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Jubilant January - week 4

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    Jubilant January - week 4

    A jubilant Sunday to you all

    Papmom - Wow thats a lotta snow! great pics.

    Cyn - Im glad you are feeling calmer. Since the beginning of the year i have been unable to meditate as my mind has been too noisy and you wonder if you are ever going to get out of that cycle. However since I got back from my trip my inner calm has returned and I feel like me again.

    Dewdrop - Stay strong, these modding thoughts are the evil voice of AL, recognize it and turn down the volume.

    Cassia - You reminded me of what it was 1st like explaining myself on social occasions. Can I tell you that now when I get an invite, I dont even think about the drinking issue I just think what a nice party or whatever. I dont know when exactly that shift happened but I realize how much more relaxing life is now I dont have to be concerned about how i get somewhere and not have to drive, how much will i drink, will I make a fool of myself etc etc. All that stress caused just so I could drink! Insanity!

    I didnt mean to sound mysterious but I have an interview for a job here in Portugal in two weeks time, this would not just be a job but a vocation and no matter what they paid me I would take it. Its 86km from where I live so would mean a lot of travelling but if it worked out I would move and rent somewhere close by. The circumstances surrounding me hearing about this job are completely bizzare. The company who are based in Ireland were advertizing their business and our Mario saw it, mentioned them to me and suggested I see if they needed any staff. I immediately contacted them and the owner of the company called me and told me that they were just about to advertize for staff in my local paper! He is coming over from Ireland and I have a meeting with him arranged for Feb 6th. So everything else in my life is on hold at the moment until I know if this is going somewhere.... Please send me your wonderful positive vibes guys
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Jubilant January - week 4

      Good morning Jubilant Ones!

      Brrr, cold, cold, cold!
      What more can you say?

      cyn, I have a good feeling all will go well with your move! Hang in there
      What is it with me & the full moon? It honestly makes me crazy. I seem to become vulnerable & overly sensitive. I think I need to grow fangs :H

      Hi rebirth & Chill! eBay is not a bad idea for selling jewlery....really!

      Dewdrop, I like to greet the Newbies when i can. I remember some folks reaching out to me when I first got here 2 years ago. They just kind of dragged me right into the fold & that helped me so much. Sorry about your sleep problems....I've been dealing with them for 15+ years myself, exhausting. At this point in your journey, don't you find the cravings to be more of a mental assault than anything else? We've talked here many times about 'mental chatter' & the importance of promptly shutting it up!
      My addicted brain sends me a message every once in a while & I remember to tell myself - Nope, I don't drink (or smoke) anymore

      Dill, great that you spent the day with your grandson yesterday. Mine is coming over today

      Cassia, glad you are with us. Don't get me started on husband control issues.......

      Greeting to all who drop in today - stay warm wherever you are!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Jubilant January - week 4

        Chill - sending you good luck vibes
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Jubilant January - week 4

          Oh Chill that is so freaking great!!! I just KNEW something wonderful was going to turn up for you this year that would keep you in your beloved adoptive country!! Sending you all the positive pings and vibes you need. You so deserve this job and with our wonderful Mr. Mario behind all this you can't lose!! I'm so happy for you I feel like running outside and rolling around in the snow like my dogs!! Ummm, but I won't. Sorry!! I'll just do a jig in my office an no, I won't tape it and post it here!! :H

          Cyn-hang in there-you will prevail over the electric companies because it's what should happen!!

          Dew-i'm sending you strength and hugs to help make your AF journey a bit easier. I'm not a big social person so I haven't had the temptations and situations most of you have had but the few events I have gone to over the past 8 months have been suprisingly low key in terms of people wondering why I'm not drinking (and they knew me to be a BIG drinker!!). LIke Chill I feel almost giddy driving home thinking how great it is not to worry about being pulled over and how I don't have to rehearse my "lines" anymore to the officer, oh and hope that all my "practicing" for the field sobriety tests will pay off. Insane!!! As far as your boss insisting that you drink with him, I have no idea how I would have handled it but obviously you did it wonderfully!! Congrats!!

          Cassia-NYC huh? Wow-is that going to be a huge change for you? Are you in one of the big cities in Scotland now or in the country?

          Speaking of wee ones and spending time, I'm off this morning to the wilds of Western MA to visit with my bro and his family. Although we just saw them a few weeks ago, my dad is leaving for S. Carolina on Friday and he wants to see them one more time before he leaves. He prefers company on the 1.5 hour ride although he does it many times by himself so I agreed to go along. Just like Lav with her EB, I can't get enough of my nephew. I'm bringing along my Flip Video camera in hopes I'll catch some typical smarty pants antics on tape!!

          Gotta hop in the shower and get the dogs settled. My dad picks me up in a little more than an hour.

          Have a great day everyone!!

          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Jubilant January - week 4

            Morning all,
            I just realized that this thread changes every week! I have been busy so not able to check daily but when I did I was on week two. I was surprized how activity slowed way down and this morning see I am two weeks behind. Oh well, I will get hang of this sometime.

            Rebirth, to answer your question to me on last post of week two is that I teach hatha and something called gentle hot yoga. I also teach core conditioning class. I try to practice two to three times a week besides teaching. My happiness and contentment measurement is closely related to how often I practice. Good luck with your trainer.

            Paguy, eight mile run-you the man! I was a serious long distance runner before my body told me to switch sports and activities.

            Chill, Lav and Dill, the funk you wrote of has been something I experienced also. I think the short days, snow and cold weather add to it. The last ten days I have been hitting the yoga practices hard and I feel much better now. Gettting the prana(energy field)running through me unrrestricted is very uplifting.

            Cassia, Congratulations on 30 days AF! I am kind of a newcomer to the group also. Now that I know where to find you all I plan on being a regular.

            I send my best to everyone else. Sorry I have missed out the last two weeks but will stay current now.


              Jubilant January - week 4

              Enjoy that kid time papmom - it's the best

              mg - life moves fast gotta keep up :H
              I did a little yoga one hundred years ago & really enjoyed it. I wonder if there's a yoga class around for us '29 year olds'. I live in the middle of nowhere so I'd probably have better luck looking for a DVD or something

              I just baked some chocolate chip cookies for my grandson & the house smells like a giant cookie right now :H
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Jubilant January - week 4

                It is so hard to catch up after a few days away, for each of us life careens here and there even when we are trying to carve it out with care. Welcome Cassia, you will like it here. My life is pleasantly uneventful right now and I spent the past few days enjoying unseasonably warm weather (low fifties) doing winter garden chores and then a big house cleaning before hosting a small dinner party. I have work tomorrow and what passes for my brain has turned off the autopilot and is starting to flicker and light up. I am glad to be here on the last week in January and I shall keep each and every one of you troopers in my thoughts as the week unfolds. Love, Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  Jubilant January - week 4

                  Hi everyone,

                  Another hard day of work but I have set myself up well for next week. I stopped when my spreadsheet wasn't doing what I wanted it to. I am sure I can sort it when I look at it with fresh eyes in the morning.

                  Lav - what recipe do u follow for choc chip cookies. I just use the nestle tollhouse one. I found a place over here that sells them and I make them once a month as a treat.

                  LB - I love an uneventful week! It gives you a chance to rest up and plan. What has next week got in store for u?

                  Cyn - are u moving jobs or houses or both?

                  Chill - FANTASTIC NEWS! I hope it works out for u. I am all about networking, it have got my last threee jovs through recommendations from people. Good on mario for keeping an eye out. He is a wee star. I bet the guy you called was super impressed that you took the initiative. I really hope it works out for u. The job market over here is ok...I know people who have transferred jobs but if u could something in Portugal even better!

                  Pap - I live on Glasgow which is one of the major cities here. I grew up in nj so I am going back to my roots essentially. It's hard job hunting from abroad. I just have to hope that the people I have approached will be keen to meet up. I hope u had a good day with your dad.

                  Mg - big welcome!!! You have come to a great can do this.

                  Well my hubby has downloaded a program about the arctic so I am off to watch that. Speak soon all!

                  L x
                  'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                  "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                  AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                  "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                    Jubilant January - week 4

                    Hi JJers!! got back from the visit with my bro's family a few hours ago. Boy did we have a blast!! They had the wood stove going full blast so the whole house was super cozy. I brought one of my dogs at my nephew's request. We caught up, watched some videos of my nephew on my SIL's Iphone and then had lunch. All morning long I had been wishing that lunch would be my bro's homemade vegetarian chili. I could almost taste it! And guess what???? It WAS!!! I was so happy I almost cried! They also made homemade corn bread. Oh, I was in heaven!! After lunch I showed my neph how to get Mickey to do some tricks and then I had him do it. He's a natural trainer!! After the tricks we played "find the treats" and Mickey didn't disappoint but he's no lab :H. Then we went down to the garage turned family room and set up a mini agility course. First Mickey went through the course, then Nate wanted to incorporate the Find It game so we did that then Nate decided HE wanted to be the dog!! Oh, too cute! I did bring my Flip and I got some great video of Nate and Mickey but I don't think my bro and SIL would appreciate me posting it on the net so you'll all just have to use your imaginations. My dad really enjoyed himself and since I got ready to go so early, I had an hour to do some chores around the house that I'm sure were what was waking me up in the middle of the nite. So, all is good-great visit, able to stop on the way home to pick up sorely needed dog food and bird food and I treated myself to a brand new snow shovel in honor of our upcoming 4th storm on Tue/Wed!!
                    time to put the frozen dinner in the MW and then try to hit the hay early so I'm fresh for a new work week. I must move out to western ma!!! that is all.
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Jubilant January - week 4

                      Hi Everyone and Welcome Cassia - I think you're going to like it here. And, :goodjob: on the 30 days AF!

                      Papmom - Sounds like you had a great visit with your family today - that's super. I, too, made a batch of chili. Since it was single digits when I woke up this morning, I thought it would be a good 'chili' (no pun intended :H) day!

                      All in all, a pretty uneventful weekend.

                      I did make a rather embarassing, but funny discovery today. A few weeks ago, I read that Fish Oil is a good supplement as an anti-inflammatory agent. Since I started up exercising again and began to run longer distances, I thought it would be a good idea to start taking Fish Oil to help with any inflammation. Well, I started to notice that I was becoming very 'gasey' I mean, VERY gasey. This is so unusual for me so today I convinced myself that it had to be related to something new in my diet. And, the only thing that's really changed is the fish oil. So, I googled and lo and behold, although a rare side effect, some people can experience 'digestive flatulance'. Well, that would be MOI. So, the recommendation is to cut down on the dosage or distribute the dosage in smaller portions through the day. The good news is that I haven't had any inflammation but I'm not so sure the trade off is worth it! :H

                      Chill - I know the stars will be aligned for you and things will work out. Sending a cargo load of good vibes your way.

                      Lav - You made chocolate chip cookies today and I made a batch of brownies to bring to a neighbor who just had a baby. So my house was rocking with aromas between the chili and the brownies.

                      Greetings to everyone else.... hope you have a relaxing Sunday evening....
                      AF since 7/13/2010


                        Jubilant January - week 4

                        Sunday evening and hello to all in week four.....

                        Chill, sending you positive energy, how exciting!!

                        Papmom, what a wonderful family day. You sound like a fun aunty.

                        Cyn, take care of yourself.

                        PAguy, good thing you figured out the fish oil side effects!

                        Dill, thanks again for your quotes.

                        Cassia, welcome, great you are here.

                        LBH, it is nice to have a peaceful weekend. I did too.

                        Greetings to Lav, enjoy those cookies.

                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          Jubilant January - week 4

                          Greetings JJ's!

                          I am short on time this morning but wanted quickly to share this link to a 21 day online Meditation challenge that begins tomorrow from the Chopra center. It is free. I have signed up and am waiting to begin. I remember LBH doing this last summer and she gave positive feedback about it.

                          Meditation Challenge Winter 2011 | Chopra Center

                          Have a great AF Monday. I'll try to check in later.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Jubilant January - week 4

                            Good morning all!

                            Thank you sister Dill ~ I just signed up!
                            I could use some extra help clearing some BS out of my head.

                            Cassia, I use the recipe on the bag of chocolate chips too. I think it's the butter/butter substitute you 'tuse that makes a difference. Currently I'm using 'I Can't Believe it's Not Butter'. Don't know if you can get that product but I honestly think it's better (and healthier) than using butter

                            John - fish oil supplements - OMG!
                            I get so fed up with them I have a habit of putting them away for a few weeks & just taking Vit E - that causes no problems

                            Had a nice evening with the kids. My daughter stopped in and stayed until midnight - just talking! I think she's getting a little anxious & needed to just talk

                            OK, time to get something done today.
                            Wishing everyone a good one!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Jubilant January - week 4

                              Hi Lav!

                              Ooops! I had the wrong start date for the Meditation Challenge. It starts today. I don't think it is too late to sign up though.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                Jubilant January - week 4

                                Hey all,
                                LBH, you're absolutely right; you stay off a few days here and catching up is tuff. Best advice I think is just go with the flow. I actually have to take little notes to remember what everyone said. I do have a 60 year old excuse though.

                                Dill, will try to sign up for that meditation class. Your sledding/ribs afternoon sounded like heaven.

                                Sooty, I too want to see The King's Speech. Cassia,also want to see The Black Swan. There are a lot of good movies around right now, maybe pre-Oscar time. My son wanted to see The Fighter but we opted for football.
                                SD, he loves football. He an economics professor and, get this, his specialty is game theory, kind of like legitimate odds on betting! Hey you have something in common. But want to know about your date.

                                Chill, good luck on your Portugal job. It sounds like you would rather stay there than go back to the UK. Your hotel experience sounded awful. With all the traveling I've done this past year, sweetie I empathize.

                                Dew, Might I ask what is your job? Are you a travel agent, around the world? I am but a lowly teacher. I retired when I was 59 but work as a substitute teacher when I'm in New Mexico, when I'm not living with my son in's a long story. You know guys we all are a quite educated, well employed bunch.

                                Star, if it snows so much where you live, why doesn't it snow here, in the middle of Indiana. Am actually quite disappointed about the lack of snow. I was anticipating blizzards. I'm sure (especially you Lav) you are all out there ready to beat me silly with your snow shovels!
                                And LBH, am glad you are enjoying those temps in the 50's.

                                John, so proud about your 8 miles. Don't know if you recall but got a stress fracture soon after that half marathon I did in Denver last October. Have not really started running again, doing the run 1, walk 1, thing right now. Have some osteoporosis and am really afraid about getting injured.
                                Got The Postmistress on my list. Any other suggestions.

                                Dinner tonight: tortellini chicken soup, but whoops no chicken in this house. Substituting zucchini, parsley, basil and cherry tomatoes, with 3 cheese tortellini and chicken broth.

                                Thinking about all of you guys. Cassia, welcome. mg75, can't remember your name but, hello to you.

                                Pap, I loved your afternoon with your family. How lucky you are to have them nearby.
                                Makes me sad that mine are in southern CA, IN, NM, Chitown, WA, and Boston. Too far away.

                                It's gray;it's 30. I love it.

