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Jubilant January - week 4

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    Jubilant January - week 4

    Hi Everybody :hiya: thought Id get week 4 underway.

    :welcome: Cassia, I know you from the Army and am delighted you have decided to join our monthly thread.

    Sped - You asked about hard water, I have no mains water, only water from my well which is poor quality and very hard. I had a system installed which I fill with special salt tablets which softened the water before it goes into the house to avoid everything being corroded.

    Mylife - When are you thinking of coming to Spain? I live quite near the Spanish Border and Seville is less than 2 hours away. Its much further south, has beautiful surrounding areas and would give you pretty good weather.

    Dewdrop - Like Star Im absolutely appalled by your Managers behaviour over encouragement to drink!

    Lots of extreme weather being experience by us all and I have to say I found London freezing. Unfortunately I seem to have brought it back to Portugal and today is the coldest day we have had the whole winter.

    I will post an up date on another post incase I loose this......
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    Jubilant January - week 4

    My hotel in London was a disaster, the heating and hot water was broken and I ended up getting a big refund but the experience was bleak. It was heaven to get back late last night to my cosy clean house and soak in a hot bath. I managed to sell my diamond watch which was the biggest item I had but unfortuately I had no luck with other pieces of jewellery. In these difficult times the market is completely flooded with 2nd hand jewellery and the dealers are being very picky about what they take. Anyway it was an exercise I had to do and the money I did get is now my safety fund for paying the costs of moving if the need comes.

    Its been an emotional few weeks and I feel a lot lighter now its over. I am going to have a very quite weekend and try to get back to my usual chilled out self, I need time to clear my thoughts as my mind has been in overdrive. There has been a few things happening that could change the whole course of my life and I will elaborate soon. I want to thank you all for your good wishes..... Chill is back
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Jubilant January - week 4


      The future depends on what we do in the present. ~Mahatma Gandhi

      Or: Our morning will be hang-over free is we are AF today. ~Dill

      Or: The whole of the rest of our lives will be sober if we do not drink today.

      Greetings JJ's,

      :welcome: Cassia, very glad you joined us and congrats on 31 days! That is wonderful.

      Rusty and RB, I have not posted quotes in awhile, it is true. I just haven't really been taken with many recently in the Readings and often, Rustop finds the exact quotes that ring true with me and posts them for us. However, I did find this lovely inspirational quote to share with you all from one of my favorites, Ghandi. Did you like my translations?

      Chill, Thanks for starting Week 4. Welcome back! We missed your voice on the thread very much. Sorry your efforts to sell your jewelry didn't come to all you had hoped. It must be so emotional selling such personal items. But, they are just things. The memories associated with them are still yours.

      OK, it's 8 below here. I keep telling myself it will eventually be Spring. "This too shall pass." We must all hang on until then! I read a brochure from our local County Parks and Recreation department that they have a "Winter Trillium Walk" schedule for mid March. It is in the park right next to our farm. It seemed such a hopeful plan to put on my calendar. There WILL BE Spring time wild flower walks in my future, only weeks from now!

      Dew, good for you resisting all that pressure. That Manager would have made me very angry and I would have not drank just to spite him/her! What difference does it make to any one what a person toasts with?!

      Papmom, MyLife, Cyn, Sped, Sooty, SD, Rustop, SBH, Lav, mg72, Star, Paguy, G., carry on!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Jubilant January - week 4

        Good morning kids!

        It's a balmy 14 degrees here at the moment :H
        My dogs are hibernating.......they don't bother getting up to go out until 10 ish :H

        No specific plans for me this weekend but I do hope the get the heck out of here for a few hourse. I do not like that cooped up feeling.:egad:

        Good to see you Chill, sorry your trip was so crappy. I hope you feel better soon!

        Dewdrop, good to see you as well. Your manager obviously some AL issues. Good for you for getting through that.

        Welcome Cassia! 31 days - woo hoo!

        OK, I need to get moving & go check on my cold blooded kids out in the coop.
        Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday.

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Jubilant January - week 4

          Hello JJs, I can't believe that its week 4 already! Where does the time go?

          We went to see the Kings Speech last night, can wholeheartedly recommend it. It does deserve all its nominations and I hope it wins some.

          Its been ages since I went to the pictures, made me feel like doing it more often. The trouble is that Mr S and I don't like the same things so its hard to find films which are of mutual interest. That'll be the next challenge for 2011!

          Hope we're all having a good weekend. The weather continues to be cold and bright here so I'm not complaining. The full moon has been spectacular!

          Take it easy gang
          love Sooty


            Jubilant January - week 4

            Greetings Folks...

            Week 4 already - Yikes! Thanks for getting us started, Chill and nice to see you on the boards again. We miss you.

            Star and Papmom - The 3 of us are all getting up way too early in the morning. I have been up at 4:30am every day this week. I generally get up somewhere between 5:30 and 6:00am. But, this week it's been 4:30. I really do enjoy early morning - it's my quiet time.

            I managed to finish reading my latest book this morning: The Postmistress, Sarah Blake, (9780425238691) Paperback - Barnes & Noble. What a wonderful read - it moved me quite a bit. The storyline takes place in 1940-1941 before the US got involved in WWII and what was going on throughout Europe. There were several very compelling and heartbreaking passages about the impact on ordinary innocent people. Not an uplifting novel but I found it to be quite powerful.

            I also got to the gym and hit my 8 mile long run milestone today. And, I felt great! I am get ready for that 13.1 mile half-marathon in March.

            We have neighbors coming for dinner this evening. Very simple - I had a ham in the fridge from the holidays that was waiting to be cooked to it's comfort food tonight. Baked ham, mashed potatoes and some type of veggie. These are low key close friends so there is no stress or pressure - thank goodness.

            Aside from getting out to go to the gym, I've pretty much been inside today. I can't believe it's 5:10pm and there is still daylight out there - Ah, yes, the daylight hours are getting longer.

            Sending you all greetings and best wishes this weekend....
            AF since 7/13/2010


              Jubilant January - week 4

              Hey everyone and thanks for the warm welcome.

              Chill - I am so sorry you had such a crappy hotel experience. There is nothing worse. London can be like that though. I have had mixe experiences. Glad you are feeling better after struggling a wee bit. When is the big move now?

              Dill...the walk sounds amazing. I am also wishing for spring but thankfully arrive in NYC for te start of it. it will be nice to spend some time in the city during springtime.

              Lav - as homesick as I am, I am not looking forward to getting used to those east coast winters aain. I feel your pain. If only we could all hibernate!

              Sooty - I saw the kings speech a couple of weeks ago and loved it. It actually inspired me to learn more about English history. Who would have thought. The cinema is full of great films just now and it's a great way to spend an af evening.

              Paguy - well done on the eight miles. The most I have ever done is six! I love the gym but have to rotate about the machines cuz I get bored easily. I do love running outdoors...especially in the heat.

              Look forward to getting to know you all better. My hubby asked me if he had to take me out for dinner evey thirty days to celebrate? I must just get him to save up so I can get a pair of louboutins when I reach a year! Now there is motivation!!!

              L x
              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                Jubilant January - week 4


                It's 8:45 pm & I just checked - it's 5 degrees outside!!!!!! Wonder how low it's going to go.......

                I just saw a post from Shelley on last week's thread -
                She made the vegan dish I mentioned the other day & her son is enjoying it too

                Wasn't sure what I was going to do today but I ended up meeting my son, DIL & EB for lunch.
                Having lunch out with a 2 year old is a real giggle. They gave him a paper placemat & 2 crayons - he chewed the ends right off the crayons then handed them to me 'here ya go Mi Mom' :H I hope he always keeps me laughing like that!

                I trying not to worry about my feathered kids out there......they should be OK overnight. It's not like I'm can bring them inside or anything :H They do huddle together in the coop at night & I have a heat lamp on for them.

                Wishing everyone a warm & comfy night!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Jubilant January - week 4

                  As promised-pics of snowy Central MA:

                  I'm 5"2" and this pile
                  at the end of my drive
                  is over my head!!

                  The view looking
                  up my street

                  My tiny house
                  slowly being engulfed!!

                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    Jubilant January - week 4

                    :wow: that's what it looked like here last winter!!!!!
                    Stay warm
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Jubilant January - week 4

                      Good night/morning all -

                      Dewdrop, thanks for your support - I think your meditation helped me, I felt inexplicably calmer today. Great job on your work trip - it sounds like it was a lot of work to stay centered - congrats.
                      Lav - so sorry for the tears. I always send you extra protection around the full moon, I know it affects you. Seriously, a drop spindle for your daughter, plus special wool - wow, what an incredible gift.
                      Chill - so good to hear from you, glad you are comfortable once again for the moment. Can't wait to hear more news.
                      PMom, Dill (great translations), SD, all who are suffering the cold, sorry, great-grandmother used to say "as the days lengthen the cold strengthens". Prarie wisdom.
                      Sped - love the travelogues and food logs.
                      LBH - where are you?
                      Rusty - travel safely, and Rustop hope you and family are well.
                      John - amazing hitting your goals like that ( and the 111 thing - freaky!)
                      G-bloke - always nice to hear your voice.
                      Sooty, are you seeing Jupiter? I greet him every early morning (yes, me too up in the wee hours).
                      Welcome Cassia! I know I'm missing some of you -- so sorry, I do so enjoy reading everyone's stories, Just too tired right now to get all names right...

                      This week will hold my client's move and my own move (plus some scary business with an electrical repair that is being hung up between two giant utility companies and is endangering our sale - send good thoughts please), so I may not be on much - but I am always thinking of you all...stay warm!
                      to the light


                        Jubilant January - week 4

                        Hi cyn- good luck with your move. I have moved around so much in my life. It's exhasting.

                        Chill- I am sorry to hear that you didnt get better offers for your jewellery but you were wise to hold onto them. The gold price will eventuelly change and this will change the market again. Why dont you try ebay? I looked at the site the other day and there were many people selling their diamond jewellery

                        Dill- I like your quotes so it was good to read them. Rustop does a good job too but the more the merrier.

                        P3- Thats alot of snow!! We had the same in December which is alot for the UK

                        Hi Lav, cassia, John,sooty etc. Have a lovely sunday all
                        Be strong-
                        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                          Jubilant January - week 4

                          Chill I have gone back and edited my previous post; I meant to say ?selling your stuff? not ?selling your soul?! Not sure if that?s a Freudian slip but it was completely unintentional, apologies. Your hotel sounded dreadful and not a pleasant experience especially under the circumstances so I hope that you are now happily settled back in Portugal. I'm dying to hear your plans.
                          Dill thank you for your quote and especially your interpretations, very apt for me as I am struggling a bit at the moment
                          Lav I wanted to say a big thank you for all the support you are giving people on the threads but especially the new people, you really are being so helpful. I feel that I simply don?t have the time but still feel a bit guilty however I am hopeful that one of these days I?ll have the time. I am very grateful to you and just wanted to let you know. ps I?m sure the chicks will be fine but we all worry about our pets.
                          Sooty I too fancy seeing the Kings Speech and I also like the look of the ballet one, is it called The Black Swan ? I really must make the effort to go to the cinema this year as I am a bit lazy on that front and often wait for the dvd. Yet the experience of seeing a movie on the big screen is so completely different and very enjoyable.
                          Paguy ? 8 miles ! my goodness you are really getting back your fitness. The baked ham sounds perfect.
                          ? hello my friend I too stayed in the Just Starting Out threads until I felt confident enough to venture out and this was my soft landing.
                          ? oh my those photos make me feel cold and shivery, wrap up as best you can and hang in there.

                          I am finding life a bit tough at the moment, last week was just so draining having to constantly avoid drinking and think of enough excuses, late Friday afternoon I had so much work to finish off I had a big strong coffee and it kept me awake the whole night. Honestly I felt strung out and very jangly and couldn?t stop my mind racing (I stopped drinking coffee a few years ago). Most of Saturday was spent sleeping and catching up but again I couldn?t sleep last night so am feeling very flat and lethargic today. I need to stay awake all day today so that I can get back into a sleep rhythm tonight. However I am also experiencing loads of cravings and even thoughts of modding which just won?t go away, it?s bizarre. I?d have thought that by this time AF I?d be past this type of craving. I stopped taking L-Glut a few weeks ago but maybe I should start it up again.

                          A quick hello to everyone I?ve missed - Cyn
                          please take care and thanks to Chill
                          for starting week 4 ? where has January gone ??

                          Dewdrop :h
                          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                            Jubilant January - week 4

                            Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. ~Robert Collier

                            Sometimes fighting cravings seems more than a "small effort", I must say. However, at the end of the day, looking back on them, they really do seem small. Repeated effort day in and day out is what it takes.

                            Dewdrop, hang in there. Keep sight of your goals. Do you mind me asking what type of drinker you were? We have had this little thread going a long time now, and most of us know a lot about each other, but I feel I don't know much about you. I was a daily wine drinker and drinking was not an issue with me until later in life. It started increasing in my 40's and got out of control in my late 40's ealy 50's. My hb doesn't drink so that makes it easy to keep al out of the house.

                            Cassia, it sounds like you have a very supportive husband. Does he understand your issues with alc? Does he himself have any problems? And what are louboutins?

                            Cyn, I can't imagine all you are going through at the moment, managing two moves in one week! I am sending positive thoughts your way, especially re: the electrical problem. Please be sure to find time to take care of yourself during all this.

                            Lav, I know how you must worry about the chickens. I used to keep them and it worried me too, when it got so cold. They survived it just fine though. Are yours laying yet?

                            Papmom, thanks for the pics. That's a lot of snow! I'm glad we only have a moderate amount.

                            The temps got up near 20 yesterday and our grandson was over. We bundled him up in warm snow clothes and went out and hunted for his sled. We found it in the old barn and put it right to use. Oh how he loved it!! It was great fun watching him. He didn't want to stop, but after awhile, it was time to go in a nd get warm. Our son was grilling ribs so after the sledding we sat down to a wonderful meal of ribs, mashed potatoes, corn and slaw. The potatoes and corn were both from last year's garden. MMMM.

                            I'm thinking of each of you and wishing you strength.

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              Jubilant January - week 4

                              Hi all and thanks again for the kind welcome.

                              Dew - I am sorry that you have struggled over the past week - I can totally relate to how tiring it is to constantly come up with excuses not to drink. I have been pretty straight up with people about my drinking - I quit and that's it. The biggest thing is when they say - oh you can just come for a bit, you don't have to drink. I am like, why would i go somewhere that could threaten my sobriety - that's when it comes hard to think of the excuse - everyone knows I quit but not why - that's personal. Hopefully, this will pass and I have complete faith you will come out the other side stronger. Maybe you should take the l-glut to get you over this wee hurdle.

                              Dill - I have a very supportive husband who has no issues with AL (control issues perhaps). He kinda just stopped drinking ages ago - he said he grew up. (also superiority issues perhaps). No seriously, he is a lovely guy and has helped me through lots. He has chosen not to drink which means he can no longer enjoy his whisky collection which I know is a real hardship for him. Louboutins are beautiful shows.

                              So I am off to do some work and then I need to get networking on linkedin - busy day ahead.

                              Have a great AF Sunday all - check in later =o)

                              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"

