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AF Daily - Sunday 1/16

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    AF Daily - Sunday 1/16

    I'm the first one up!!!!

    Just wanted to start the day & say hello to all!
    Will be back after the shower - wish me luck :H

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF Daily - Sunday 1/16

    Good luck!

    Nags Head. Outer Banks. Big house on the sound. That is all.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Sunday 1/16

      Good morning! Last day in FLA and the sun is out so I am off to soak in the rays before I go back home to the ice and snow.

      Have a safe, happy and sober Sunday all!
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        AF Daily - Sunday 1/16

        Helloooooooooo abbers!

        Lav - hope you had a ball at the shower.

        Greenie - Nags Head is a really common name for pubs here, always makes me think you're in the pub. And I know you're not Have fun.

        Uni & Pride - congratulations on six months AF! That's fantastic.

        Det - the force is with you in Vegas. Within you. I'm quite jealous - I had a very fun weekend there once, although it's obviously not so much fun if you're working and it's a problem place for you.

        I've been cleaning out my spare room so GF has somewhere to put stuff. In a pile of old papers I came across some old family photos my mum sent me a few years ago. It was in my drinking days so I just shoved them in a pile, not appreciating anything at the time. Now I'm feeling connected to people once more I've put some in frames so I have my family around me .

        Spoke to my mum this morning and she's doing well and talking about wanting to go to France on holiday this summer as she and my dad always did for years and years. They were preparing for a holiday there last summer when she went to the doc's because she was feeling so awful and the whole cancer business set in motion so they couldn't go. It's great to hear her getting enthusiastic about maybe being able to go this year, depending on how she is of course. I hope she makes it back again.

        Back to my chores! Have a good day everyone.
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          AF Daily - Sunday 1/16

          Hidy ho AF peeps!

          France sounds nice, please bring back all the cheese you can carry

          have full-blown sore throat now. sigh....this is going to be a heck of a travel week.

          Lav, how did the party go?

          be well everyone
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Daily - Sunday 1/16

            Hey all-just taking a short break from work (really!!) and wanted to pop in and say hi.

            Deter-I think Lav is in the middle of the party right now. Sure hope you feel better!! There is a great tea called Throat Coat. All herbal. Works like a charm!

            Greenie-I'll be there in what, about 14 hours? that is all.

            Marshy-good for you for feeling like you can connect with family again and for putting them all around you in pics. GF will appreciate all your hard work I'm sure. Very sweet of you to make space for her.

            Uni-enjoy your last day in the sunshine state and safe travels home!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily - Sunday 1/16

              Hello fabbies! My much needed break ended up being longer than expected. I've been busier than Heff at a sorority party since the new year began!

              I have reflected on where I am at in my sober journey, and in my life journey (all one and the same, really). My Way Out is an important part of my journey and so is AA. That is just the fact of it for me. Both are part of my experience, strength and hope. So I will not be hesitant about mentioning AA here, and will not be hesitant about mentioning MWO (and most importantly, it's tools) at AA. That is all.

              Lav, I don't know what party, but I'm looking forward to hearing about it!

              Greenie, are you coming or going on this trip right now?

              Uni, Florida??? I am jealous. That is all. I hope you had a GREAT time!

              Marshy, I take it XNGF is moving in? Congratulations! That is a really great story about going through the pictures that "didn't matter" in the drinking days that DO matter today. So happy that your Mom is looking forward to a summer vacation. That seems so positive!

              Det, sick + travel = ..... well, I just hope the time passes quickly for you. :l

              P3, I thought of you yesterday. Mr. Doggy installed a TV card on my computer. I turned it on and it happened to be on a channel showing a dog event. I watched a little agility and then some distance water jumping. You and DD could be stars!!!!

              I'm realizing just how much time I can spend on-line. While I love it, it's time that I lose for other things such as my Mary Kay business. New foundations are almost here and training starts tomorrow night. This year I want to put a lot more energy into my business and start saving some $ for some travel. So...instead of being on here for hours at a time I need to be making phone calls and doing facials! So if you see me on here for hours - please ELBOW ME.

              One thing is for sure..

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily - Sunday 1/16

                DG is back!!

                A TV card for the PC?? I had no idea there is such a thing? Well, I'm locked into 2 years with Direct TV now but it's definitely something I'll want to check into in 2013. I'll be forwarding you a link to see some cool agility once I look at it. You have to sign in but it's free. I think it's only up until tomorrow.

                That is all!!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  AF Daily - Sunday 1/16

                  good to see you DG, you were missed!
                  You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                  Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                    AF Daily - Sunday 1/16

                    Good evening al!

                    DG, welcome back, we missed you! Glad you are well & busy too

                    Deter, wishing you superman strength for the coming week.

                    Greenie, is it chilly in Nags Head? We supposedly have more 'weather' on the way, watch out!

                    Today was baby shower day for my daughter & it was great
                    It wasn't a surprise for her but she was still thrilled. My DIL took a ton of pictures but I just put a few on Photobucket if you want to see. (Left out the relatives, etc...)
                    Baby Shower Jan 16 pictures by elkmills - Photobucket

                    This is my favorite!
                    My daughter on the right, my DIL on the left.......too funny!

                    Wishing everyone a cozy tired feet are up already
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - Sunday 1/16

                      Awww....2 grandbabies on the way! They look like they could be sisters.

                      I haven't looked at photobucket yet but I'm hoping a piccy of the diaper cake is included.

                      P3, The TV card in the PC still requires a cable connection. (at least this one does)

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily - Sunday 1/16

                        :lDG Good to see you back:l

                        Lav, Love love the photo of your daughter and daughter-in-law
                        AF Since April 20, 2008
                        4 Years!!!


                          AF Daily - Sunday 1/16

                          Hello friends,

                          Great pic Lav, I'm glad your shower went well.

                          DG, I'm so glad you are back. I don't know what prompted you to take a break, but you always give so much here I'm glad you need us too! I was about ready to send out the doggy police though.....:l

                          I'm troubled (what's new right?). Today it is about a friend that took offense at the coalition's involvement in the city council's efforts to keep the bars open here until 2 am. (Which they passed by the way) Our pastors are involved rather passively in the coalition, and one of them did speak at one of the council meetings but I wasn't there, so I don't know what he said. My "friend" seemed to think it sounded like he was representing our church and he did not appreciate it and ""will not be involved in an activist church."" So, he's been telling people he and his family are going to find another church. This bothers me in so many ways. In one way it pisses me off that he is being such a jerk about this. It also makes me mad that he is telling lies about the coalition, saying we want to ban alcohol and bring back prohibition--this he put on facebook and got all kinds of people riled up against us. I'm upset because I feel we are doing good things for our kids and community, and I guess I'm just not good at political bullshit. But what hurts me most is they have 3 boys that go to Sunday school and I just love them. The one boy that is in my class right now, came up to me yesterday at a basketball game, and I was talking to him and had my arms on his shoulders. He grabbed my hand and told his little friend "THIS is my Sunday School teacher!" I guess he is a grown up man and can do what he wants, but why do this to his family just to make a point. I have totally lost respect for him--and I used to admire him. I know you guys will say go talk to him....I can't. I won't. I'd like to talk to his wife, and I might be able to work up the nerve to do that, maybe. Anyway, venting over on that subject.

                          Well, I guess that's all I've got right now. DG--I'm trying to limit my Internet time as well.
                          Have a good night all. :h
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            AF Daily - Sunday 1/16

                            Even YB was impressed with the diaper cake :H

                            M3 - it's funny that the two girls look so much alike, isn't it?
                            They were both on their good behavior today - no hormonal bickering :H
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily - Sunday 1/16


                              God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change,
                              The courage to change the one I can,
                              And the wisdom to know it's me.

                              I hope you can find a way to let go of what other people are saying and doing. Worrying over stuff outside of my control is a really useless activity. I'm far from being perfect at diverting my mind on to other things. But I'm getting better at it than I used to be, and it's worth it. It sounds like the best thing you can do it stay true to yourself and your beliefs. Keep doing what you believe is the next right thing to do. And then let everyone else do their thing.

                              Facebook is not my friend.

                              Lav, maybe you can make an extra large diaper cake for YB's retirement party. That and a box of depends would make an awesome gift.

                              M3, are you all settled in to your post construction world? We still had a lingering issue with the big walk in shower doors so have had work done late last week, and workers coming tomorrow morning to put the shower doors back up. I hope that is the last of it!

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

