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AF daily - Wednesday, February 2nd

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    AF daily - Wednesday, February 2nd

    Wow, I'm sorry to see Det, BB and Uni struggling so much now. I hope you all wake up with renewed determination and all post to let us know how you're getting on. I know day 1 is very hard because the alcohol is still in the system and our addicted brains want it again.

    Uni, I know exactly what you mean about planning to drink weeks in advance. I did the same thing after 8 months. It was approaching Christmas one year and the thoughts of everyone else drinking at Christmas sparked some sort of deprivation in me. If everybody else is doing it, why can't I? I think the idea was festering away in my mind, subconsciously, and one day I was given a Christmas present of a bottle of sherry and drank it down in one go, by myself at home. That was confirmation (yet again, for the millionth time!) that I'm not like everyone else - I can't have a couple of Christmas drinks to join the "party". I'm an addict who will glug down anything that's on hand if I let myself.

    Det, you can't avoid getting ill but you know it's a trigger so you can be super vigilant and protect yourself around those times.
    Whatever it takes because this addiction will kill us if we let it.

    BB, you sound very isolated. Have you tried AA? I know a lot of people don't like the idea of it but the companionship is great. Even if you don't like the philosophy, just being with people who understand exactly what it's like is helpful and you might make some new friends. I know it can be scary walking into a room full of people you don't know but over here you can phone the national AA number and they will arrage for someone to take you to a meeting that's convenient for you, so you have someone to go with and can ask any questions you might have.

    I've been so busy lately that I've let certain things slide that have been a huge help to me in my sobriety, and this is a reminder for me that I need to make room for my work on sobriety even if something else has to give because if I start drinking again my new sober life will come crashing down.

    Best wishes to everyone today!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Wednesday, February 2nd

    Good morning Marshy and everyone,

    Back on again. I guess the good news is that I never did get drunk at all last night, just a couple glass of red wine..which was enough to amplify my feelings I already had. I do live in an isolated area, but AA is not an option I wish to explore. I've cleared everything out of the house last night (it was only 1 bottle anyway) and the house is completely dry again, I had some coconut water before bed and went to bed early. I hope Uni and Det are in better spirits as well today. Thank you all for being here for all three of us, it really means a lot to know there is support enough for me that I was able to pour out the rest and call it for what it was and turn in early.

    Thank you all,


      AF daily - Wednesday, February 2nd

      Morning Abbers,

      BB how are you doing? Det and Uni how are you? Well I'm curious, what made you relapse? Sorry I'm catching up so I don't mean to make you rehash but also revisiting questions days later can help to get perspective.

      May I make a suggestion? Since I have not been able to enter the MWO website I have been hanging around another one recently - Women for Sobriety (WFS). THere are chats with a topic and a moderator every morning at 9:00 am which are a great way to start the day, and a very supportive online forum. The fact that there are moderators and trained leaders on the forum enhances the quality and sanity, I find. I find it a good combination with MWO. Similar to AA? Companion to AA? Maybe, maybe not. I just find the ideas compelling, and not just about drinking.

      (off my soapbox)

      OK c u later!
      AF since May 6, 2010

      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


        AF daily - Wednesday, February 2nd

        Good morning Gaia,

        I'll have to check that website out, thank you for posting it!

        For me it was stress, combined with the winter blues I think. The last few years have been rather difficult, and the last few months I really did not need to top it off. I'm having problems finanically, going through a divorce, working with EIBI for Little Gia as she is diagnosed with a mild case of ASD and I'm having some medical issues. Things could be a lot worse, I know they can always get worse. Just loneliness I believe got the better of me. Thankfully it wasn't a full blown relapse or anything, it was a couple glasses followed by some very nutrious Coconut Water and cuddled up under a blanket with the fire on till I fell asleep.

        I hope Uni and Det are okay.. please check in you two!


          AF daily - Wednesday, February 2nd

          Good Morning All!

          BB, Det and Uni - I dont know you except by your posts and words of wisdom. I am sending good thoughts and vibes to you all. I am confident you will be back on the sober path with new determination. I thank you for sharing as that helps me too.

          Another cold day here, 28 below but later in the week we may see 30's! There is hope for Spring yet.

          I wish everyone a peaceful sober Wednesday.
          AF/SF - November 23, 2014


            AF daily - Wednesday, February 2nd

            Good morning fabbies. Marshy, thank you for getting us started today. I love every word of what you wrote. It's wonderful that we have so much fun and good banter here over time, but it's also important for us to remember (IMO) that we are on a life and death mission in the process. I am so very happy for you that your sober life is evolving with so much good stuff in it!

            BB, it's fabulous to see you right back here. May I ask what you plan to do differently this time should similar circumstances / thoughts arise? Are there other oppotunities for you to connect with people? Volunteer work? Anything like that?

            Gaia, it is great to have you back. The WFS web site / morning discussion sounds really good. I enjoy the mental stimulation of meetings and discussing various life topics. I think it helps my healing, and helps give me strategies and strength to face life differently.

            Uni? Det?

            I was thinking over the last few days about how challenging it STILL is to react appropriately to high volume stress. Dad had another medical emergency Friday night and was taken to the hospital by ambulence and spent the weekend in intensive care. The medical issues aren't really the stressful part. I accept that as part of his disease, he is on a slow decline that will involve any number of medical emergencies and procedures. (I hope I don't die of diabetes like he is - what a miserable existence!) What is really stressful is dealing with the family dynamic which is dysfunctional at best. I was sitting alone in the desserted hospital lobby on Sunday evening just frustrated. I actually had a thought (not a strong urge - just a little thought) that I could go to one of my old watering holes in the town where I grew up and 'nobody would know."

            I thank God that this time, I saw that little thought as being very, very dangerous. I dont' ever want to find out what will happen if I take a little thought like that lightly, and let it become a bigger thought. I grabbed my iPhone and found a list of local AA meetings. I didn't end up going to one, but my comfort was knowing that one of my support systems of choice is RIGHT THERE.

            Are we all armed and ready for when those little thoughts come? I believe they WILL come. I need to solidify my own plan of action so I'm not just thinking it up as I go when the time comes. I don't travel regularly (i.e. on business) any more, so I'm not away from my home turf that often. But on those occassions where I am away from my familiar people, places and things, I must have a solid plan. I probably should check out a few meetings around my old home town (where the parents live). Meet some people in the program and collect some phone numbers. That way when I am in town when Mom & Dad need me, I know I have friends close at hand.

            Those are my thoughts on something I can do to improve my sobriety plan. Anyone else?

            One thing is for sure, my flannel jammy clad snow bound self will not be drinking any AL today!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF daily - Wednesday, February 2nd

              X-post - hello Mstall! 28 below????? :egad: I'm a weenie. I couldn't handle that.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF daily - Wednesday, February 2nd

                Hi DG, being where we're at right now it's a little hard to connect to people since we're isolated and we're prepared for another large storm which will hit shortly and last all day today, into the night and continue into tomorrow. My main weakness is having alcohol in the house. I am much better then I ever was at not partaking when out, but having AL in the house is a big No-No for me. My goal (which is very achievable) is not to buy any and bring it into the house. I find I don't whiteknuckle it anylonger which is great, I'm happy those days are past. The main thing I can do is just not bring it into the house and if I get the strong urge to just simply come here and tell you all what I'm thinking and get it out there.


                  AF daily - Wednesday, February 2nd

                  Good Morning All,

                  I haven't checked in for a few days and I was sorry to hear about BB, Uni, and Det. Nonetheless, I have confidence that each of you will get back on the wagon and do what you have to do. Each of you seems very serious about being AF. As others have said, it is a huge wake up call for assessing what's not working in your plan.

                  BB, I too wonder about the isolation factor for you. It sounds like you have a wonderful, loving home and you are completed devoted to little Gia. As a mother of 3, one whom has special needs, I have found that I have to balance my life as a mother with getting out and about in the world be it through exercise, taking a class, going to church, volunteering...whatever. It gets me out of my own little world and expands my horizons. Having a routine, structure to my day, and a purpose beyond my children is very important to my sobriety.

                  Uni, I suspect this might be the case for you too. At least from your posts it sounds like you spend an awful lot of time alone. I am wondering how you are spending your day. Most alcohol counselors and therapists will say that a day without structure and routine can make matters worse, i.e., make you more depressed and increase the likelihood that you will drink. I may be making huge assumptions here so my apologies if that is the case.

                  When I feel compelled to be alone and isolate myself; I know it is time to get my ass moving and out the door. Sometimes it is really, really hard. Especially in the dead of Winter. But, this is part of working my plan. It is paying attention to those cues that tell me that I am off center and need to do something different. Like DG said, I am no further away from that first drink than anyone else here.

                  I had a weird dream last night about my ex husband. I had a dream that we were getting a divorce and he was taking away my kids. Weird because we divorced 18 years ago and we did not have children. I was contemplating drinking in the dream too but I did not actually drink. This dream has left me very unsettled and I see it as a sign that I need to really pay attention to what is going on with my husband, children, and family. My 13 year old daughter asked me last night. "What is the meaning of life if you get up each morning and do the same thing day after day? When will I start living my life?" This was at 10:30 at night mind you when I am not in any mood to be philosophical. But, it worried me. Again, another warning sign that I need to pay attention to not only her but myself and how I am responding (and how that could lead to drinking).

                  Det, What's going on with the illness/triggers? I hope you are feeling better soon. Is your heavy travel schedule and time away from Mrs. Det also a factor?

                  :l:l:lHere's three hugs; one for each of you.
                  AF Since April 20, 2008
                  4 Years!!!


                    AF daily - Wednesday, February 2nd

                    BB-sounds like a great plan!! My therapist has also mentioned WFS and I have yet to check it out. She has a weekly support group but there is a $20 copay and it's at 5:30 which I can't possibly make. I'm already leaving early once a week for agility and that is a top priority for me, both physically, mentally and as a tool in my battle for sobriety. So, i will check out the online version and see if the morning sessions fit into my schedule and also if there are actual meetings somewhere near me that I can make. I love MWO and all you guys but like DG, I'm starting to crave a non virtual means of support as well and in addition to.

                    DG-first, congrats on your 15 days to go to your 1000 day goal? What are YOUR plans for celebration when you reach it? Sorry to hear about your dad. I think you are very wise for making arrangements for taking care of yourself when you have to make these trips back home. It sounds like they could become more and more frequent in the future.

                    Gaia-welcome back!! Thank you for the WFS reminder.

                    Mstall-I'm a weenie too when it comes to temps like those!! I don't think I've ever experienced those temps. Maybe with windchill, but never just as a measured temp!!

                    Marshy-so good to hear from you! How's your mom doing? I'm glad you're so busy and very glad you are recognising that you're not working your program as you should. You've come so far-you owe it to yourself to put your sobriety back up on top again. Should we start discussing our get together in April? Are you guys still planning on a trip to the states to visit GF's relatives?

                    Well, it's another snow day here in Central MA (yea!!). But with it comes a price-it's snowing/sleeting like crazy. We got at least another 6 inches over nite and now the moisture soaked stuff is coming down. It will not be pretty when it comes time to shovel out...AGAIN. Can I boycott shoveling and winter altogether? I am sooooo sore from all the shoveling yesterday. Getting out of bed today made feel about 200 years old!! I need a garden soaking tub or a condo in FLA. Decisions Decisions. Wonder if I can convince Dad to go to FLA for the rest of his life?

                    I've got lots of options for today-continue on with getting the tank ready (almost there but will need a new filter pump as I can't make heads or tails out the one that came with it and I swear there is no pump mechanism) for my new fishies; clean; get stuff/junk ready to go to charity or put on freecycle (that can be a pain when there are lots of little things); watch TV all day; Read; Catch up on the mediations (we're on day 10 and I'm on day 7 LOL!!). Before you know it will be time to shovel and then go to bed!! I suppose hoping for one more snow day will be pushing it :H

                    Have a good day everyone! Deter and Uni, please check in!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF daily - Wednesday, February 2nd

                      Good moring Abbers!

                      Greetings Marshy - good to see you

                      BB, so glad you came right back here this morning. Hope Det & Uni arrive soon!
                      I am convinced that Lonliness was the reason I started drinking in the first place! After years of being rejected by my pitifully depressed husband I figured what the hell - I'll just hug a bottle of wine every night..... I still feel the lonliness, especially since he hauled himself out of here last April but I now know that drinking won't fix anything. Besides, I have new & better things/people/grandkids to keep the lonliness at bay.

                      Gaia & DG - it feels so 'normal' to see your posts again

                      Mstall - 28 below? Good God woman!

                      M3 - the dreams freak me out too but if you can a little wisdom in their messages.....
                      I remember my kids at that age wondering out loud about the who, what 7 wheres of life. All I can say is they turned out great. I'm very proud of them

                      Papmom, I irritated my shoulder shoveling last week - screw it I'm not doing anymore! We have frozen rain coming down here at the moment, I'm staying in!!!!

                      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Wednesday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF daily - Wednesday, February 2nd

                        Gia, I am glad you are back on the wagon today, and you stopped at 2 glasses. Shit, I know that if I had a bottle of red at home, I probably would have drank the whole thing. Especially lately, with my own stresses and loneliness. Good for you!

                        Uni and Det, I hope you both are feeling better today!!

                        Hello to all others!

                        Today, I essentially have 'off'. What to do, what to do? I am thinking of getting out of dodge for a few hours after I drop Little AFM at school. I am feeling really restless, and sick of being at home. Seeing I work from home for the most part... I need a change of scenery. When I am feeling restless, annoyed, and lonely, these are dangerous territories for me and my sobriety. I think maybe if I head into Victoria for the day and maybe have coffee with my Nana or something, it will help break up the monotony of life at the moment. Anyway, I definitely will go somewhere for a drive or whatever.

                        Well, on that note another coffee is in order. Then shower, and get going on with our day.

                        I think the big trigger here is loneliness and isolation. It was always a huge factor in my drinking.

                        Be well everyone!


                          AF daily - Wednesday, February 2nd

                          Hello friends,

                          I am also sorry for you guys that are feeling bad about drinking. I'm proud of you for sharing here though, it really does help reinforce the positive aspects of not giving in to that urge once in awhile. Isn't it great we have such wise and wonderful people here willing to share their thoughts and insight though? Gia, I was wondering how you feel about being able to stop at just 2 glasses. Is there a part of you that thinks you could do that every time, or did it just make you want to drink more? I often wonder if I lived alone, if I would have ever quit. I'm pretty sure if we didn't have the boys, there wouldn't have been near the motivation.
                          Gaia, happy yo see you back here and Mstall--it is super cold here too, but we are up to 14 below right now. We missed the big snowstorm, but we did get the frigid temps and wind. I was a little nervous driving home from my sister's. Thankful I didn't have any car trouble! I really feel for the livestock, but they seem to manage just fine. I'm so glad we are not calving right now!
                          Terry was happy to see me. She is doing ok for now. I hope she gets to come home and enjoy life soon. I really enjoyed being there, I did a little cleaning and cooking for them. I got her computer set up with her new e-mail address and got her Facebook account back up and running, not sure she'll be able to do it though.
                          I think the Vitamin D supps are helping me, and today although it's cold, the sun is shining. I am going to get started exercising this week for sure. I really don't want to go to work today, but I skipped Monday, so I suppose I better.
                          Have a great sober day friends. :l
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            AF daily - Wednesday, February 2nd

                            hi Friends. weak and shaky but here. Dx is going to run me to the clinic for librium so I can do this safely. BP has been pretty bad. damn I'm so sick of this dreadful cycle. my hotel lifestyle due to work certainly makes things a real pain for me. it seems every step I've been taking lately has been onto a slippery place. I have a lot to contemplate. off to the doctor soon, be back shortly xxxxx
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF daily - Wednesday, February 2nd

                              Hello again everyone. Det, so glad that you are going to get librium.

                              I used to travel a lot on business and it was for sure a drink-a-thon. I have often wondered if I could manage to travel like that again but do it sober. I'm not so sure I could. Somehow "life on the road" is just not a satisfying life to me. I like being home.

                              Are you happy with traveling so much for work? Is it time to consider a career change? Giving your life to AL seems way too high a price to pay for a job - no matter what the salary might be. Just musing - right now the important thing is that you get through a safe detox. Hugs to you AND to Dx my friend. Tell her she is welcome to come 'round here too for support.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

