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AF Daily Saturday 1/15

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    AF Daily Saturday 1/15

    Wakey wakey!!


    SO very well done, you fabbie abbies!

    Last night I went to a very interesting show. 701 Center for Contemporary Art What imagination! Made out of all kinds of recycled stuff.

    Today I pack. I hate packing. I really overthink it and have a lot of angst. However, it is certainly easier when done sober.

    M3, I always sit at the bar if eating alone at that resto as it is a fave and I know the people well and they have seen me in good times and bad. Normally I don't notice the drink pouring and all the bottles never phase me. I can see the whole resto from there and most tables were drinking by noon. I must admit my attention was drawn to it when two vodka martinis were made under my nose. I heard myself remark about it in a definitive past tense as it relates to me. (had a history with vodka martinis there) It was as if my subconscious involuntarily spoke up as a means of protection. To validate my sobriety out loud for both of us. Probably a bigger answer than you expected, eh? :H

    Have a luverly AF day everyone!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily Saturday 1/15

    Good morning Abbies - where did the sun go??

    Greenie, I missed something - what (where) are you packing for?
    I hope it's for a week in the Bahamas

    More busy work ahead for me today, no time to waste.
    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily Saturday 1/15

      Going to house/dog sit, Lav.

      BTW, elbow is waaay better. Went to the chiropractor.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily Saturday 1/15

        Woo Hoo!

        and it's beautiful here so I'm going to the beach with my neice.

        Just about a perfect day!

        Love and hugs,
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF Daily Saturday 1/15

          Top of the morning Greeyes, Uni, Lavande and all to come

          I'm going to have a hugely challenging week starting Monday. all week in Vegas and I'm coming down with a cold or something which is one of my strongest triggers/challenges ever. May the force be with me.

          wishing you all a spectacular fun-filled AF weeekend
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Daily Saturday 1/15

            I have had a great AF morning, had lunch with a new sober friend and was able to help my husband detail his car at a carwash place.....that would NOT have happened when I was drinking because he couldn't have gotten me to leave the house(can't take me away from my alcohol for that long). Good to be a help not a nuisance.
            I ain't afraid of no ghost....


              AF Daily Saturday 1/15

              Hi married girl - good to see you!

              Just wanted to say CONGRATS again to UNI & PRIDE on their 6 AF MONTHS!!!!!!
              Awesome work ladies

              Greenie, glad your elbow is improved. So, are you house/dog sitting in the Bahamas? :H:H
              This damp, cold weather is starting to seriously bother me in arthritic terms. A few days at Breezes on the beach would be perfect right about now. I've been there before in Feb & March - nice! But, now that I think about it the bar was open all day & night long. Think I'll just turn up the heat a bit!

              Well, I've picked up the cake & balloons, everything is ready. YB stopped by today (at my request) to help clear up the rest of the snow/ice on the driveway & walkways. I was shocked to see him looking bright, alert & clean shaven. I asked him why he did it - he said he found food stuck in the beard & it grossed him out so it had to go :H

              Wishing everyone a warm & cozy evening.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily Saturday 1/15

                Congratulation's on 6 months AF Uni and Pride! Keep it going.

                Here are some songs for you both. Whist i am in blatant and shameless plug mode, may i recommend 'Startingover again blues'. Greg xx

                YouTube - Guittarista's Channel

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  AF Daily Saturday 1/15

                  Uni and Pride on a fabulous 6 months of sobriety!! Way to go girls!! Hope your day was extra special on the outside AND the inside!
                  I am so proud to share this journey with you both-your posts inspire me (and amuse me) to no end. GIRL POWER!!

                  Yes Greenie, pray tell where are you going to house sit? Our 29 yr old memories aren't working all that well in this cold and snow!!

                  Uni-hope you had a great time at the beach-you earned it!!

                  Mr. G-I could listen to that song all day long! Can't wait for the CD!!

                  Hi MG-so glad to see you here! Sounds like you had a great day!!

                  Deter-you stay strong you hear? Or I'll have to bring DG out of retirement to give you a good :b&d:!! Please promise us you keep HALT(S) in the front of your sober mind at all times and go into chat, PM one of us or call DX if you start to feel weak. You can do this Chef!!

                  Wow Lav-you must have had all you could do not to faint when you saw YB!! Maybe he's coming out of his self imposed exile???

                  Not too much to report today. Work went well if not a little boring. They didn't leave anything for me to do so I just kept myself busy exploring the company's intranet and reading the policy manual etc. I didn't get the training I was promised today but at least the owner answered all my questions and emails in a timely manner. I'm a tad disappointed that after opening 11 other offices they don't have the transition down smoother than this. The brokers that were in the office today said they knew nothing about some procedures I knew about regarding them!! Now I will take that with a grain of salt as I'm quite sure these particular people don't check their email all that often and that seems to be the preferred method of communication with this company. Anyhoo I made it through and next week should see much bigger changes. I'd like to see a bigger paycheck too but that proabably won't happen :H

                  The only other thing I would like to report is that I am soooooo glad I decided to bite the bullet and reorder my cable internet!! The difference is nite and day!! I can watch youtube videos without them buffering every 2 seconds and remotely accessing my work desktop is once again a breeze. Plus my magic jack phone works again!! Well worth the extra $20 a month that I don't know where to find.

                  That's it for now. Hope everyone one has a great rest of the evening/day.

                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily Saturday 1/15

                    thanks Papmom, I'm going to do Vegas AF no matter what

                    Lav, how'd the party go?
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily Saturday 1/15

                      :yougo::yougo::yougo:CONGRATULATIONS UNI AND PRIDE ON 6 MONTHS AF!!!:yougo::yougo:

                      You ladies ROCK!! That is all.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily Saturday 1/15

                        Congrats to Uni & Pride!! Well done!!!

                        Nothing exciting to report here. I woke up with a sore throat and feeling a bit tired today. Gonna make it an early night tonight. Tried to do some errands. Made it to the store to pick up Little AFM some arts and craft paper. Then we were going to go to the Library - but I was just too pooped out. So, we have been at home lazying around. A nice Sunday.

                        Hi, DG! Nice to see you pop in. I hope you start posting again. I miss you!

                        Hello to everyone else! Going to go and gargle with some warm salt water, wash up, and header to bedder!


                          AF Daily Saturday 1/15




                          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                            AF Daily Saturday 1/15

                            Mags love, wonderful to see you pop in but can't read your post....? please post again. xxxxx
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)

