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Jubilant January - week 4

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    Jubilant January - week 4

    A quick check in tonight, I have a very busy week both with work and socially, tomorrow I am hosting our Mediation Group in the evening, Wednesday I have 7 friends coming for dinner, Thursday I am off to my first Belly Dancing class and Friday I am meeting up with 3 girlfriends for a post Christmas get together, Saturday I have 2 of my grandchildren over and on Sunday I will sleep ? all day!!

    I am still having lots of cravings and I have no idea what is going on with this, I do realise that I am way past the physical addiction and that this is mental/emotional but it is still draining and wearying and just a pain in the arse. I also feel that I am not in a good place to support others and need to be there for myself and I hate being so selfish.

    Apologies if this sounds a bit pathetic and I am not seeking responses or advice I am just venting...........

    Love you guys,

    Dewdrop :h
    Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


      Jubilant January - week 4

      Hold gently, Dew. Hi Shells. You darn well better chase that snow, don?t wait for it to come to you. I just want you to work through your romanticizing of real winter before you get hurt in snow and ice. I had a long, long day I am off to make dinner and chill. Love, Ladybird.
      may we be well


        Jubilant January - week 4

        You're not being selfish......don't worry about that!
        Just take care of yourself first so you can take care of others later :l
        Wow, good luck with the belly dancing

        I forgot to mention - the water can was frozen in the chicken house this moring despite the fact that it sits on an electric warmer. Now that's cold :H

        Shelley, I sure hope you get some snow (since you want it so badly)
        I'll be happy to Fed Ex you anything we get here on Wednesday!!

        Took my daughter out for lunch & a little shopping this afternoon. She's getting that draggy end of pregnancy feeling - been there & done it twice :H
        I hope these next few weeks go by quickly for her!

        OK, time to throw another log on the fire.
        Have a cozy evening everyone.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Jubilant January - week 4

          Good morning everyone

          Just a quick check in from me. Have been extremely busy with real life stuff so have not got to post the last few days. All going well though and AF, will check in when I have more time.



            Jubilant January - week 4

            Good morning Jubulators

            Any thoughts on our Feb name?
            Here are a few of the obvious ones:- Fabulous Feb, fantastic Feb, Feb fun, Feb Family, focused Feb, Feb Friends or maybe as its Rusty's birthday month it should be Flirty Feb
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              Jubilant January - week 4

              Good morning all.

              I like Focused February, as I really want to stay focused on being AF.

              Dill, thanks for the meditation, I signed up and really looking forward to the readings.

              Sped, I am about an hour away from the lake, so get lake effect all the time. It is hard to take after weeks of constant snow. But it is beautiful.

              Have to run, have a great AF day.
              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                Jubilant January - week 4

                Hello JJ's,
                I think I am going to enjoy this 21 day challenge. It turns out to be audio guided meditations. I listened to my first yesterday and it was really nice.

                Struggling here with the coffee this morning. My coffee maker decided to stop working so the coffee went through the grounds cold. That didn't work out so well so I had to actually heat my water on the stove and pour it through the basket a llittle at a time. It was a laborious process, but necessary. I can't function without my morning coffee! However, it took my MWO time. Grrrrr!

                AF wishes to all and sending extra strength to you, Dew!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Jubilant January - week 4

                  Hey Dew- You are not being selfish at all. I still get these immense cravings out of nowhere. It will suddenly appear so I relate to what you are saying. Infact I watched a guy drink a beer last friday and I really struggled. It shocked me how much I craved it. But january is abstinence for me. I wont cave in..

                  Dill - am a real coffee addict!

                  star- me too. I also like focused febraury

                  Where is the vivacious Rusty?? Rusty where are you?

                  Hi Lav, LBH, Rustop, Chill, Sootyu, John, P3, Sped, Cyn,mg72, cassia, SD. x
                  Be strong-
                  We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                  Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                    Jubilant January - week 4

                    Good morning friends,

                    No sun here this morning but a heatwave is predicted for today - going up to 40 degrees!!!
                    Strangely snow & rain predicted for Wednesday.

                    Feeling fortunate that I didn't fracture anything when I tripped over my big dog in the dark last night! The little dog (who hasn't been feeling real well) had to go out in the middle of the night. Geez, I crashed hard on the corner of my dresser!

                    Haven't quite figured out my day yet. I do have to sit & gather my business tax info for the accountant - yuck.
                    Dill, I was just looking at coffee maker in Walmart yesterday. Coffee maker don't seem to last real long & I'm thinking about picking up a spare to have on hand for emergencies

                    Wishing everyone a terrfific AF Tuesday.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Jubilant January - week 4

                      Morning abs,
                      I want to share a scuccessful AF story. Yesterday I went to college basketball game with my oldest son and two of his friends. It is a two hour drive from home. I told them I would be the DD. We met six of thier friends for dinner and drinks before game. I was only one at dinner not drinking. They went through five or six beers each at dinner and a couple more at half time. We got home about one o'clock in the morning. One of them asked at end of dinner who was drinking the diet coke. My point is that I drove AF, enjoyed myself and feel great this morning. Sometimes I convince myself that I will not fit in if I do not drink but then an experience like last night shows me I can. They also did not drive under the influence after the game so it was a win in several ways.
                      Lav, Sorry to hear about your trip over your big dog but glad you are okay.
                      Cassis, Good luck with your job hunt in NJ.
                      Paguy, I take fish oil without the side effect you wrote about. I think the key is to eat lots of fiber daily along with drinking lots of water and the side effect goes away. The benefits of fish oil are impressive.
                      Dill, I am going to try the 21 day mediation. I like mediation a lot but get out of the habit. I also would be very upset if I did not have my morning coffee!!
                      Sooth, King's speech was very uplifiting and heart warming movie. The best I have seen in a while.
                      Spedteach, I also had to stop long distance running because of injuries. I went to other types of exercise that is less stressful on the body(yoga, eliptical manchine, light weights, hiking and tennis). I still love being outdoors but running was too stressful on joints.
                      Dew, Belly dancing sounds like fun. We also have grandchildren and after we babysit them I wonder how someone so small can make us so tired. I hear your pain on the cravings. They drive me nuts sometimes but do go away after while.
                      Chill, Star and Rebirth, I like Focus Feb. I volunteer for income tax assistance program and have a very busy month that needs lots of focus from me.
                      Hello to everyone else and have a great Tuesday.


                        Jubilant January - week 4

                        Hey all...

                        Well done you mg...see it's not the end of the world going af. I don't know why all focus so much on it...note I can only now say this with serious af time under my belt!

                        Dewdrop - congrats again on your five months. Truly inspirational.

                        I think feb should be fabulous February as we are all fabulous people! Xx
                        'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                        "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                        AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                        "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                          Jubilant January - week 4

                          Evening Jjs, horrible rainy miserable old Tuesday here but I've been out with friends for lunch which was lovely. Another friend and myself signed up at weightwatchers this morning so I've had a busy day and am feeling very focused on slimming now. The weight sort of creeps on slowly (a bit like Al) and suddenly there's rather a lot to get rid of!

                          I hope we're all having a good week. Thanks for the meditation Dill, I signed up and did yesterdays which was very pleasant. As soon as I get some peace I will do number 2 later this evening.

                          Hump day is already on the horizon, boy January has flown by. I like Feb focus or something similar for next months name.

                          Have a good day everyone


                            Jubilant January - week 4

                            Hello JJs:

                            Very long and tiring day - my brain is fried at the moment. Had an all day sit down planning meeting with my peers. I am glad we don't do these types of meetings very often. Fortunately, we did not have to go out to dinner together - I really didn't want to deal with the questions, "John - why aren't you drinking?"

                            I like the idea of a Focused February. Although I agree that we all are, indeed, Fabulous, too!

                            Lav and Mg - Thanks for the additional insights into fish oil. After just 2 days of cutting it out of my diet, the symptoms have disappeared. I think I include a fair amount of fiber in my diet. At least 3 pieces of fruit and 4 servings of veggies each day, along with flax. In my reading, I also came across information on the inferior quality of some brands of fish oil. I may shop around for a better brand and gradually titrate it into my diet.

                            My SUGAR cravings are still very strong. Very odd. It's always in the evening after dinner. I'm making a point of trying to have a couple cups of decaf tea after my dinner but I am looking for something sweet, too.

                            I really am exhausted so bedtime will be coming extra early tonight. I'll probably be up at 4am tomorrow morning.

                            Wishing you all sweet dreams this evening...
                            AF since 7/13/2010


                              Jubilant January - week 4

                              I just wanted to mention that both John & I will be dealing with 6-10" of snow Thursday morning.
                              I'm not happy about it & Stella isn't either

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Jubilant January - week 4

                                Oh boy-I hope Mother Nature sees this pic Lav!! It should scare the crap out of her!! I have you beat-they're telling us 12-15 inches!! I give!!

                                John-I think you're right about the quality of the fish oil. Now I've been taking Nature's Bounty for about a year and haven't noticed any unusual problems. My fiber intake is more from whole grains and less from fruit and veggies so i don't know if that has anything to do with it. Re: sugar cravings. I had a heart to heart with my nutritionist yesterday and i think I have to treat the sugar issue as seriously as I do the AL issue and look at it as an addiction that can't be allowed to go on. She recommended that the next time I start heading to the store for one of my coveted whoopie pies that I go straight home instead and take a dog for a walk or do anything to distract me. Sounded wicked familiar. Today was my first sugar free day (except for fruit) and I had my sugarfree hot chocolate right after dinner (whoopie pies are out of the house!!). I must say that my heartburn is no where in sight tonite and I don't feel like getting in the car and driving to the store. My distraction this evening was going to the library on my way home and I think it worked.

                                MG-well done!! That was absolutely brilliant! Keep that memory alive-you can draw on it the next time you feel like you're going to cave.

                                I too signed up for the 21 day meditation challenge and I'm already a day behind. I'm heading to bed in a few and I'm going to dial it up on my phone and listen for as long as I can.

                                Shout out to RB, Sooty, Dill, Star, Sped, Cassia, and Chill. Hope I didn't forget anyone!!

                                Oh, my vote is for Focused AND Fabulous February!!

                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

