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AF daily - Friday, January 14th

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    AF daily - Friday, January 14th

    Morning all abbers, roll up, roll up!

    I'm doing a 12-hour shift at work today. Yuk. So I'm going to cycle in because it will be quicker to get home tonight than getting the bus. Haven't been on my bike since winter set in so it will interesting to see how my lungs hold up.

    Papmom- great video! Hope you're feeling better.

    Greenie - hope your arm is better too.

    BB - Bit of a story behind XNGF. It stands for "ex-non girlfriend" because she was a non-girlfriend for a while when we were building up to girlfriend status. DG coined the term. DG - if you're out there, it would be lovely to see you back again.

    Have a fruitful Friday everyone!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Friday, January 14th

    Morning Marshy,

    Oh okay. I have no idea sometimes when I see all these short forms for words. Hah. I would love to get my bike out right now too and just go for a spin. Enjoy the ride and the wind in your face.

    Little Gia and I camped out on the livingroom floor on the blow up air mattress and watched TV till we fell asleep. It was really nice, we both love doing it. And all the animals ofcourse piled on with us. One big happy family.

    M3, that's really great that you adopted. The only place in China I've been was Beijing, I really enjoyed it there and there is nothing better then real Chinese food. Did you travel there for the adoption and bring her home? I think that's wonderful, there are so many beautiful children all over Asia who need families.


      AF daily - Friday, January 14th

      BB - yes, the initials can be confusing. I saw something the other day and couldn't figure it out. I think I'll switch to GF.
      You must get up extremely early every day - about 5ish? You're always the first one from across the pond checking in.
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF daily - Friday, January 14th

        Greeting's everyone.

        Here's another acronym. P.O.E.T.S. day it is, friday.

        Hope everybody is as safe and sound as can possibly be.

        Best wishes, G-bloke.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          AF daily - Friday, January 14th

          Morning marshy, gia, and all fabbies to come!

          I would like to start the day with some of M3's daughter's birthday cake. You just can't beat desert for breakfast.

          M3, I do have some traumeel wich is basically the same as the homeo arnica. Obviously I have on hand what I need - I guess I just needed to whine.

          About those tickets for snow on your vehicle - it SHOULD be $100. I hate to imagine one of those ice cakes flying off and landing on my convertable top. It wasn't the cars so much as it was the van/truck kind of things. The pieces were as big as my whole car!

          P3, it is helpful if you make a pot of ginger tea with ginger slices and honey and drink it while in a very hot bath. Hope you feel better soon.

          Yesterday I had lunch downtown and sat at the bar. I was suprised at how many drinks were being made. Maybe it was the cold.

          I have a mile long do-list today. So I better hop to it.

          One thing is for sure!

          Hey ho g-string!! :h How 'bout that new job thingy in Jan?
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF daily - Friday, January 14th

            Marshy - Normally we're up everyday between 4am and 5am. A little early; when 10am rolls around I feel like it should be 2pm. Thank God I don't drink because between that, and getting up before the early bird...and the worm, I would be looking pretty terrible everyday.

            G-man, good to see you check in! Don't you have POETS day everyweek? Hah!

            Greenie, the ginger tea sounds so delicious!! I cook with fresh ginger a lot, I really love it. And a piece of cake for breakfast sounds soooo good. I may make one so I can have it in the fridge for later with my ice cream. Everyday Little Gia and I enjoy a nice bowl of ice cream together. Yummy!


              AF daily - Friday, January 14th

              Good morning Abbers!

              Sunny but still very chilly here today - it's winter!!

              How's that elbow today greenie? Glad you were able to get out some yesterday

              I have millions of things to do today (primarily in the cleanning dept.) so I'll get to it!

              Have a great day one & all.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF daily - Friday, January 14th

                Hey guys, glad to see everyone up and about this morning! I think this might be my first check-in this week - I can't believe how stupid busy I have been (a good kind of busy where the brain is working, things are getting done, etc.), but at least it is Friday and I can unwind for a couple of days.

                Marshy, thanks for getting us started, and that is awesome that you are riding your bike in! Wish the weather was nice enough around here for that, but alas I'll just have to wait for April to show up....
                Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                  AF daily - Friday, January 14th

                  Good Morning All,

                  Good luck with the 12 hour shift today Marshy. What type of work do you do? And, are you living with XNGF now? This would require a new acronum--LWXNG (Living with ex non girlfriend).:H

                  Greenie, I hope your elbow is feeling better. There is nothing worse than falls on the ice--nasty. How is the rest of the body holding up? What was it like to sit at a bar?

                  BB, Yes, we traveled to China twice. Two of my daughters are adopted from China. The oldest is biological. Love China and love the people. Everyone in that country was very supportive of what we were doing. Thumbs up and lots of advice when out and about. The waiting list to adopt from China is now about 4 years. This is partly due to the relaxation of the one child policy and people in China are now able to adopt too. The adoption program there has also become hugely popular. PS I was thinking of your post yesterday and wondering if part of feeling blue is due to the weather and being cooped up in the house.

                  Hi Guitarista, AA, Lav...all to come. Still looking for DG. I think I will PM her and tell her to come back.
                  AF Since April 20, 2008
                  4 Years!!!


                    AF daily - Friday, January 14th

                    Good (snow-covered) morning, FAbs!

                    Gia, I am getting fat just reading your posts (Flabby Abbies). Have you ever thought of catering? You clearly love to cook, and the rest of us love to eat. So a good dozen clients right off the bat!

                    Marshy, careful on that bike if it?s still slushy over there. I just finished a book called ?One Day,? and the main character is picked off by a car in a rainstorm. That?s all the suggestion I need to project anxiety onto anyone I know who rides regularly (what can I say, Im nuts that way). :huh:

                    XNBF (now fiance) and I used to spiral from 0 to 60 in arguments to the point where it scared us both. NOT gentle with each other. I read a couple of books by John Gottman (?Principles of Making Marriage Work? I think was one); he?s gone a bit commercial, but the advice did help us keep the conversation from devolving into shouting insults back and forth (you always! you never! you asshole! etc.). Of course, getting off the hooch helped too. Go figure. ; )

                    P3, we weathered the storm with no power outages and lots of cocoa and brownies. And yes--the media frenzy was ridiculous. Flake by flake coverage. You?d think we lived in Tahiti. I didn?t get a lot of work done the last couple of days, though, due to the disruptions. I?m paying for that now.

                    Re. your doggie video: last Sunday, I took my mother and daughter to Wolf Hollow in Ipswich, and the Alpha wolf rolled in the snow exactly like your Pap. The guide said they do that to carry a new scent back to the pack; let?s them know there?s food, a predator, or competitor around (or anything unusual?maybe a chipmunk in your yard!). Regardless of breeding, a dog is a dog is a dog (and I love ?em).

                    LVT, I agree with M3 on trying to improve the relationship between your husband and sons. If he gets that way when he drinks, a family meeting would probably just end up polarizing things further. He'll blame them and you, and that will be that. It?s sad to imagine the relationship he could have with his boys versus the one he does have. He won?t get these years back. But you have so many things drawing on your emotional stores right now, you don?t need to take another one on you can?t ?win,? since the old saw is true--no one can change his behavior but him. All you can do is keep being the great mom you are. :l

                    Rough week here. The dentist visit Tuesday was bad (?Do you grind your teeth?? bad. 4-crowns-and-a-root-canal-in-my-future bad. $4Kish bad.). Also, I?m gradually dealing with financial sinkholes I ignored while drinking, one of which is a business loan that comes due Feb 1 ($2K). My middle son?s teacher called Tuesday after the dentist; he had written a mnemonic on his desk before a quiz?not the answers, but still effectively cheating. Conference with the teacher yesterday; they aren?t suspending him, but he gets a zero, obviously. This isn?t something he?s ever done before to our knowledge; he had a church thing Sunday night and a track meet Monday night, and I think he panicked because he hadn?t studied. He?s a good kid in a highly competitive academic environment, and God knows he felt awful, but I still had to be a hardass about it (not easy).

                    Got the teacher conference behind me, and the root canal, then my engine light went on coming home. $GodknowshowmuchK. On the work front, I?m feeling overwhelmed and really should be digging in now, not typing this(!), but I need to release some steam so I can concentrate better (sorry guys?you?re elected!). AA, you summed it up nicely?stupid busy.


                    BUT?no one?s sick. No one?s dying. And I won?t be drinking any of this crap away only to have it all come back worse in a few hours. There?s not a pity party in the world big enough to pull me back into that black hole. Tomorrow is 6 months for me, and although I?ll be away without internet access, I?m so grateful to all of you for helping me get there. So this is my grateful paragraph.

                    Better get back to my beige job. Lily?so glad you?re feeling a little better. Uni, advance congrats on 6 months?love having your company on this bumpy road.:l

                    DG, I hope you check in soon. I want to thank you personally. You have no idea how much your threads and posts helped me early on, and many, many others. Lots of love.:h

                    Green bean, soak that elbow!

                    Lav?I?m sure the shower will be a huge success, and no particularly nasty weather on the horizon! Save me a piece of diaper cake.

                    xoxo Pride
                    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                      AF daily - Friday, January 14th

                      Good Freakin' Cold afternoon Abbers!!
                      I had to go into work this morning feeling like shite because there was a part of my job I can't do from home. Interestingly enough I think my boss was impressed that I showed up!! I had enough coughing fits while I was there that it left no doubt I am really sick!! I got my work done and left. Stopped at CVS on the way home to pick up some cough syrup and other sundries. I too should be digging in again instead of on here but seriously, I could use a nap instead.

                      Pride-well blow me over!! I never knew we had a Wolf Sanctuary in our fair state!! The fact that the alpha wolf is the one doing the rolling sure explains why DD and LM are the only ones that roll on the snow, grass, mud, worms etc. My Mickey has NEVER rolled in anything!! So, all the tension in the household is now explained by the fact I have 2 alpha dogs in the house!! Jeez, I wonder if I have to worry about one of them killing the other in order to once and for all establish who is top dog???

                      I too have $4-$5K of dental work in the future. I almost fainted when I found out. Each quandrant is $1K and the crowns/new fillings are $1500. I'm tackling one quandrant a year and will probably have to do it every single year for the rest of my life!! I also have about $500 of car work to be done soon (something about ball bearings or bushings or something like that? Sounds serious). And I just got socked with a $400 heating bill (haven't had a chance to check out the energy site you gave me yet). Not to mention dentals for at least 3 of my dogs/cats and everyone needs blood work every year due to their age.
                      (primal scream-didn't help).

                      My neighbors across the street moved out last weekend. They couldn't make the mortgage payments despite both of them working 2 jobs each- the bank wouldn't work with them. They abandoned the house after living there and being great neighbors for 13 years. How did the bank win on this one??????

                      thanks for the tip Greenie-I actually don't like ginger very much and my bathtub is not bath worthy.

                      OK, I'm getting myself really depressed. Might has well go do some work-can't sleep now.
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF daily - Friday, January 14th

                        Hi everyone!

                        Gia - I too get fat just reading your posts! But it sounds so amazing the things you do with little Gia - I love it.

                        I've had a couple of anxiety days. Probably a combination of the weather and 6 days of looking after my little neice. She's good as gold but I have a hard time looking after myself somedays with the anxiety and depression so this has been tough for me. But my sister needed me. I will be sooooooo glad when she returns though, not gonna lie..........

                        Pride - WOO HOOT to us! Early congrats for tomorrow as well. It is easier when it is shared with someone. :l:clapclap:

                        Alright, I'm off to chase around a 2 year old!:helpme:

                        Ciao for now!
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          AF daily - Friday, January 14th

                          Alooooha Friday ABland!

                          lets do this weekend AF and fully of joy

                          be well
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF daily - Friday, January 14th

                            :cheering::cheering: CONGRATS ON YOUR 6 MONTHS PRIDE :cheering::cheering:
                            I'm very happy for you!
                            Sorry about al lthe dental stuff......I've been thru exactly the same myself. I'm sure your son feels bad about the test incident.....big lesson for him. We all have to learn stuff one way or the other. With me it was always the hard way!

                            I think I nearly killed myself cleaning today.....the dog hair won't quit. I've given both dogs a stern shedding until after the party :H

                            Wishing everyone a comfy evening.
                            DG, I miss you too.

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF daily - Friday, January 14th

                              Happy Friday!

                              Whew! Made it through training.... tired now.

                              Happy 6 months Pride!!! WTG!!!

                              Hello to everyone else! Dental work is expensive! I feel for all that has some in need of being done. Once I am back on my footsies, I intend to have that 'root canal' done that I need done. UGH! Never had one before and I hear it isn't fun!

                              Take care of your elbow greenie!

                              Lots of love to the rest of you. I must go and figure out what to make for dinner. Another UGH! Can't wait to start seeing some moola! I am getting tired of chicken and rice! (however it is better than nothing I guess). The fish cakes I made at the beginning of the week were pretty damn bland. Next time I will look up a recipe. Something was definitely missing. Edible, but bland...

