Hi fellow travelers! So great to read everyone's posts. Catch, I said a little prayer for your friend. I remember so well being in that dark place and knowing that life could not go on as it was, but still unwilling to imagine a life without alcohol. I hope your friend can muster up the courage to reach out.
MG, so happy for you that your were able to pull it all together for your classes despite the mishap. Amazing what we are able to accomplish when sober. I used to think that "a drink" ("a" HAHAHAHAHA) was just what I needed to "motivate me" for big tasks. Of course, you all know what happened. Drunk once again, and nothing accomplished. I really smiled reading that you got everything done, and that you have a good plan for the semester with awareness of past pitfalls, and knowledge of what you need to do differently. SOLID.
Mary, the "success rate" debate is one that usually gets my shoulders shrugging. That number could be anything depending on how one sets the parameters. It seems like people can drum up whatever number they are looking for. (especially the anti-AA people with really low numbers) I've become comfortable not knowing an answer to the "success rate" question, and just being grateful for my own sobriety, and the sobriety of my friends (including you all) in the fellowship who help me stay sober and enjoy sober living one day at a time. It is very unsettling to watch relapse. But I'm grateful to see it because "pain" is something I tend to forget with the passage of time. I never want to forget the pain that my drinking caused in my life, and then decide to have "just one" (hahahaha).
K - I am so enjoying your posts. As one who also was very
Nora, it sounds like you are doing a great job figuring out what meetings work well for you. That will all contintue to come together with time. Your post got me thinking about my current desire to adventure to new ones. And that got me thinking.....
PHIL!!! (or any other travelers) Are you coming to Chicago this year? If you do, we should try to hook up and go to the Mustard Seed!!! Wouldn't that be fun?
There is a daily devotion book we read at Friday Tough Chicks called "Each Day A New Beginning." I really like this book. I like todays reading so will share it. Phil, Gyco and any other guys reading, you can be women just for a moment here.
"The especial genius of women, I believe to be electrical in movement, intuitive in function, spiritual in tendency." -Margaret Fuller
We are women, and we are moving, together and alone. We are moving into new images of ourselves. There is a healing power that comes from moving, from sharing one's ideas and changing one's self. And it is by trusting ourselves and trusting others that we bring harmony, thoughtfulness and courage to all our actions.
Life holds many possibilities, and we are able to realize them when we risk changing ourselves through taking action. Those of us struggling to recovery are taking action; we are changing ourselves. And as we listen to and support one another, we encourage the necessary changes in our sisters. As one is healed, we are all healed.
"Today holds a special promise for me. I can be in harmony. I can share with others. My courage will strengthen others, and others will strengthen me."
I am so grateful I am learning to open up and trust some other women in AA. I was really fearful of other women - I realize now THAT was the reason I stayed away from women's meetings. There still may be times when something bad happens in a relationship with a woman (trust broken, etc.) But what I see today is that the benefits of opening myself up FAR outweigh the possible downside risks. Especially since today, I am living my life in a better way - at least trying to do the next right thing. I am not busy creating new "deep dark secrets" that give other people power over me. The courage of others definitely strengthens me and I love that.
Have a fabulous day one and all!