nite and here I am on a very secure and stable internet connection and feeling so much better!! Now I can use my magic jack device which didn't work when I was using the EVO as my connection so I have another source of telephone in case my phone conks out again (as long as I have internet). I just can't afford to order a regular land line at $30/month or more so this will have to do. Whew!!

    Sorry I didn't post last nite. The tech didn't get done until 7:30 and I have a wicked bad cold so I pretty much went straight to bed.

    The snow is amazing and I just heard thunder a few minutes ago. Luckly I'm far enough west that the snow is lighter and dryer than what Pride might be getting. Hopefully she still has power and will be checking in at some point today. There a lot of outages on the east and southeast part of the state. Right now we have over 10" of snow and it's not predicted to end until after 8pm. No agility tonite I'm guessing!! Not sure I'm up for it anyway.

    My school was cancelled at 6pm last nite. Never in my 20 years of working there have they closed the nite before a storm even began!!

    M3-good to see you. I tried Bikram yoga twice and although didn't hate it didn't love it either. Now there is one on my way home but I just don't think I love it enough to spend $20 a session. I think I told you I have a good friend who got her cert in Bikram instruction. I hope she goes back to it when the baby is a bit older as she really loved it!!

    Marshy-welcome back!! Your weekend with GF sounded idyllic! good for you guys and the cohabitation logistics sound like they will work out well.

    Time for more tea and to feed the kids. I do have to do as much work as possible today as although I love the snow day I can't afford it.

    Stay dry and warm all!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!

    AF Daily-Wednesday 1/12/11

    Hi Papmom and all to come,

    Your weather sounds wild. I'm getting reports of it from my friend in CT but the big weather story on the news here is the flooding in Australia. All calm here on the weather front at least.
    Pap, hope you've got your tech troubles sorted out. Very annoying when that stuff happens.

    papmom3;1040219 wrote:
    Marshy- the cohabitation logistics sound like they will work out well.
    Oh dear, we had our first proper argument last night. Anger, sarcasm, tears - and that was just her! Round 2 tonight. Actually, I'm hoping it might be a bit calmer tonight and we can work it out.

    Anyhoo, back to work. Have a good day everyone.
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily-Wednesday 1/12/11

      Hi P3

      Thanks for starting the thread. Oh my, things must be pretty serious snow wise if school was cancelled in New England. I have been living in Northern Virginia for over 20 years now and it still amazes me when they cancel school before the snow even starts. Speaking of snow, we narrowly missed another big storm yesterday. Only got a mild dusting (and my older daughter's school was delayed by 2 hours---Arghh)

      P3, the yoga that I am taking is not as hot or regimented as Bikram. It is a form of yoga developed by Baron Baptiste and is a combination of Ashtanga and Vinyasa flow type yoga. Room is heated to 90 - 95 degrees versus 100 plus temps in Bikram.

      Marshy, Are you now living with XNGF? I have not been keeping up with my posts properly. I heard something about the floods in Australia yesterday. Lots of serious weather happening on this planet! Okay, gotta get to work.

      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!


        AF Daily-Wednesday 1/12/11

        Morning Fabbies!

        Hi P3, Marshy & M3 etc.

        P3 I was doing technical (for me) stuff yesterday. :bang I was on the brink of screeching curse words.

        Marshy... hey, last I heard you were going to have a discussion about division of labor. Does it every time, eh?

        M3, sometimes the yoga room at the gym is cold and it makes a difference.

        May be another day at home for people with little cars. I see people in big trucks going to work. I did manage to get the driveway plowed by the town yesterday. (I promised not to tell) I'd like to get out today for a couple errands, but I HAVE to get out tomorrow. Mail delivery would be nice. And I took out the trash just in case....
        In the past, snow was always paired with drinking. No driving, no working = heavy drinking. SO grateful to be free of that!

        Off to do some stuff.....
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily-Wednesday 1/12/11

          Good morning Abbers!

          Ah, the sound of snow plows......I hope one of them turns into my driveway :H
          My neighbors have been pretty decent in the past so here's hoping for another blessing today. The schools are opening 2 hrs late today. Looks like about 4" of snow out there - not bad.

          Papmom, I hope you tech issues are resolved once & for all! I'm freaked when I have no internet access. I need it for everything including my business. Enjoy your snow day

          Marshy, I sure hope things calm down for you & XNGF. Emotions always seem to get in the way, don't they?

          M3, glad to hear you dodged the storm.

          Greenie, I have my trash out too - just in case

          Hope everyone has a fantatstic AF day.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily-Wednesday 1/12/11

            M3-I might like a less structured form of yoga-I always feel so inadequate when doing yoga-my belly fat and lack of flexibility cause me to feel very self consious. In the Bikram class I was the ONLY overweight person and the instructor actually asked me to move to the back of the class because I was so new (really?). the heat didn't bother me at all although I was very nervous about that. It was the emphasis on doing everything perfectly. So.... less structured and warm? Might have to look into that!!

            PetPeeve-local news channel is usurping Good Morning America!! Come on people-it's New England! It's not our first blizzard!! Do we really need minute to minute reporting on the weather and traffic conditions??????

            Marshy-so sorry about your first fight. You sound like you are the calm one and since you do want it to work out I'm sure it will. Once she sees that you still love/like/admire/respect her, the drama will probably subside the next time a disagreement comes up (hopefully!!)

            Daylight-come on over!!!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily-Wednesday 1/12/11

              Morning everyone!

              Waiting for the storm to hit here as well. We're supposed to get a lot of snow, schools in the city have been cancelled already but not here! I bet the kids are pissed! Little Gia however was so excited to get back to preschool today and she looks so cute in her little plaid dress, black tights and black slouchy boots with a nice navy blue sweater overtop. She was girating watching all her friends come in and telling her teachers what she got for Christmas, and showing them her new dress. I am just so happy at the progress she has made, just amazed.

              Like a good Canadian waiting for the storm to end I have dug out mine and Little Gia's snowshoes and skii's. And in the mean time I'll be putting in a roast and veggies, nice comfort food for a snowy day..and I think I'll make a small crock pot of chili as well..why not!? It definetely wont go to waste in this house.

              Everyone stay warm and safe and watch the snow fly!


                AF Daily-Wednesday 1/12/11

                Lav, I saw the cool diaper cake piccy you posted - so, I was thinking it was edible? No?

                BB, just how much can you and a preschooler eat??? :H
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily-Wednesday 1/12/11

                  greeneyes;1040251 wrote: Lav, I saw the cool diaper cake piccy you posted - so, I was thinking it was edible? No?
                  :H:H:H: you are too funny Greenie!!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily-Wednesday 1/12/11

                    Here ya go Greenie........
                    I think with a little practice I could get a new business going (just kidding) :H

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily-Wednesday 1/12/11

                      This is the "Cuddle Blocks' blanket I embroidered with 9 baby animals in PJs designs

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily-Wednesday 1/12/11

                        Gorgeous blankie!!! OK I've just figured out that it's real diapers in the cake. Some days I'm smarter than others. :blush:
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF Daily-Wednesday 1/12/11

                          Lav-why say JK? Anything is possible!! Go for it!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF Daily-Wednesday 1/12/11

                            Hello friends!

                            Lav, that blanket is beautiful! You are very talented. I like to embroider, I think I might try to take that up again in the evenings. I love to read, but I get so sleepy! The diaper cake is cute too, I hope your shower is a success! How fun!

                            Wow, the weather is amazing! We were at 10 below (F) this morning, and still have plenty of snow and ice so it's good we didn't get anymore. I can't help but envy you all that are hunkered in for a blizzard, but I know it creates more work and very inconvenient for many. My kids would love a snow day!

                            Mom3! I would love to do yoga in a heated room! You're not naked are you? Cuz that would be weird. Our yoga room at the fitness center is chilly. I guess most people don't like to sweat when they work out. It drives me crazy when one of the ladies gets up after we warm up and turns on the big ass fan which you can't move away from! Not to mention the damn ceiling fans! I always wear pants, and a long sleeve shirt. My feet get cold. One of the disadvantages of a group class I guess. I'm going to look into the heat thing, maybe my instructor will try it sometime!

                            I am a little concerned about how dysfunctional my family can be. I really worry about #1 son and his relationship with his father. He can't seem to do anything right. He is a fairly typical teenager (with ADD) and he can be frustrating and lazy which drives my husband nuts. Both boys tend to come to me with their stories, questions, permission requests.....and this seems to bother my husband a little too much. He can be really sensitive in this area--overly so. The boys don't do it on purpose (except maybe when asking permission) but for the last 2+ years I have been the stable parent, and I spend the most time with them. I go to ALL of their activities, and DH can't seem to put them first. A few nights ago he came home pretty drunk and wanted to fight. He was going on and on about what shits the boys are and #1 son took the brunt of it. I told DH that it is very hard to tell with him if he is being serious or joking--it is confusing to all of us. We don't know how to be and I spent too much time trying to protect the boys and keep peace in the family. Last night after my son's basketball game DH was being weird and finally got mad and had a mini-fit. He later asked me why #1 son doesn't like him, or talk to him.....and I was paying attention, he was telling his basketball stories to both of us--even though I was at the game and DH was not. I've asked both boys to go out of their way to spend time with their dad and talk to him and say hi all the time and ask him stuff and tell him about their day and not worry about me. I'm not sure if that is the right thing to do or not, but it's all I got right now.

                            Today I am making supper for my boy's youth group. Chicken enchilada and beef enchilada casserole. I think I will make some pork chili too. The afternoon will be busy, I hope it warms up. I guess I better get busy!

                            Thanks for listening, and have a great sober day all!:h
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                              AF Daily-Wednesday 1/12/11

                              momof3;1040230 wrote:
                              Marshy, Are you now living with XNGF?
                              No. She's staying with me three nights a week. It's complicated because she doesn't have her own place in London (she works here during the week and goes elsewhere for the weekends) and has previously been staying with friends. So she's been staying odd nights with me and now we're trying three nights as a semi-permanent thing if it works out. Trouble is, because of her work/travel arrangements it's three nights in a row - I'd prefer three nights spread over the week. But that's just how it is.

                              greeneyes;1040239 wrote:
                              Marshy... hey, last I heard you were going to have a discussion about division of labor. Does it every time, eh?
                              Certainly does! I had some simmering resentment going on about doing all the cooking/cleaning/food shopping, but she had no idea I was feeling like that. Not a good combination. Anyway, hopefully we can have a calmer conversation tonight. Then she's away for four nights so we'll have some breathing space.

                              Lav - lovely blanket! Did you make up the designs yourself?
                              AF since December 22nd 2008
                              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

