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AF Daily ~ Thursday Jan 20

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    AF Daily ~ Thursday Jan 20

    Good morning Abbers!

    How is everyone today?
    I'm about to spend the day gathering old/used clothing & household goods for pick up tomorrow by the Purple Heart Organization. Very therapeutic for me

    Hope everyone has a terrific AF Thursday, I'll be back later!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF Daily ~ Thursday Jan 20

    Good morning all! It is windy and rainy and getting colder and colder here but you know what? It's ok because today is my 30 day so no weather can bring me down! 30 days of no hangovers, 30 days of not saying "i will quit tomorrow" 30 days of "look I made it another day" 30 days of health and happiness! Now for 60! I hope everyone has a AF day!
    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


      AF Daily ~ Thursday Jan 20

      Yeah Jenni!!! Good job!

      Today I am in a funk - just a bit depressed but I am forcing myself to go to my daughters talent show and then I will go get a pedicure. I think for me just being back into my regular schedule will take a bit.

      Good news though, my LTD decision has finally been made so i no longer have to stress about my finances for a while. One load off my shoulders.

      Tonight I get my 6 month chip at my home group - I am really looking forward to that.

      Other than that, I will just do what I can today and place no expectations on myself. That seems to be the best thing for me.

      Take care everyone and have an awesome day!!!

      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        AF Daily ~ Thursday Jan 20


        :yougo:CONGRATULATIONS ON 30 DAYS, JEN!!!:yougo:

        A pick-up eh lav? Can you believe I had not thought of that given my "little car" quandry? Then again, the little place in my neighborhood I support can't pick up and they are only a mile away so I can do it in bits and pieces. I gave them a check right before the snow/ice and they were so glad as they had lots of people who couldn't pay thier power bills. I hope it kept some people warm. That must be a big issue up north.

        Lav, you must be so CHUFFED :bananacomputer: to be taking a web site course!!! I'm so impressed! I'm cutting back on the telecasts too - I'm able to pick and choose what I personally feel more aligned with now. Sure is lots out there. There were over 30,000 people on that cast last night. It was awesome.

        I got my 100th letterbox yesterday! Not that it means anything.... :H This AM I'm going to a nature conservancy place (Nags Head Woods) for one that is a 4 mile hike. I was there yesterday but it was too close to dusk to go for it. The woods are like Legend of Sleepy Hollow in the evening and creep me out. I chatted briefly with a guy whose huge unleashed dog lept against my partially open car window like fecking Cujo! Albeit in a friendly manner. That contributed to my hesitation to go for the hike.

        How you doing out there in Vegas, Deter? Hanging tough?

        A 6 month chip, Uni!!! Rock on!!

        One thing is for sure! Aside from the fact that I surrendered to the parmesan/artichoke/garlic dip. "It's what's for breakfast!"
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily ~ Thursday Jan 20

          :yay: CONGRATS ON YOUR 30 AF DAYS JENNY!!!

          Where is everyone today?

          Finished my gathering.......good feeling to unload stuff that other people can actually use.
          I had a lot of brand new sweatshirts & T shirts samples from my shop to add to the bags too

          At some point I will sit down any start my homework.........not used to that anymore!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily ~ Thursday Jan 20

            Thanks for the congrats everyone! I couldn't have done it without you!
            You always succeed if you never stop trying.
            Everyday we choose the direction of change.


              AF Daily ~ Thursday Jan 20

              [QUOTE=Lavande1045330Where is everyone today?

              Wonder if it's the dip I've been eating for brekkie? :H
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily ~ Thursday Jan 20

                Lavande;1045330 wrote:
                Where is everyone today?
                Wonder if it's that dip I've been eating......
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily ~ Thursday Jan 20

                  The dip sound DELICIOUS, Greenie! Gosh, I could go for some of that right now.

                  Congrats, Jenny on your 2 months! Wonderful!

                  Hello to all others!

                  I take back what I said about the cayenne pepper helping me stay away from these bugs going around. I have caught my daughter's cold. However, it isn't as bad as it could be. Just tired, dull headache and a stuffed nose. No biggie.

                  Going to have a nice hot shower, and get dinner rolling. On tonight's menu is spaghetti. (I can eat it every day of the week!) Then early bed time for me. Just pooped right out.

                  Other than all of that exciting news, it is all very good here. I am feeling very content, relieved thanks to working again, and over all peaceful. Love you all! Have a good night!!


                    AF Daily ~ Thursday Jan 20

                    Hello abbers!

                    Congratulations jennyneric! Well done.

                    I've had a busy week with GF staying but she's now gone for a few days. We went to a Robert Mapplethorpe exhibition curated by the Scissor Sisters and saw a couple of celebs (inc members of the band). Well, GF saw a couple of celebs, I wouldn't have known who they were. I'm terminally unhip.

                    Zooming off to a hot bath and bed now.

                    Accountable for Me;1045383 wrote: On tonight's menu is spaghetti. (I can eat it every day of the week!)
                    Question in the food section of a newspaper I was reading today: If you could only ever eat one of the following for the rest of your life which would it be - pasta, rice or potatoes?
                    Tough question! Think I'd have to go for spuds.

                    Night all!
                    AF since December 22nd 2008
                    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                      AF Daily ~ Thursday Jan 20

                      Hi everyone! Busy day yesterday day for me. More reno's going on and I started painting the babe's room, Abby Cadabby Pink she wants..that's what she's getting. I unfortunately should have got two cans though because I ran out and now have to go get more today.

                      Marshy, definetely potatoes for me!

                      AFM, feel better babe! Start using Hot Sauce, I'll start beefing up with the Cayenne since I'm feeling drug out these days as well.

