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Jubilant January ~ Week 3

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    Jubilant January ~ Week 3

    Good morning Folks!

    I am suddenly craving muffins to go with my coffee this morning :H

    Dark & chilly here this morning......apparently a snow/ice/rain event is on the way. Can't do a thing about it, it is winter afterall.

    Shelley, are you enjoying some snow right now?

    Chill, sending you hugs today :l

    Busy week here, 2 birthdays coming this week, my daughter & SIL on the 19th & 22nd. Actually it's a good thing for me to turn my attention to others this time of year. Jan & Feb have never been my favorite months (I don't like to hibernate I have too much energy)!

    Enjoy your day off Dill & your lunch.

    Greetings to G & everyone, have a great Monday.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Jubilant January ~ Week 3

      Hello all -
      Chill, thanks for checking in - sending you big hugs, hang in there.
      Mr G - nice to hear from you!
      Sped - hope you run into some snow soon - seems like it's bound to happen. You could always go to MA and help PMom shovel!
      Lav - thanks for the pics, PA is right - your daughter (adorable) does glow.
      Rusty - where are you in the world? I was thinking of you, wondering if on the Ramblas you saw the street performer whose entire act consists of sitting on the Pot (you know what I mean) - he's hysterical. I have a pic somewhere...
      Dew - I'll miss your posts this week - hope all goes well for you while you're out of touch.
      Star - you SO deserve your new kitchen, I'm excited for you! And kudos for your decision to be totally AF. I'm there too, and it feels like real freedom.
      LBH, Dill - I'm so sorry that you have to struggle daily with cravings, that is so unjust, so hard, good luck.

      I'm putting in long hours here, but I think all things will be accomplished by their respective deadlines. I posted a cranky, poor-me post yesterday morning before leaving the house early for work appointments. On the way, I drove by a homeless man with literally all of his belongings on his back or in his hands....what a wake-up call for me....what a chance to receive a true perspective....I'm glad that I was able to get home and delete my earlier post, I felt so ashamed of being so myopic. This man wasn't asking for anything, just walking, and it was on a freeway so I couldn't stop, but I still am wishing that I could have helped him somehow....

      I'm grateful for you all -
      to the light


        Jubilant January ~ Week 3

        Hey lovely peeps,

        cyn- I see so many homeless people and I find it very frustrating. How do you help these people? Many have mental illnesses and it's too late to draw them back into society. It certainly puts you into perspective when you think you got it bad.

        Chill- sending you a big big bear hug.

        Lav- that cake looks scrummy!!

        Have a lovely monday all. I have been pigging out on sugar again and undoing all the great work I did before christmas. Will get back to it by the end of the month. There. Said it in writing so now I have to do it....
        Be strong-
        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


          Jubilant January ~ Week 3

          Hello and happy muffins - oops I mean Monday!

          Lav the photos are fab, your daughter is lovely and it looks like a great time was had. So happy that it went well.

          Weather rubbish again here, I'm fed up with having the lights on all day. Its all very depressing. Perhaps thats the trouble with this country - we're all suffering from Seasonal wotsit disorder cos of the lack of sunshine, thats why everyone is so miserable!!!

          Hope you're all having a good day, doesn't everyone get a holiday for Martin Luther King day?

          Thanks for the comments about the applesauce, I'll try it when I make the next batch of ...what are they called again :H

          keep tough everybody
          love Sooty


            Jubilant January ~ Week 3

            Hi cyn, rebirth, Sooty & all!

            I believe Rusty is in route home today. Hopefully we'll hear from her soon

            cyn, trying to help the homelss is difficult.........if nothing else I donate a good bit of new clothing from my embroidery shop (things with small technical errors that don't affect the wearablility, things that people order but never pickup, etc).

            Sooty, it's dark here too & all my lights are on as well. What can you do??

            I put a pot of mushroom & barley soup on this morning - hoping the barley will remove some of the cholesterol I ingested yesterday :H Well, at least I hope it will.

            I need to take a trip to the feed store & pick up more wild bird food. The birds are acting kind of psycho at the feeder today.....I think they know a storm is on the way
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Jubilant January ~ Week 3

              Hi All!!
              Just stopped home to have lunch with my son....just caught up with a few posts...hope I can read them all when I get back to school. I was actually checking my email and saw I had a PM so I just had to stop by--:lthank you Lav!!! You're a doll!! I do feel much better today...and need to remind myself "balance" is my focus this year!!! Thanks for caring!

              Just a quick side note on homeless people....we don't normally see too many around here (probably because it's too damn cold:H) anyway...this summer I saw one walking along the highway while I was on the way to pick up my son from his dad's. Well on the way back I picked up a 'happy meal' and when I saw him still walking I circled around to the nearest approach and got out and put the food and beverage along side the road and yelled to him that it was just food for him. As we turned around and drove off my son said he could see him picking up the food and looking in the bag! My heart was racing the whole time...he was a few hundred feet from me but still I was just never know. In the end, I felt good for helping him....I think my son thought I was nuts!

              OK...gotta run...need to get back to school...we have to be one of the only places that has school today (well the kids don't..just the teachers).
              Have a great Monday!!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                Jubilant January ~ Week 3

                Shelley, perhaps you will be a blizzard chaser like some individuals chase big waves or tornados. If it doesn?t work out, you could make a lot money traveling from place to place improving the weather. Fun photo, Lav, and I am with John (congratulations albeilt late, sorry, on your six months) in underscoring the fertile abundance surrounding that little chicken farm. The contrast between our lives here, however daunting, and what they could be is huge. I too am often struck by encounters with the enduringly homeless and how like with any disaster including war, forms of economic slavery, mass cruelty to animals I have to ?pick? something to do and let other things go. I remember a teacher once told me if I really wanted to help I would stop trying to pull drowning beings out of a river one by one and instead get the courage to go up against what was pushing them in in the first place. He seemed to be able to do a lot more without losing his balance than I. I have to keep tunnel vision. Thank you Dill for the podcast link. I shall add it as soon as I finish my free library book downloads as any updates write over them. I knew you would understand me:l. I am very happy to hear of your new kitchen, Star. Once it is over, you will be preparing your healthy food in attractive, peaceful surroundings. Speaking of that, I am off quickly now to take advantage of an unseasonably gorgeous day and work in the back yard. Hi to all Chill (stay close, sweetie), Sooty, Rusty, Rustop, Dewdrop, Cyn, Rebirth, G., S.D., mg, et. al. Love, Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  Jubilant January ~ Week 3

                  Oh Jubilant Ones!

                  I'm on the way home! :banana: YAY! I am writing you from the Delta Sky Club at JFK Airport, sipping on sparkling water. No, thank you, I will pass on the free booze.

                  Chill-sending you lots of hugs!:l:h I'm so sorry you're feeling sad and let us know what we can do.

                  Mr. G, Mr. G! You're back!:h Don't forget my birthday...February 10th. Now that the baby shower is over, Lav can devote her full attention to embroidering you a G-string with little guitars on it.

                  Lav-the pictures from the baby shower were great! EB sure is getting big and I loved the picture of the mommas.

                  John-you are a scream....talking about the woman next door using D batteries!:H No, I never did see the Matador who was obviously doing everything right that morning. I worked over the weekend, too....oh, well. Good to have work.

                  Cyn-oh yeah, I saw the street performer sitting on the loo. Las Ramblas definitely was my favorite place.

                  Dill-hope you enjoyed your day off.

                  Star-good for you that you and Mr. Star share the same commitment. I started reading Allen Carr's "The Easty Way To Stop Drinking" on the plane. VERY GOOD BOOK!

                  Hi SD-Gonna watch the Packers' kick the Bears' *sses this weekend? I am, for sure....even though I'll be in California.

                  Sooty-let us know how the vegan dish turned out.

                  Hi to LBH, Shelley, Rustop, Dew, mg72m Papmom, Rebirth, and everyone else.

                  There's no place like home !(insert pic of two red shoes clicking together)


                    Jubilant January ~ Week 3

                    I was just looking at my January issue of IJHC & thought maybe some of you might like this too:

                    IJHC (The International Journal of Healing and Caring) - IJHC Home

                    Wholistic Healing is what it's all about

                    Enjoy that nice weather LBH! My hands are half frozen today in my 64 degree shop - brrr.

                    Glad your day is better today SD
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Jubilant January ~ Week 3

                      Hey - there you are Rusty
                      Happy, safe travels.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Jubilant January ~ Week 3

                        Golly hey all,
                        Sorry but it's been sunny all day and about 35 degrees which to me is go without a coat weather unless I'm standing in a very long line, i.e. not moving. I hate to be hot! And I love to do all the things one does to get warmer, drink wonderfully warm drinks, put on another sweater and throw one another afghan, or another kitty cat or even a laptop. It may snow tonight but I doubt it given my presence. My son is at a wedding in Hawaii. I'm understanding his lonely feeling in this building; you hear people next door, above and below but never actually see them, plus there are NO pets here. I'm about to start hallucinating cats!

                        Lav, love, love that photo. Hope those 2 women are friends. How far apart are their due dates?

                        SD, little brat, don't you ever worry about posting "down" stuff. Sweetie, you post whatever you damn please. I for one am always here to listen. Oh yeah, just don't post about football...1st down, 10 yard line, end zone, I'm clueless. Can't believe SD made you work on MLK day; are you public school?

                        John, just curious, what is your new book? My therapist wants me to read "The Tibetian Book of Living and Dying". Does not sound too appealing but I have learned how to follow directions.

                        Star, my husband and I have also been making some attempts at trying to engage in new activities together. The thing working best for our relationship right now though is periodic moments of separation. A la absence makes the heart grow fonder...

                        Dill, ditto LBH, thanks for the radiolab connection...this feels so right, the sharing going on here on this site, books, recipes, pet tales, etc.

                        My kiddo gets home tomorrow. He still in California at a wedding as well as loving his darling girl. This is son #2, as of yet unmarried.
                        Cleaned and OCD cleaned today. Then I made black bean chili with NM green chilies toted in a cooler across the great plains. It is scrumptious but will wait til tomorrow to have a meal of it. One day later always zings a soup or stew.

                        Totally out there but if anyone has had experience with hard water, could you PM me. Everything here seems to be coated with minerals. The dishwasher is like a cave, an archeological excavation...must chip away at everything. Need helpful household hints if anyone has any. What's her name, Dear Heloise?? I won't even begin to tell you about my hair...



                          Jubilant January ~ Week 3


                          My daughter's dark blonde hair turned nearly red after living in western PA for her first year at the University of Pittsburgh! She was so pissed she tranferred to a school 10 minutes away from home :H I really don't remember what she did about it but it involved some coloring & time for it to grow out. I think there are products out there like 'Lime Away' that you can use for cleaning sinks, showers, etc.

                          That picture of the girls was funny......due dates are Feb 15 & April 5. It will be almost like having twins for me :H

                          Hope your chili develops the desired flavor overnight in the fridge

                          Not looking forward to the 1/4 to 1/2" of ice predicted for tomorrow. Ugh!
                          Have a good night
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Jubilant January ~ Week 3

                            Hello Friends:

                            Monday is just about behind us - Yeah!

                            Lav - I am NOT looking forward to the weather that will be moving through our area tonight into tomorrow morning. I do not want to be driving in ice tomorrow. It may have to be a work at home day.

                            Sped - My newest book is The Postmistress, Sarah Blake, (9780425238691) Paperback - Barnes & Noble. I'm only about 80 pages into it at this point and I am liking it so far.

                            SD - I recall you mentioning that you follow 'The Biggest Loser' on television. There is another weight loss series on A&E this evening called 'Heavy'. I, too, am drawn to people's stories of weight loss - I find it intriguing. The motivation and stamina of the contestants can be very uplifting. A gentleman who works for my company won 'The Biggest Loser' several years ago and we had lot's of hoopla surronding it. I plan on watching 'Heavy' tonight.

                            Rusty - Glad to hear you made is across the pond safely. Hope you don't have to dig yourself out of snow when you get home. Contdown to the BIG 5-0!

                            Papmom - How are you feeling? Is your cold better?

                            I'm not sure what's going on with me but I have been experiencing HUGE sugar cravings over the past week or so. Thinking it may be related to my increased running? I had a gift box of chocolate covered pretzels that I was supposed to mail which I never did and I've been eating them every night. This has to STOP!

                            Chill - We're all thinking of you. Sending special hugs to you. :l :l

                            Sooty, Start, Rustop, Cyn, LBH, Dew, G, mg ... Did I miss anyone? (hope not).. Have a great evening.
                            AF since 7/13/2010


                              Jubilant January ~ Week 3

                              Good Evening!

                              Paguy--Dang it! I totally meant to watch that show, Heavy! I saw it advertised! I'm the same drawn to those shows....I almost think overcoming obesity is harder than this...honestly....I've been obese....and yes I had my stomach stapled, and some would say it worked (I would say...lots of work still needed!!)....but honestly....I think sometimes when they try so hard and reach even a tiny goal...I cry with them, because I've been there. I've said it before...we need our own reality show you guys...we are not only life savers in the making but (money makers in the process)...we just have to be willing to put ourselves out there!!! MY WAY OUT BOOT CAMP...slogan "it ain't for sissies"! Sign ME up!! Not as a leader os course, as a contestant...hahahaha!!!

                              Sped--:HI can't even tell you how much I LOVE being called a little brat!! Honestly!! It just cracks me has to be a teacher thing!!! I say some wise crack and I little brat!!!! It kills me!!! I've been called that since I've been 3 I think!!!:H Better than the other B word I've called a time or two :H And yes...I work in a public school son goes to the private school here in town and he didn't have school...not sure if the teachers did??

                              Rusty--There better be some Bear a$$ stompin goin on Sunday!!!! I will be.....I don't know what....but pretty peeved if they lose.....they won' way!!!!! NOT gonna happen!!!! WE ARE SOOOO meetin' at a VIP on-line super bowl party if they are playing...if only like for 2 minutes!!!:H

                    's my week to bring treats for the I've been chopping veggies for a veggie platter, and my timer just went of for the bars....the crockpot stuff can't be dealt with until morning...ugh...I'm so glad it's just once a week!!! Wednesday is my Mexican theme day...why I have to be THAT dorky ...I don't know!!!:H

                              Everyone else...once again...I've lost steam in my rambling.....high good nigh fives to all of you!!!
                              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                                Jubilant January ~ Week 3

                                Good morning JJ'rs

                                Give your friends and family the gift of kindness all throughout the year. Your body is your vehicle through life. Do you take better care of your body or your car?

                                I dont take much notice of my car, just use it to get from a to b and service it when needed. Trying to take better care of my body!! Not pouring Al into it makes a huge difference. I still have not conquered my sugar cravings and did pig out a lot over the holidays. Now eating healthier and exercising so feeling better.

                                Rushing as have a pile of chores to catch up on, will check in again later.


