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Jubilant January - week 4

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    Jubilant January - week 4

    Freedom for me is both freedom from and freedom to.
    The first freedom I enjoy is freedom from the slavery
    of alcohol. What a relief! Then I begin to experience
    freedom from fear - fear of people, of economic
    insecurity, of commitment, of failure, of rejection.
    Then I begin to enjoy freedom to - freedom to choose
    sobriety for today, freedom to be myself, freedom to
    express my opinion, to experience peace of mind, to
    love and be loved, and freedom to grow spiritually.

    Greetings, JJ's! Only two days left in January, counting today. Can you believe it? I like the name Focused February or February Focus: AF. Focus is a good word for me right now.

    Paguy, I am currently listening to Prayers for Sale. It is well narrated and I am really enjoying it. Thanks for the recommendation. I like listening to books because I can keep moving. The down side is that it takes much longer to get through a book read aloud.

    Chill, once again, the summary was awesome! Thank you.

    Lav, I remember those first eggs. They are small but so tasty! You are right about roosters. Mean, mean, mean!

    Cassia, I'm praying for the people in Egypt, too, and Tunisia and Algeria and Yemen!

    Off to the matinee this afternoon: The King's Speech. Have a great AF Sunday everyone.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Jubilant January - week 4

      Good morning sister Dill & everyone!

      Dill - that quote is right on, goodness!
      Enjoy the matinee. Would you believe I haven't been in a movie theater in12-13 years? Yep, that's another activity my depressed spouse consistently refused.....

      I'm hoping for a day of melting as promised by the weather folks. I need to clear more walkways around here before more snow arrives :upset:

      My daughter & SIL will be here for dinner - so that's a good thing

      Hope everyone has a great day - watch those extra colories rebirth :H

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Jubilant January - week 4

        Hello Friends:

        Where is everyone today? Keeping busy with weekend commitments I suppose.

        I just finished my final chore for the weekend - cleaning the kitchen. Something I used to neglect terribly before I was AF. Now, I kind of look forward to Sunday evenings after dinner. I give it the good old scrub down and it's ready for a whole new week.

        Dill - Glad you are enjoying 'Prayers for Sale'. I've only tried 1 audio book and that was several years ago. I was listening to it in the car and I found that it was putting me to sleep. That wasn't a good thing. I never finished that book and I've never tried another audio book. I'm thinking now that I should try the audio version of a book that I've already read. I think that would be interesting.

        Lav - I could probably count the number of times I've been to a movie theater in the last 12 years on 1 hand. It's something we just never do. My partner is addicted to the Lifetime channel and will watch movies all weekend long on the television but won't go to a movie theater. Not sure what that's all about.

        We had another appliance go on the blink and had to replace our microwave oven this week. Our house will be 10 years old this year and things are starting to 'retire'. Fortunately, this wasn't too big of a ticket item but they keep adding up.

        Just 1 more day for January and then February will begin with a new round of snow for us to deal with!

        Hope you all are having a peaceful Sunday....
        AF since 7/13/2010


          Jubilant January - week 4

          I've been busy busy today-my one day off. but that will soon change as I gave notice to the RE company I work on Saturdays for. The new owners have made some changes that I just can't live with so I've decided now is the time to really concentrate on getting my Virtual Assistant business off the ground.
          Today I brought the foam couch up from the basement and it's in my office now. DD is loving HIS new bed :H! Not sure there is room for the bookcases on the sides yet, maybe one but then I can't have the horizontal shelf across the top. I haven't bought the bookcases yet so there is still time to decide what to do.
          The weave poles are set up in the basement so DD and I can get them down pat by the end of our class session and do our trainer proud. I inadvertantly left one of the pvc poles out in the backyard and it's now buried under 4 feet of snow. I used the short handle of an old dustpan and broom set that's been down in the basement for years and which I never got around to throwing out (thank you Universe!!). A little duck tape and voila! it fit into the pvc elbow!! More duck tape to mend the guide wires that broke as I was dragging the whole contraption in(couldn't be bothered to take them off the poles, right?) and we are in business!!
          Moved the treadmill up a few feet, plugged in my TV/DVD (only the DVD will work since I didn't spring for the 3rd Direct TV receiver) and I'm ready to start the Couch to 5K program in the mornings (HP-PLEASE help me to wake up in time to do this before work!!!!). All I have to do is go to the library and check out some cool movies to watch while running.
          Also brought down my old vanity table that was just taking up space in my office. It will now be my new grooming table!! Just the right height. I will need to figure out something to attach to the wall to hold the slip collar. Actually, I think I have just the thing out on the porch if I didn't throw it away this fall. I love when a plan comes together!! used to love the A team too!!

          I've started doing the coupon thing in earnest so today was my first foray to the store with my coupons and store circular. I bought a lot of things that I didn't need right this minute but the deals were extraordinary and they are non perishable items so it was OK. I didn't do great-only about 30% off what I would have paid but it was OK for the first time. I was out of just about everything so the stockpiling will take some time. I've joined a coupon forum and I was luckily enough to pull together a binder system from stuff I had collected over the years and was sitting in my office. I'm trying not to spend anything on the system until I'm sure I will stick to this new "hobby".

          Well, my house still looks like a cyclone hit it as some things I pulled out of my office to make room for the couch don't have a home yet, but a couple of loads of laundry have been done, dinner eaten and the furkids are about to be fed. Looking forward to Day 5 of the meditation challenge (yep, I'm a bit behind!!)

          See you all tomorrow!!

          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Jubilant January - week 4

            Papmom, I'm about to sit down & do Day 7 on the Meditation Challenge
            I've been enjoying it too. I really like the mantra meditation last night.

            Had my kids & grandson here for dinner. I love it - we all laugh together & no one runs off to hide in the man room

            John, I have learned to like Lifetime too :H
            Better than nothing!!!
            My house will be 8 years old this summer - I cringe at the thought of things starting to fall apart. Seems like I just got here
            I am not looking forward to any more snow - just sayin.

            Wishing everyone a comfy night. One day left in the onth - unbelievable!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Jubilant January - week 4

              Hi Lav-I would have been on day 7 too but I had to repeat 3 and 4 as I fell asleep the first time and didn't remember anything!! :H
              glad you had a nice time with the family. Did they take all the goodies back home?

              John-can you come clean my kitchen now that you're done with yours? Cleaning is definitely not my forte!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Jubilant January - week 4

                Good morning guys

                I just dropped Wanna at the airport for an early flight back to Dublin. We had a fabulous weekend and it was a real celebration of sobriety and how true friendships have been formed on this site. Dill we both did the daily meditations over the weekend, so far i havent missed a day and im loving them!

                Paguy - i have visited Sintra and it is indeed a stunning part of the world as is so much of this beautiful country.

                Wishing you all a wonderful Monday and a positive end to this jubilant month.
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  Jubilant January - week 4

                  Good morning all, the start of another week and the last day of January.

                  I will be going out of town for a funeral, a relative of mine died unexpectedly, in their thirties. It is really upsetting, and in addition, we have a snow storm coming. Plus, the person I work with is going to have a fit, and I really do not feel like dealing with that. More motiviation to look for a new job, right? As you can tell, I have some anxiety, but having stayed AF, it is manageable.

                  Chill, sounds like a wonderful weekend, it is so great to spend time with a good friend. I went to the movies to see Country Strong, a definite chick flick, on Saturday. It was a good movie, my friend and I enjoyed it, it showed how alcohol affected the main character's life, with an unexpected ending. Before the movie we tried an Indian restaurant, and it was so delicious. My first time, she knew what all the foods were. It was so fun, and no booze. So there. It is funny, as time goes on, I do not see the point in always drinking when it is such a damn poison for me. I have a much better time just doing normal stuff, AF.

                  PAguy, I too cleaned this weekend, and accomplished laundry, cooking, etc. I love my house in order. I need an extra weekend day to just relax, though. I exercised two times, on both Saturday and Sunday, so feel I have a good start to the week. I have been struggling with the extra weight I gained over the holidays. Three pounds to go to be preChristmas weight. Yikes.

                  PApmom, I'm glad you quit that parttime job, it sounded stressful and not worth the hassle. What is a virtual assistant? The snow is really discouraging me too, at this point, but I know from the past, February is usually even worse than January and we just have to get through it.

                  Dill, thanks for the lovely quote about freedom. I needed to read that.

                  Have a great day, AF.
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    Jubilant January - week 4

                    Greetings, JJ's
                    Chill, that is great that you formed another 3D MWO friendship. Good for you and Wanna. I too have kept current with the meditation challenge and find it very relaxing, eductational and enlightening. I'm so glad LBH told me about it!

                    Lav, we are under a winter storm watch of the worst kind: we are expecting an ice storm. I dread it. We have today, but it starts this evening. I will be sure to have supplies on hand and plenty of wood in the garage for our wood stoves. I wonder if the winter will ever ease up? THINK SPRING!

                    Star, sorry to hear about the death of your relative. Wakes and funerals provide a big challenge for me on the AF front. Keep your wits about you and FOCUS.

                    Pap, All you shifting of furniture sounds like hard work, but kind of exciting. I love doing that. It gives you a fresh outlook when you move things around and accomodate what's important and let go of what's less important in you space.

                    Paguy, I fell asleep listneing to Prayers for Sale last night, but fortunately, I was in bed at the time!:H Listening to a good book while driving makes the trip go faster for me, but doesn't seem to challenge my wakefulness. The best use of audio books for me is to help keep me entertained while walking or while doing chores such as cleaning.

                    Hello and Happy Unhung Monday to everyone!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Jubilant January - week 4

                      Good morning kids on this very last day of January. Good riddance to it I say :H

                      Dill, I am not looking forward to this ice storm, not even a little. After it leaves your area tonight it will be here tomorrow morning to pester me - and John as well!

                      My crew did eat & take a lot with them last night papmom, thank goodness. I am also on the lose the 5 lb. Christmas wagon myself :H I honestly think breathing makes me gain weight these days, it's ridiculous.

                      Chill, so nice you had a good weekend with Wanna!

                      Star, sorry about your family loss - such a young age. I hope the weather doesnt hassle you too much today.

                      I need to stay glued to my desk today & get caught up on my online class. It just didn't happen over the weekend, oh well. I hope the new power cord I ordered for my laptop shows up today - I love that thing

                      Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Jubilant January - week 4

                        Hi Jjers, I'll be glad to see the end of January too, although we have had a couple of bright frosty days recently and I managed to get out on those old cliffs yesterday way hay!

                        Rain and wind forecast for the rest of the week but I'm so glad that I haven't got the snow problems that so many of you have.

                        Star I'm so sorry for your loss and hope you manage to make the journey without any setbacks caused by the weather.

                        I haven't caught up with all the meditations yet, I think I'm on day 4. I am enjoying them tho and am so grateful that LBH told us about the link.

                        Have a good Monday everyone, catch you all tomorrow


                          Jubilant January - week 4

                          Goodnight JJ'rs

                          I can't believe that we are at the end of January but yet so pleased, this has been a difficult month for me but I have managed to circumvent my way around it in many ways. I love and appreciate all the support and energy from this thread, and all the help you gain from the site and I am so happy that I am still AF. I am really looking forward to 6 months but I am so scared of setting that out there in case it doesn't happen, it seems so close and I'm a bit fearful I guess. I love you guys and thanks for January and let's really grab February by the balls !!

                          can't belive I said that !!

                          Dewdrop :h
                          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                            Jubilant January - week 4

                            Hi all

                            Can you believe it is the 31st of Jan! I am so excited - this is my first full calendar month AF. I bumped into a girl I used to go to pub with and told her i quit and she was like, really and then said that she wasn't surprised cuz of one of the night outs we had when i was smashed. Just re-affirmed my commitment to this - do NOT like it when people judge me by my booze head.

                            Star - I am so sorry for your loss and the extra stress of having to deal with the crazy person you work with. You should not have to worry about how she will react at a time like this. I hope it all works out.

                            Dew - you should be really proud of yourself this month. Its hard to stay AF especially when you are having a difficult time. You have shown strength and courage - a true inspiration.

                            Sooty - I hope the storm isn't too bad your way! At least it will give you plenty of time to meditate!

                            Lav - what class are you doing online? I miss studying...i know lame...

                            Chill - how cool that wanna came to visit you! I am glad you had a good time together - its so nice when people come and visit.

                            Pap - sounds like you have been super organised - you need to teach me! I go through periods of being really organised and periods of being totally chaotic. Tell me more about your virtual assistant business - I hope you can get it off the ground.

                            Paguy - Good on ya for doing all that cleaning - I did not do anywhere near enough this weekend - now I need to find time to do it through the week. Lame!

                            Dill - Heya - how are you - what's happening? I need to go back and read your freedom quote - seems like a lot of people were inspired by it.

                            Right - off to watch Jersey Shore. Have a great monday evening!!!
                            'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                            "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                            AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                            "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                              Jubilant January - week 4

                              Hey everyone - Dewdrop is grabbing (Feb) balls :H:H
                              Just teasing a little Dew - we're all right there with you

                              Cassia, I'm just taking a non-credit course on 'Designing Effective Websites'. I have a long history of misery with my little website for my business & am sick of paying people to fix it (and they don't), etc. We'll see what happens.

                              I'm wishing I could just hibernate for the next 7 reports are looking bad
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Jubilant January - week 4

                                Lavande;1051847 wrote: Hey everyone - Dewdrop is grabbing (Feb) balls :H:H
                                Just teasing a little Dew - we're all right there with you
                                Ouch! Please be gentle, ladies! :H

                                I do think this has been one of the longest January's on record. And, February will be coming in like a lion in these parts. I agree with you, Dill -> THINK SPRING!

                                Star - Sorry for your loss and the added stress of your work situation. Stay focused and remember that you are in control of your choices. Hang in there..

                                Today was a fairly uneventful day at work. My boss is on vacation this week so the lack of constant interruptions and no drama was a welcome relief!

                                Looking forward to a Focused February and spending another month with all of you lovelies.... :h
                                AF since 7/13/2010

