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Weekly AA Thread January 17-23

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    Weekly AA Thread January 17-23

    Since it's technically Monday, I'll go ahead and start it.

    DG - Glad to see you back around - it's just not the same without you!

    MG29 - Thanks for sharing that information, and Cherbear thanks too. No matter where we are in our sobriety, information is always helpful. I've heard the same things from people who have years sober. I also think at certain points we may be more vulnerable. I try to see patterns, and listen to others input. It's good to be able to put some perspective on it. It not only helps ourselves but others when we share. While I don't dwell on the possibility of relapse, keeping my eyes open by attending meetings, seeing newcomers, relapsers, as well as the long term sober I feel is good insurance against it happening.

    Kimberly - one more definition of G.O.D. - "good orderly direction" - again using the program as your HP. I like how the speaker described it in the meeting you went to DG. That's kind of like how I got over my fear of walking into my first meeting - imagining DG and Mary and the other AA thread contributors were the people in there, even though I have no idea what any of you look like. But it got me in the door.

    I went to my great BB study tonight - one of my "must do" meetings my sponsor has me doing along with a 12&12, plus at least one or preferably two others every week minimum. This particular guy goes very slowly. We cover one or maybe two paragraphs per week. What I find amazing is how can I come up with something new every week, even while on the same chapter. I never quite believe it possible, but it always is.

    My sponsor will be moving away this week, but we are going to continue remotely. Good old technology (and good old cell phones that don't get charged long distance). I did enjoy talking live though, but between e-mailing her the written stuff, and discussing it over the phone, it amounts to the same thing. She's got sponsees in yet another state as well, from when she lived there, and her sponsor is also there.

    Another tidbit I found interesting - one time she said she really needed to talk to someone, but it was very late at night, and she couldn't get a hold of anyone local. She was on the east coast, so called an AA office on the west coast (three hours time difference, as in 12:00 a.m. was 9:00 p.m. there), and got a live person. Something I wouldn't have thought of, but, whatever works. You learn something every day.

    I was looking through the AA website one day, and there is (and has been since 1949) something called the Loners Internationalist Meetings, which is a mailed out bulletin for anyone with no access to a meeting in their area, or who were homebound because of physical incapacitation, and sailors on seagoing vessels. It was started by a sailor named Captain Jack, who had gotten sober through AA and was looking for a way to contact other AAs, when he spent so much time at sea. They also have sponsors who are remote as well. I think I found this interesting since I'm going to be doing something like that with my sponsor, though I do have access to live meetings.

    I've got my favorite women's meeting tonight. I missed Saturday's. I was feeling kind of crappy and tired the last few days and didn't wake up until half an hour before it started. The door is locked on weekends, so you have to ring the bell to get in. The week before there were 40 people, and a lot of them showed up after it starts (I'm usually one of them - I was early that day). I never knew how disruptive that doorbell is - but then it usually doesn't keep going off over and over and over either! It was just an extra large meeting, and a whole lot of non punctual women. The good news is, we can get a pass card for the building and I put my name in for one. Today I felt a whole lot more rested and was on time.

    Hope everyone has a good week!
    ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

    AUGUST 9, 2009

    Weekly AA Thread January 17-23

    Hey everyone,

    Just wanted to thank you for starting the thread Dancelot and for your advice. Yeah the group is definitely my HP at the moment and I can see the ethos of the programme and the steps becoming part of that in time as well. I have started reading the Big Book (about 100 pages in) and so far it's great. It's funny how it seems to 'know' things about me and my thoughts in a way I don't even acknowledge myself half the time.

    I am looking forward to another week sober - week 3 can be a tripping point for me, so I am very grateful to have AA to go to and, of course, you guys to ask advice from and share my thoughts and experiences with.

    Happy monday all,
    K x
    Recovery Coaching website

    "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

    Recovery Videos


      Weekly AA Thread January 17-23

      oh and ps, Doggygirl - nice to see you posting on last week's thread. Please do post on here when you have the time. I always find what you have to say very useful and I agree with many of your ideas. When I get a sponsor I will be looking for a Doggygirl-alike
      Recovery Coaching website

      "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

      Recovery Videos


        Weekly AA Thread January 17-23

        Hi Dance & Kim:

        Kim, while AA isn't a cure-all for everything that ails us, it sure does help keep us sober under difficult circumstances & moods. It's great to see you hang in.

        In last night's BB meeting, we read a chapter on one of the founding fathers of AA. He was a real God-skeptic which held up his sobering-up progress. He then got the idea of a HP & was the originator of God, "as we understand Him." AA is for everyone...agnostics & atheists included. By the way, instead of calling them founding fathers, he called them "floundering fathers." From his story, I gleaned that there was plenty of floundering going on.

        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Weekly AA Thread January 17-23

          MG.. thank you so much for sharing your story, what that tells me is the honesty part of the program is so incredibly important. I'm off to my home group tonight for the last time because of the move ( I have to start all over with newmeetings after this week. Lots of praying and posting
          May our choices today not result in regret, but rather be wise


            Weekly AA Thread January 17-23

            Hi all! Dance, thanks for getting us started this week. And WOW what a lot of interesting info in your post! I love gathering tidbits of AA history, and one day will actually sit down and read some of the books about it LOL! (i.e. AA Comes of Age). I had no idea about the Loners Internationalist meetings. That is very interesting! It sounds like your sponsor is experienced with working remotely with sponsors and sponsees. That is great!

            Kimberly, I too find it amazing reading the BB and getting "busted" at every turn for my thinking. All those years I thought I was the only one. You are doing such a great job just working your program one day at a time. If you keep doing that, you will be OK. This week and many more will pass.

            Mary, I like that "floundering fathers" line. Indeed! Some days I feel like I'm just floundering along too. That's OK - that's life I think.

            Cher, I hope you can look at your move and exploring new meetings as a great adventure! I was feeling a bit "stuck in a rut" with some of my meetings so my sponsor got me a written booklet of all the meetings in the whole Chicago area for Christmas. If I went to one new meeting a week that would keep me busy until I'm at least 150 (29). I hope you have a fabulous experience moving to your new house and making a lot of new AA friends! It's out there if we decide to go for it.

            I am getting to know several of the tough chicks even better and I'm just so grateful my sponsee (who has since moved and relapsed :upset found that meeting and took me to it. I am really enjoying the "Woman's Way Through the Twelve Steps" materials. The Step 4 Workbook I'm finding particularly insightful. A lot of work assessing and understanding our fears. It's very good for me.

            A good AA friend of mine had surgery last week and there was a complication requiring a second surgery. It's been a difficult and painful experience for her. The hospital is not far from me so I was able to go spend time with her and help her every day last week except for one day. It felt good and right to do this. I'm finding that I do not have any expectation of anything in return. That is how I am TRYING to be and PRAYING to be but in my head, it doesn't always work that way. I am so grateful that this time it DOES feel that way. Is this growth? I couldn't even visit people one time in the hospital when drinking was my highest priority. I always heard the saying "you have to be a friend to have a friend." I was nobody's friend in the later drinking years.

            I hoping to get to the 7AM group tomorrow morning, but it was freezing rain earlier and we're supposed to get a couple inches of snow on top of that. So my plans for the morning are all dependent on driving conditions. You might be my meeting tomorrow too!

            Hope everyone is having a great day.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Weekly AA Thread January 17-23

              It's been a tough day here... I am a full time student and this is my last semester in school, getting a second degree in Accounting. I was looking to see if school was out for Martin Luther King Day last night, it was, but then I realized I had the First Day of School wrong and I missed 3 classes last Thursday, I thought it started this week. Odd it would start on a Thursday....

              Anyway, I freaked out!!! Bad! Bad language was said and repeated several times over. I was so mad at myself for screwing this up, I just hate to be behind from the get-go.:upset:

              I will say, because I was SOBER, I had the presence of mind to look up all professors emails, and let them know what happened and hint around to see if there was any homework. Drinking, I would have just freaked out and then showed up at class unprepared. Two were kind enough to write me back, and yes, there was stuff due ALREADY for tommorow. I should have had all weekend to work on it, so now it's 12 am, and I have at least an hour and a half to go. On top of that I spent 2 hours driving to campus(about 45 mins away) to get the book for the homework and it was sold out at all the bookstores, so giant waste of time. And all the books for my semester ended up costing $950!!!!! And actually $1100, I just already had one of the books from the class I failed due to my drinking last semester. Way more than expected, the guy at the bookstore says last semester of accounting is very expensive, great.

              So, I'm trying to keep it together. Even though I wanted to stay home and keep working, I went to an 8 pm meeting anyway, because I know as I've shared before that for me I have to keep the meetings number 1.

              If anyone is reading late tonight, say a prayer for me to stay focused and power thru this work, it's harder to focus the later it gets.

              Thanks for letting me rant,
              I ain't afraid of no ghost....


                Weekly AA Thread January 17-23

                Thinking of you MG! :l:l:l
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Weekly AA Thread January 17-23

                  Went to a Women's Meeting tonight. I liked it actually. I plan to attend again next week. The discussion topic tonight was 'Your Higher Power' and how do you stay connected. Very interesting sharing from the different people. Even though not everyone believed in the same HP, it seemed that most people found something to believe in. Whether it was just the power of the actual group or actually believing in God. The fact of having the Higher Power seemed to help them. So, I'm definitely thinking about that.
                  Anyway, way past my bedtime so I'll say goodnight for now.
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Weekly AA Thread January 17-23

                    MG i will remember you in my prayer tonight, keep safe.:l
                    Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                    sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                    my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                      Weekly AA Thread January 17-23

                      Hi Everyone ! x

                      Just wanted to share with you my 1 year chip, I went to a meeting on sunday i picked up one of my friends who was desparate for a meeting, i was so proud of her for getting her 24hr chip i nearly forgot to say i did a year:H It really made my day just to see my friend face get her 24hr chip. Everyone clap at the end and i felt really shy people come up to me to shake my hands.

                      my step meeting last week( step12) was the best share i heard, everyone share is goood but this french guy really got my attention and kept my focus i was so gutted that i miss the beginning of the meeting, because of work. He had 20years sober and was a bank robbery, love how he said the steps are like doing push up's no one can do the push up's for you, and could so relate to when he said that AA rooms are like Gold mine's the more you dig deeper, the more gold you get and the more you have to give away the message, he said his got the best pillow he could have now and it not from harrods and when he puts his head on that pillow at night he gets the best peace of mind. I always shared back at a step meeting, i said i couldn't turn my back on anyone that needs help now i always pass the message on or i could not be able to sleep at night on my pillow. I also said i think i would be scared to take someone through the program.

                      One of my friend is having a bad time his at that jumping of point, his in a bad way people are in and out of his flat, he just feels like life is not worth living anymore his at that dark place i can see it in his eyes, I do take him to my christian fellowship meetings but i think he needs more, i did mention about NA/ or AA am hoping that he will go. HE does see his GP.
                      Please everyone could you please say a little prayer for him tonight.x Thank you .x

                      QUESTION: Just would like to know has anyone taken anyone through the program, and what did it feel like the very first time????

                      Take care All and keep safe.x
                      Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                      sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                      my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                        Weekly AA Thread January 17-23

                        Hey all,

                        Catch, congratualtions on your one year chip! - are you going to do anything special with it? Thanks also for sharing some of the analogies that the chair gave you - they're really nice.

                        Married, argh sometimes we get days or weeks where everything seems to go wrong. But as you said, because you are sober, you were able to deal with these problems and do what was necessary to sort things out as best you could. If you can catch up, then a short time from now, it will be like it never happened anyway. Well done for getting through it.

                        Cherbear, I hope your move goes well - although it may be unsettling to have to move to new groups, i guess it is exciting too. you get to meet a whole new bunch of people with new insights and new stories. And you may find a group that you enjoy more than any of those you went to before.

                        DoggyG, i like that turn of phrase 'busted' - yes it does feel like that! And i did think it was just 'my' way of thinking - i didn't realise it was part of the illness. But that's reassuring that it is in a way, because it means I have the same chance as anyone else to get this thing licked. hope you manage to get to your meeting.

                        Nora and Mary, thanks for adding to the discussion about HPs - I am a confirmed atheist and it really helps to know that this program can be done without using a conventional god. The way the steps are written, it's a bit hard to get my head around using anything other than a traditional conception of god, but I am beginning to see that it can be done.

                        Anyway, it's a lovely sunny day here, which is nice - it has been bucketing the rain down for most of the past week and has been very overcast and grey. So it's great to see the sun coming out - another simple pleasure for which I am grateful. I have missed many sunny days lying in bed in withdrawals, wasting time and missing out on life. I will be very glad to get out there and feel the sun on my face rather than staring at it longingly through my bedroom window.

                        Have a great day everyone,
                        K x
                        Recovery Coaching website

                        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                        Recovery Videos


                          Weekly AA Thread January 17-23

                          Everyone: There's been a ton of relapsing around me lately. People coming in & out or just leaving & not coming back. I felt I had to mention it, because it was bothering me. I've heard that AA's success rate is 30% (which doesn't sound so great but really is, comparatively speaking).

                          Anyhow, I'm doing OK, though we're iced in here in New England, & I can't get to a meeting. I'll do some reading & take it easy.

                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            Weekly AA Thread January 17-23

                            Mary, sorry to hear about the relapsing.

                            To everyone, thanks for the support, I had to stay up until 2:30 a.m. but I got all my work done and Kim, as you said, now it's as though it never happened. Went to classes for the first time today, really enjoyed them for the most part. It was nice to be sober at school, and prepared, on time, etc. You really get some dignities back when you quit drinking, you know?

                            Now, it's 10:15 p.m. and I really need to press in and do some more homework. I knew this would be a tough semester. I have always been one to start strong and then totally fall off by the middle of the semester. Now that I'm not using the "study drug" adderall, I have to study consistently so that's my word for this season, CONSISTENCY.

                            I really didn't feel like it- tired tonight as left for school at 8 am, got home at 6pm-but I made myself get to a meeting and was SO GLAD I did. Topic was from today's Daily Reflections- "Would a drink help?" Lots of good shares. Also, someone who was 13 days sober(same as me!) shared about going out - how it started with a nice glass of wine at a nice restaurant, and then how shockingly QUICKLY the old insanity returned, altered relationships, behaviors, etc. I could really relate. A lovely woman named Heather was kind enough to introduce herself to me and that kind of made my night too.

                            Ok, enough dilly dallying to the coal mines.

                            Good night friends! :h
                            I ain't afraid of no ghost....


                              Weekly AA Thread January 17-23

                              Hi everyone. Catch - Congratulations!!! That is great that you got your one year chip. :goodjob:

                              Mary - in the meeting last night, a couple of women mentioned being 'serial relapser's'. Sort of scary to think of. But, they both had long periods of sobriety again.

                              MG - Glad that it all worked out. Sounds like you are going to be very busy. But, it's a good busy.

                              Kim - are you still going to a meeting daily? I'm still finding out what will work for me. So far, it seems like the Monday night and Friday night meetings will be good for me. To start off and to end the week. Hopefully, I'll be checking out a Speaker meeting on Thursday night. (But, I must get my hair colored and she only works Thursday, Friday & Sat. I don't want to miss my Friday meeting and on Saturday, I have a Therapist appointment. So, I might have to miss this Thursday meeting and check it out next week. )
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15

