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AF Daily - 1/17

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    AF Daily - 1/17

    Good morning Abbers!

    Everyone sleeping in???

    I could have stayed in bed longer myself but you do eventually have to get up & going, don't you :H

    Now that I have the baby shower behind me I will be turning my attention to two BDs this week - my daughter & SIL! The fun never stop here :H

    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Monday.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF Daily - 1/17

    bRILLIANT CRIMSON SUNRISE (oops) to kick off the stay! It is gorgeous outside and I have so much of that pure joyous gratitude that it is absolutely spilling out of me. I'm going to throw on clothes and get on the beach where it can spill out into the wind and swirl all around me while I sing and dance in the sand!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - 1/17

      Sounds wonderful greenie! Enjoy!

      Where is everyone?
      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


        AF Daily - 1/17

        So that's where the sun went Greenie :H:H Enjoy it
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily - 1/17

          Where is BB and EW and P3 and M3 and DG? Guess everyone is busy today. . .
          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


            AF Daily - 1/17

            Wazzz Up Ya?ll !?!

            Man, I have not been here in almost a month. I am so behind in reading posts that it will take a month to get caught up! I am going to try to work backwards as much as I can because I really am interested in what all has been going on with the gang lately!

            So, as a quick update, in 7 days I will be celebrating 100 AF days! It seems like it has really been a long time and then again it seems like I started this journey last week. This weekend was a true test! I was out of town at a social engagement by myself. I only knew about 3 people out of 40. No one from my immediate family was there. I was very out of place ? mostly physicians so I did not have a lot in common with any of them. There was a FREE open bar ?. Oh CRAP! I could easily have one or two or three and no one I know would even know and it would make me more at ease. Instead I sipped several diet cokes throughout the evening. VERY TOUGH!!!

            Let?s see ? work outs are really going good. I?ve dropped almost 25 pounds so far. I am loving my Body Bugg! If anyone is interested in exercise, diet, and tracking it all ? I highly recommend this little device. It keeps me very accountable.

            Last week we had 6 inches of snow here in God?s Country ? that never happens! The entire city of Atlanta was shut down for a week ? schools, businesses, roads, interstates?. I still have a thin layer of snow in my yard after 7 days. Like an idiot I did not retract the awning over our patio. The weight of the snow caused it to come crashing down taking out a window and a glass top patio table. The language I used would embarrass a biker gang?.

            Well, Pap reminded me that I was being antisocial so I figured I better jump on and say Hi. Hopefully business will be back to something close to sane and I can get back to a more normal life.

            And I know you have missed the IMJ thought of the day, so I will part with this?. I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman where the self-help section was and she said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

            Take care everyone!


              AF Daily - 1/17

              Lav, good piccie of the moms-to-be! Funny how they look so alike. Sounds like just one on-going party at your house!

              jenny&eric, it's a holiday so maybe everyone had stuff planned. Sure is quiet here though.

              Oh goodie! Look who showed up!! Hi IJM!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily - 1/17

                Viva Las Vegas ABerooooos!

                thanks for the kickstart Lav

                just got checked into the rather posh Trump hotel and I'm sure I'll be getting lots of quality time with the tv in the bathroom. seriously, WTF is up with that? no mini-bar at least. good.

                IJM what fabulous news! way to go.

                going to be some late nights this week and I'm still quite sick with this cold. off to OD on vitamins and starbucks.....

                be well friends
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily - 1/17

                  How's the weather holding up in Nags Head greenie?
                  It's freaking cold here.....

                  Deter, I heard mega doses of Vit C & Starbucks will cure just about anything :H

                  Welcome back IJM! Congrats on your upcoming 100 days & the 25 lb weight loss - what a way to start the year, huh?

                  How's it going jenny??

                  Got my semi-annual sales & use tax filed & paid online today for my business - always a thrill
                  Yep, another fun filled day in cow country :H
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily - 1/17

                    Hello friends,

                    Just a quick hello and thank you IJM for the thought for the day! I really did miss them! You are always good for a welcome smile. Congrats on 100 days--that was a huge retraining of the brain with free booze. I would have had a really hard time with that early on!

                    Not much news here. Det--did you check out the Miss USA pageant? I'm proud to say a good ole Nebraska girl is now Miss America! Not only that, she is the 17 year old daughter of my son's ADD doctor! Cool Huh? Speaking of son, he is home, better get supper on the table before he hits the Fruit Loops!:H
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      AF Daily - 1/17

                      Hey All -quick check in before I hit the hay. It's been a grueling 2 days of working from home (on my days off) and I'm disappointed I didn't make my goal. It all took much longer than I thought and I am behind by about 20 hrs. I might be able to make up the time tomorrow as I saved the easy part for last (I hope) so maybe, just maybe and with a lot of praying I will be done for my deadline on Wed. I've never been this far behind before and I'm trying not to get too down on myself. A combination of increased numbers, not having my assistant around to help for the past month, the system being down for 2 days for upgrading, my internet not working fast enough during the holidays and my illness last week have all conspired to this end result. At least I'm not drinking because I'd be even more far behind if I was that's for sure!!
                      Welcome back IJM! We've missed you!!
                      LVT- I didn't watch the pageant but I sure did take note the next morning when I found out who won!! How exciting for you all!! And you kind of know her!! Neat!!
                      Greenie-Your description of your morning in Nags Head was glorious!! We all are living vicariously through you now that Uni is back home!!
                      Lav-I'm so glad your shower went over so well. The pics were awesome, thanks for sharing!! Yep, those two girls do sport a resemblence!
                      Deter-I feel so bad that you're feeling so horrid on your trip. Nothing worse that's for sure. Take good care of yourself!!
                      Hi Jenny!!
                      OK, really must get to bed now. Have to battle the ice tomorrow morning. No wimping out and staying home this time-too much to do for Wed. I wonder if they make Yak Traks for cars :H
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF Daily - 1/17

                        HI Fabbies! Whew - another busy long one here.

                        Lav, thanks for getting up and getting us going today! :H How are the chickies? I bet they are fully grown mammas by now, huh? Wow. A major milestone on the road to the tax finish line. Good for you! I'm glad that our main business is all service and that Mary Kay taxes me on all products as I buy them so I don't have to worry about sales tax. I'm sure IL will start charging sales tax on services soon given how broke we are.

                        Greenie, your location for house sitting sounds absolutely fabulous. I think I want to be a professional east coast house sitter when I grow up.

                        Hi Jenny!

                        Hi IJM!!! Good to see you. I have often thought about what it would be like to be "alone" and confronted with AL, and some "nobody would know" thinking. (LOL, my imagination usually has this taking place in Mexico somewhere near a cabana boy and a margarita) *I* would know is where I always end up with it. Which is a good thing. Good for you making it through successfully! It will get easier. Just keep going one day at a time. How are the bats? I think of you every time I see the eye doctor's assistant who looked them up on his phone.

                        Viva Las Vegas back at ya Det!! Yes, I do wonder about the TV's in bathrooms. Mr. Doggy did install a land line phone in our Phyllis Dillar Powder Room right next to the throne. He painted it gold too. (the phone that is) I guess that's sort of "old fashioned" Vegas. These days it's probably a cell phone charger next to the throne, eh? No mini bar is indeed good. Hope you are feeling better soon.

                        LVT, that is quite a claim to fame your son's doc has going on there! How is your son coming along since starting the meds?

                        P3, just stay calm and keep taking it one thing at a time until your project is done. Then you can scream, OK? I'm thinking about going to a weight watchers meeting tomorrow. Can you believe that? We'll see if I can even get out of here in the AM due to ice rain followed by snow tonight.

                        Well, another day for the record books. I'm grateful it was a sober one! Nighty night all.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.

