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AF Daily Thurs 1/13

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    AF Daily Thurs 1/13


    Zooming off for a busy one - I hope - guess I should look at the street first. I fell down on the ice yesterday and boy does my elbow hurt. I must have sprained or jammed it or something. Maybe I'll find a sling today. It hurts to just hang there. uch: At least it's my non-dominant arm. Oh nurse Lav......... she calls sweetly.... :H I'm just doing ibuprofen & ice. Anything else?

    Have a thriving thursday! One thing's for sure!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily Thurs 1/13

    greeneyes;1040854 wrote: I'm just doing ibuprofen & ice.

    Maybe lay off the ice :H Thank you, I'll be here all week.

    Semi-sorted things out with XNGF and had a nice evening. How great to not have alcohol in the mix stirring things up. I was talking to a friend last night and she said after 15 years of marriage she and her husband still haven't sorted out the division of labour to her
    satisfaction. :H

    Have a splendid day everyone!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily Thurs 1/13

      Morning Greenie and all who show up today!

      Greenie, sorry about the fall and the sore elbow. It's slippery here today, lots of shovelling and throwing salt down. And the snow is still falling. Last night was not too bad. Cuddled up under the cover on the couch with Little Gia and watched movies I made of her when she was little..she absolutely loved seeing them on the flatscreen.

      Not feeling myself today, a little off. Things are starting to bother me and I'm really sensitive today. Snapped at my mother and apologized for being so cranky with her. I don't know what it is, but I'm feeling a lot of strain today. Hopefully this feeling will fade soon.


        AF Daily Thurs 1/13

        X posted - Morning Marshy. You're so right about removing AL from the equation. It just make bad things much worse then what they really are.


          AF Daily Thurs 1/13

          Good Thursday morning Greenie, Mashy, BB & everyone

          Greenie, my daughter & I just had a discussion two days ago about the benefits of of a good old fashioned epsom salt bath. Her GYN told her to soak in the tub to relieve the skeletal aches r/t pregnancy. Shesaid it worked great! Pick up some epsom salts & soak that sore elbow :l I am very fearful of falling on the ice myself. My osteoporetic bones would probably snap very easily.

          I also need to get out with a large list of things needed for Sunday's party. We didn't get ice just snow around these parts so I am grateful.

          Marshy, I hope you can continue negotiations with XNGF & come to an equible agreement

          OK, wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily Thurs 1/13

            morning everyone-home sick again today. The cold is heading down to my chest I fear and that means brochitis is imminent. Unfortunately the viral strain that is going around seems to last for a month or so-not a good forecast for me. I am praying that my AFness over the past 8 months has boosted my immune system and I will be spared the worst of it. Haven't been able to find the oil of oregano tabs recommended.

            Greenie-ex trainer papmom here: can you make a fist, flex and straighten your elbow? If so, the epsom salts and ice should be fine for 48 hours then you can switch to moist heat and epsom salts. If you can't do any of those things then an xray is in order to rule out a crack. You are very lucky you didn't land on your wrist!! That could've been ugly!!

            BB-hope you can do something special for yourself to pick up your spirits or at least figure out what is bugging you. When I feel like that I try to go for a walk in nature if I can.

            Marshy-glad you and GF worked something out and had a nice evening.

            Video and pics of the blizzard aftermath are coming soon.....
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily Thurs 1/13

              Hello friends,

              Just a quick hello this morning, I'm really trying to limit my computer time these days!

              Gia--do you have any GABA? I have some that I put under my tongue, when I'm feeling "gritchy". It really seems to help. I've also really slacked off on my BHRT--trying to use that as needed as well, but I'm not sure that is a good idea. I'm less tired lately, I don't know if my body is finally healing up from this nasty cold virus, or if it's the Vitamin D supplements I've been taking. I still find myself near tears a lot of the time, but I think that is only natural considering all the sadness I feel for the people I love that are suffering right now.
              I'm trying to decide what to do about my little family situation. I'm tempted to do what I've always done and just let things be. But I wonder if it would help to call a little family meeting and see if we can get some things out in the open. I always worry about this, because DH is really weird when it comes to expressing feelings, and if he feels attacked the whole idea will blow up in my face. Especially if someone mentions his drinking.

              It is 30 degrees here this morning and it feels like a heatwave!:H I guess that is one benefit to the sub zero temperatures. I am very grateful we didn't have any problems with frozen or broken pipes like some did!

              Have a great sober day all! Hope everyone that doesn't feel well gets better real soon! And be careful on that ice!!!:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily Thurs 1/13

                Video!!!! Just click on the pic:

                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  AF Daily Thurs 1/13

                  your puppies are soooo cute!
                  You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                  Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                    AF Daily Thurs 1/13

                    Good Morning All,

                    Quick check in and then off to get ready for youngest daughter's b'day.

                    Gia, Sorry you are feeling blue. But, isn't it good to have those feelings instead of them being dulled by alcohol.

                    LVT and P3...You should check out the hot yoga. Bikram is so strict because studios that offer Bikram must sign an agreement to do Bikram exactly as it is intended which is very regimented. Look up "hot yoga" in your area or a Baptiste Affiliated Studio. See Link
                    Baptiste Power Yoga Institute

                    LVT:l to you. I can understand why your sons go to you instead of their dad. They don't trust him and I don't blame them. As we know, drinkers are unpredictable and irritable. IMHO, I would not hold a "family meeting" but I would talk to your husband about how his drinking is going to do nothing to improve his relationship with his sons and as long as he continues to drink and to come home and pick fights with his sons, that is the way his relationship is going to be with them. I am speaking from experience here because my dad was an alcoholic and we did not become close until he quit drinking for good. And, tough if he gets defensive about it. I am a firm believer in saying what is on your mind and believe that it can truly make you sick if you don't. There is not much you can do to repair your husband's relationship with this sons. It is up to him.:h

                    Hello to Greenie, Marshy, Jennyneric and all to come.
                    AF Since April 20, 2008
                    4 Years!!!


                      AF Daily Thurs 1/13

                      Hi Folks
                      BBI know how you feel I'm having a bad day too... bank problems. seems to be a stressful week. But maybe its just cause I'm looking at things differently and trying to sort stuff out rather than avoiding them. Anyhow looks after all the ailments people and hope things go well


                        AF Daily Thurs 1/13

                        After a very hard last couple of weeks, I'm actually starting to feel a little better. Maybe my Prozac is finally kicking in.

                        I have an credit card and every time I get 2500 points I get a $25 gift certificate to They used to send them out as I earned them but then they changed their policy so you have to call in to have your certificates issued. I hadn't called in for over a year so I had accumulated $125 worth of gift certificates. Free books! Last week I made a big order to and yesterday it arrived. Among the many things I received--

                        Rational Recovery by Jack Trimpey
                        The Easy Way to Stop Drinking by Allen Carr

                        I'm going to read them as soon as I can and will let you know what I think. I'm hoping they'll contain some helpful info on that I can incorporate into my plan for AF living.
                        Alcohol Free since 11/29/10!


                          AF Daily Thurs 1/13

                          Daylight - I hope things get better for you as well, I hate dealing with the bank really and I used to work for one. Go figure.

                          M3 - A birthday party! So much fun! How old is she turning? What do you have planned for her birtday? I get so excited for Little Gia's birthday.

                          Pap - Your puppies are so cute! I love my little ones's too, they really are such a joy to have. I love having animals in our lives.

                          JennynEric - I hope you're having a good day!

                          LVT - I don't have any Gaba. Just daily stressors taking it's toll on me. I plan on eating till the feeling goes away and maybe redecorating something. I don't know what to tell you on the homefront..I don't know how I would take it if a family meeting was calling over me and I felt accusations coming at me from everyone. I don't think I would handle it well at all. Maybe a one on one..or get your kids to write him a letter so they can tell him exactly how they feel in their own words written by them. I don't know.

                          Lav - I LOVE Epsom Salts, they are wonderful and I used them when I was pregnant too. Great stuff.

                          Marshy - I don't know what XNGF means? I know that GF means Girlfriend, but I don't know about the other bit. I have to search out FML when I started seeing that pop up. God, I need more coffee I think.

                          I was approached by a woman yesterday to go into Staging with her. She is taking the course and will be certified with a business license in a few months and really thinks I would be great at it as well. She loves my house and my decorating techniques and think we would be great at it together. I was shocked. I told her when she was done to bring the material over and we'll go from there. I know what it is and everything like that, so we'll have to see.


                            AF Daily Thurs 1/13

                            Xposted Lily - It's really great to hear you are starting to feel better, thank God for drugs! lol. That's great about the Gift Certificates. Woohoo!


                              AF Daily Thurs 1/13

                              whew. back after 6 consecutive days on the road and I got WAY too stressed out. home and recouping with Dx now.

                              I've found kava kava to be quite helpful when I need a 'really strong' herbal remedy for stress. next time I'm on the road I'm taking it with me.

                              will try to catch up soon.

                              everyone be well xxxxxx
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

