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AF Daily Wednesday jan 19th

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    AF Daily Wednesday jan 19th

    Where is everyone!

    I'm home - what an ordeal that was - first flight was cancelled, stuck in Ft. Lauderdale overnight (which wouldn't be bad except it was pouring and everyone else stuck decided to drink all night).

    Then worst flight EVER to JFK airport - connecting flight delayed. Finally on a plane and home. Hell. But I stayed sober.

    And now I am back to my house and already my anxiety is through the roof as I am trying to get my child out the door and my husband is miserable this morning and I look around and see everything that I need to get done. Frick. I can't win - unfortunatly mental health issues follow me when I try to escape - the mind keeps coming with me! Damn!

    One thing is for sure though...........

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    AF Daily Wednesday jan 19th

    Good morning Uni & everyone!

    Sorry your return trip was so tough - that sucks.
    Get yourself together today, don't worry about the housework, it will wait

    We've been without sun here for a few days, I find that rather annoying. More snow coming Friday that I didn't order & don't want, ugh!

    Turning my focus to my daughter's BD today & my SIL's BD Saturday - happier stuff

    Wishing everyone a very happy AF humpday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily Wednesday jan 19th

      Good morning Uni and Lav and everyone! Pissing down rain here making it very sketchy for the roads and everything, accidents already. Thankfully my parents have a really great Nissan truck so we were able to get Little Gia to preschool, she would have been really upset to miss class.

      Uni, the last time I got stuck in an Airport was in Japan coming back from Beijing and I was 8 months pregnant and very upset because all I wanted to do was get home, man was I ever crying. Hugely pregnant and couldnt even get a hotel room at the aiport because it was all full. So not fun!


        AF Daily Wednesday jan 19th

        Good morning! Half way through the week Yeah!!! Pretty quite around here today, kinda cold but dry and the moon was fabulous this morning! Hope everyone has a great AF day! Tomorrow is my 30 and I thought about having a drink Friday to celebrate but I promised the January Jumpers I would go the month. . .so I thought about having a drink on Feb 4 as it is my 18 year anni with my hubby but by then I will be half way to 60. . .so then I thought about having a drink at 61 days but that is a Sunday and I have to work the next day. . .so then I thought huh funny I'm making excuses not to drink instead of to drink. . .most wonderful isn't it!

        Have a great day guys!
        You always succeed if you never stop trying.
        Everyday we choose the direction of change.


          AF Daily Wednesday jan 19th

          Awe Uni... ((((((Uni:l)))))) The "re-entry shock" after vacation can be SOOOO stressful. I hope things get back to a normal and even feeling soon for you. You are such a trooper!!! Being delayed and then stuck in an airport definitely would have raised thoughts of AL for me. Good for you not caving through all of that!

          Hello to all fabbies to come.

          It's another busy week here. Our washer and dryer have been limping along for the last year or so. Last weekend the dryer stopped shutting off (the timer doesn't move). It's been dying gradually - one feature at a time. There aren't many features left to it!! At least it still functioned so I could continue doing laundry. The washer has been the same way - all cycles don't work, etc. So it was "time" even though the timing is bad on the heels of the remodel. ($$$) We sucked it up though and I told Mr. Doggy I didn't want cheap crappy ones that would just break down in a couple of years. So today, my brand new high efficiency pedastal mounted washer and dryer with loads and tons of fancy features will be arriving!

          I am able (along with many thousands of other Mary Kay ladies) to order the new forumla foundations today. Needless to say, the MK web site is barely functional at the moment! I guess everyone else is as excited as I am. So....back I go to fight with it until my order is placed!! It sure beats the old days where I would probably be on my 4th vodka drink by now.

          One thing is for sure....

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily Wednesday jan 19th

            See what happens when I eat breakfast before pushing the Submit Reply button? Many FABBIES arrive!!

            BB - we had ice rain here off and on the last couple of days so I can relate to that nasty driving condition!!!! So good you were able to get Little Gia safely to school.

            Lav, are you making some interesting BD cakes for D and SIL? It will be hard to top the diaper cake I'm sure. Hope the sun appears for you soon.

            Jenny, where do you live? on your NOT drinkin' thinkin'. That's awesome. I decided to drink at 60 days. Thought I was "fixed" since I had done well for that AF time. BOY did I regret it. In a matter of days I was back where I started and miserable. I realized the mistake quickly but REALLY struggled to get back on the wagon. I couldn't seem to go more than a couple AF days at a time for EIGHT MONTHS. My little drinking experiment was definitely not worth it for me. The only good thing to come of it was the realization, with 100% certainty, that I cannot safely drink, ever. That is all. (FWIW - YMMV)

            OK. Back to the the MK site fight...

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily Wednesday jan 19th


              Oh woe is me.... there is so much food here that is not characteristic of what I normally eat. This AM I've already had candy and potato chips with parmesan/artichoke dip. :upset: I won't scare you with the past 2 days.... Gotta get a grip on this!

              Serenity prayer uni!

              I'm sharing the not-so-good weather. It is supposed to clear this afternoon. I've got some letterboxing to do!

              There is a webcast tonight with Jo Dunning, whom I like. (Lav I bailed on Ben Sutter) Home - Jo Dunning You have to go through a registration process that might scare you off, so that's up to you. I don't mind being connected to her site so I'm in. It is a 2 hour show.

              I'm reading a really funny book. "Shit My Dad Says". Laugh out loud by yourself and scare the dogs funny. Highly recommend it. kind of thing you can pick up and read a few pages... no plot or storyline or anything - just funny things his dad said and did. It fed my mojo (it had a crash & burn after Monday for some reason - it happens)

              Jenny, think long & hard about that drink if you decide you want one. I did what DG did. It ain't pretty.

              Off to do some on-line job hunting. Carry on! One thing's for sure!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily Wednesday jan 19th

                DG- I live in a small city one the outside of Dallas,TX, I work in dallas so I drive about 45min to an hour every morning any I get to see the moon and the sun rise everyday. It's so pretty and almost the only benefit of driving to work at 6:30am!

                I am really thinking I will not drink this year at all. My therapist says I should be able to mod after a while because of my OCD but it is very nice to not have a choice right now. No internal struggles at all, no worrying, just no!

                Back to work, my goodness I wish I could stay on here all day, do you think I could find someone to pay me for that???
                You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                  AF Daily Wednesday jan 19th

                  Hello friends,

                  So glad you made it home finally Uni. I'm with Lav, the housework will keep, one thing at a time!
                  Lily--I read yesterday's thread last evening. I really hope you get some relief from your depression soon. It's awful to feel sad all the time.:l
                  DG--you are going to love, love love the new washer and dryer! I was too cheap to get the drawers underneath mine, but I am short, so I deal with it, maybe someday, it would be nice to have the extra storage.
                  Spent the morning yesterday making phone calls and taking care of stuff that I always put off because it is time consuming and frustrating. I had to call Netflix to see why we can't enjoy the Watch Instantly feature, then I had to contact my Internet provider to see why we can't enjoy instant Netflix movies, then I had to call a different Internet provider to see if it would be worthwhile to switch so we can enjoy instant Netflix movies.......sigh. Prolly no instant Netflix movies for us.:upset: Then I had to call my son's doc to get his meds adjusted, and now he'll have to take a dose at school, which I was really hoping to avoid. So, I'll need to go in there and visit with the school nurse. She is a friend of mine, so it will be ok. The good news is, the meds seem to really be helping his confidence and drive if nothing else! So far grades are much better, the am ones are better than the afternoon ones, so hoping the extra dose helps him out.
                  I still need to call my cell phone provider to see why my crackberry won't charge on the car charger and to see if we can save any money.:H We added my 13 year old son but most of us text more than talk so we don't really need 1200 minutes. But I have a feeling we will have to continue the way we are until hubby upgrades his phone.
                  I realize that is all boring and useless information, but welcome to my world!
                  Greenie, thanks for the link to Jo Dunning. I am interested, but I am also supposed to go to a meeting tonight for the coalition. It is called Life of an Athlete--something coaches attend to learn to teach the students about the affect of drugs and alcohol and athletics. One of our young coaches attended the full blown workshop last summer, but our school board is not exactly jumping up and down encouraging it. Grrr. I don't have to go, I'm just interested.
                  It is snowing, blowing here and it would be just a really, really good day to just stay home. I'm going to start the wood stove and ponder that.
                  Ok, I've rambled enough for now. Here's to a really good sober day all!:h
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    AF Daily Wednesday jan 19th


                    All is good in AFM land. Little AFM is well enough to go to school today - thank God! As much as I really love my children, I sometimes wonder why I had any! LOL!

                    Well, off to shower, school, then back home to work. Must pop in the office to get a few more files. I like this working at home thing for the most part. I hope I can stay motivated, and if I don't I can always work from the office.

                    Anyway, that is all. Have a great day everyone! Until later!


                      AF Daily Wednesday jan 19th

                      Hi Jenny, cross posted. I certainly hope you meant you drive 45 minutes every morning instead of drink!!!:H:H The moon is beautiful right now!

                      Greenie, that dip sounds pretty good!
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        AF Daily Wednesday jan 19th

                        Good Lord...this child has to sleep longer. She has always been an early riser(5:30 - 6am), but lately she's been up every morning between 4:30 and 5am. I'm getting really tired. I put her to bed at 7pm which is good for her age, and I know some parents who keep their kids up to 10 or so, so they will sleep later but I'm not going to do that...(big sigh)...just needed to say it outloud. I'm tired...


                          AF Daily Wednesday jan 19th

                          Gia, I hear you on that one! Little AFM has NEVER been a long sleeper. She goes to bed at about 8pm and is up at 5/5:30am. Even on weekends, which is a real drag! Even if she stays up later, she is still up as early. I sometimes wonder how she functions. UGH!


                            AF Daily Wednesday jan 19th

                            Mine is the same way! I don't know how she does it, and she's non stop all day. How is this possible? Weekends are not a concept she is familiar with at all, it's all the same in this house. This week I really feel wore out, it's starting to catch up to me.


                              AF Daily Wednesday jan 19th

                              LVT25 LOL hopefully not a Freudian slip!
                              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                              Everyday we choose the direction of change.

