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Jubilant January - week 4

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    Jubilant January - week 4

    Happy hump day me lovelies

    Lav your picture made me chuckle... What are you going to do with the chickens?
    Be strong-
    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


      Jubilant January - week 4

      Has anyone got a good recipe for coronation chicken? It's a sandwich filler and I would like to make it using low calorie mayonaise.
      Be strong-
      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


        Jubilant January - week 4

        Good morning on Hump Day...the last week in January, thank goodness. The winter is getting to me, it always does after Christmas. So, I booked a ticket to visit my Dad in Florida in March for a few days. It is something to look forward to and will remotivate me regarding my health goals....meaning losing a few pounds.

        I don't take any supplements anymore. I didn't notice a difference either way, I just upped my veggie and fruit intake instead. I support everyone who does though, as we all have different needs.

        I had a horrendous day at work, the person I work with flipped out on me again, trying to control when I take time off. It is really weird and I will address it today. But, it is tiring and wearing. I have to start seriously looking for another job. I will do it in stages, you know, resume, networking, computer searching. I don't want to end up in a worse positition. Wish me luck.

        Lav, your chickens are cute. How cool to have fresh eggs, I would love that.

        Rebirth, sorry, I don't have a recipe for that particular dish. I just noticed you being supportive to others on MWO and want to say how great that is, I am going to up my participaton too.

        Papmom, I too struggle with sugar cravings at times. I liked your plan and will copy you. Thanks for sharing.

        MG, what a great story. It has been my experience that I never regret not drinking. I always end up having a better time when choosing to be AF. The insight for me is that we are all great individuals, and alcohol covers that up, brings out the idiot in us. At least for me, I don't like the person I am when I am drinking, I always have regrets.

        To all, have a productive and peaceful AF Wednesday.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          Jubilant January - week 4

          Hi everyone

          Lav - the chicks are adorable. Hope you all get through the rest of this terrible winter.

          Star - Good luck with the job hunt, dont let it get to you.

          Rebirth - I will have a look in my cookery books to see if I have a recipe and post it if I find one.

          Sooty - I too am going to join weight watchers. I need the discipline, I have cut back but am not loosing any weight.

          Girls finish school early today so am rushing. Happy hump day to one and all.



            Jubilant January - week 4

            Hi, JJ's
            I am really liking the meditation. It is short enough that I don't panic about "how long will it be?!!" I am doing it as soon as I get in from work and it really helps center and calm me. It helped me a great deal yesterday as I was craving wine after a particularly long day at work. I was fine after the medtation.
            Papmom, don't worry about being a day behind. I went back to my day one meditation just to see if the link was still active even though it was technically day 2. The link was still active. I don't know how long they keep the links active, but I'm thinking they understand that sometimes you might not be able to do it on the designated day and they allow a few days to get to it.
            Rebirth, I don't have a coronation chicken recipe. In fact, I've never even all heard of it! I hope you find a good one.
            Papmom and Paguy, I found that my sugar cravings increased when AF. It's basically sugar and our bodies (evolutionally) like the quick, easy fuel that sugar gives. Unfortunately it is way too easy to access sugar in modern times. And I found that the cravings for it went away much faster than cravings for alcohol sugar. I realize I am probably not saying anything here that you don't already know! I wonder, Paguy, if your cravings have to do with the increase in calories you are expending with your running?
            Hi Rustop, glad you have returned to posting. I missed you.
            Hi Cassia, it sounds like you are in a really good place right now with your AF effort. I'm really glad for you.
            MG, thanks for sharing that story. I have had experiences too getting through an event that I normally would drink through and coming out the other side with a whole new understanding. Last summer I was at a wedding reception with an open bar. (How I stayed away from it, I do not know.) Anyway, watching others 'get happy' and then sloppy was very eye opening, realizing that I typically was among them. The mother of the groom was drinking and I bet she regretted it the next day because her memories would have to have been spotty.
            Star, I'm sorry to hear that you are being irritated by that coworker. I hope you got it out. I too think about looking for a new job from time to time, but usually it is just because of a situation like you describe, not dissatisfaction with my job over all. I hope you like your job in general. I'll be thinking of you today. I have to interact with a coworker today that is irritating to me, too.
            Lav, I loved the picture of your hens. It reminded me of the hens we used to keep long ago. We always tried to have one rooster, too, but often they are quite mean. I do love to hear that rooster call. Thing is, they would aften start in the wee hours, well before dawn and the coop was on the same side of the house as our bedroom.
            Everyone, Happy Hump Day!!!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Jubilant January - week 4

              Hello everybody!

              Paguy - I had exactly the same experience as you but with flaxseed oil which I had heard was incredibly good for us, I had to bin it completely! I do take 1360mg of fish oil with an APA/DHA of 950mg (i heard you should not take less than 700APA/DHA which you may find with the cheaper ones) this gives me no problems at all.

              Papmom - I was really interested in what your nutritionist had to say about sugar, its one of these hidden addictions that nobody speaks about but a very serious one. I have definity increased my sugar intake since quitting AL and am determined to keep a tight control on it. For the 1st time in my adult life I have no addictions and the freedom of that experience is priceless!

              Star - Im so sorry you are having negatively directed at you at work, it is so draining when we have to cope with such unnecessary trials. Im sending you peaceful vibes to deal with it.

              MG - I cant believe how much these dinners used to scare the crap out of me and now I go along with friends who dont even bat an eye at me not drinking as they are used to it and I have as good at time as any, if not better as I remember the whole evening and am in complete control of my behaviour.

              I have a MWO friend coming to visit this weekend which is wonderful! Its Wannachange who some of you may remember was around here lots last year and who started the "inspiration" thread which I have been a big part of. We met in Ireland last year and share many spiritual beliefs so it will be an inspiring weekend.

              Have a great humpday guys
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                Jubilant January - week 4

                Dill x posts! I have to say a HUGE thank you for the meditation challenge! I too am absolutely loving it, I used to subscribe free to the Chopra Centres meditations on itunes and David G was my most favorite to follow, they no longer do them and so its wonderful to have this daily incentive to get back into meditation. Thanks you so much :l
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  Jubilant January - week 4

                  Morning everyone,
                  Have decided to copy Lav and kept up with this site on a daily basis. She is our rock.
                  Lav that was a brilliant chicken picture. You could do a chicken calendar!

                  Pay, I too get crazy sugar cravings after dinner. It's the lack of al in our systems I think. All those worthless simple sugars. And Pap, sugar is like al for me in terms of if I have just a taste, I immediately want another, and another, etc.

                  Dill, appreciated your coffee story. I too have gone to extremes to get at least one cup of coffee that didn't have so many grounds in it that it was unfit to drink. But I also remember camping in the mountains of New Mexico in the 70's with rugged mountain men who would make cowboy coffee. Boil up some water, throw in some grounds and it's done. Don't remember anything about a filter. I was probably more in love with that mountain man than that coffee.

                  Star, good luck from me too on job hunting. It sounds daunting. Am happy to have my little substitute teaching job waiting for me whenever I return to NM. What happened to your nutritionist idea?

                  If I'm going to gripe about something this morning, it's about living only a few miles from the Eastern/Central time zone line. It's 8 o'clock and just barely light; in the summer it didn't get dark til 10. Guess somebody has to live on the time zone line.

                  Going to see True Grit today with my walking group. At least the ones who haven't snowbirded to Florida.

                  Have a wonderful Wednesday all.


                    Jubilant January - week 4

                    cross post Chill
                    How wonderful to have a MWO friend coming to visit. Isn't it amazing what this website has been able to accomplish. Hope your weekend is indeed inspiring.


                      Jubilant January - week 4

                      Star- I think it's important for me to be around newcomers as it meant alot to me when I first posted and received replys from senior members. I also like a bit of keeps me young. x

                      rustop - Thanks for looking up the recipe. x

                      Where is rusty????
                      Be strong-
                      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                        Jubilant January - week 4

                        Rusty's last post was five days ago. Thats not like her. Does anyone know of her wherabouts??
                        Be strong-
                        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                          Jubilant January - week 4

                          Good morning Jubilant Ones,

                          I'm not so jubilant this morning - the weather people said we would wake up to rain.....NOT! It's snow falling out there & a lot of it! Schools are closed today. That means my energy goes into shoveling today - boo hoo!

                          Shelley - a chicken calendar, that would be very cool. I'll post a thread to take orders :H

                          rebirth - I wonder if coronation chicken is like our chicken salad we use for sandwiches since you mentioned mayonaise. Hmmm.

                          Chill, enjoy your visitor, sounds very nice

                          Star, sorry to hear about the work stress. Some people just aren't happy unless they're making life difficult for everyone else. Sounds exactly like my husband's behavior.

                          papmom, thinking of you in the snow today, unfortunately!

                          Greetings to sister Dill & everyone. I'm sure I'll be back later - looks like I'm not going anywhere today!

                          Have a good Hump day!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Jubilant January - week 4

                            Lav - think of those fmuscles you are building when you shovel! lol
                            Coronation chicken has curry in it I think.

                            The lovely rustop will be posting a recipe for coronation chicken later. Right rustop? x
                            Be strong-
                            We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                            Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                              Jubilant January - week 4

                              rebirth - I wouldn't mind the muscle building but it's the sweating out there in freezing weather that bug me. I just made my way out to the chickens - knew they would need food & water. I plugged in a radio for them to help relieve the stress of being cooped up. They were enjoying a Crosby, Stiles & Nash tune when I left them :H

                              Can't wait to see Rustop's recipe, sounds good
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Jubilant January - week 4


                                Knew I had it somewhere. This is from a Mary Berry cookbook.

                                1 tbsp sunflower oil
                                125g (4oz) spring onions chopped
                                4 tsp mild curry paste
                                150 ml (1/4 pint) red wine
                                pared zest and juice of 1 lemon
                                1 tbsp tomatoe puree
                                2 tbsp apricot jam
                                300 mil (1/2 pint) mayonnaise
                                150g (5 oz) plain yogurt
                                salt and pepper
                                500 g (1 lb) cooked chicken, cut into bite-sized pieces

                                1. Heat the oil in a small saucepan, add the spring onion and cook for about 2 minutes until beginning to soften but not colour. Stir in the curry paste and cook, stirring for 1 minute.

                                2. Add the red wine, lemon zest and juice and tomato puree. Simmer, uncovered stirring, for 5 minutes or until reduced to 4 tbsp. Strain into a bowl, cover and leave to cool.

                                3. Work the apricot jam through the sieve, then stir it into the curry paste and wine mixture. Add the mayonnaise, yogurt and salt and pepper to taste, stirring well to blend evenly. The mixture should be of a coating consistency and the colour of pale straw.

                                4. Add the chicken pieces to the mayonnaise mixture, and stir to coat evenly. Garnish with watercress sprigs before serving.

                                Have never tried this but sounds yummy. Have tried some of her recipes and like them, hope you enjoy.


