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AF Daily - Friday Jan 28th

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    AF Daily - Friday Jan 28th

    Morning abbers!


    That is all.

    Off to vacuum and go to a meeting,

    I'll check in later.
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    AF Daily - Friday Jan 28th

    Good moring Uni & All Abbers!

    I pretty much feel the same way this morning. I am just exhausted after moving two tons of snow around yesterday. What crap!

    I'll be back later when I 'm feeling a little perkier
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily - Friday Jan 28th

      Afternoon everyone... Feel pretty exhausted to but due to the gym not moving snow lol. It's so cold here tho that I wouldn't be suprised if it does snow!
      Here's to a good weekend! x


        AF Daily - Friday Jan 28th

        Afternoon Uni, Lav, Chelsaea and all who check in today,

        Purging and sorting is on the menu for today. Little Gia has an awful lot of toys which really need to be put in a Yard Sale. I'm packing things up and going to sell them this spring, she can keep all the money. It will be good for her to do this. And good for me, clutter makes me anxious.

        We went and got a load of dirt this morning and spread that all over my driveway and my mothers to help with slipping on the ice. It's so icy here right now and it feels like it's going to drop again.

        I'm going to take a break and make a carrot cupcakes this afternoon, and get myself ready to watch the new season of SuperNatural. I absolutely love that show!


          AF Daily - Friday Jan 28th

          Morning all!

          Kind of chilly and damp day out here, today. The nice dry weather lasted a whole 2 days! LOL! I am glad that I didn't wash the outside of my car! I did wash down the inside and vacuumed it.

          Last night Little AFM and I went to the Literacy thingamajig at her school. Talk about a shitty turn out. Barely anyone there. But Little AFM won a really nice stainless steel water bottle from the raffle! LMAO! We also grabbed a few books that we will read together this weekend.

          Tomorrow I am going to take her swimming. Other than that, work on Sunday with my elderly client as per usual, and that's about it. Life is sooooooo fricken fascinating, isn't it!??

          Well, must get back to work. Thought I would pop in before my darling, Gia puts another APB out on me. ((HUGS GIA))

          ps. Gia, I hope things start to warm up out there on the East Coast, my friend!

          Hello to all the rest of you fabbies! Have a great day!


            AF Daily - Friday Jan 28th

            Hey guys,

            Okay, I have chilled out! I cleaned the house and went to a meeting. Then off to the grocery store to stock up on pop (big sale!) and cookies for the hubbie and daughter. Now I am home, just surfing the web, eating a salad and getting ready to have a bath and read for a bit. Now that the house is clean I feel better and can relax a bit more this afternoon and evening.

            Hope everyone else's day is going well.

            Ciao for now fellow abbers!
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              AF Daily - Friday Jan 28th

              Hah..AFM, love yah chicklet. I will track you down if I don't hear from you though after a while. Gotta look after my friends. ((hugs to you too)). What books is Little AFM into reading right now? Little Gia is onto books about My Little Pony and Excavators, from one side right to the other. And anything about 'farts' and 'tooting', kids are funny.

              Uni, so happy to hear you're feeling better today. Nothing like good food and a nice bath to help with that.


                AF Daily - Friday Jan 28th

                OMG...first bit of good news financially I've received all month. I called Municipal Taxes to check what I owed for my property taxes, since I was catching up from back taxes when I moved from the country..I'm overpaid and don't have to make any further payments for the rest of the year. I'm all caught up and paid for 2011! Woohoo!!


                  AF Daily - Friday Jan 28th

                  Hey ho abbies!

                  Lovely day here.

                  Hello and welcome to chelsea!

                  Here's a link to a week of sound vibration things that starts 2/7 I think. I've followed this a bit through Louise Hay, Colin Tipping, Dr. Andrew Wiel and Mark Romero. Interesting stuff. I see Mark Romero is first and I hope he has a special offer as I'm interested in his music.
                  MasterWorks Healing Sound Vibration Week Registration

                  DG, the letterboxing I'm doing is here up and down the coast. I've found quite a few and seen some really cool stamps, clever clues and good hides. Having fun with it. It's usually kid friendly if you with kids are interested. Icons indicate park, urban setting, bicycle, trail, kids, dogs.... those which apply.

                  P3 I just read recently about quitting your job BEFORE you have something new in order to give the universe the opportunity to present what it has in mind - so keep your eyes, heart & mind open. I thought the heavens would open up, trumpets would sound, and angels would sing out my special purpose. I'm starting to think it must be more subtle.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Friday Jan 28th

                    Brigitte Bardot;1050069 wrote: OMG...first bit of good news financially I've received all month. I called Municipal Taxes to check what I owed for my property taxes, since I was catching up from back taxes when I moved from the country..I'm overpaid and don't have to make any further payments for the rest of the year. I'm all caught up and paid for 2011! Woohoo!!
                    Wow what a great bit of news!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily - Friday Jan 28th

                      Hi everyone
                      great news BB, always great to be ahead!
                      All is good here, af and happy, I think Im a way cooler person af!! See ya'll tomorrow, going to watch a dvd and hit the hey...x


                        AF Daily - Friday Jan 28th

                        Nice on the taxes BB :goodjob:

                        Greenie, sounds like you are enjoying your stay in the OB. That's nice too!

                        Here's my good news for the day -
                        I got the first eggs today - more than a month early! 3 small brown eggs in the nest boxes - nice! I put the wooden 'training' eggs in the boxes a while ago so they would know where to leave the eggs - eventually. I won't use any eggs I find them on the floor - yuck!
                        So apparently the snowstrm scared the eggs out of them :H

                        Yes we did get another inch o snow today & another inch predicted or tomorrow & it's cold - getting slick out there

                        Thinking about lighting a fire - I will light a fire.
                        Have a good night all.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily - Friday Jan 28th

                          Evening all. got back a while ago from my neices semiannual theatre production. It was the 7th-12th grades this time and they did Grease. It was very cute! My niece only does chorus parts but she looked happy and relaxed and having fun. I think she might be getting tired of it tho. I'll miss going even tho I grouse about it!

                          Greenie-thank you for the message from the Universe. I've always been a believer of Que Sera Sera and Everything Happen for a Reason so I feel in harmony with the Universe on this decision.

                          BB-Freakin awesome news about your taxes! Wow! big relief I'm sure.

                          Lav-did your power come back on yet? Congrat on the first eggs!! Are they edible when they come from chicks so young? Do you have a rooster too? do you need one for the hens to lay? Hmmm, must have missed that part in Biology!!

                          Limers-you ARE way more cool being AF-we all are!! Keep up the great attitude and good work!!

                          Uni-glad you're feeling better. I saw your other post and just wanted to give you a huge hug. So here.... (((Uni))).

                          AFM-Where do I sign up to be a FB stalker? :H No more going AWOL on us oK?

                          Has anyone heard from Pride or seen her on other threads? I PM'd her the other day but no response. She's not on vaca is she?

                          Oh my, so late!! Up early for WW tomorrow and work. Hope to log on tommorrow if I can.

                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF Daily - Friday Jan 28th

                            ugh. I've driven 18 of the last 24 hours. much love.... thud.
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)

