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Jubilant January - week 4

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    Jubilant January - week 4

    We got three inches yesterday, but you poor east - coasters are really getting slammed this winter! You have my sympathy. :h


      Jubilant January - week 4

      Hi all

      Happy Friday - I hope all you snow bunnies have managed a semi normal day and can get out and about to do things.

      Star - It sounds like you have a plan to deal with your co-worker and that's the most important thing. If your new supervisor is a straightshooter and this person ain't playing ball I have no doubts that she will wipe the floor with her. It will be fantastic to watch

      Rusty - Jetlag is just the worst - hopefully you get over it soon. A honeytrap is essentially when one person gets someone to come onto his/her other half to see if he/she is cheating. I think it's a great phrase. What a shame about your neighbor - Wells Fargo is the bank that I want to work for when I move back. D'oh.

      So today was pretty eventful - my head is mince from everything that went on. Got another weekend of work ahead of me but going to try and keep it til Sunday. Things have ramped up a gear...I just gotta keep on top of it and hope for the best. At least I get peace at the weekend to do that.

      How is everyone else - make me jealous with all your fabby plans for the weekend!

      'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

      "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

      AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

      "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


        Jubilant January - week 4

        thanks Dill and thanks Fennel you sweetheart you!! I've missed Dos Gatos and the Nest!! How are you???

        Yes Cassia-roads are clear today unfortunately so I trundeled off to work.

        I'm sore too Lav!! I didn't sleep well either-LM decided he absolutely HAD to go out at 2am -to eat the snow!! I could have killed him! then he got me up again at 3-very loud and insistent-no choice but to let him out. He gets to live another day because this time he did his business!! :H

        Rusty-hope you're finally recoverning from jet lag.

        Just popped in to say hi and give my eyes a rest from the data entry. I'll check in later tonite after my nieces performance.
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Jubilant January - week 4

          Hey fennel!
          Good to see you

          Got another inch or more of snow today, another inch coming tomorrow - WHY?
          DO WE NEED MORE SNOW?? I don't think so.............

          I have wonderful news..........
          The chickens presented me with the first eggs today! I didn't expect any until the first week of March when they actually turn 6 months old. Three small eggs - good girls

          I managed to dig out my trash can today - the snow plows practically buried it yesterday. I looked at the rest of the snow sitting around & said F___ it! I didn't put it there so I'm not removing it :H

          Papmom, my smaller dog (the sick one) pulls those middle of the night emergencies from time to time - how annoying (especially when you triup over the big dog in the dark)!

          I have worn out anther power cord for my lap top - ordered one today. Those things don't hold up too long. When this lap top is out of service I have to sit in my shop & use one of those computers. I have computers everywhere. Come to think of it - YB left one in his garage man room when he ran off. Hmm.

          Hope all of you with weekend plans have a ball.
          Nothing on my schedule but getting caught up with the homework for my online class.
          There was just no way to get any of that done yesterday.

          Have a good evening all.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Jubilant January - week 4

            Hi guys,

            There is so much to catch up with if you miss a day or two on this thread: I am well and life is very busy at the moment, why do work, family & friends always kick off at the same time!! I have had a very busy week both work and socially and came home tonight to a phone call from my DIL, outcome I have 2 grandchildren on a Friday night who are both sick babies. 1 ? year old is in my bed and the 5 year old is in a makeshift bed on the floor because he won?t sleep in the spare room as he wants to sleep with us - I know we will all end up in the one bed and I feel a long weekend coming on. The wee angels are unwell, high temps, sticky eyes and green runny noses you all know the situation if you have had kids, just hope they sleep well or I am in for a long night! I am still awake because they are not settled but hopefully soon and a long lie in tomorrow morning.
            Will take the time to reread all the previous posts and check you are all well,

            Dewdrop :h
            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


              Jubilant January - week 4

              Happy Friday!

              This has been another long week and I am looking forward to having 2 days off from work.

              Yes, the snow is driving all of us crazy on the East coast. Lav - fortunately, I did not lose power. I think I must live about 45 miles north of you. Sorry for all of your troubles!

              Papmom - We can complain about the snow here in PA but it doesn't compare to what's happening in Massachusetts - that much snow just isn't right....

              Sped - I forgot that you had a stress fracture after your last race. Fortunately, knock on wood, I've never had one of those. I hope you are healing and feeling better. And - enjoy your visit in Chicago - I love that town.

              I just remembered something my mother would sing to us as kids ? it went something like this: ?Chicken in the car and the car won?t go ? that?s how you spell CHICAGO!? Does anyone else remember that one?

              Dew - Take care of those sick grandchildren.... (And, don't pick up any of their germs!)

              Dill ? I?ve been thinking of your quote throughout the day - Honesty gets us sober, tolerance keeps us sober ? and it is so true. I had to be completely honest with myself before I turned the switch and said ?No More!?. And it has been my keen awareness to be more tolerant of others, fully recognizing that I am not in control of their behaviors, that is helping me stay the steady course.

              Tonight, I am satisfying my ?sweet tooth? with yogurt (Dannon Light & Fit ? only 80 calories) and a few dried apricots (good source of fiber). Much better choices than the brownies (which I made for a neighbor that never left my kitchen) and those dang chocolate covered pretzels!

              Greetings to everyone else (rebirth, rusty, chill, rustop, cassia, star ? hope I didn?t forget anyone) ? Have a great Friday?.
              AF since 7/13/2010


                Jubilant January - week 4

                Well can you believe its getting to that time again.....

                Jubilant January roundup

                We began the New Year with great enthusiasm and optimism.
                2011 was welcomed in by many very grateful sober people and for me it was my first and through
                these new eyes I saw even more how AL had deluded me in its definition of fun and celebration.

                As usual we have been up to allsorts from Zumba to embroidering G-strings! :shocked:
                We went back to work with some post holiday blues, John went to Church and Mg 72 came back from
                Hawaii. I went to London, Rusty entertained Barcelona and Speed as usual I cant keep up with!

                There has been extreme weather, blizzards and perhaps a little snow
                (Papmom apparently had a snowflake of two!) :H

                Im with you Lav, a large condo in Florida for us all sounds perfect! :thumbs:

                We have toyed with being healthy, gone to weightwatchers, started exercise programs,
                Paguy has set running records and Rebirth has her strict diet. There's also been meatballs, soup swaps,
                parsnip soup and diaper cake.

                There were burst pipes and devine intervention with contact lens before we even got to week two
                and my 1st introduction to a neti-pot?!

                We discussed dead men walking, our partners humor, football, books, the importance of being in balance
                and sugar cravings.

                There have been 29 year old Grandma's, Fidlers on the Roof, John on piano, SD dating! :heart:,
                interfering co-workers, a BIG welcome to Cassia and Dill's fab introduction to the meditation challenge.

                And its still got a few days to go......

                As usual this merry band continues to cope with life, sobriety and the Universe with love, compassion
                and a sense of fun. Here's to Focused February!
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  Jubilant January - week 4

                  Seems like I get up early regardless of what day it is. Greetings to all on this wonderful Saturday morning. I am so grateful to be up early, after a good night's sleep, due to being AF. It is something I want to be mindful of, so I continue on this path.

                  Rusty, thanks for your support, hope you have a peaceful weekend. So important to take care of yourself. Jetlag is the worst, and it just takes time and lots of rest to get back to normal. I am trying to be mindful, feel at peace only sometimes, I am working on it.

                  Chill,thanks for your roundup, it is always fun to review our month. Hope you are doing well. Any McLibra activity? Just being nosy. How is the weather in your area? I want warm news.

                  Hello to all, have a great AF day.:l
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    Jubilant January - week 4

                    Silly me!! It was so late I forgot what thread I was on last nite and posted this on the Daily Abs thread!! :H They must all think I have snow fever now!! I've deleted the replies to the people not on this thread :blush:
                    Chill-thank you sooooo much for your January roundup! Brilliant as usual!!
                    Hope all is well-any news about the job yet?

                    Gotta run-almost WW tiime!

                    ************************************************** ****
                    Evening all. got back a while ago from my neices semiannual theatre production. It was the 7th-12th grades this time and they did Grease. It was very cute! My niece only does chorus parts but she looked happy and relaxed and having fun. I think she might be getting tired of it tho. I'll miss going even tho I grouse about it!

                    Lav-did your power come back on yet? Congrat on the first eggs!! Are they edible when they come from chicks so young? Do you have a rooster too? do you need one for the hens to lay? Hmmm, must have missed that part in Biology!!

                    John-thank you so much for the snow sympathy and good work on the healthy choices to satisfy your sweet cravings!! After lunch I tracked my food intake and thanks to the 11 activity points I earned this week with my one day of running and the 2 hours of shoveling, I had 4 points left over for dinner. Not much but a search of the database revealed that I could have 1 oz of Beaver or Armidillo for 2 points. :H :H

                    Oh my, so late!! Up early for WW tomorrow and work. Hope to log on tommorrow if I can.

                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Jubilant January - week 4

                      Good morning kids!

                      I see the sun - yay!!!
                      I hope it melts some of this freakin snow.

                      29 year old grandmas - are you talking about me Chill? :H:H

                      John, I just googled the approximate distance between us - it's more like 72 miles!
                      For you it would be a good day trip to cow country :H

                      Papmom, the eggs from the youngsters are good to use, they're just very small right now. And NO, I don't need or want another rooster here. I kept one back in the beginning & had to find someone to take him off my hands. He was a nasty SOB! Everytime I walked into their fenced he would assault me. I had the backs of my legs bruised from the knees down

                      I'll be back later - I need to get some things ready for the mail.
                      Have a good day everyone

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Jubilant January - week 4

                        Goor afternoon ladies and gentlemen,

                        Chill I love your monthly summaries. When did SD date? O missed that one..

                        I am having a realxing saturday at home with my son. Gonna eat some scones with butter and jam now.

                        Have a lovely weekend all. I treasure you all. xx
                        Be strong-
                        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                          Jubilant January - week 4

                          Hello Jubilant Janes and Johns :H

                          What a busy and productive day for me. Got to the gym and ran lots of errands. I have a great sense of accomplishment today!

                          Star - I have that wake up early no matter what day of the week it is gene, too. All I can say is that I, too, am very grateful to wake up AF - it is a wonderful feeling.

                          Saturday's are my long run days and although I was up early, I was finding it difficult to get 'psyched' to run the 8 miles that I planned. So, I started to browse through my latest Runner?s World magazine and found an article on ways to boost your confidence. One suggestion was to wear the same shorts and top that you?ve worn on previous races. So, I pulled out my ?lucky? shorts that I wore for my first 10-mile and first half-marathon races, headed out to the gym and logged 9.5 miles on the treadmill. And, I felt GREAT! So, mission accomplished this weekend. What a difference running these long distances being in an AF state ? no more lingering dehydration ? I am in a much better state than I was 6 months ago that is for sure.

                          Chill ? I love your monthly summaries. Thanks so much for taking the time to let us reflect on all of our goings on! Also, Chill, in my Runner?s World magazine, they always feature a running location and this month is Sintra, Portugal. OMG ? what a beautiful location! The pictures make it look like a luscious rain forest. Have you visited that part of Portugal?

                          Lav ? You?re farther away from me than I thought. Where I live used to be cow country until all the developers bought the farms and built housing developments. There are certain areas that still have preserved land that cannot be developed but it certainly isn?t what is used to be.

                          We have an ?Engagement Party? to attend tomorrow. I?ve never been to one of those before. Our neighbor?s oldest son is getting married in August and this is just the beginning of the gift giving festivities that are planned?.

                          Greetings to everyone and wishing you all a peaceful Saturday evening?..
                          AF since 7/13/2010


                            Jubilant January - week 4

                            Hey everyone,

                            Chill - thanks so much for the round up. It just goes to show that we all have such fulfilling lives without al. Its great to come on here and share our ideas, thoughts, struggles and accomplishments.

                            Today was my first night since I started my af journey that I had made specific plans where I knew there would be alcohol. Fortunately it was just ib my friends house but still...I was the only one not drinking. Gutted to see my fave bottle of Rioja on offer but I did it. And I was still witty, funny and I had a great time. So this is the first step to bein comfortable around others drinking. I am still a long way off from sitting in the bar but that day will come.

                            I hope you all had a lovely af Saturday. I am keeping the people of Egypt in my prayers tonight. Scary stuff over there.

                            L x
                            'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                            "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                            AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                            "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                              Jubilant January - week 4

                              Good job Cassia - this AF stuff will start to feel more comfortable for you , I promise

                              John, I'm about 21 miles south of Longwood Gardens. Seriously, I am right about on the Mason Dixon line. People fly confederate flags around here, believe it or not! Congrats on your running ambition - I can only dream about that at this point. The snow certainly is hanging around isn't it? We need a few warm days to get some melting started.

                              rebirth - were those diet scones, butter & jam? Just kidding :H
                              I baked pain au chocolat this afternoon for no reason whatsoever - kept my mind from obssessing over other stuff.

                              Have a good night everyone!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Jubilant January - week 4

                                Good morning
                                John- I envy how you are so fit! I am frustratingly inconsistent when it comes to exercise. I have hired a fitness trtainer but i am still eating enormous amounts of comfort food during the week. I cant seem to get out of my sugar fog either. grrrr. and the weight piles on.

                                Lav- I love pain au glad I cant get krispin kreme so easily!

                                Cassia- I went to a birthday party the other day. I was determined not to cave in and I actuelly had a good time. infact, not many people were drinking and only the host was very drunk..and she looked awful! Well done. x

                                Have a lovely sunday. off for a sunday roast.
                                Be strong-
                                We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                                Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T

