Good evening folks!
Made a safe trip today, luckily the temp went up to 36 degrees & the ice disappeared

Papmom, I stepped on the scale this morning & did not expect what I saw!!!!! I swear I must have eaten my way thru January - crap! I've given myself a stern lecture (bad, bad Lav :H)
Dewdrop, this is the time of year for sinking moods. Even though we still have plenty of snow on the ground & more on the way next week I'm thinking Spring....spending time out in the gardens, playing outside with my grandson (he loves the chickens

Well, you should have seen this baby shower I went to today. It was held in a restaurant, tons of very good food & a table filled with every kind of wine & beer you could think of - OMG! That really suprised me, wasn't expecting that at all. I smiled & said no thanks, it was no big deal. But I have to tell you watching a room filled with women swigging red wine at 12:30 in the afternoon really turned me off - gag! Made me very happy to be AF because I'm home safely with no headache - but those other girls can't say the same. A few of them got very, very loud. Glad that era is over for me

Is our Shelley in transit again??
Have a great evening everyone! I'm putting my feet up now
